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Daily Tech News 13 March 2025
Wednesday Overnight Open Thread - March 12, 2025 [TRex] Good Boys With Toys Cafe Quick Hits Kash Patel Announces the Prosecution of a "Director Level" CBP Employee Who Defrauded the Federal Government of FEMA Funds and Lied to Federal Agents FBI Scientist Explains Why American Intelligence Now Favors the Lab Leak Theory (and In Fact Always Did) NYT Fires Half of Its Editorial Staff Trump To Lay Off 1,300 Department of Education Layabouts and Slapdicks, Cutting Staff by Nearly Half Politico: Internal Democrat Polling Shows "Massive Branding Problem" Inflation Is Cut By More Than Half In Trump's First Month In Office Absent Friends
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June 12, 2022
Gun Thread: Post 2022 NoVaMoMe Discussion and Analysis Edition!![]() Howdy, Y'all! Welcome to the wondrously fabulous Gun Thread! As always, I want to thank all of our regulars for being here week in and week out, and also offer a bigly Gun Thread welcome to any newcomers who may be joining us tonight. Howdy and thank you for stopping by! I hope you find our wacky conversation on the subject of guns 'n shooting both enjoyable and informative. You are always welcome to lurk in the shadows of shame, but I'd like to invite you to jump into the conversation, say howdy, and tell us what kind of shooting you like to do! Woo Hoo! The 2022 NoVaMoMe is in the books. What a great time! My buddy bluebell and I would like to thank all those who attended, with an extra big thank you to those who helped by volunteering at the registration and raffle ticket tables, and those who donated prizes for the fabulous raffle table. We couldn't have done it without you! If you happen to be one of the attendees, please feel free to discuss your experience in the comments below, however, please do not disclose the location as we'd like to possibly use it again some time. With that, step into the dojo and let's get to the gun stuff below, shall we? NoVaMoMe 2022 ![]() Shelving Starter Kit - courtesy Quarter Twenty Gun stuff? You want gun stuff? Well, you have to read through some MoMe stuff first, and there will be a test at the end. No cheating and skipping the MoMe stuff! Holy Shitballs! Another year and another NoVaMoMe with my pal bluebell and about 70 of our pals. The temps were cool and the sky cloudy but nothing dampens the spirit of a MoMe. I absolutely believe you are judged by the company you keep, and in that regard I am a very lucky guy. Very lucky indeed. Do I really need to keep saying it? A MoMe, any MoMe is something to be treasured. It was great to see our NoVaMoMe regulars again, and to meet and get to know a bunch of new attendees. Did anyone not have a good time? The food and drinks were outstanding but as always the company was the best. We have so much help each year some official thanks are in order. First, our volunteers: Hrothgar, Jinx the Cat, sharon (willow's apprentice), Physics Geek, PaleoCon2008, Julie S., Doof, McGyver, Theodore, MYSB, chique d'afrique, Lars S. and his wife Amy, and Matt H a lurker and soon to be commenter who is thinking up a nic. We cannot thank these people enough and seriously could not make the event happen without them taking turns at the registration and prize tables. It is a huge help and we really appreciate it! Next we have those who donated door prizes: Muad'dib (mugs and homemade maple syrup), Jewells (handmade bracelets), IrishEi (patriotic bracelets from the VFM), Moron Author Mattski (4 of his books), blake (2 handmade cutting boards with conditioning oil), Iris (lots of stuff - AOSHQ Moron Horde hat, a copy of the "Cornered Cat" book, Trump bookmarks, Biden "I did that!" stickers, pirate flags from Jesse, and lots of other stuff that I can't remember), and finally Quarter Twenty (for the Ace of Spades starter shelving kit) - see pic above. There are likely others who brought things that I am forgetting, and if so please accept a) our thanks, and 2) apologies for not recognizing you by name! Update: Special thanks to Ben Had for generously providing everyone with their first raffle ticket!! Now the question you all are waiting for, the big, big "winner" of the Dream Date with Weasel is Julie S and I cannot wait to shoot with this delightful 'ette! That's right, Julie S. (and chaperone/guest if shes likes) will come to WeaselAcres for a day of shooting and personalized rifle and handgun instruction. But wait, the magical day isn't over! That evening we'll have dinner at a very good Mexican place in Appomattox. No post-NoVaMoMe discussion and analysis would be complete without recognizing my friend bluebell. Over the years I could not have found a better buddy and partner in crime for all of our wacky blog exploits, and every single time we get together I'm reminded of just how special a person she is. I mean, all y'all are cool and everything but bluebell is the best! Finally, a big thank you to Mr. O'Spades for providing a forum for this unique community, and an extra big thank you to each and every one of you who chose to spend an afternoon with your online friends. Please feel free to consider this an open thread for discussing your NoVaMoMe experience! OK, just kidding about the test. HA HA HA! Fake test! Now on to the gun stuff! Secret Mission #2 Part Dos RI Red After our outing in NH last week, Weasel asked if any of us would like to do a write up. Is a bear Catholic? So, random thoughts: ![]() First time at a long range and skipping over dozens of targets at 600, 700, and 800 yards, CBD homed in on the 876 yd target. With a final elevation call by yours truly, we all called "Hit!" and were rewarded with a loud "clang!" a couple seconds later. It's great to have audible rewards. Not satisfied with that, CBD continued ringing that gong, with multiple hits in a row. Again, not bad for a .308 round from a 16" barrel! He celebrated with an impressive mag dump. ![]() 1100 yd targets As the clouds started reappearing, Weasel attempted a world class 1100 yard iron sight .303 shot. No joy, but a great picture. So, we broke out an AR-15 and a Garand and started shooting at a blue cross painted on the big glacial erratic/boulder. The 5.56 round made small puffs of rock dust and the .30-'06 made large ones. Very satisfying. 525 yd targets Then the rain started and we packed up, policing a small mountain of brass. But after dinner that night and Weasel's post-action review (he should charge admission), we were rewarded with a Chamber of Commerce double rainbow. Seeing it as a sign, CBD immediately purchased a bottle of New Hampshire maple syrup, mumbling something about breakfast foods and Manhattans. Next up, our pal Scoob shares his thoughts on the day. Fun Day Shooting with some Morons. Lastly but not leastly, here's what our pal CBD had to say: Unlike the others, I brought a semi-auto rifle (A dreaded AR-10 .308!) that isn't really designed to be as accurate as a bolt-action rifle set up for long distances. And I had a pretty basic scope on it, so I wasn't expecting to outshoot the others. But it is nice and heavy, so recoil was negligible. I figured I could miss everything but still look impressive by missing really fast! Again, a cannot thank this group of shooters enough for making me look good! I had a great time and can't wait for the next trip shooting together! I noticed this question from our pal A.H.Lloyd and a follow-up from Kindltot in an earlier thread today and thought I'd re-post the exchange here. Pre-gun thread question: There's a lot of nonsense on the web about whether Spanish M1916 Mausers that have been rechambered for 7.62 can safely fire NATO or .308. Some wags are insisting that they were converted to 7.62 CETME, which was a milder round. and... FWIW: the Mausers converted from 8mm should be fine to use 7.62 NATO, the ones converted from 7mm are considered too weak for full powered 7.62. and IIRC the CETME round was originally loaded lighter when both were on the market it was considered safer to get the 8mm conversions, the Mod 1943. However, the Spanish would not have issued a rifle that was dangerous, even to reserves. I suspect the main issue would be stretching of the chamber and bad head spacing before a catastrophic failure. Probably. Without really bad luck. I will play it safe by recommending only shooting ammunition that matches the chamber exactly, but do recognize sometimes substitutions are made. What do you guys and gals think? Live and Learn Next up, our pal Blake shares a short day on the range in a match. Well, my day at a local competition started and ended early. Excellent report, Blake! Sooner or later, everybody has a day like this and fortunately your trigger discipline prevented having a bad day become a badder day. Also, kudos to you for being a good sport and sticking around to help run the match. Very nicely done! Shotgun Reloading I am interested in reloading shotgun shells. My father in law left me his gear but I need advice in getting started. I want to reload 12 gauge subsonic 4 buck rounds for my salvo12. Any help would be most appreciated. I will say the first step is getting a good reloading manual with shotgun shells covered and reading it before you begin. How about you all - any advice for Randy? Perhaps the name of a good reloading manual you like? Gun Basics 101 This week the She Equips Herself Gal reviews a couple concealed carry options. Cigar of the Week Not sure if I have shared these before but this is my current daily cigar. ![]() Available at Cigars Cigars International for about $2 each in bundles of 20, they're affordable and a great deal about 95% of the time. The other 5% of the time you might get a dud, but all-in-all I like them. Nice and strong and won't break the bank! This week, Cigar Vixen shares some cigar picks! Link-O-Rama I'm really very seriously not kidding around anymore. Buy Ammo This week's mailbag entry is from our pal WTM. Good one!! ![]() Please note the new and improved protonmail account gunthread at protonmail dot com. An informal Gun Thread archive can be found HERE. Future expansion plans are in the works for the site Weasel Gun Thread. If you have a question you would like to ask Gun Thread Staff offline, just send us a note and we'll do our best to answer. If you care to share the story of your favorite firearm, send a picture with your nic and tell us what you sadly lost in the tragic canoe accident. If you would like to remain completely anonymous, just say so. Lurkers are always welcome! That's it for this week - have you been to the range? | Recent Comments
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Daily Tech News 13 March 2025
Wednesday Overnight Open Thread - March 12, 2025 [TRex] Good Boys With Toys Cafe Quick Hits Kash Patel Announces the Prosecution of a "Director Level" CBP Employee Who Defrauded the Federal Government of FEMA Funds and Lied to Federal Agents FBI Scientist Explains Why American Intelligence Now Favors the Lab Leak Theory (and In Fact Always Did) NYT Fires Half of Its Editorial Staff Trump To Lay Off 1,300 Department of Education Layabouts and Slapdicks, Cutting Staff by Nearly Half Politico: Internal Democrat Polling Shows "Massive Branding Problem" Inflation Is Cut By More Than Half In Trump's First Month In Office Search
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