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June 27, 2022
The Morning Report — 6/27/22
GASOLINE: ↓ $4.897 (Last Week: $5.107, 2018 Annual Avg.: $2.74)
DIESEL: ↓ $5.794 (Last Week: $5.815, 2018 Annual Avg.: $3.00)
MILK*: ↑ $4.20 (May) (April: $4.01, 2018 Annual Avg.: $2.90)
*monthly price
MEAN TWEETS: n/a (Last Week: n/a, 2018: $ !%#*%!!!)
Good morning, kids. Monday and continuing a theme from the end of last week, given the absolute and complete divide between the two ideological camps in this country, I am increasingly of the opinion that there can never be any reconciliation whatsoever. Certainly not when the American left seeks to destroy the very institutions and culture with which we are supposed to find the common ground to work out our differences in the interest of "live and let live." As a dear friend of mine would say, "Ain't happenin', babe." The reactions to the overturning of Roe v. Wade both in rhetoric and in acts of violence fomented by same merely underscore the situation.
One link which, given the momentous news about the Roe, Bruen, and the equally important Makin decisions, would have otherwise got completely lost in the sauce is quite illustrative of the pickle we find ourselves in. Yet again, it comes to us via Project Veritas.
If you go to Krystle Matthews’ campaign website, you’ll see that this Democrat party candidate for the U.S. Senate (who’s now in a run-off with Catherine Fleming Bruce) presents herself as the all-American Black candidate for the little people: She’s a single mom of five, the daughter of a Vietnam vet, and the granddaughter of a sharecropper. Her roots in America run very deep.
She makes no secret about the racist core of her campaign, although it’s phrased very tactfully: “She was inspired to run for office in 2018 because she believed that people who look like her and come from backgrounds like hers are often affected the most and heard the least.” Matthews also explains that she wants to change the “toxic politics that rob our most vulnerable communities of their power.”
It turns out, though, that Matthews isn’t above “toxic politics” when it comes to plotting a Democrat takeover of South Carolina’s strong Republican leanings. We know that because Project Veritas Action obtained a recording of a February 15, 2022, phone call that Matthews had with David Solomon Ballard, an inmate at Perry Correctional Institution. . .
“We need some secret sleepers. Like you need, we need them to run as the other side, even though they for our side. We need people to run as Republicans in these local elections. This is the only way you’re going to change the dynamics in South Carolina.”
“Honestly, these ain’t the same type of black people that I grew up around. I don’t recognize these black people. So, I black because I don’t understand the type of black that they are. Now, can I talk intelligently? Can I- I could be. Listen, I can move in all kind of circles, but I’m a n**** at heart. I love black people. I feel safest around my people.”
“We need some folks that can wear all black at night and take they f****** yard signs down when they- when they sleeping.”
“I still got to struggle to raise money for my campaign? Where the f*** is my black people with money? I don’t care about no dope money! Give me that dope boy money!”
“S***, where the f**king dope? Where the duffle bag boys? Get you- find me somebody from your family that don’t even know you donating to my campaign and put that s*** under they names.”
. . . Matthews wants nothing to do with a Black community that embraces core American values and aspires to racial harmony. Moreover, she’s quite explicit: If she cannot change that attitude through persuasion, she’ll do what leftists always do when nobody wants what they’re selling: Cheat. Conservative communities across America need to understand that Matthews is not alone. Whether it’s mail-only voting, ballot harvesting, or fifth columnists, Democrats are happy to attain by foul means that which they cannot earn through fair ones.
And of course, when cheating doesn't even work B-urn, L-oot and M-urder. Friend and friend of the blog, Michael Walsh:
It has long been a dictum of mine that, as far as the progressive Left is concerned, "they never stop, they never sleep, they never quit." After their twin defeats at the Supreme Court last week, regarding two of their most sensitive issues (both of which derive from their devotion to cultural suicide, which is their principal objective), don't expect them to give up easily. They subscribe to their version of Islamism or the Brezhnev Doctrine: once they've conquered moral or physical territory, it can never go back to the way it was. They see themselves as the heroes of their own movies, good red-diaper babies constantly battling the forces of revanchism and irrendentism, which are you. The idea that they're the bad guy never occurs to them. . .
. . . About their only admirable trait is their refusal to give up—something that brands them in perpetuity as sore losers, with whom we have to live as long as these United States stay together. The question is, how much longer can this go on? . . .
. . . There is no stasis in Leftism: you're either breaking boundaries and pushing envelopes and shattering glass ceilings or you're losing. The reason they never stop is that they cannot stop. They can't be satisfied with a small victory. It's all or nothing. It's their fatal flaw, their Achilles heel. . .
. . . The two big decisions last week have given them an out: blue-state fantasy homelands of their very own where they're free to abort babies and celebrative 52 genders and chemically castrate their XY birth-defectives and drive magic electric cars and heat and cool their homes with windmills and eat bugs and refuse to defend themselves and defund the police and enforce "equity" and anything else their hearts desire, even if it kills them.
Because, in the end, that's what they really want. An end to their restlessness and their war against their own savage gods. All we want, by contrast, is to be left alone with a culture we love and prize and wish to pass on to our children.
In the words of President Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants, "Look, Fat. You just hit the head on its nail-thing." I would take it a step further. Even if we were to enact some theoretical "two-state solution," the Left will never allow us to be left alone. Within a very short order, as we throw off the shackles of leftist progressivism and thrive, yet again, as the greatest bastion of freedom and prosperity on the planet, they will rapidly devolve into something akin to a hybrid of Somalia/North Korea and Snake Plissken's Manhattan. It will be in-their-face, absolute living proof that everything they believe in, about their greatness and goodness and our putative evil is a lie.
We're seeing it bit by bit right now, with the reaction from traditional Democrats/liberals (not the Marxist brainwashed true believers) at $5.00 a gallon gas, criminals running wild and their money growing worthless by the day. The complete collapse of their glorious, socialist Democratic People's Republic of Junktuckistan and as we grow and prosper would be an absolute negation of their entire weltanschauung that cannot be denied or covered up no matter how many Jen Piss-Hockey's and CNN's they deploy.
I always said that if there were just one solitary Jew left who lived at the farthest reaches of the known universe 15 billion light years distant, the Islamic world would do whatever it could to construct a spacecraft to carry Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his rusty hacksaw there to saw the guy's head off. Same goes for all of us who believe in the ideals of America as founded, the Bible and its precepts and the past 2,000 years of the advancement of civilization, and those who do everything from rig elections to firebomb pro-life offices to gunning down enemy politicians.
And so here we are in 2022. The polarization is so absolute and our society and political institutions so thoroughly poisoned that us playing by the Marquis of Queensbury rules while they do not is a recipe for disaster. Forgetting national divorce, even if we were to win a hot civil war (to whatever level of heat we reach), at the end of it there can be no quarter given. Something akin to a mass deprogramming and/or de-Nazification program must be instituted, since a very large mass of a defeated enemy will still exist within our borders. That includes the complete dismantling of the entire federal bureaucracy as well as the bureaucracies of blue states and cities and the removal of any leftist in any position of authority or influence.
God forbid they consolidate the overthrow of the nation as of 1/6/21, no quarter will be given to us.
- Michael Walsh: ". . . in the end, that's what they really want. An end to their restlessness and their war against their own savage gods. All we want, by contrast, is to be left alone with a culture we love and prize and wish to pass on to our children. But they want to take us with them because, as we all know, misery loves company. Either we'll learn to care, or they'll die trying."
Guns N' Roe-ses
- "Once Commodus, Nero, and Caligula terrorized their people; now it’s the rising generation of young people who were never told 'no.'”
We Are Witnessing What Happens When Unrestrained Youth Gets Power
- Robert Spencer: "George Orwell was yet again dead-on in 1984 when he envisioned a socialist dystopia that offered only one brand of everything ('Victory Cigarettes,' 'Victory Gin,' etc.), all of it shoddy and poorly made. That was life in the Soviet Union and Maoist China, and that will be life in the United States if the Left gets its way. And with all these 'accidents' happening, the Left is closer than ever to getting its way."
Is the Green Agenda Being Forced Upon Us by Accident?
- Victor Davis Hanson: "America, as the world’s only successful multiracial democratic republic, was always fragile. It was and is always one generation away from disappearing—should any cohort become so foolish as to mock its past, dismantle its institutions, revert to tribalism, redistribute rather than create wealth, and consume rather than invest."
America Is More Fragile Than the Left Understands
- Daniel Greenfield: "The moral question behind the Supreme Court’s abortion and gun control decisions."
Who Would You Kill?
- "Why Middle America is poised to lead an industrial comeback." (not without oil - jjs)
Heartland Manufacturing Renaissance
- "He governed as the best pro-life president ever."
Thanking Trump and What Reversing Roe Really Means
- Roger Kimball: "The Left, and the spineless Right, have done everything possible to resuscitate the nerveless impotence that prevailed on the Right before Trump. Dobbs shows why that’s not going to happen."
Dobbs Reveals the Prospect of a Winning Right
- "Correcting the unconstitutional legalization of the killing of unborn human beings."
Republican NeverTrumpers Should Thank Donald Trump for SCOTUS Overturning Roe v. Wade
- "A new era in American politics."
The Right to Life
- "We praise God for such clarity and boldness from the U.S. Supreme Court."
Justice Restored — Roe Overturned
- "Planned Parenthood condemns sex-, race-, and disability-based discrimination in every other context, except when it occurs in the womb."
How the Eugenics Movement Made Race-Based Abortions Normal
- "Dobbs signals a significant retreat from the days when the Supreme Court creatively crafted imaginary rights to strip the states of their constitutional role."
Perspectives on the Dobbs Decision Overruling Roe v. Wade
- "Roberts argued in his opinion that the real issue for the court should not have been whether there is a right to abortion but when in the course of a pregnancy a state should be able to restrict it. In Roe, the court ruled that abortion could not be restricted before the baby was 'viable' and could live outside the womb."
Cheap Justice John Roberts Says He Would Not Have Overruled "the Basic Right" "to Terminate a Pregnancy"
- Republican New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith: “We’re working on something along those lines,” Smith said when asked about a nationwide abortion ban. “I have the ‘Pain Capable’ at 20 weeks. We’re going to lower it to 15. There are all kinds of ideas there."
House Republicans Push For Possible 15-Week Abortion Ban
- If they didn't burn their legitimacy after Dred Scott, Plessy or Korematsu, land-crab tits . . .
Fauxcahontas Warren Claimed SCOTUS "Burned" Legitimacy in Roe Verdict, Calls for Adding More Justices
* * * * *
- "I don’t mean to rain on the parade, but . . . [a]bortion has not been outlawed, merely sent back to the states to regulate. Some states will restrict abortion, yes, but others will codify it, fund it, monetize it, celebrate it, etc."
Dobbs Wasn’t a Pro-Life Victory, It Was a Victory for Federalism
- "Challenges the whole world."
Catholic Church Reacts to Overturning of Roe v. Wade
- "Nearly fifty years of trying to ram Roe down America’s throat has backfired on the Left."
Left Has Mental Breakdown Over Abortion
- "Joe Manchin and Susan Collins thought they had a deal."
Manchin and Collins: "We wuz robbed."
- "No nation can survive by systematically murdering thousands of its children."
There Is No Such Thing as the Right to Kill
- "The Supreme Court’s decision in Roe was as shameful as its decision in Dred Scott — and for the same reason."
Why Democrats Oppose Emancipation for the Unborn
- "The same points keep getting made in the debate on abortion. Here are the many reasons the usual points in favor of abortion are wrong."
How to Win the Debate on Abortion in 12 Clear Counterpoints (author assumes the left wants to debate and not silence you - jjs)
- "What does it mean—and what’s next?"
Roe’s Demise
- "When the Court uses 'substantive due process' to justify a result, they become policy makers rather than judges."
Thomas on the End of Roe and the Continuing Despotism of Substantive Due Process
- “Get ready for a lot of Democrat governors to proclaim they’re following the Supreme Court’s decision while doing everything they can to undermine it.”
Some Blue States Already Trying to Work Around SCOTUS 2nd Amendment Ruling
- "Though Kirkland & Ellis refused to explain its reasons, the timing of this decision — the same day the Supreme Court issued its ruling — strongly suggests it was made because of pressure from other leftist clients. Essentially, the law firm was told that if Clement and Murphy won their case, their leftist clients would blackball it if it didn’t blackball Clement and Murphy. And like most cowards who kow-tow to tyrants, Kirkland & Ellis kow-towed. They probably told the lawyers this would happen the instant they won their case."
Today's Blacklisted American: Lawyers Who Won NY Gun Rights Case in SCOTUS Blackballed By Their Own Law Firm
- "Smith & Wesson’s just-released 'Who We Are' video hits back by clearly defining not only who they are as a company but, more importantly, who their employees are — hardworking, freedom-loving Americans. No more will Smith & Wesson allow the left to define or distort who they are. They are proud of their company and their product. They’re proud of their employees, and they’re proud of who they are as Americans."
[WATCH] One American Gun Manufacturer Is Fighting Back Against the Left's Wrath
- Margot Cleveland: "The Supreme Court has finally ended its two-decades long punt on Second Amendment jurisprudence."
6 Takeaways From The Supreme Court Decision Protecting Americans’ Right To Self-Defense
- "As Congress attempts to legislate away our 2nd Amendment right, the Supreme Court just put the Left on notice."
The SCOTUS Exposes the Lying, Lawless Left
- "Patriotic Americans should be armed, but it takes more than being armed to actually accomplish something useful."
The Supreme Court Reaffirms Gun Rights
- “There doesn’t appear to be a willingness or time provided to read, understand, debate or amend this bill.”
Rand Paul Says Gun Control Bill Was Kept "Secret" and Senators Not Allowed Time to Read It
- "If abortions aren't safe, neither are you." (where were these degenerates when news of the Kermit Gosnell abattoir first broke? Thought so - jjs)
PHOTOS: Christian Pregnancy Center in Colorado Set on Fire After Roe v. Wade Decision
- "The Portland Police Bureau stated that the protesters damaged numerous businesses, but law enforcement was reportedly unable to intervene." (unable or unwilling, or ordered not to? - jjs)
10 Pro-Abortion Terrorists Arrested in Portland for ‘Night of Rage’ Violence
- "The company, which maintains a longstanding tradition of activism, previously offered to cover bail expenses for employees arrested at protests for different causes, Bloomberg reported."
Overpriced, Overhyped Schmatta Purveyor Patagonia to Bail Out Employees Arrested at Pro-Abortion Protests
- ". . . as a lawyer it, it crushes me to say that even I am losing faith that these important institutions that are supposed to be above the politics of the day, are now being corrupted." (you don't fucking say?! - jjs)
Democrat Governor "Wretched" Whitmer Does Not Condemn Leftist Violence When Asked About Threats In Michigan
- "'Squad' member calls Supreme Court illegitimate."
Titty Caca AOC Tells Abortion Advocates To Escalate Protests
- "If the leak of Roe v. Wade’s demise was a bang, the left’s commitment to terrorizing Supreme Court justices in their homes went out with a whimper."
"Night of Age": Grannies Storm Kavanaugh’s Home
- "Congresswoman reacts to abortion ban."
Maxine "Mikvah" Waters: “To Hell With the Supreme Court! We Will Defy Them!”
- "TikTok’s parent company ByteDance employs former Chinese Communist Party officials, including individuals with military ties, to executive roles and grants party members preferential treatment in hiring processes. Its founder has also pledged to use ByteDance to 'promote socialist core values' and devotion to the Chinese Communist Party, which recently acquired an official stake in the company."
TikTok Quietly Reverses Ban On Pro-Abortion Group Using App To Protest Outside SCOTUS Justice Homes
* * * * *
- "The Jan. 6 committee conveniently left out the fact that their witness is connected to a Zuckerberg-funded group that may have given Democrats an advantage in key states."
J6 Committee Ignores Witness’s Ties to Zuckerberg-Funded Group That Manipulated 2020 Election
- "Klukowski was one of over 1,000 witnesses called to testify before the committee behind closed doors. He sat for several depositions, and for several hours at a time."
Ken Klukowski Accuses January 6 Committee of Withholding and Misrepresenting Critical Evidence, Challenges It to Release His Full Transcript
- "She also believes Joe Biden is doing a good job."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Readies New Articles of Impeachment Against Trump; Says "Third Time's the Charm"
- "Federal raids this week, along with an inappropriate statement about a SCOTUS ruling, underscore the weaponization of the DOJ under Garland."
Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice is a Threat to the Republic
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Beyond the January 6 committee hearings, Stalinism advances on other fronts."
More Than a Stalinist Show Trial
- So, he admits this is all a bullshit stunt?
Raskin: "Not My Principle Interest" Trump Criminally Charged
- "The Democrats used their constitutional remedies against President Trump by impeaching him twice. Now they want to throw him and his supporters in jail."
Gaslighting Committee Attempts Launch of Banana Republic
- "Joe Biden is quietly dropping cases against a million illegal border crossers, and actually freeing them to apply for U.S. citizenship. Call it the Mother of All Amnesties."
Biden Sneaking Amnesty Through for as Many as a Million Illegal Border Crossers
- Robert Spencer: "A large influx must be expected."
Shelter Opens in Tijuana for Muslims Entering the U.S.
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "president's"] plan is woefully inadequate."
Biden’s Gas Tax Non-Relief
- "Pray that our house of cards doesn't tumble from the shock, and that our leaders -- Biden included -- correct course before things go too far. But don't count on it."
Biden Mistakes Demand For Supply
- Axios: “Experts warned that the U.S. will see devastating economic consequences from the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade."
SHOT: “Experts” Find New Source of Future Biden Economy Trouble: SCOTUS Abortion Ruling
- "The stock market rallied on Friday in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe v. Wade, with all three major Wall Street indexes snapping monthlong losing streaks."
CHASER: Thank You SCOTUS? Stock Market Rallies After Court Overturns Roe
- Karol Markowicz: "That money was meant to preserve jobs and save an industry. Pilots, pretty important to the whole flying thing, should never have been encouraged off the job. Instead, the industry is in disarray, staff were laid off anyway and the money is gone."
Airlines Got $50 Billion in Pandemic Relief — But Are Still Screwing Americans
- "So why can't every wage be raised to what the left calls a 'living wage?'"
A Living Wage?
- "[Wretched] Whitmer says the state has added 25,000 auto jobs since she took office. It has actually lost thousands."
Michigan Governor Won’t Stop Lying to Voters About Job Gains
- "With the Biden [junta] crippling the economy, it's time to start thinking about asset protection."
The Middle Class Needs to Start Thinking About Asset Protection
- "The Japanese company said the issue is with nuts or bolts on the bZ4X. This model recently went on sale in the U.S. and Europe with the recall aimed at some 2,700 vehicles sold in North America, Europe and Asia."
Toyota Recalls Electric SUVs Over "Embarrassing" Self-Detaching Wheels
- "Radicals are putting America’s security and economic well-being at risk."
Activists’ Ideological War on Energy
- "Choosing abundance by investing in providing the basics of life, starting with water, is the only way California can set an example to the rest of the world."
Our Fight for More Water
- Glenn Reynolds: "Today, as gas and energy prices soar while the well-off warn us about climate change via private jet, nothing’s different. No one is thinking about the little people. Why should they? Who’s going to make them?"
Elitist Environmentalists Hate the Working Class
- "Many such cases."
Pennsylvania Drag Queen Arrested and Charged With Possessing Child Pornography
- "McAfee was awaiting extradition to the U.S. on tax evasion charges when he was found dead in a Barcelona prison cell. The 75-year-old developer created the first commercial anti-virus software, which bore his name, but led a bizarre life fueled by drugs and conspiracies, and was widely suspected of killing a neighbor on the tropical island where they lived."
Software Legend, Murder Suspect John McAfee’s Corpse Still In Morgue Year After Alleged Suicide
- "A criminal’s skin color shouldn’t allow him to escape justice. That would be actual systemic racism."
The Real Systemic Racism In Policing
- Robert Spencer: "So the hardcore Leftists who run Twitter allowed Khamenei and the IRGC to threaten Trump, but banned Trump himself after he called for a peaceful protest. And now Twitter is allowing open threats against Clarence Thomas. So whatever happened to Elon Musk’s bid to take over Twitter? It seems to have simply faded away, and the Twitter fascists are just as much in the saddle as they always were."
Twitter Is Just Fine With Calls to Assassinate Justice Thomas
- "For those not yet connecting the dots, here is Obama campaigning in 2008: We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. A straight line connects that speech to our new Truth Ministry. From here on, things will only get worse unless our own national socialists are stopped, now."
Stop the "Ministry of Truth" (Again)
- "Complains about success of 2000 Mules."
New York Times Worries That Big Tech Won’t Censor Hard Enough During Midterm Elections
- "WHO considers declaring monkeypox a global emergency."
Public Health Officials Now Complaining About Biden’s Monkeypox Response
- Birx: "Since the vaccine was based on natural immunity, you cannot make the conclusion that the vaccine will do better than natural infection."
Astonishing Testimony From Dr. Birx Lost Amid Landmark SCOTUS Rulings
- "Who watches the watchers? When it comes to the vaccination status of the federal government’s vaccine cops, it turns out: no one."
Feds: YOU Must Be Vaxxed — But WE Don't Have to Be
- "The United States is the only country in the world now injecting children under 5 with the [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccine."
The Devil and the Death Shots
- “We believe that much of the resistance to Principal Moffett’s work… is a result of bias and targeted aggression.”
BIPOC Teachers at Oregon Elementary School Claim Eye-Rolling at Principal is Form of White Supremacy
- "Here are two big reasons and five simple tips for effective homeschooling."
Don’t Be Afraid to Homeschool
- "If she cannot change that attitude through persuasion, she’ll do what leftists always do when nobody wants what they’re selling: Cheat. Conservative communities across America need to understand that Matthews is not alone. Whether it’s mail-only voting, ballot harvesting, or fifth columnists, Democrats are happy to attain by foul means that which they cannot earn through fair ones."
A South Carolina Democrat Strategizes About Sleepers in Republican Campaigns
- "Strikes down the law that discriminates against religious schools."
SCOTUS Expands 1st Amendment Right to Religious Freedom
- "The campaign said the number 187 is the California penal code for murder — and 'has been universally adopted as a common death threat.'”
Vandal Scrawls Anti-Semitic Death Threats on Lee Zeldin Lawn Sign on LI
- "Amazing what happens when Pelosi thinks no one is looking."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Disdainfully Elbows Rep. Mayra Flores' Pinnafore-clad Mexican-American Daughter
- “I am so proud of my strong, beautiful daughter for not allowing this to faze her. She continued to smile and pose for the picture like a Queen. No child should be pushed to the side for a photo op. PERIOD!!”
Mayra Flores Responds to Video of Malig-Nancy Pelosi Elbowing Her Daughter
- "Rep. Bobby Rush, an Illinois Democratic congressman, has paid his wife and son roughly $56,000 from his campaign committee since 2019, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records. His son Jeffrey has notably raked in close to $45,000 for mostly 'field services' and 'field operations services,' filings show, while his wife Paulette has been paid roughly $11,000 for “accounting services.”
Democrat Congressman Used Campaign Funds to Pay His Wife and Ex-Con Son Thousands, Records Reveal
Wow. When have there ever been no links?
- "Will Ukraine end up like Chechnya?"
Upping the Ante in Ukraine
- "After blundering around and taking losses for a few weeks, the Russians have remembered how to wage an old-fashioned, World War II-style war of attrition."
Ukraine and the Russian Way of War Redux
- British Military Intel: “Russia’s capture of the city is a significant achievement within this reduced objective.”
Ukraine: Russia Captures Key Eastern City of Sievierodonetsk, Hits Kyiv With Multiple Missile Strikes
- “Most of his best and battle-hardened senior commanders have been killed or injured fighting in Ukraine so he is resorting to sending second rate officers to the front who don’t last very long.”
See It: Putin Pulls Porky General Out of Retirement as Moscow Scrapes "Bottom of the Barrel"
- "Furious with Israel for daring to bomb Damascus Airport." (I wonder if the resolution will actually fail this time given the anger over Ukraine; meh, Joo-hate trumps that - jjs)
Russians Prepare Security Council Resolution Against Israel
- "Thuggish behavior."
: Countries Are Using an International Policing Body to Target Americans. Here’s the Latest Example
- "But are Americans — and particularly Taiwanese-Americans — ready to buy what the party is selling?"
Taiwan's Pro-China Party Makes Its Case in America
- "The experiment in confiscatory policy is occurring before our eyes as our very lives are inexorably subject to official annexation. It appears that David Lametti was correct. Indeed, we have no absolute right to anything and Canada has become the world’s shining example of the greatest act of larceny in the history of the democratic state."
Property Rights? Not in Canada
- "NATO needs Israel's Iron Beam and Arrow 3, which means that BDS supporters are de facto foreign and domestic enemies of the United States."
The United States Needs Israel's Missile Defense Technology
- "U.S. Army Private Ethan Melzer coordinated with members of the group Order of Nine Angles (O9A), a U.K. group with 'neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, and Satanic beliefs,' to attack his unit, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said Friday in a press release. Melzer has been a member of the group since at least 2017." (I smell a DOJ coverup - jjs)
U.S. Army Soldier Pleads Guilty to Planning "Jihadi Attack" on His Own Unit
- "A Muslim shouting 'allahu akbar!' targets a gay bar. Bring in the psychiatrists!"
Terror in Oslo
- "The Supreme Court recently gave the cold shoulder to an American assaulted by a Border Patrol agent."
Supreme Court Decides Suing the Feds is Mission: Impossible
- "She takes her cue from the ACLU, not the Founding Fathers."
The Ahistorical Secularism of Justice Sotomayor
- "Review: Homelessness in America: The History and Tragedy of an Intractable Social Problem."
It’s Not a Housing Problem
- David Horowitz and John Perazzo: ". . . And its enablers in the I.R.S."
The Racial Assault on Medical Science and Public Health
- "Some factions within the Biden [junta] and the Washington bureaucracy want to block Starship, others want it to fly. The result is a tug-of war, with SpaceX in the middle."
NASA Blocks Starship Superheavy Launches at SpaceX's New Florida Launchpad
- ". . . the unexpected double nature of the impact only increases the mystery, as it suggests that rocket stage had a mass distribution different than past stages."
LRO Scientists Locate Impact on Moon From Rocket Stage Believed to Be Chinese
- "The parade reportedly began with the Boy Scouts of America leading the proceedings as they carried both pride flags and American flags. Pro-abortion protesters challenging the recent Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade were also enthusiastically received."
Watch: Children Watch Nude Cyclists at Boy Scout-Led Seattle Pride Parade
- "A compelling correlation has troubling implications."
Autism and Trans
- "The rise in school shootings correlates with the destruction of the family and the declining number of fathers in the home."
A Father Makes All the Difference
- "This victory was won by people who saw the post-sexual revolution left waging a culture war, and who went to battle where the fighting was thickest."
Overturning Roe Definitively Proved the Culture War Is Worth Fighting
- How much you want to bet this pathetic shit-stain never ever leaves this country?
Green Day Rocker Billie Joe Armstrong Renouncing His Citizenship over Roe Reversal: "Fuck America"
- Christian Toto: "Avengers' star joins Snoop Dogg in demeaning black conservatives."
Samuel L. Jackson’s Vile Attack on Justice Thomas Confirms Liberal Privilege
- "“If you’re celebrating the overturn of RoeVWade, disrespectfully, go fuck yourself. No literally." (don't knock masturbation; it's sex with someone I truly love - jjs)
Women Call for Sex Strike Against Men in Retaliation for the Overturning of Roe v. Wade
- Thad McCotter: "As with every generation, pain is an exceptional teacher."
Talkin’ ’Bout My Generation X
- "When I want to shop, I want to shop; when I want to donate to charity, I want to donate to a charity Msthat I choose. Why should corporations force me to subsidize their favorite woke causes every time I do business with them?"
From Airbnb to Zillow, You Subsidize Abortion When You Patronize These Companies
- ". . . the consequences for companies funding abortion travel could be severe, depending on how vigorously a local prosecutor wants to pursue individual cases."
Companies Covering Workers' Abortion Costs Can Expect Legal Challenges
- "You're not my lawyer."
Bill Maher Breaks Down Exactly Why Americans Are Fleeing the Left
- "Bill Barr is funnier than Bill Burr."
Netflix’s New Woke Comedy Special is Deeply Unfunny
- "The Catechism of Radical Social Change takes root."
The Jesuit Transformation of the Catholic Church
- “Top Gun: Maverick doesn’t apologize for its patriotism or equivocate about America’s leading role in the world, and there’s no global coalition to depend on when a dangerous international threat arises in the film.”
Top Gun: Maverick Surpasses $1 Billion at Box Office
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:25 AM
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