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Monday Overnight Open Thread (11/28/22) »
November 28, 2022
Turkey Terror Cafe
Working dog takes time to show off a little.
Border collie begins his training on duckling duty.
I am ready to eat now.
Who watches the watchmen?
Otter pirouettes.
Panda enjoying the snow, and his paw.
Black and white deer.
Turn it over nah.
ICYMI: A new bread of dog.
The Netherlands has its stuff together. How long would this take in America, three months? Inspiring!
The Massachusetts town of Woburn, near Boston, is being terrorized by wild turkeys, especially by a ringleader they've named "Kevin," who is said to really "amp up" the other turkeys into a feathery rage.
It's the time of year when millions of turkeys across the US might justifiably fear for their safety, but in one Massachusetts town the birds have turned the tables, ganging up to "terrorize" residents with pecks, kicks and loud clucking.
People in Woburn, north-west of Boston, have been subjected to a barrage of attacks and intimidation by a group of five wild turkeys, with the situation forcing some to take up improvised weapons and residents reporting being trapped in their homes.
The turkeys, led by a male bird nicknamed Kevin, arrived two years ago. Initially the birds were docile, but as time passed they have become ever more pugnacious, leaving Woburners fearful for their safety and forced to adapt their behavior.
"They don't let you out of your house," said Meaghan Tolson, who lives in Woburn and has named the turkeys.
"They peck at cars, they stop traffic. They go after kids on bikes. If you're walking or jogging, or anything like that, they come for you."
Tolson said she has even found herself trapped in her home by the birds.
"Some days it is frustrating. I'll be like: 'Oh my God, there's an Amazon package' and I can't go get it, because the turkeys are there.
"Then I just have to wait until nightfall. I've kind of adjusted over time to it. I know their routine now, so I can kind of work around [them]."