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Daily Tech News 11 June 2022 »
June 10, 2022
For Thy Sweet ONT Remember'd Such Wealth Brings That Then I Scorn To Change My State With Kings
Good evening fellow 'Rons and 'Ettes. It's Friday night, which means it's time for our weekly meme madness. I've been a busy little trash panda, scouring the underbelly of the web for a fresh crop of memes.
Fido Friday: No! No! N...oh, wait, I like this!
Guest content: this meme was sent in by April
Guest content: this meme was sent in by Jewells
Guest content: this meme was sent in by someone who didn't identify themselves with their AoS nic. Seen at bike week
Elephant basketball should be a thing
I would have loved to have seen this. Talking about Robin Williams
Is that what the kids are calling it now?
Feline Friday: The cats demand equal time!
I have no idea what's going on here, but tonight's caption contest is: What did the guy at :18 say that started it? My suggestion: “May I have a seat?”. Post yours in the comments.
Wholesome content of the week
Behold, a meme
I wonder if they ever used this? Moreover, I wonder if it worked?
Sometimes it takes a cowboy. Beeve got loose on an Oklahoma highway, so they called for some cowboys
I'm just going to let you ponder on this picture
Well, at least he tried
Entertainment for the masses in Biden's America
If you ask me, Ace of Spades is nothing but a bunch of up-country degens
The menstrual cycle, explained
It's good to have goals
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by teacher's unions:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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