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June 20, 2022
The Morning Report - 6/20/22
GASOLINE: ↑$5.107 (Last Week: $4.977, 2018 Annual Avg.: $2.74)
DIESEL: ↑$5.718 (Last Week: $5.703, 2018 Annual Avg.: $3.00)
MILK*: ↑$4.20 (May) (April: $4.01, 2018 Annual Avg.: $2.90)
*monthly price
MEAN TWEETS: n/a (Last Week: n/a, 2018: $ !%#*%!!!)
Good morning, kids. Monday and the summer solstice brings with it yet another week of bread and circuses. Except bread, and everything else, is becoming unaffordable if not unavailable but circuses we've got in spades. On a positive note, a bit of sanity as "swimming’s world governing body, FINA, announced a ban Sunday on biological men competing in women’s events, unless they had 'transitioned' before the age of 12." A bit of a groin-kick to frauds and sickos like John Thomas-tucking "Lia" Thomas as well as the Kalorama junta pushing this nightmare on us and our children. The estimable Miranda Devine notes:
Joe Biden probably thought his executive order last week, “Advancing Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Individuals,” was a winner twice over. . . The [so-called quote-unquote "president's"] radical order overrides state laws which protect parents’ rights and girls’ sports and it promotes transgender drugs and surgery for children.
But it will backfire on him spectacularly at the ballot box, as parents wake up to the damage of this near-decade of cruel experimentation on children.
The tide is turning as more “detransitioners,” now young adults, tell their tales of woe.
There are a couple of links about that aforementioned tragedy in the Feminazism/Homosexualization section, and one hyperlinked in this article, but if that doesn't depress you, a brief scan of the links should send you rushing to the liquor cabinet and/or medicine chest.
Emasculation and disfigurement perfectly captures what is happening to this country. Looking back, Trump's unexpected victory in 2016 — unexpected by the junta — only paused what was supposed to be the the coup de grace to America as founded of a Hillary regime. We're getting it now with Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants, good and hard. He may shamble and stumble up the stairs to Air Force One or fall off a bicycle like he did on Saturday, but none of this disaster is by accident. America is being forcibly "transitioned." Friend and friend of the blog Michael Walsh:
At the opening of the 1950 classic film noir, D.O.A., Edmund O'Brien strides purposefully into a big-city police station, proceeds down long, endless corridors, and finally arrives at a door marked Homicide Division. "I want to report a murder," he says to the head detective. "Who was murdered?" asks the cop. "I was," replies O'Brien.
In this, year two of the dreadful [junta] of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., we Americans know just how he feels. From the moment this blustering blowhard of a United States senator of no accomplishment from a meaningless state took office in January 2021, he has been busily poisoning the country for the simple reason that he can, he wants to, and there is no one to stop him. . .
. . .Since Robinette took office, gas prices have more than doubled, part of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has been emptied, our hard-won energy independence achieved during the Trump era has been frittered away, and we've been reduced to begging erstwhile enemies like the "kingdom" of Saudi Arabia to do the jobs Americans just can't be allowed to do. If this looks like a conspiracy to you, don't worry: it is. And one that the conspirators have been quite open about for decades. They're a suicide cult, hell-bent on killing us as well as themselves . . .
. . . So those high prices for gasoline and the long, chaotic lines and canceled flights at the airports are not a bug, they're the lynchpin of the whole scheme, which is itself part and parcel of the entire Great Reset project (about which much more tomorrow; watch this space). In order for the Lords of Davos to control you they must first curtail and control your freedom of movement, and what better way to do that than to make the price of oil prohibitively expensive? First your cars stop moving, then the trucks that deliver almost everything of value, including food, to the stores. An inability to move freely and without government oversight will vanish as computers take over your automobiles and which, when they are fully electric, can be disabled at will. As they like to say: You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy.
What better metaphor, then, for the parlous state of our national affairs than the sight of Biden on his keister after toppling off his bike over the weekend. This frail, thoroughly nasty man with some very peculiar tendencies and an immediate family that might best be described as Caligulan in its behavior, not only embarrassed himself but the country he pretends to lead. "I'm good," he said after his tumble, which may be his biggest and most brazen lie of them all.
Yeah, you'll own nothing and be happy. And if you open your mouth, you'll have your legs broken:
One of the hallmarks of authoritarianism is the crushing of free expression. Speaking against the state is not allowed. What, then, to make of the Biden’s [junta's] efforts to silence Americans. . .
. . . Though he served under the pen-and-phone president, Joe Biden has not issued an executive order that would prohibit challenges to the green narrative. This is not necessarily to his credit, because, for now, the administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress want to enlist the private sector to censor speech it doesn’t like.
This became clearer than ever in an interview last week in which White House National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy, the Obama EPA director whose current “job” should not even exist, said “tech companies have to stop allowing specific individuals over and over again to spread disinformation.”
“We need the tech companies to really jump in,” she added.
McCarthy’s friendly media inquisitor set up this useless bureaucrat to further endorse speech-policing when she asked: “Isn’t misinformation and disinfo around climate a threat to public health itself?”
To which McCarthy replied: “Oh, absolutely”. . .
. . . The First Amendment doesn’t specify what speech can and cannot be uttered, and says no law can be made to abridge it. The Democrats want to circumvent this protection by using the executive branch and private companies to purge opinions, comments, and information that threaten their power. We make no apologies in saying that this is tyranny.
At this point, they could care fuck-all for the First Amendment, certainly not the Second and every other amendment and the parchment it was written on. Unless of course they can use it both as a shield and cudgel to wrest absolute power forever. Then, it's no more than toilet paper for the Oval Office shitter. They've stolen elections, created Reichstag Fire entrapment scams and locked up political prisoners without due process rights, are hosting kangaroo courts, utilized phony pandemic health scares to seize extra-constitutional powers, looking to institute a Ministry of Truth, unleashing criminals as well as state-sanctioned terror squads to silence enemies "by any means necessary," erasing our borders, trying to disarm the populace and now intentionally knee-capping our economy as a means to seize control of it. Ultimately, they aim to seize absolute control over us.
On the bright side, more and more people heretofore more concerned with the Kardashians or who's on Page Six of the NY Post are getting a dose of reality right in the wallet. Not going to sugarcoat it. We are heading for a disaster that I don't think even elections are going to prevent or even mitigate. This is a fin de siècle and quite possibly an interregnum. Things are going to get very ugly and sooner than we imagine the way things are going. It is a tragedy of the human condition, and for sure our historic nature as Americans that we have to bring ourselves to the point of an existential crisis in order to solve our problems. Each time, we have overcome them but at a terrible cost and not necessarily learning from the mistakes that created those crises, and setting ourselves up for an inevitable and even greater one to face.
This time, with everything we have to deal with, the situation is very much in doubt. Keep the faith, and your powder dry.
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Scalise shooter James Hodgkinson overlooked, Reagan shooter John Hinckley goes free."
Domestic Terrorism Ignored
- "The French have a name — lèse majesté — for speaking against the state. The Democrats call it 'disinformation' and are determined to shut it down."
A Tyranny Brews In Washington
- "A White House official asks tech companies to settle normative questions surrounding climate change."
Climate McCarthyism
- Michael Walsh: "From the moment this blustering blowhard of a United States senator of no accomplishment from a meaningless state took office in January 2021, he has been busily poisoning the country for the simple reason that he can, he wants to, and there is no one to stop him. . . What better metaphor, then, for the parlous state of our national affairs than the sight of Biden on his keister after toppling off his bike over the weekend. This frail, thoroughly nasty man with some very peculiar tendencies and an immediate family that might best be described as Caligulan in its behavior, not only embarrassed himself but the country he pretends to lead. 'I'm good,' he said after his tumble, which may be his biggest and most brazen lie of them all."
Dead on Arrival
- "Colbert caper demonstrates that Democrats are the party of lies, phony probes, and staged TV hearings."
Another Schiff Show -- with Stephen Colbert
- “Joking aside, how could they not be held for a year and a half in solitary confinement without being charged?” Carlson continued. “Because the precedent is in place. And how in the world can Adam Schiff, again, who spent the last year and a half eliminating the civil liberties of Trump voters on the basis of January 6, do the exact same thing and not face punishment?”
Tucker Carlson Knows What Should Be Done to Stephen Colbert’s Staffers Arrested at Capitol
- Margot Cleveland: "The Jan. 6 Committee completely sidestepped the verifiable evidence of systemic violations of election law, illegal voting, and more."
Jan. 6 Committee Ignores Clear Evidence Of Mass Illegal Voting, Systematically Broken Election Laws
- "What we need are facts."
CNN Legal Analysts Throw Cold Water On Charging Trump For Jan. 6
- "Trump did no such thing."
The Jan. 6 Committee’s Bogus Insurrection Incitement Charge
- Thad McCotter: "Are Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger accomplices after the fact?"
A Cretinous Beltway Reproduction of a Stalinist Show Trial
- "Our political class is so out of touch that it could not see this collective yawn coming."
House January 6 Committee is Failing But Doesn't Know Why
- “Here is the letter. Addressed to my wife, sent to my home, threatening the life of my family. The Darkness is spreading courtesy of cowardly leaders fearful of truth. Is this what you want @GOP? Pastors?” (traitorous, lying scumbag - jjs)
"Is This What You Want?" :Rep. Kinzinger Slams His Own Party Over Letter Threatening His Family
* * * * *
- "Jane's Revenge is a domestic terrorist group, par excellence. Recently formed, it brags about blowing up crisis pregnancy centers. Worse, it is calling for a 'Night of Rage' on the day the Supreme Court is expected to overturn Roe v. Wade."
Catholic League President Bill Donohue Letter to AG: Garland Must Move on Jane's Revenge
- They were too busy cooking up more entrapment scams.
A Month and a Half After Dobbs Leak, FBI Says They Will Investigate Attacks on Pro-Life Groups, Pregnancy Centers
- "Mob rule is just dandy with Joe Biden and his ilk."
Brett Sent Us
- "The demonstration occurred just two days after [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden signed a bill to expand security protection for Supreme Court justices and their family members on Thursday."
Pro-Abortion Protestors March at Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Home With Blood and Doll Props
- ". . .many Democrats may secretly harbor a wish that a conservative justice gets 'removed,' opening the way for another Ketanji Brown Jackson." ("secretly?!" - jjs_
The Radical Left [redundancy] Literally Targets Amy Coney Barrett
- "Other lawsuits on behalf of other victims remain outstanding, and the taxpayers of Seattle will likely have to foot the bill for those cases as well. No investigations or hearings into any of this have been announced. No amount of money can make whole those who lost a family member and those in state, county, and local governments who enabled this debacle will likely never face true justice."
There Was an Insurrection. It Wasn't on January 6.
- "There’s nothing so dangerous as a politician who undermines the Bill of Rights during a moment of tragedy or crisis."
Congress Finds Even More Reasons to Disregard the Bill of Rights
- "Donald Trump’s election was not the genesis of a new white racial consciousness but rather, if anything, a consequence of identity politics run amok."
How to Create White Supremacy in Seven Easy Steps
- Blame capitalism and "gentrification" for his own party's policies that have kept blacks uneducated, separate and angry for decades. Adams is a polished turd; Bill DeBolshevik in disguise, but the sheen is wearing off.
Eric Adams Compares "Displacement" of Black New Yorkers to Slavery in Juneteenth Spiel
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Our current oil shortage did not arise from a foreign war or tsunami, but from a deliberate policy to curtail oil production to force a more rapid transition to battery-powered transportation."
Biden and Oil: Destroy America in Order to Save It
- "Like characters from a Mission Impossible movie, Biden’s energy sector leaders are true villains. They are dedicated to the destruction of the U.S. energy sector and wish for a lower quality of life for us that they themselves have no intention of living. The question before the country now is simple: are we going to let them do it?"
Behold, the Biden Energy "Brain Trust"
- ". . . media reports reflect the same reality and that it is Biden’s energy policies that have caused the domestic shortages."
Biden Presses Oil Industry to Increase Production as Refineries Already Running at Full Capacity
- “Given that the White House has announced their intention to nominate Chairman [Richard] Glick to another full term on the commission, it is of the utmost importance that this committee determine whether Commissioner Glick was indeed being truthful when he denied any White House involvement in the development of the controversial pipeline policy statements.”
Top US Energy Officials Appear To Be Stonewalling FOIA Requests For Secret White House Meetings
- “Feeling the pinch at the pump, farmers can decide to stop planting certain crops to save money on fuel, which, in turn, could result in higher food prices and even food shortages.”
Record Diesel Prices May Lead to Food Scarcity Crisis
- "Prices were already rising sharply a year ago, but the Federal Reserve missed the signals."
In Battle Against Soaring Inflation, Fed Chief Powell Is Out-to-Lunch
- "Women spend $150 million on period products a year, and the average price for a box of tampons has increased by 10% this year alone, data from NielsenIQ shows. For a single woman, the costs amount to $1,773 in her lifetime for tampons, and $4,752 if she is using pads, according to Pandia Health, an online birth control service."
Baby Formula, Childcare And Tampons: How the Most Vulnerable Are Suffering From One Shortage After Another
- “Well, I expect the economy to slow. It’s been growing at a very rapid rate as the labor market has recovered, and we’ve reached full employment, it’s natural now that we expect to transition to steady and stable growth. But I don’t think a recession is at all inevitable.”
Janet Yellen Admits Things Are About to Get Worse
- “All of that tells me that, while I wouldn’t presume whether to judge the timing, the dominant probability would be by the end of next year we will be seeing a recession in the American economy,” said [Larry] Summers, who also served as treasury secretary in the 1990s. He also said that this perspective had become the common view among a number of statistical models and forecasters.
Top Obama Economic Advisor: "Whole Range of Indicators" Point to Coming Recession
- "Inflation under [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden reached a record-high 8.6 percent in May, with the USDA forecasting food price increases as high as 20.5 percent. Consumers looking to indulge in a sugary sweet can expect to pay around 6 percent more than last year. Baked good prices are up at least 7 percent. Steak and lobster is running 6 to 8 percent more."
Inflation Dogs Americans Ahead of National Splurge Day
- "The people who can’t deliver on baby formula think they know what gender is right for your child."
Fantasies and Infant Formula
- “He’s taking credit for the simple fact that the pandemic ended and people were called back to work, which was going to happen anyway,” he added.
Joe Biden Claims He’s Led the "Greatest Job Recovery in American History." Economists Says That’s False
- "Could this be what President Trump meant in 2017, when he spoke of 'the calm before the storm?'"
The Coming Economic Storm
- "Corporations and financial special interests have long since realized that environmentalism is a means to control markets and capital."
The Lords of Scarcity
- "Every now and then droplets of reality splash on the noggins of the world’s big thinkers."
Russia’s Ukrainian Invasion May End the Monomaniacal Focus on Carbon Emissions
- "The Biden [junta] is paying lip service to investing in new nuclear technology — but China is actually doing it."
Does Nuclear Energy Have a Future in the US?
- "In northwestern Missouri, a major government-owned ammunition plant is now facing closure by the Biden [junta]."
White House Aims to Shut Down Ammunition Sales While Dems Claim to Engage in Good Faith Gun Talks
- "Holding gun makers responsible for gun crime would be a frontal assault on an industry, on our constitutional rights, and the principles of individual responsibility that undergird our legal system."
Lawsuits Against Gunmakers Are a Backdoor Gun Ban
- “There is concern that this is part of a broader effort to have any entity in the federal government buy up ammo to reduce the amount of ammunition that is in supply, while at the same time, making it harder to produce ammo.”
Rep. Matt Gaetz: Biden’s IRS Spent Approximately $700,000 on Ammo "Between March and June 1"
- "As always, the insane brainless calls for 'gun control' from the left have nothing to do with reducing crime. These draconian actions are entirely aimed at preventing ordinary Americans from having guns, on canceling the second amendment of the Bill of Rights, and for increasing the power of the government against those citizens so that it will have an easier time smashing its boot into their faces."
Today's Blacklisted American: Biden Junta Increases Closures of Gun Stores by 500
- "The Sun-Times points out 280 people were killed in Chicago January 1, 2022, through June 18, 2022."
Report: 32 Shot Friday into Sunday Morning in Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago
- “Law enforcement sources tell FOX 29’s Steve Keeley that White was released from prison in January and has a history of assaulting women prison guards in New York.” (summary execution - jjs)
Habitual Violent Criminal Released From Jail Arrested in Multiple Crimes, Suspect in Brutal Philadelphia Street Assault
- WikiLeaks said this was “a dark day for press freedom and for British democracy,” and called Patel “an accomplice of the United States in its agenda to turn investigative journalism into a criminal enterprise.”
Britain Orders Julian Assange to Be Extradited to US
- "Mother Jones, the unabashedly hard-left magazine, cannot get over the horror of what Simon & Schuster plans to do."
Simon & Schuster Will Distribute Jan. 6 Committee Report, But With a Twist
- "Musk hate: In the past twenty-four hours, the rising effort to damage SpaceX and Elon Musk by many in our generally petty and envious elitist culture reached new levels, as illustrated by two different stories."
Musk Sued Even as a Handful of Employees Organize to Slander Him
- "Scientists scrambling to determine why and how monkeypox transmission has changed."
CDC Publishes Guidance on How to Have Sex If Infected With Monkeypox
- "After years of hiding it, the World Health Organization is apparently admitting the truth behind closed doors."
FINALLY: WHO Chief Tedros Now Privately Accepts Chinese COVID-19 Wuhan Lab Leak "Conspiracy Theory," Claims Gov't Source
- ". . . above all, it was the truckers who demonstrated to sane Canadians that they weren't the only ones who opposed the lockdowns and proved to the government that there actually was a breaking point."
Canada's Freedom Convoy Still Paying Dividends
- "Not just this year, every year!"
Germany to Make Mask Mandates Permanent Every Winter
- "If the ruling stands, it could mean, in effect, the end of charters as they exist. It provides a legal rationale for them to be brought under the thumb of state and city educrats nationwide who are eager to handcuff charters for daring to bring educational options to students failed by traditional public schools. "
Federal Ruling on Skirts Could Put Some of Our Best Schools — Charters — At Grave Risk
- "School’s defiance of Catholic teaching forces bishop to act."
Bishop Says School Can No Longer Call Itself Catholic After It Flew Pride Flag
- "Fairfax County Public Schools will suspend students for using wrong pronouns over parent objections."
Tiger Moms Maul Virginia School Board Over "Misgendering" Rules
- "A teacher remembers a former student."
For Steven, Who Failed the Class
- "Democrats and abortionists are angry at how Google’s search engine allows some pregnant women to escape the clutches of abortionists by listing links to 'pregnancy crisis centers' instead of NARAL-approved abortion providers."
Democrats Pressure Google to "Fix" Abortion Searches That Don't Send Women to an Abortionist
- "It’s amazing what the left will do to justify their abortion advocacy (and it’s more than just support — it’s a push for as much abortion as possible). The mental gymnastics that leftists do to justify abortion as perfectly normal and un-barbaric also lead to theological gymnastics where they attempt to prove that abortion is totally not a sin."
Kamala Harris That Says "Nothing" About Abortion Forces Christians to "Abandon" or "Change Their Faith"
- "Massive election fraud in 2020 is a conspiracy, but it is no longer merely a theory."
D'Souza's Mules Left Tracks
- “In Ashley Biden’s writings, she claims that the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] took showers with her when she was young, fueling her sex-addiction.” (that would've turned me into a nun - jjs)
Examination of Alleged Diary of Ashley Biden Reveals Shocking Details
- "[Sharice] Davids, who due to redistricting is among the most vulnerable incumbents in the House, is not the only member to have apparent conflicts of interest in 'green infrastructure' companies."
This Kansas Dem Wants To Ban Congress From Owning Stocks. She Owns Shares of Green Energy Firms That Want Congressional Subsidies.
- "Overall, Biden has a net approval of negative 25."
CIVIQS Poll: Biden Approval Lowest of So-Called "Presidency" – 32% Overall
- Roger Kimball: "Adam Smith was trying to be consoling when he said 'there’s a deal of ruin in a nation.' Yes, there is. But Joe Biden is testing the limits of that home truth."
Joe Incompetent
- "Joe Biden is taking some chill time away from his duties as president this weekend — because he’s been so hard at work fixing inflation and the border crisis — and went for a casual bike ride in Rehoboth Beach, Del. Saturday morning. And it didn’t turn out so well."
Looks Like Joe Biden Needs to Go Back to Using Training Wheels
- "Are Republicans going to launch investigative committees, hearings, and tribunals to get to the bottom of this disgraceful—this scandalous—period in our nation’s history?"
So, Why, Exactly, Should We Vote Republican?
- "It’s not a question of ‘if’ Democrats will lose control of the House – and likely the Senate – but rather, by how many seats."
Dem Pollster Doug Schoen: Republicans Smell Blood in the Water as Democrats Scramble to Find a Life Raft Ahead of November
- “The red wave is here,” Garcia told Breitbart News on Friday. “Now more than ever Hispanics feel a genuine sense of belonging with the GOP. We know Hispanics are conservative on education, on social issues. We’re pro-life and pro-gun. We want lower taxes, religious freedom, and school choice.”
Texas "Triple Threat" Leads Hispanic Voters’ Seismic Shift Toward GOP
- “First of all, I expect Biden to run. He certainly intends to run. It would be very disruptive to challenge that.”
Hillary Clinton Says 2024 Presidential Bid "Out of the Question"
* * * * *
- “The press secretary’s public statement underlines our legal case. Biden has clearly formed the requisite mental intent to run for president in 2024. It is time for him to be honest and file the required FEC forms so groups like the Committee to Defeat the President can begin opposing him directly."
How Karine Jean-Pierre Just Helped the Committee to Defeat the [so-called quote-unquote] President
- "Data from last week’s election indicate that Bay Area Asian voters played a key role in ousting the city’s district attorney—and that they favor a more moderate politics."
The Asian Recall
- "Supporters of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact have either knowingly masked their political objectives in legal arguments or truly cannot distinguish between them."
How Trump Became the Only One
- "They’ve earned every humiliation that’s coming to them." (meh, if you think they're going to allow nuisances like elections remove them from power, think again - jjs)
The Deeply Satisfying Destruction of the Ruling Elite
- "A new book takes a rigorous approach to understanding the role of interest groups in local decision-making."
Main Street’s Power Players
- "Supporters of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact have either knowingly masked their political objectives in legal arguments or truly cannot distinguish between them."
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact vs. Equal Protection
- "Spengler" Goldman: "It is revolting, but not surprising, to see the leaders of the Republican Establishment try to out-shout the Democrats over Ukraine. The consensus echo chamber generates a stream of chatter so deafening that it takes a big voice to boom over it, and Donald Trump is the only American politician with a voice that big. Thank God we have him."
Donald Trump Is Magnificently Right About Ukraine
- "The leaders visited the country for the first time since the war began in a show of support amid fierce fighting between Ukrainian and invading Russian forces in the eastern Donbass region."
Zelenskyy Wins Key Support For First Step in Ukraine Joining European Union
- "At a recent conference, China was defiant and confrontational and the Biden [junta] continued to be ambiguous and uninspiring."
In Starker Terms Than Ever, China Threatens War Over Taiwan
- China Expert Gordon Chang: "Why should we care? For decades, the primary basis of legitimacy of the Communist Party has been the continual delivery of prosperity. Now, because of the accelerating downturn, the Party’s only remaining basis of legitimacy is nationalism."
China’s Economy Is Collapsing. Here’s Why You Should Worry
- "After years of [Chinese] COVID mandates and a government that the average Chinese down deep doesn’t trust, the people of China are scared that they will not be able to retrieve their life savings. In some cities, people are standing in line for hours to receive their money from their bank."
Run on the Banks in China – Long Lines in Henan, Shanghai, and Dandong
- ". . . the results were an immediate reason to fret for some voters whose closest reference to a leftist government is the troubled neighboring Venezuela." (gee, ya think? - jjs)
Ex-Guerilla Rebel Gustavo Petro Wins Runoff to Be Colombia’s First Leftist President
- "Not to mention her family pedigree: high-ranking Nazis. Par for the course. It is the EU, after all. . . Shed a tear for Europe. But they got what they deserved."
Die Frau Running Europe
- “Nonetheless, rather than let people take responsibility for themselves – to hydrate or stay home – French officials are comfortable deciding for them,” writes Mike Campbell at the Counter Signal. “Indeed, democratic governments seem comfortable stripping citizens’ freedoms for safety as of late.”
French Government Bans Outdoor Events in a Heatwave Because They Don't Trust the People to Take Care of Themselves
- "Why exactly are we coddling him in his preposterous demands?"
Mahmoud Abbas Wants to "Turn the Screws" on the U.S.
- "It happened again. . . We need to talk about what happened in Italy."
The Summer of Cultural Enrichment
- "The discovery of 'Palestinianism.”
55 Years Ago: The 6-Day War and its Consequences
- Raymond Ibrahim: "This is the one time when leftists insist that the woman got what was coming to her."
The Only Rape Where the Left Says Victim-Blaming Is Okay
- Daniel Greenfield: "House Democrats and the Biden [junta] continue to obstruct the investigation. . . While the beginning of Biden’s downfall in the polls can be closely traced to the Afghan withdrawal, empty shelves, inflation, and the economic crisis have long since taken over, but as the anniversary of the withdrawal approaches, the Afghanistan stonewalling has not stopped."
A Year Later, Why is Afghanistan Still Classified?
- ". . . this is not a question of the dedication and willingness of American women to step up and serve their country, but whether we as a country will force the horrors of war upon our wives, our sisters, and our daughters."
Rep. Chip Roy Slams GOP for Going Along With Democrat Plan to Register Women with Selective Service
- "New York is a case study in vindictiveness from Democrat politicians when it comes to where you'll be allowed to live."
Why Democrats Want to Get Rid of the Suburbs
- "The vote still must be certified by the National Labor Relations. Once that happens, Apple will be obliged to bargain with the union over working conditions, including wages."
Workers at Maryland Apple Store Vote to Unionize In Blow to Woke Tech Giant
- Keith R. Jackson, M.D.: "The system we have is only the decaying, failing remnant of a sort of golden age that can never be reproduced. So where do we go from here?"
The Truth Regarding Health Care
- "Move to lower nicotine levels could put farmers in jeopardy."
Biden’s Cigarette Crackdown a Boon for Drug Dealers, Experts Warn
- "The crew for this flight, delayed now more than two years, has changed several times. In 2020 astronaut Chris Ferguson dropped out for personal reasons. Then NASA listed the crew as Wilmore, Mike Finke, and Nicole Mann, with Williams then assigned to Starliner’s next mission, its first long term flight to ISS."
NASA Shuffles Crew for First Starliner Manned Mission
- "Essentially, the two people that created this company and then saved it have been forced outt, largely as a result of federal government demands. Polyakov was forced to sell to AEI by the government because he was not American, and it appears AEI then forced Markusic out."
Firefly Founder Stepping Down as CEO
- Miranda Devine: ". . . the FINA ban is a promising sign that the pendulum is swinging back to normalcy on the gender madness we have been living through, which has caused irreversible damage to a generation of children. And it is a slap in the face to the Biden [junta's] embrace of gender ideology as some sort of moral crusade."
Sanity Returns to Transgender Madness After Lia "John-Thomas" Thomas’ Ban by FINA
- "Though the clip, seen below, is from last year, it has only recently gained national attention on social media."
VIDEO: Young Child Tips Drag Queen with Exposed Fake Breasts at Michigan Bar
- "An excerpt from Matt Walsh's new book, "What Is a Woman?"
How Transgenderism Moved From Sideshow to the Main Stage
- "I literally lost organs."
Why De-Transitioned Teens Regret Changing Genders
- "CNN opinion writer Peniel Joseph. . ." (the name says it all - jjs)
Bye Bye, Fourth of July? CNN Says Juneteenth is "America’s True Birthday"
- "The poll found that the belief in God has plummeted the most in recent years among young adults and people on the left of the political spectrum, namely liberals and Democrats."
Number of Americans Who Believe in God Drops to Historic Low: Poll
- "There’s a deeper reason, I’m virtually sure, for Maher’s Democrat addiction. . . In many cases, relinquishing liberalism would collapse leftists’ whole world; their self-image and ego would implode. They’d feel lower than dirt."
Why Bill Maher Can't Kick His Democrat Party Addiction
- "YouTubers encounter Casablanca for the first time."
Wokesters Take On Classic Movies
- "Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia has apparently learned nothing from a related disastrous decision by Disney’s woke leadership."
Colonial Williamsburg Follows Disney’s Lead
- Christian Toto: "Rowan Atkinson's Cancel Culture critique shreds newly woke Hulu star."
Mr. Bean Accidentally Torches Woke Amy Schumer
- "Some relevant lessons on how the Nazis got total control in Austria -- for today."
Living Under Nazi Dictatorship
- "Ironically, it was the Washington Post, not the White House, that covered up the Watergate scandal."
The Mother of All Slanted Journalism
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:26 AM
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