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November 14, 2022
Leftwing Tech Monopoly Amazon Waits Until After Election to Lay Off 10,000 Workers
Wouldn't want to spoil Joe Biden's claim that we're not in a recession.
They'll be laying off 10,000 people starting sometime before Thanksgiving, sources say. They haven't announced/admitted it yet.
The layoffs come as the tech industry continues to struggle amid a slowing economy, rising interest rates, and stubborn inflation.
Almost like a recession.
Facebook parent Meta and Twitter also laid off thousands of employees this month.
The layoffs will impact Amazon's Alexa business, as well as the company's retail and human resources divisions, according to The Times. Amazon's Alexa group, which produces its Echo hardware and associated software, loses up to $5 billion a year, The Wall Street Journal reports, citing internal documents the paper reviewed.
The 10,000 jobs make up some 1% of Amazon's 1.5 million global workforce. The Times reports that the final number of planned layoffs could change between now and when they're announced. Amazon announced a hiring freeze on Nov. 3.
A Twitter employee got sassy and disrespectful to Elon Musk on Twitter today.
I mean, way to let everyone know you're a potential internal saboteur.
People in tech need to change their attitude from "I can smacktalk my boss because LOL even if he fires me I'll have another job lined up by next week" to "I better make sure I keep my job because the industry is going through a slimdown/consolidation phase."
I linked this great article, "The End of the Email Caste," on Friday. Check it out if you missed it.
[T]here is another aspect of the Musk takeover that has little to do with free speech or even ideology--although it has a great deal to do with the class interests of Big Tech censors. As a recession looms, Silicon Valley is shedding the non-essential workers it acquired when unlimited venture funding made turning a profit an afterthought. Musk happens to have taken the helm at Twitter just as this reality is asserting itself. In this sense, the revolt against his leadership is the last stand of a cohort of activist hangers-on who are about to find themselves unemployed.
Many "unicorn" tech startups began with a few engineers and a product they wanted to sell, but over the past decade-plus, they have accrued a bloated bureaucracy of "equity"-minded h.r. activists, ESG-savvy consultants, affinity-group mavens, climate-change specialists, and many other email-caste hangers-on. Now that times are turning bad, tech companies can no longer afford to sustain a massive "court" of professional-class nobility, paying sinecures to sons and daughters of the good and the great who don't know how to code or crunch numbers, but know how to write emails, hold useless meetings, and talk about diversity and inclusion.
The people who worked "on climate" at Twitter, now being given the ax by the perfidious Elon Musk, are openly complaining that they won't be able to find jobs anywhere else in this economy. They are, of course, right to worry. One of the biggest and least-talked-about social questions in the West is how to economically provide for our own modern version of France's impecunious nobles: that is, how to prop up high-status people who can't really do much economically productive work.
YaBoiZach was watching TikToks from laid-off Facebook employees, and he says that almost none of the laid-off people had any technical skills of any kind-- they're all in "soft" stuff like "climate," "human rights," recruiting, "diversity officer," morale boosting.
He said one laid off woman was a "Niceness Maestro." Now, that may sound like an exaggeration, and I'm sure it is an exaggeration, but I have heard of positions like "Director of Niceness" or the like at these companies.
No, I can't link these TikToks -- TikTok's search function is terrible. I looked for them and failed.
He calls these thousands upon thousands of absolutely useless, skill-less profit-vampires "human bloatware." Which was actually Brian Stelter's official job title at CNN, and look what happened to him.
Many of which were recruited in the aftermath of #MeToo, and then George Floyd, and of course after Trump's election -- to serve as the #Resistance in tech.
But you can't sustain Trump-level Human Bloatware in a Joe Biden Austerity Economy. Congratulations, #Resistance -- you said "You're fired" to yourselves.
23 Learn2coal
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion
Update: Content warning -- Mark Zuckerberg's getting desperate in his new pitch for Meta.