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June 08, 2022
The Supreme Court Assassin Is Nicholas John Roske, Who Confessed He Wanted to Kill Kavanaugh Over Abortion and Fears That Kavanaugh Might Loosen Gun Control Laws
CNN: Threat to Kill Justices Comes from "Both Sides"
Here is the affidavit submitted to the court in support of his arrest:
Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3.

Note this guy was only caught because he telephoned the authorities to warn them about his intent to kill Kavanaugh.
So much for the claim of "Ruth Sent Us" -- who posted the addresses of the Justices and told their fellow maniacs to gather there to, um, "protest" them -- that the police were lying about him really having a weapon.
More from Heavy.com.
The affidavit says that authorities searched Roske's suitcase and backpack and found the following items: A black tactical chest rig and tactical knife, a Glock 17 pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, a screwdriver, nail punch, crow bar, duct tape, hiking boots with padding on the outside of the soles, and other items.
According to The Washington Post, citing sources, Roske is in his mid-20s and is from California.
Journalist Karol Markowicz tweeted, "I can confirm the man taken into custody outside of Brett Kavanaugh’s house last night is a 26 year old white male with a California driver's license. Previous address in Seattle."
Of course he's from Seattle. It was either that or Portland.
Eugene Scott
Eugene Scott
D.C. Native * National Political Reporter at the @WashingtonPost
* All politics is identity politics
* Insta: @Eugene_Scott
I wonder what his address is. (Don't post his address, please.)
Update: CNN tried to deny the man had a weapon, and claimed they had no idea why the assassin might have been motivated to kill Kavanaugh.
She claimed the risk on Justices' lives came from "both sides."
Even worse:
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara