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December 12, 2022
Sick Day
I'm still posting but I want to complain.
I've been sick since Thursday. It's not the worst cold but I would have preferred a M-F cold to the Friday through Monday (so far) cold it is.
I have general aches, a nose that can't stop filling up, post-nasal drip, a dry cough, and constant sneezing. This is the worse, the constant sneezing.
A friend who has it says he's never been more dehydrated, and then I remembered: On Thursday, I was dehydrated enough that the phlebotomist taking my blood noticed and had to stick my hand instead of my arm. (That appointment was a routine follow-up, not for this cold.)
I know a bunch of other people who are sick. Since we were locked down for two years, people didn't develop immunities, so now when one of these blows through the population, there are almost no immune people to stop the transmission of the virus. (Every immune person is a dead circuit in the sickness circuit, every non-immune person conducts the charge.)
So, thanks again, Fauci.
Fat unfunny clown Jimmy Kimmel could not bear the disrespect shown to his god.
Jimmy Kimmel
Replying to @elonmusk
your pronouns are ass and hole
Neither could Spier Liar John Brennan:
John O. Brennan
Dr. Fauci is a national hero who will be remembered for generations to come for his innate goodness & many contributions to public health
Despite your business success, you will be remembered most for fueling public hate & divisions.
You may have money, but you have no class.