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June 23, 2022
The Morning Report — 6/23/22
Good morning, kids. Thursday and I'm sure you're all relieved to know that the massive amnesty sellout that John Cornyn has been promising is all a giant misunderstanding. No, really!
As the Senate voted to advance gun legislation on Tuesday night, which arose from Cornyn’s negotiations with Democrats, Cornyn told Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA), “First guns, now it’s immigration.”
In response to Cornyn’s comment, Sinema said, “That’s right, we’re going to do it.”
The comment drew swift backlash from former Trump administration officials such as Andrew Surabian, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA), and House Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Jim Banks (IN).
“From selling out on gun control to selling out on amnesty in light speed,” Surabian said. . .
. . . After the backlash, Cornyn claimed that he was merely joking and that no immigration talks are expected to occur.
“The Democrats and their allies in the media really can’t take a joke. There’s no secret amnesty bill,” Cornyn told Breitbart News on Wednesday morning. His office confirmed to Breitbart News that the senator’s remark was made purely in jest.
Despite Cornyn’s claim, the Texas senator has called for negotiations that would provide amnesty for illegal aliens in the past.
That Cornyn. What a cut-up he is! Does he do kids, er, I mean does he do kids parties?! I'm only joking! See, I can be a comedian too. But John Cornyn isn't just a master of refined comedy, he does tragedy like nobody's business. Actually, more like horror:
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) brushed off NRA opposition to his gun control package Wednesday, noting that the gun rights group cannot be allowed to “veto good public policy.”
Breitbart News reported that the Senate gun control package negotiated by Cornyn, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), and others, was put before the public on Tuesday. . .
. . . The NRA responded to the gun control by saying it “falls short at every level.”
They added, “This legislation can be abused to restrict lawful gun purchases, infringe upon the rights of law-abiding Americans, & use fed dollars to fund gun control measures being adopted by state & local politicians” . . .
. . . reports that Cornyn spoke to MSNBC Wednesday and said, “We worked with the NRA to listen to their concerns. But in the end I think they simply — they have a membership and a business model that will not allow them to support any legislation. And so I understand where they’re coming from, but I think most people will not allow any outside group to veto good public policy.”
Forget the NRA itself and just focus on its membership and its mission. For the umpteenth frigging time since the sun first burned bright in our solar system, Mr. Cornyn:
Not that I necessarily would own or let alone afford one, but if I wanted to own a 20mm cannon or even a hundred of them, I have the God-given right to do so. I could care fuck-all for the Firearms Control Act of 1934 and every other unconstitutional edict that has come afterward up to and including this travesty. And I don't necessarily care if anyone else owns one either because, after everything I have seen and heard in just the past two years alone, I trust the ordinary American citizen more than I trust this government by a factor that approaches infinity. I'd say "google" but that word has tragically ironic meaning in this case, but I digress.
John Cornyn, like every other slimy tyrannical cancerous worm of this junta, has done us a favor by yet again revealing the illusion of the American two party system, give and take, advise and consent and all the rest we deluded ourselves into believing had been maintained and preserved since 1789. Gone goodbye, probably decades ago but for sure since 1/6/21. The only reason for gun control is to remove all opposition to tyrannical government. Period.
And if you think they're going to stop at this, think again:
Murphy stated, “[F]or 30 years in Washington, the NRA got everything they wanted, and if the NRA opposed a bill, it was essentially dead letter. That’s not the case any longer and that is because, over time, citizens have organized, and especially in the wake of Uvalde, when senators went home, they heard loud and clear from their constituents that this time, doing nothing could not be an option. The fear and the anxiety was just palpable in this country. So, yes, the NRA is opposed to this bill and there are going to be somewhere between 15 and 20 Republican senators that are going to vote for it, which I think sort of paves the way for even more progress in the future, now that we have broken this logjam. That’s maybe the legacy of the bill in the long run.”
"More progress in the future." Progress. Like progressively more odious controls not just on firearms but on speech, access to information, access to capital (the approaching complete collapse of our economy notwithstanding), access to food, access to medical care, access to our children and on and on and on. Now THAT is what I call "progressivism." Progressively enslaving you mind, body and soul. Bit by bit or in one fell swoop.
In the end, though, nothing will change in our political environment. Today, the corrupt corporate media and Democrats will herald the law as breaking a “logjam,” the first gun “safety” law in 30 years. This is untrue. Congress has passed numerous gun laws. Thousands of gun laws and regulations exist in the United States. No right has ever been more regulated. And, in a few days, Democrats will return to accusing Republicans of supporting terrorism and abetting child murder. Senators like Murphy will be back to demanding bans on semi-automatic rifles and arguing for backdoor national registries. Within weeks, if not earlier, the media will tell us that the bill was a mere, tiny, first step in bringing the United States in line with other civilized countries. For one side, the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” will be a fleeting win, for the other, an incremental step in a crusade to limit national gun ownership.
In a way, the tyrants don't necessarily need gun control legislation. The greatest gun control that exists is our own side's absolute abhorrence of violence, our tolerance and our strong Judeo-Christian ethic as embodied in the 6th Commandment. Regardless of the restrictions put upon the 2-A, the fact remains that nearly perhaps as much as two thirds of this country, some 220 million people, are legally armed to the teeth and have acted accordingly and responsibly in keeping and bearing arms. Yet at what point are those 220 million of us going to "Break Glass, Pull Handle" as it were?
No, Moloch Garland, I am not here calling for armed insurrection, though all things considered, the reasons that led to Lexington and Concord were far less egregious than the depredations we have endured so far. And they're only going to get worse. The very ethics, morality and Christian charity that courses through our hearts and minds inures us to such an extent to the slings and arrows as to almost be an Achilles heel. Really, how much more of this are we going to have to endure before someone or all of us collectively shout enough and take to heart the H.L. Mencken quote that Ace has at the top of the masthead of this site?
Maybe it's logistics, or maybe we're just not there yet.
Last Tuesday, BlazeTV host Steve Deace tweeted a harrowing message from a “January Sixther” that demonstrates how far what is happening regarding Jan. 6 really is from actual justice, and shows that it is all a dirty political game in which Democrats are victimizing decent people in order to prop up their ridiculous and baseless “insurrection” narrative.
“I am a husband and father who has zero criminal history,” this man wrote to Deace, “and I am looking at years in prison AFTER I took a plea. You may ask why would people take a plea if they are innocent? Innocent has nothing to do with this as my lawyer has told over and over again. This is payback. There are only a handful of representatives in DC that care about us. The vast majority couldn’t care less.”
The man explains: “I wasn’t violent, I didn’t break anything, I didn’t steal anything and that doesn’t matter. I lost my 6 figure income, friends, and my family is a wreck. I had the FBI in my home, I was brought before a judge in shackles. And I am a lucky one. I got to remain free till sentencing. So this is the country that I now live in. Where the powerful few can attack an elected president attempting to removing him for 4 years and where elections no longer matter.”
This is from a person who was unarmed, non-violent and merely showed up to DC to exercise his First Amendment right to free speech as a means of redressing grievance of his government. In this context, the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse looms large. At least, it would loom large if we had a just and stable law with political leaders who had the morals and ethics to abide by them.
We do not. And so, all bets are off. Dark days, my friends. Dark days.
- "The NRA responded to the gun control by saying it 'falls short at every level.'”
John Cornyn Brushes Off NRA Opposition: They Can’t Be Allowed to "Veto Good Public Policy"
- "The bill could be passed later this week by the Senate and then move onto the House, where it is expected to pass. The bill would then go to [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden’s desk."
Gun Control Bill Advances in the Senate — With Help From 14 Republicans
- "‘I will oppose the Senate bill because provisions in it would place additional unnecessary impediments and burdens on [a] law-abiding citizen’s right to own a firearm,’ McCarthy told The Federalist." (means nothing as the Dems control the House - jjs)
House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Rejects Senate Gun Grab
- David Harsanyi: "In their rush to ‘do something,’ Republicans are supporting a vague, open-ended bill that will almost surely be abused."
The "Do Something" Gun Control Bill Does Little But Erode Rights
- "That’s why we’re moving ahead. . . But if you do nothing and you just go home, then we’ve got nothing. And that’s why it’s so important to pass this bill on a bipartisan basis.”
Klobuchar: Senate Gun Bill "Paves the Way" for Other Gun Control Measures
- "So, yes, the NRA is opposed to this bill and there are going to be somewhere between 15 and 20 Republican senators that are going to vote for it, which I think sort of paves the way for even more progress in the future, now that we have broken this logjam. That’s maybe the legacy of the bill in the long run.”
Dem Sen. Murphy: Senate Gun Bill Getting GOP Support Paves "the Way for Even More"
* * * * *
- "The bill places the government’s tentacles all over Americans’ rights to obtain and keep arms."
The Senate "Gun Safety" Bill is Worse Even Than I Thought
- David Marcus: "Under Red Flag Laws how many innocent American gun owners will have to undergo interrogation because a neighbor didn’t like what they said at a school board meeting? How many grudges will law enforcement have to negotiate? What’s the balance here? Are Americans going to subject themselves to these tests from the state just in order to own a gun? By what authority?"
Red Flag Laws Are Ripe for Abuse. Americans Are Right to Reject Them.
- "The Senate’s compromise legislation would likely have a modest impact—on both firearms violence and Second Amendment rights." (any effect, no matter how seemingly slight is unacceptable, and this bill is horrendous on every level - jjs_
Sizing Up the Gun Bill
- "Last week, The Federalist reported the White House was preparing to shut down the Lake City ammo plant in northwestern Missouri."
White House Refuses To Deny Plans To Halt Future Civilian Ammo Sales From Lake City Plant
* * * * *
- "The decision comes as Arredondo continues to face criticism for his response to the May 24 mass shooting at Robb Elementary School that claimed the lives of 19 children and two teachers. Harrell said Lt. Mike Hernandez would assume Arredondo’s role for now, according to CNN."
Uvalde School District Police Chief Placed On Leave As Investigation Into Shooting Continues
- I suppose helping the Marxists disarm the American citizenry is a joke too, eh scumbag? Fuck you, Cornyn.
After Blowback, John Cornyn Claims He Was Joking About Immigration Deal: "No Secret Amnesty Bill"
- "In fact, immigration-pushers know perfectly well their policies hurt American workers. Former Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) confessed in an unguarded moment to a reporter that the arrival of additional immigrant workers is 'bad for blue-collars,' but that was OK because it would help elect more Democrats, who would pass bills to help workers (retroactively, I guess)."
Rising Wages for the Poor? The Left's Solution: More Immigration
- "Immigration most definitely should not be about a winning lottery ticket or a voucher for lifetime government support checks."
Our Litigious Aspiring Immigrants vs. America
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden’s deputies are firing some of the pro-American immigration judges appointed by President Donald Trump. Immigration judges are hired by the Department of Justice to decide when migrants should be deported or allowed to stay in the United States."
Axed Judge Speaks Out on DOJ Effort to Pack Immigration Courts with Amnesty Judges
- "We're in a revolutionary period."
Victor Davis Hanson Issues Dire Prediction for Future of America
- Robert Spencer: ". . . The one they supported."
The Democrats’ Insurrection Circus Ignores the Real Insurrection
- "No one is standing in the gate to protect us from this growing tidal wave of hate."
They’re Not After Me, They’re After You
- "[Chinese] COVID, assassination attempts, and other weapons of the Left can’t keep these men down."
The Unstoppable Steve Scalise and Clarence Thomas
- "Americans must forge a path ahead." (rah rah, I guess - jjs)
The Way Forward
- "Authorities allege that Roske traveled across state lines with the intent to kill Kavanaugh. . . If Roske is convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of life in prison for attempting to assassinate a United States justice." (he'll probably draw Judge Emmett Sullivan, right? - jjs)
Armed Man Found Near Kavanaugh Home Pleads Not Guilty To Attempted Murder
- "The two Arizona juveniles have been arrested after allegedly shooting at police officers while the officers were investigating a burglary case."
13-Year-Old Arrested After Shooting at Police, Wanted to "Murder a Police Officer": Authorities
* * * * *
- Margot Cleveland: "Stealing an election by fraud is not the only way to rig an outcome. Elections are rigged when systemic violations of election law occur."
J6 Committee Focuses on Election Fraud Claims While Ignoring Tactics Used to Rig the 2020 Election
- “Because Donald Trump is not a lawyer and he can say, oh, my lawyers told me this, even though we all know it’s garbage, he has a putative defense, a possible defense,” Goldman said. (yeah, whatever; Lavrenty Garland and a DC jury would have Trump sitting in Old Sparky in a New York second - jjs)
CNN Dumps More Cold Water on Chances Jan. 6 Show Will Lead to Trump Indictment
- "A tornado of destruction follows Bill and Hillary like the cloud of dust that trails behind Pigpen."
Memo to the Clintons: Please Go Away and Don’t Come Back
- "Rising gas prices have emerged as a top voter issue heading into the midterms, which does not bode well for [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden and Democrats, both of whom have continued to deflect, constantly blaming others for the current state of affairs in the country."
Poll: 92 Percent Say Rising Gas Prices a "Serious" Problem in Biden’s America
- "During a speech delivered from the White House-crafted fake Oval Office set — which he reportedly uses so that he can stay on a script from a teleprompter — Biden called on Congress to enact a 'three-month gas tax holiday' and suspend the 18.4 cents federal gas tax to help alleviate pain at the pump for Americans this summer."
Biden Implies America’s Options Are Either High Gas Prices or Putin Controlling Europe
- "During the 2008 presidential campaign, then-candidate Barack Obama ridiculed his opponents for advocating for the temporary solution. More recently, when asked about a potential gas tax holiday, Pelosi told reporters this past spring that the idea does not actually help consumers."
Pelosi, Obama Have Blasted Gas Tax Holiday Proposals as "Show Biz" and a "Gimmick"
- "Wasn’t this what Democrats wanted?"
Video: More Emergency Services Not Responding to 911 Calls Due To Soaring Gas Prices
- "In April, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced the new Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards that automobile manufacturers must adhere to through 2026. Unfortunately, the new rule is likely to lead to a shortage of new gasoline-powered cars in the coming years while massively hiking the price of battery-powered electric vehicles (EV) as well as cars powered by internal combustion engines (ICE)."
New MPG Rule Will Exacerbate Existing Car Shortage
- "Marcy Kaptur blames oil companies for 'gouging consumers' after taking thousands from their PACs."
This Ohio Dem Loves Taking Big Oil’s Money. Now She Needs a High Gas Price Scapegoat.
- [Sen. Bill] Hagerty asked Powell, “Given how inflation has escalated over the past 18 months, would you say that the war in Ukraine is the primary driver of inflation in America?” “No, inflation was high before — certainly before the war in Ukraine broke out,” Powell said.
Not "Putin’s Price Hike": Fed Chair Powell Breaks With Biden on Inflation
- “You know, I’m just going to say this. If I get dinged for it, I don’t care." (you should only get dinged with a baseball bat in the teeth, rhetorically speaking - jjs)
WaPo’s Singletary: "Stop Complaining," "Calm Down" About Inflation — You Are "Not Suffering"
- "Embarrassing and shameful."
Videos: White House Has Given No Updates on Baby Formula Crisis for Over a Month
- "The FTC chair presses on with her quest to structure markets from the top down—to the detriment of the economy, consumers, and her own employees."
Khan’s Crusade
- A malthusian megalomaniac who makes Blofeld look like Gandhi is the last person who should be allowed to control our food supply.
Attorney General Intervenes After Bill Gates Buys a Massive Amount of Farmland in North Dakota
- "Bill will prevent police from arresting suspected prostitutes."
"Perfect If You Want Sex Trafficking": California Takes Possible First Step Toward Legalizing Prostitution
- “You know, when Yuri Bezmenov, the KGB defector said that the way to destabilize a society is by releasing the criminals, I think he may have been on to something,” said Posobiec referring to the former KGB agent and propaganda expert who defected to Canada in the 1970s.
Jack Posobiec:: Burglary Crews Are Flying to Los Angeles From South America for Crime Tourism
- "Some law-enforcement officials remember how to make cities safe."
Precision Prosecution
- "What do mental health and mental illness have to do with mass murders and increasing violence in society? Virtually nothing."
Psychiatric Failure in Confronting Mass Murderers
- David Harsanyi: "Sports Illustrated, a once-respected magazine, pushes banal, predictable, anti-religious propaganda."
Once-Great Sports Illustrated is Now Just Another Bullhorn for Attacks on the First Amendment
- "Congress should preserve the patent system and support the U.S. innovation economy, especially when we face increasing challenges from global competitors like China. It’s time to say no to Big Tech’s continuing political machinations in weakening the patent system."
Big Tech's Sticky Fingers Are Still at Work in Washington
- "This moment calls for important reporting on the wave of abortion laws unfolding at statehouses, but newsrooms are only interested in stories that support the pro-abortion agenda."
As Dobbs Decision Nears, Corporate Media Abortion Propaganda Machine Is Firing On All Cylinders
- Humberto Fontova: "Look who's in trouble now."
Anti-Communists Sue Netflix for Defamation
- Miranda Devine: "Among the gems [Ari Fleischer] uncovers is the political affiliation of the White House press corps, 'the elite of the elites,' who set the national agenda. Of the 49 reporters in the White House briefing room on June 7, 2021, Fleischer found that 'by a ratio of 12:1, the seats were occupied by Democrats.' And boy does it show." (meh, the one GOPer is probably a NeverTrump globalist - jjs)
The Mainstream Media's Lies on the Secret Migrant Flights
- "An ancient method of analyzing information that allows people to see and understand all sides of an issue can reinvigorate public discourse."
We Can Break the Computer Algorithms Destroying Critical Thinking
- ". . . Despite what the fact checkers originally claimed."
SHOT (literally): Study Shows Pfizer’s Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine DOES Lower Men’s Sperm Count
- Between transexual disfigurement and the above, we'll be depopulated in no time at all.
CHASER: Biden Brags "We’re the Only Country in the World" Giving Chinese COVID Vaccines to Children
- ". . . the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, charged with enforcing tyrannical shot and testing mandates, have exempted their own employees. You read that right."
Feds Who Enforce Chinese COVID Shot Mandates Exempt Themselves From Chinese COVID Shot Mandates
- "The move from Publix aligns with the position taken by Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) when the EUAs for children under five were first announced. While DeSantis did not — as some reported — bar private health care providers from ordering doses of the vaccine for younger children, he also did not authorize the state and local health departments to offer the vaccine to that age group."
Publix Won’t Do Chinese COVID Vax For Kids Under 5 — Offers No Explanation
- “SUSD manipulated public input and silenced the voices of parents in order to advance its own agenda,” Brnovich said in a statement. “This type of bad school behavior demands expulsion.”
Arizona Attorney General Sues School Board That Allegedly Sought To Silence Outspoken Parents
- "Since when did it become the job of teachers to talk about sex and gender with little kids? What happened to simply teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic? The more the schools try to sneak this type of improper material into the classrooms, the louder and louder the parents will become. It is always dangerous to threaten the cubs of a grizzly bear."
Today's Blacklisted American: School Board Threatens Parent With Lawsuit if She Doesn't Shut Up
- "Her fanaticism on the abortion issue only adds frosting to the cake of her incompetence in fighting crime, repairing roads, creating jobs, and improving the lives of New Yorkers."
Hopeless Hochul and Westchester County Attack Pregnancy Centers
- "The door is open for pro-lifers."
Libertarian Party Drops Pro-Abortion Plank
- "The topic every 8-year-old child wants to know more about!"
Prager U Video: Will Witt Reads - What's An Abortion Anyway?
- Hans Von Spakovsky: "Put simply, the Democratic commissioners are violating federal law. By refusing to disclose that meritless complaints have been dismissed, they are misleading the public and the courts and aiding and abetting their allies’ attempts to smear their political opponents. As their fellow commissioners noted, this cynical abuse of power “exercises a corrosive influence on” the commission and “undermines fundamental fairness” and “foundational notions of due process” for candidates, political parties, and independent organizations who participate in the political process."
Democrat Commissioners Weaponize FEC Against Heritage Action, Other Organizations
- "Nguyen claimed during a January MSNBC appearance that legislation eliminating drop boxes was part of an 'assault on our democracy'” and an attempt to “install minority rule.” Georgia did not use absentee ballot drop boxes until the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic, and a proposal to eliminate them entirely has not passed."
Dem Nominated for Georgia Secretary of State Repeatedly Claimed Election Integrity Law Is "Voter Suppression"
- "Elizabeth Frawley Bagley decried ‘the influence of the Jewish lobby’ and its ‘major money.’"
"The Jewish Factor, It’s Money": Biden Ambassador Pick Under Fire for Anti-Semitic Tirade
- "The Supreme Court rejects policies that exclude faith-based schools from private-school-choice programs."
A Victory for Religious Liberty and Educational Pluralism
- "Arkansas's anti-BDS law—which bars state contractors from waging economic warfare on Israel—'does not violate the First Amendment,' the court concluded, rejecting arguments from activists that banning state contractors from engaging in Israel boycotts violates their free speech rights."
Anti-Semites Lose: Federal Court Upholds Arkansas Anti-BDS Law
- "Marc Elias is a glutton for punishment. Fresh off a string of embarrassing defeats in court, the Democrat superlawyer revealed Wednesday that he is representing Andrew Gillum, the Democratic Florida gubernatorial nominee who lost to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R.) in 2018. Gillum faces a 21-count indictment for conspiracy, fraud, and making false statements, supported by detailed financial records and testimony from undercover agents."
Dem Super-Shyster Marc Elias Adds Corrupt Florida Pol To Loser Client List
- Victor Davis Hanson: "The point is not just the asymmetrical treatment that has shielded Biden’s cognitive decline, his rude outbursts, his outrageous racialist slurs, and bizarre sexual aggressiveness. Instead, the Left now fears Biden’s terrible polls and a worse record—and the resulting damage he is doing to the Democrat Party."
Why the Left Will Cut Biden Loose
- "Big changes need to happen at the White House or Democrats will want a different nominee in 2024."
Biden Confidant: Start Firing People or Pack Your Bags
- "Another portent of doom for Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections."
Democrats Face Disaster From Their Racialist Identity Politics
- "If the country is to have a future, it isn’t the 57-gender-obsessed groomer Democrats or the John Cornyns and the Lindsay Grahams of the GOP who will get us there. It’s going to be those 'radical' populist-sounding Young Turks still crazy enough to believe in strange notions like fiscal responsibility and Constitutional protections for people of all colors and persuasions."
Catch 2022: Democrats Can't Win With Radicals, GOP Can't Win Without Them
- "Val Demings hopes 'Gamers for Demings' posts on Chinese app TikTok will take down Marco Rubio."
Florida Dem Promotes "Children’s Game With a Sex Problem" to Court Voters
- "Is there any elected politician (who’s not currently a senile old man) who is a worse speaker than Kamala Harris?"
Kamala Harris Needs To Spend Some Time At Toastmasters
- “Israel appears to have escalated its targeted killings and other gray-zone operations inside Iran in recent months,” the report said, but added Jerusalem does not let Washington know in advance of carrying out operations. (good; Washington DC is now an enemy capital - jjs)
Report: Israel Keeping U.S. in the Dark About Anti-Nuke Ops in Iran
- "Member states open their pockets to the Palestinians — without conditions.'"
The European Union’s Capitulation to the Palestinian Authority
- "The letter from Qatar’s ambassador. . . is unlikely to alleviate Republican concerns about Wittes’s role at the Brookings Institution think tank, which raked in at least $22 million from Qatar during her employment."
"Proud" of Funding: Qatar Defends Work With Biden USAID Nominee in Letter to Senate
- "Historic floods across southern and eastern China have forced tens of thousands of people to evacuate the region in recent days and caused over $253 million in economic damage, Xinhua, China’s official state agency, reported on Tuesday." (sorry for the people; time to overthrow your evil government - jjs)
Southern China Floods Displace Tens of Thousands of Residents
- "Six years after the Brexit vote, Britain is still drifting toward disaster."
What’s Wrong With the Brits?
- You know who else the Germans forced to buy train tickets against their will . . .
Berlin Deputy Mayor: Force Everyone To Buy Monthly Public Transport Tickets Even if They Don’t Use It
- “Among the materials uncovered by Judicial Watch were presentations about ‘whiteness,’ ‘Critical Race Theory and Policy’ and ‘Queer Theory and Policy.'”
Critical Race and Gender Ideology Infiltrating West Point, Judicial Watch Reports
- "A mistake? A hack? A diversity effort? Just weird? . . . DOJ was announcing an 'environmental justice investigation" of the Alabama Department of Public Health and Lowndes County Health Department,' which have nothing to do with China."
DOJ News Release Says: 部和朗德茲郡衛生局進行環境司法調查
- "Florida is going to have to make more room."
Massachusetts “Millionaire’s Tax” Surcharge Referendum Can Appear on Ballot, Highest State Court Rules
- "The removal is part of an effort at the FDA under [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden to reduce nicotine consumption and nicotine levels in U.S. products. The agency announced in June it will also develop a proposed rule to establish a maximum nicotine level in cigarettes and other tobacco products." (but pot should be legalized, right? - jjs)
Smoke ‘Em While You Got ‘Em: Biden Junta Rips Juul E-Cigarettes Off the Market
- "Thus, the battlelines appear to drawn. On one side we have the new low orbit smallsat satellite constellations (SpaceX and OneWeb). On the other we have ground-based companies and older large satellites in higher orbit (Viasat and Dish)."
The Battle Lines and Alliances Shift Over Big Satellite Constellations in Space
- "The InSight science team has decided to continue to operate the lander’s seismometer through August rather than turning it off at the end of June, even though that longer use will drain InSight’s batteries sooner and kill the lander shortly thereafter. The previous plan would have allowed the lander to survive through the end of the year, but would have meant no earthquake data would have been gathered after June."
InSight Team Decides to Shorten Lander Life to Operate Seismometer Longer
- Daniel Greenfield: "Male Democrats under 50 are now more anti-feminist than older Republican men."
The Left Lost the "Sex Wars" Among Young Male Democrats
- "These results come from the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, which started in April 2020 after the beginning of the [Chinese] COVID pandemic, and which last July started asking respondents about their sexual orientation." (time for mass deprogramming and conversion therapy - jjs)
Census Bureau: "LGBT Adults…Reported Roughly Twice the Rate of Mental Health Challenges as Non-LGBT Adults"
- "While real women are fighting for equality in female sports, Rapinoe is nail-gunning her industry to death before young girls can have a chance at the big time."
Woke Wednesday! Sit Down, Rapinoe. A Man Is Speaking (up for Women)
- “So someone came to my tour show a few weeks back and was offended by one of the jokes. And their perfectly understandable response to this was … to call the fucking police.”
Police Open Investigation on Comedian — For Telling a Joke
- "The news comes following the recent release of Lightyear from Disney/Pixar, which reportedly included a same-sex kiss between two female animated characters in the movie. The movie has been banned in 14 countries."
Disney’s Strange World Animated Film To Include Openly Gay Teen Romance
- "Acclaimed director of TFW NO GF returns with new feature film."
New Movie Asks is Alex Jones a “Dangerous Lunatic” or a “Patriotic Hero?"
- "Triumph the Insult Comic Dog goes the way of all comedy ca. 2022."
6/16, Never Forget
- "Woke commissars cannot be allowed to terrorize employees."
Unions Don’t Serve Employees Against Woke Management
- "Money nowadays is territory."
What Changes a Culture? Free Money Is Dangerous
- "Eight members of the medical team that tended to all-time soccer great Diego Maradona before his death two years ago have been charged with homicide in Argentina."
Maradona’s Medical Team Charged With Homicide In Soccer Legend’s Death
- "It really is an ice-blue, terrifying movie about people you love. But Mark Seal’s Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli does a much more entertaining job of telling its story than the bloated, and often highly fictionalized ten-hour tale The Offer tries, and ultimately fails, to tell."
The Godfather at 50: Skip The Offer, Take "The Cannoli"
- Christian Toto: "Ethan Hawke's serial killer enters pantheon of creepy film monsters."
Black Phone Delivers First-Rate Chills with a Retro ’70s Vibe
- "Bill Blass should be remembered for the way he revolutionized American fashion, paving the way for young designers even today."
American Success Story and Designer Bill Blass Turns 100
- "Donahue’s family said one of their proudest moments was when a cashier told them once he had quietly opened his own wallet and paid the difference for a shopper who couldn’t afford their groceries." (how many potential Phillips have been murdered in the womb, or Einsteins or Mozarts or Michelangelos? - jjs)
Massachusetts Store Employee with Down Syndrome Retires After Decades: "A Beloved Presence"
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:27 AM
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