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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (11/2/22) El Skimpo Edition & Early Too »
November 02, 2022
Baby Steps Cafe
Porto, by Joao Cabral (again)
Proper Panda fluffing technique (demo).
Young giraffe taunts you.
Lunch with a friend.
Spot brings home a weird-looking dog.
Orphaned puppy runs to a stopped car to ask for help.
Going for a horseback ride with your best friend.
This red panda looks jacked. Better hand over those orange slices, Geek.
I'm pretty sure I've seen this movie.
In Bat Is Best Bird News, one year ago today -- well, depending on the vagueries of the International Date Line -- New Zealand voted for its bird of the year: A bat.
New Zealand's annual Bird of the Year competition has been won by the country's only land mammal: the pekapeka-tou-roa, or long-tailed bat.
Um, this is the country's only land mammal, CNN? Are you sure of that?
This is the first time the bat -- or, indeed, any non-bird -- has been part of the competition, which is organized by New Zealand's Forest & Bird conservation charity.
"Kiwis clearly love their native bat," Forest & Bird's Bird of the Year spokesperson, Laura Keown, said in a statement Monday announcing the result. "A vote for bats is also a vote for predator control, habitat restoration, and climate action to protect our bats and their feathered neighbours!"
The vote was #rigged by Duncanthrax.

The Maori word "manu," which is the type of animal the contest was about, apparently doesn't just mean bird, but includes any winged creature, including butterflies and, yes, bats, so this isn't as zoologically incorrect as it may seem.
Here's a video of New Zealand's outgoing Bird of the Year.
From The World of Violence, these clips from Violence Correspondent Steve Inman.
A punk sucker-headbutted a fat guy, thinking he'd be an easy guy to cheap shot. Plot Twist: The fat guy is not an easy guy to cheap shot. In fact, he's not the guy you want to cheap shot at all.
This is actually like a movie fight, instead of the regular two-drunk-guys-grappling-each-other-shirtless fight. One of the punching bags tries to grapple with the big guy -- just to get him to stop punching him -- but the big guy says "Nah, brah" and pushes him to the ground and then punches him in the face.
The big guy is throwing nothing but knockout punches, looping hooks that really, honestly, shouldn't work, but they totally do, and send these guys toppling like bowling pins.
Youth vs. wisdom.
Textbook leg sweep.
Sweep & tickle.
Car says, it's not you, it's me.
Tall dude does the old "Here, p*ssy, take a free undefended shot at my chin" Power Move and finds out why that's not really a thing people do.
At Rumble, a compilation of people effing around and iffing out. Note that the first clip is a criminal attacking a woman who has a gun and gun training and that ends up in a shooting, so if you don't want to see that, skip 33 seconds.
The next clip of a guy in a tie dye taking down a carjacker with multiple trips is almost as bad, to be honest.
What's cuter than a baby armadillo? Probably nothing, that's what.
Unless... unless we bring a baby giraffe or baby elephant trying to walk for the first time into the mix.
This little guy is having a tough time with the new feet.