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December 03, 2022

Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival

12 3 coffee.jpg


Happy December Hordelings. Before you get too carried away, just a few simple rules:

1) Feel free to opine and/or bloviate away this morning.
2) Be kind to one another. Yes, including trolls.
3) Don't run with sharp objects. Unless you've met your 2022 deductible, then the sky's the limit.
4) Have a wonderful weekend or not. That choice is yours.
5) Pray. I believe it works. What can it hurt?


AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:
11/18 Update on Jewells45’s cancer: her first chemo treatment went fine. The only issue was the steroids – they gave her a horrid headache.

11/1 – Euro could use some prayers, as she is hospitalized. She is out of ICU, but says her (6 broken) ribs hurt like heck and she is trying to prevent pneumonia. She sends thanks for the prayers.
11/5 Update – Euro is home from ICU and her border collie is staying by her side. He knows she is hurting.

11/2 – That Guy What Always Says Yeah Buddy asked for prayers from the Horde for his wife, who is in the ICU and getting a ventilator tube to help with her breathing. She caught the type A flu from him, and he cannot forgive himself for passing the flu to her. He is very worried about her.
11/12 Update – His wife is home from the hospital. She’d been released already once, but then had to go back in. She had shingles and a blood infection. Home health and a physical therapist are supposed to visit next week.

11/5 – Lola requested prayers for Phil, who is suffering from renal failure as a result of a rare autoimmune liver disease. He has displayed kindness, humor, and patience throughout his life, and could use peace and relief from pain and anxiety. Also prayers for strength and comfort for his wife and daughter are requested.
11/25 Update – Phil has passed. His family and Lola are grateful for the prayers; they were beneficial for him.

11/5 – Lola also asked for prayers for Lorraine, who lost her husband suddenly. They had a long and loving marriage even as he suffered severe, chronic illness for decades. Prayers that he rests in peace would also be greatly appreciated.
11/25 Update – Please continue to pray for Lorraine, for strength and peace over the loss of her husband, and that she could accept the caring support from others.

11/5 – Troyriser asks the Horde for prayers. His wife of 15 years (and the love of his life) suddenly and unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack last month. She died in his arms, and he is struggling with nearly overwhelming grief. Prayers for strength to get through this would be appreciated.

11/5 – Wenda asked for prayers for her husband He’s struggled with Parkinson’s and dementia for several years. Two months ago, he just crashed, physically and in terms of his grip on reality. She had to agree to place his in memory care. Now he has taken another big step down, and cannot make sense of what is happening to him. He comes up with stories of horrible things he must have done to deserve this. This week they will be discussing palliative care and hospice. Any prayers are welcome.

11/5 – DD is a prayer warrior in the Horde. He and his wife have offered to drive to pray with people in the Flagstaff/Phoenix/Prescott AZ area. He is also in Tucson every other week, so could pray with people there, too. Please email me (Annie’s Stew) if you would like to get in contact with him.

11/6 – FortWorthMike sent an update on his grand-niece Chloe. She is the toddler we have been praying for who needs a kidney transplant. He wanted to let the group know that she still needs a transplant, but has made progress. She is home again now, happy and talking and running around. She still has daily dialysis, and continued prayers are much appreciated. They have helped her tremendously.

11/7 – Sven could use some prayers for healing of his incisive hernia on his right quadrant by his ribcage.

11/9 – Screaming in Digital asked for prayers for her aunt, who is dying, and her mom, who may not get there in time to say goodbye.

11/12 – grammie winger asked for prayers for peace, comfort, and wisdom for a difficult situation.

11/12 – Browndog asked for prayers for his mother, who just passed away. She finished her race at 101, having lived a full life.

11/12 – Cat Ass Trophy asked for prayers for his mother-in-law, who was hospitalized with sepsis after catching the flu while visiting his family. She had said she’d rather die than not see her grandkids, but it would be nice to not have it be prophetic. Prayers for a complete recovery are important since sepsis can cause organ failure. So far, she is improving, and they are getting a good assessment of where she is, health-wise.

11/12 – Sua Sponte sent his thanks for the Horde’s prayers. We had prayed for his friend, whose sister-in-law had been murdered. All worked out well, with no issues at the funeral, and her parents were able to attend. Also, she had life insurance, so her sons will be provided for. Thank you all so much.

11/15 – jewells45 asked for prayers. Her friend’s niece died in a car crash, at age 25. Please pray for her family.

11/17 – Screaming in Digital requests prayers for her upcoming move from WY back to the south. She’s thankful to be moving closer to her family and for a new job that should be a great fit. Many of the rough places have already been made smooth, but she still needs wisdom, mental and physical strength, and patience for another cross-country move. She also needs prayers that she can sell a car before the move (or a workable plan if not) and that she will be focused and productive in her new job.
11/23 Update – She sold the car today, with a major assist from her wonderful stepson. Many thanks to the Horde for the prayers!

11/22 – BacktoGA’s father received a bad PET scan showing the thyroid cancer is aggressive and spreading across his body. Please pray for a speedy recovery via radiation and chemo.

11/19 – P requests prayers for her friend K, who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The doctors have also mentioned cysts on her pancreas and lesions on her liver. She will be having surgery on 11/28. She has a husband, 4 sons, and a large local youth group all depending on her.
11/29 Update – Thank God, the ovarian cyst was not cancer! The ovarian removals took more extensive surgery than was expected, so K will have a longer recovery period.

11/25 – grammie winger said Little Winger had a prolonged seizure which necessitated calling an ambulance. He is currently in the ICU and seems to be doing better. Any prayers would be most sincerely welcome.

11/27 – That Deplorable SOB Van Owen asked for prayers for the soul of his beloved wife, who passed away in the early morning the Wednesday before Thanksgiving from a heart attack. She is at rest and finally free of pain. He also would appreciate any prayers for help him through the overwhelming grief. His life truly revolved around her.

11/30 – Prayers are requested for DM. He is suicidal, facing a medical procedure that is worrying him. Please pray for the Lord to heal his mind and ease his worries, and to bring him through his current health crisis.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

Romans 8:26-27
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:01 AM

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