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Goat Debating Society Cafe »
January 17, 2023
Quick Hits
A San Francisco advisory panel proposes paying reparations to anyone claiming to be black, in the amount of $5 million per comer. Note that California was never a slave state; they base this on what they claim was both "intentional and unintentional" discrimination.
Oh, and in addition to the five million, all debt would be erased. Too bad for the debt-holder.
A San Francisco panel studying reparations has proposed a one-time payment of $5 million to each black resident of the city deemed eligible as recompense for the "decades of harm they have experienced," according to a report on Monday.
"A lump sum payment would compensate the affected population... and will redress the economic and opportunity losses that Black San Franciscans have endured, collectively, as the result of both intentional decisions and unintended harms perpetuated by City policy," the San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee said in a draft report issued last month, Fox News Digital reported.
The committee also proposed wiping out all debts associated with educational, personal, credit card and payday loans for black households.
Also via Twitchy: There's a new form of rap, apparently called "drill rap" (don't ask me why), in which you're not just supposed to have a criminal background or pose as having once been a criminal, but rather you're expected to currently engage in serious crimes and document those crimes in your raps.
Because those crimes are real, and these drill rappers are actually confessing them in recordings, prosecutors are naturally using them as confessions in court.
For some bizarre reason, leftwing defense attorneys are claiming you can't use someone's voluntary confessions against them in court. Because it's... free expression or art or something.
This professor claims that to use this feller's rapped confessions against him is... racist, because... well you'll see.
Lara Bazelon
Carrie Underwood didn't get indicted for singing about taking a bat to her cheating boyfriend's car. Johnny Cash didn't get indicted for killing a man in Reno just to watch him die. This doesn't happen to white artists.
Um but those "crimes" didn't really happen. They were made up. This defendant -- "Young Thug," he calls himself, which is a bit of a Red Flag right there -- is actually the leader of a criminal gang, and he's rapping about the activities of that criminal gang, and a lot of what he's rapping about is known to have actually happened.
But this doesn't happen to white artists, you know.
Yeah well Phil Spector never recorded So I Shot That Broad In the Head.
Some on Twitter are reminding everyone of what the authorities in the US and Canada did to their captive populations in the name of "The Science." They sent armed thugs to choke women, for example. Security guards attacked this snowboarder for not wearing a mask outside on the slopes. Alan Dershowitz declared, "You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, and if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state should have the power to take you to a doctors office and plunge a needle into your arm."
No one step on the nice sentiment by pointing out he sounds like Matt Foley, Motivational Speaker.
Andrew Weismann's leftwing Twitter fanclub is angry at him for criticizing Biden for stealing classified documents and keeping them in the SCIF (Sexy Corvette Intelligence File):