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November 02, 2022
Twitter Is Now Doing Something Once Believed Impossible -- Fact Checking Democrats
These read like parodies because it seems so impossible to imagine fact-checks running against Biden and Dick Durbin.
But they're real.

These are crowd-sourced fact-checks, which appear with the tweet when rated helpful by enough users.
Why are amateurs better at your jobs than you Credentialed "News" Professionals?
The leftwing propaganda media can't complain -- they don't dare even draw attention to this, for fear of provoking the obvious questions: 1, why are you so opposed to actual facts and context?, and 2, why weren't YOU doing this yourselves, all along?
Oh, what am I saying, of course they'll complain vaguely, but will only allude to the fact checks. They will never mention what the fact checks actually were, because to do so would be to show the word that these are true facts, and that the media "Truth Tellers" are arguing that Twitter should suppress true facts to protect the Democrat Party.