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December 28, 2022
Quick Hits
Sam Bankman-Fried bought off the Democrats and the media by giving them millions. The New York Times is both. So the NYT shows its appreciation by spinning for him, saying that "some" Bahamians say that SBF's crimes aren't as bad as local gang-bangers'.

Weird that the New York Times has to go all the way to the Bahamas to find gang-related crime it considers objectionable.
Twitter's "Birdwatch" feature added this context to the New York Times' propaganda efforts:

Let. Them. Fight.
So, c*cky Ben Shapiro is now too "extremist" and too "conservative" for True Conservative Champion Bill Kristol.
Letter proposing an employee productivity quota system has Google employees fearing much deeper workforce cuts than previously warned.
Google workers in Switzerland sent a letter this month to the company's vice president of human resources, outlining their worries that a new employee evaluation system could be used to cull the work force.
"The number and spread of reports that reached us indicates that at least some managers were aggressively pressured to apply a quota" on a process that could lead to employees getting negative ratings and potentially losing their jobs, five workers and employee representatives wrote in the letter, which was obtained by The New York Times.
The letter signaled how some Google employees are increasingly interpreting recent management decisions as warnings that the company may be angling to conduct broader layoffs. From the impending closure of a small office and the cancellation of a content-moderation project to various efforts to ease budgets during 2023 planning meetings, the Silicon Valley behemoth has become a tinderbox of anxiety, according to interviews with 14 current and former employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution.
In some cases, Google employees have reacted to a program that the company began in July to simplify operations, cut red tape and make itself more productive. In other instances, they have had budget conversations, with some teams unable to hire more next year, the people said. And workers have also fretted over decisions made months ago that, to some, have taken on new meaning, they said.
The upshot is that they're starting to fear that Google is going to emulate FaceBook/Meta and cut ten thousand or more workers.
Should have learned to code, boys. Thanks to ARC! of History.
Stochastic Terrorism Alert: Keith Olbermann says that Democrats should "get baseball bats" to fight Republicans "dirty."
"I wish the Democrats would play that game to 10% of the levels that Republicans do. ... Until the Democrats stop rolling over for this and saying, 'We're not going to dirty our hands, when they go high, we go low.' When they go low, we get baseball bats."
Francis tells Catholics to say a special prayer for Pope Benedict, who is "very ill."
"I would like to ask you all for a special prayer for Pope Emeritus Benedict, who is supporting the Church in silence," the pontiff told the faithful gathered in the Vatican for his weekly general audience.
"Remember him -- he is very ill -- asking the Lord to console him and to sustain him in this witness of love for the Church, until the end," Francis added.
Asked later for a clarification, papal spokesman Matteo Bruni said he could confirm "that in the last few hours his condition has worsened due to age."
Male transgender claims he has intense "menstrual cramps."
Content warning for similar claims of menstrual bleeding, but from the "back door" during "back door play."
More #LesbianErasure as male transgenders demand that lesbians embrace the D.