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June 08, 2022

Quick Hits

Leftwingers are heartbroken to walk into a leftwing bookstore and look at all the books for sale which have also been banned by the state.

Wait, what?


Second from the left, right on top: AllahPundit's favorite book, Genderqueer, aka "Toni Morrison's Beloved."

What they mean is that they have been banned from some school libraries, especially elementary school libraries. And Maus wasn't even banned, it was just removed from one school's curriculum -- that is, it's no longer a book that's taught or required to be read. (It's a comic book for crying out loud.)

Liberals like AllahPundit take a curious stance: Adults can endlessly be censored and speech-monitored, with their reading habits controlled by corporations who are in turn controlled by the state, but underaged, legally-incompetent children must be allowed absolute freedom in what they are permitted to read and consume, and the state must furthermore stock their libraries with all manner of pornography for them to consume in these state-controlled institutions!

What a curious reversal of the actual law, as well as common sense! Adults must have their immature, easily-influenced minds shielded from potentially corrupting thoughts -- Trumpist thoughts, insurrectionny thoughts -- while children must be allowed to "read" comic books showing grown men sucking the cocks of underaged boys.

No matter how creakily old leftists actually get, they still think of themselves as petulant 13-year-olds insisting that they're plenty old enough to read Penthouse and smoke pot.

I forgot to mention why I was even bringing up the box office of Top Gun: Maverick: Because the leftwing media is too butthurt about it to go on living. Vanity Fair:

With the Memorial Day weekend release of Top Gun: Maverick, conservative pundits have taken the culture war to the skies, hailing the blockbuster as a patriotic, anti-"woke" display of militarism and masculinity. They have also cited its record-breaking box office performance--grossing $160.5 million domestically over the long weekend--as proof that the public is on their side.


"It's very patriotic, the film. I mean, the military is a bunch of good-looking young people who are going out to defend the country...and the international order," said Ben Shapiro in a recent review of the film. "That's awesome." Shapiro, a conservative podcast host, then praised the filmmakers for not "treating the military as either victims of mental health problems or people who are victimized by the evil American regime, or as imperialists themselves, or as corrupt, or as terrible."

Despite acknowledging that he had not seen the film, Breitbart columnist John Nolte preemptively lauded Top Gun: Maverick as a "masculine, pro-American, stridently non-woke blockbuster," adding, "Rather than apologize for being an '80s 'relic,' it embraced what everyone loved in 1986 and still loves today." While citing a number of Hollywood's "woke flops," Nolte wrote that Top Gun: Maverick avoided that fate by "respect[ing] human nature" and eschewing progressive commentary. "It didn't do what James Bond did--turn itself into a mewling little pajama boy gerbil of a movie," he added. "It didn't do what Star Wars did and pervert a romantic adventure series into a shrill Womyn's Studies lecture."


"This is 2022, and cheering on a straight white male military hero is problematic to the small but vocal minority that runs the culture," wrote conservative film critic Christian Toto, who praised the film's writers for not making Cruise's character partake in "hand-wringing over military might or extended emasculation of its rugged hero." The Daily Wire, a right-wing news site, commended the movie's creators for highlighting "the greatness of the Reagan era" while not updating the sequel with "rainbow-flag-representing characters."

This guy is crying so hard he's going to drown the poor dick which is lodged throbbingly his mouf.

It's amazing to me that these psychopathic propagandists spend half their time fighting the culture war with the intensity of Al Qaeda suicide bombers, and the other half of the time scoffing at the notion there's any culture war going on at all. But they all do this. All of them.

It's part of their culture war strategy to mock the other side for even noticing there's a culture war being perpetually waged against him.

Via Jim Treacher's substack: Are you ready for the Gay Whopper?

Spoiler: It doesn't matter if you're ready or not, you're going to get the Gay Whopper smashed in your fucking face until you spit up blood and Pride, buddy.


That's being sold in Austria. See, it's gay, because the buns are either both "tops" or both "bottoms."

As a friend said, "Don't you need both a top and a bottom for gay sex?"

I immediately accused him of knowing too much about gay sex.

As Doc_Zero/John Hayward said yesterday:

John Hayward @Doc_0

Nobody involved will want to hear this, but all this Pride Month stuff blasting from every branch of the government and military, plus every corporation and media outlet, is totalitarian. It's the definition of totalitarianism, in fact: no-escape political messaging.

The character of totalitarianism does not change because the people pushing are firmly convinced they are Good People whose political messages are Absolutely Correct and could only be challenged by Bad People. EVERY totalitarian thinks that way. It's basic operating system code.

Totalitarianism is the politicization of everything, and one of its goals is to ensure its messages are inescapable. No one is allowed to resist or argue - or even to ignore the Approved Message and peacefully get on with their lives. Everyone is required to care.

The totalitarian message blasts from every corner of life, floating in every nook and cranny, pumped into adults and children. You see it everywhere you look. Blind yourself, and it will be pumped into your ears. There are no "safe spaces" from the Official Narrative.

A good way to see the full outline of totalitarian machinery is to imagine programming it with other messages - good ideas supported by the majority of the people - and imagine how the Ruling Class would howl with outrage. Only THEY get to decide what Everyone Must Care About.

The Politicization of Everything should not become more palatable because a given movement thinks it would be an effective way to spread Good Ideas and Raise Awareness. The 1st Amendment prohibition against state religion was, in part, an effort to head off that kind of thinking.

A healthy society has room for everyone to express their ideas - and also to choose which expressions they wish to listen to. It has political freedom, and also freedom from politics. It's not just an endless scramble for control of an ideological bulldozer. /end

Ha! Good point:

Allie Beth Stuckey @conservmillen

It's ok to just say you don't want kids to go to drag shows because you don't want them to see men dressed up like women.

Yeah, they're dancing sexually. Yes, they're scantily clad. But, even if they weren't, it's still ok to say you just don’t want your kids seeing men dressed up as women.

Leftists think they're backing you into a corner by making you admit this. Just own it. You don’t think men pretending to be women should be celebrated, especially by children. That's a completely normal view.

You can believe that AND hold to the other very sane view that kids shouldn't be at any venue where sexual behavior or outfits are on display.

This is a great point. I find myself slipping into this mode of appeasement from time to time -- conceding major points to the deranged, perverted left to quibble about a detail when it's really the whole which must be opposed.

As she says, it's perfectly okay -- necessary, in fact -- to just say, "No, I'm against celebrations of the sexual perversions of transvestitism and exhibitionism, too, regardless of whether or not there's an explicitly sexualized component."

Is that judgmental? Aw, geeze, that hurts. I sure wouldn't want to be judgmental about drag queens sticking their asses in the faces of children.

Say, the left's pretty judgmental, isn't it...? They never stop accusing those of disagreeing with them of being "bad people" who are "shitty" or even being "haters" or "Nazis."

Well, so if the left is going to be so judgmental, then I guess we'll just have to be just as judgmental. Or even... more judgmental. A bit of judgmentalism in defense of the innocence of children is no vice.

As Elliot Ness said in The Untouchables, "You go and tell your master, I'm afraid we will just have to agree to disagree!"

Look at these health nuts:

Ana Navarro DESTROYS Jonah Goldberg with FACTS and LOGIC!

digg this
posted by Ace at 06:52 PM

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