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November 03, 2022
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
If you want the telltales that indicate biomedical research is mostly crap...full of conjecture, flat-out guesses, and the conflation of authors' opinions for facts...look no further than this "study."
"Often," "May be," "Seems to suggest." These are all weasel-words designed to hide the undeniable fact that they cannot prove their theory, but they really, really, REALLY want you to believe it! And...correlation is not the same thing as causality, but that little tidbit seems to have slipped past these geniuses.
Study: Excessive Alcohol Use Causes 20% Of Deaths In U.S. Adults Ages 20 To 49
According to the study published Tuesday in JAMA Network Open, an estimated 1 in 5 deaths of adults ages 20 to 49 were due to excessive use of alcohol. In addition, the number was 1 in 8 for people between the ages of 20 to 64.
The study suggested that the number of people dying prematurely from alcohol use could drop "with increased implementation of evidenced-based, population-level alcohol policies, such as increasing alcohol taxes or regulating alcohol outlet density."
And there you have it! They are enthusiastic supporters of a nanny state telling everyone exactly what and how much they can eat, drink, drive, and probably screw, and how to spend our money!
To put the cherry on top of this shit sandwich, take a look at how they define "excessive drinking!"
...medium (>1 to ≤2 alcoholic drinks for women or >2 to ≤4 drinks for men) and high (>2 alcoholic drinks for women or >4 drinks for men)...
Yeah...that's most of us, especially since their measure of a single drink is quite small. They also attribute homicides to "excessive drinking," which is an interesting and wildly inaccurate way to inflate their numbers.
But this is what happens when researchers begin their work with an opinion about the topic. "Alcohol is BAD! Therefore we will construct the parameters of the study to prove it!"
Oh look! It was funded by the CDC!
And because this is a rant, take a look below the fold for some arrant stupidity from...you guessed it...a Hollywood dancing monkey!
Clearly good old Anne isn't much of a thinker, because she is channeling some very bad people with these vile, uninformed and offensive comments.
Anne Hathaway Promotes 'Mercy' Killing Unborn Babies
“My own personal experience with abortion, and I don’t think we talk about this enough, abortion can be another word for mercy,” said Hathaway, adding that “no two pregnancies are alike, and it follows that no two lives are alike, it follows that no two conceptions are alike. So how can we have a law, how can we have a point of view on this that says we must treat everything the same?”
And her stupidity and arrogance gets even worse...
The reality is that pro-abortion supporters do not believe all life is equally valuable. They demand “flexibility” in deciding which groups of people are worthy of life. “How can we have a point of view on this that says we must treat everything the same?” asked Hathaway. “And where I come at it from is when you allow the choice, you allow for flexibility, which is what we need in order to be human.”
Nobody asked for your thoughts. So read your lines, emote the way the director says, and show us your tits. That's your only job, so concentrate on that and all will be well.