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June 06, 2022

Monday Overnight Open Thread (6/6/22) D-Day Remembered Edition


Photos from D-Day give glimpse into historic World War II invasion 78 years ago


The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

Some are lawyers, which explains why they are in Congress and not raking in bucks lawyering. If I went to one of my clients and suggested, "Okay, I propose we resolve this matter by giving the other side a lot of money and getting nothing in return," I would have to find an alternate income stream too. Kurt Schlichter

Quote II

I would put it to all of you that there are more mass shooters, and they are on duty seven days a week, in places like Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, Newark, Chicago, Atlanta, Oakland than anywhere else. We just don't hear about them, because the victims -- typically people who look exactly like their killers -- are not interesting enough, and because their bodies don't have the same political impact or uses.

These are the real racists and this is The Narrative that needs to be told.Matthew Noto

Quote III

“We just want everyone to feel welcomed and included and cheer us on. No matter what your views on anything are.”Center fielder Kevin Kiermaier

A stingray can reason better than you Kevin. Just STFU.

Quote IV

“I mean, this kid was in the room for 40 minutes before anybody came in. It wouldn’t have mattered what kind of gun he had. Any kind of gun could do any amount of damage in that time.”Bill Maher


Former Mayor Pete Buttplug is a Communist quisling.

Remarkable Admission, Pete Buttigieg Announces Biden Inflation Plan is to Create Increased Dependency State and Apply Socialist Economics, Biden Led Govt to Provide Medicine, Childcare, Housing and Food

Here is one succinct interview containing the smorgasbord of far-left policies the people behind Joe Biden are proposing as the solution to the inflation crisis they have created. It is remarkable to see it all packed into one 8-minute segment. There is so much crazy in here it would take a week of articles to unpack it.

The ultra-leftist Biden Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, appears on ABC with George Stephanopoulos to discuss the solutions to the massive economic collapse that looms all around us. Within the interview Buttigieg states the Biden administration goal is to use the high cost of living (policy driven inflation) as an opportunity for the government to take over household expenses and create equity via government distribution.


Facts be damned in Norway.

Norwegian Feminist Faces Three Years in Prison For Saying Biological Men Can’t Be Lesbians
Police investigating her over offensive tweets.


LOLGF The perfect panacea is being tossed out.

The U.S. has wasted over 82 million Covid vaccine doses
Vaccine providers say declining demand, large minimum orders and multidose vials make it hard to avoid waste while still offering shots to anyone who wants them.


Respect is earned, not given.


The city government of Palermo, Italy did not have a stellar weekend. Or Monday as far as that goes.

The municipality of Palermo in Southern Italy suffered a cyberattack on Friday, which appears to have had a massive impact on a broad range of operations and services to both citizens and visiting tourists.

Palermo is home to about 1.3 million people, the fifth most populous city in Italy. The area is visited by another 2.3 million tourists every year.

Although local IT experts have been trying to restore the systems for the past three days, all services, public websites, and online portals remain offline.


I hope this isn't us at the Texas MoMe.


We all know that there are at least two sets of law for American citizens. Employees at the Washington Post are finding out there are at least 2 sets of HR rules.

he Washington Post suspended reporter Dave Weigel for a month without pay Monday for recently retweeting a joke about women.

Weigel received backlash Friday after retweeting a post by YouTuber Cam Harless that said, “Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if its polar or sexual.” The retweet received criticism from the Post’s chief spokeswoman, Kristine Coratti Kelly, who called the tweet “reprehensible and demeaning.”

“Editors have made clear to the staff that the tweet was reprehensible and demeaning language or actions like that will not be tolerated,” she said, according to CNN.

Weigel will return to the office on July 5, an out-of-office email sent to CNN said.


Now that inflation is under control, Mush Head can work on our foreign relations. Oh yeah, FJB.

Mexico City (AFP) – Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced Monday he would skip the regional Summit of the Americas in the United States due to Washington's failure to invite countries it views as undemocratic.

The White House confirmed that President Joe Biden would not be inviting Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua to this week's summit in Los Angeles.

"I'm not going to the summit because they are not inviting all the countries of America and I think it is necessary to change the policy that has been imposed on us for centuries: exclusion," said Lopez Obrador in his daily press conference.

Lopez Obrador said Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard would be representing Mexico in his place.

The Mexican view would have meant more if it weren't a 3rd world shithole which American manufacturers love to exploit for profit.


What happens when Congress abdicates its responsibilities? You and your small engine products suffer.

Last Friday the Biden administration raised the mandatory amount of biofuel, specifically ethanol, that must be blended within the U.S. gasoline supply. The previous amount of 10% (summer blend) was raised to a year-round 15% (waiver) by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is likely to lead to two sets of bigger issues, less food and higher gas prices.

♦ First issue. – The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is a government mandate, passed in 2005 and expanded in 2007, that requires growing volumes of biofuels to be blended into U.S. transportation fuels like gasoline and diesel every year. Approximately 40 percent of corn grown in the U.S. is used for ethanol. Raising the amount of ethanol required in gasoline will result in the need for more biofuel (corn). With farming costs and outputs already under pressure this could be problematic.

Corn was meant to feed livestock and people. If ethanol was such a wonderful product it wouldn't need to be subsidized.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

A large crowd turned out Saturday to see a new landmark in Minneapolis — a giant pencil near Lake of the Isles.

John Higgins, a homeowner on East Lake of the Isles Parkway, commissioned an artist to turn his damaged bur oak tree into a 20-foot-tall No. 2 pencil. The work is called the “Loti Tree.”

I wonder when it will be sharpened.


How long can you tread water? Sean Bickings, 34, not very long.

A man drowned in an Arizona lake as police officers stood by and allegedly ignored his pleas for help, according to a bodycam transcript of the interaction.

Police officers were responding to a reported disturbance between a couple near the Elmore Pedestrian Bridge in Tempe on May 28 when one of the people jumped into the lake, the local station News 12 reported.

Sean Bickings, 34, and his partner denied that any physical altercation had occurred when officers arrived just after 5 a.m.

The officers then told the couple that they were running their names to check if either had any outstanding arrest warrants when Bickings climbed over a four-foot fence toward the water and dove in, bodycam footage obtained by News 12 shows.


The ONT Musical Interlude & Over Time Emporium


And a belated Happy Birthday to Ian Hunter, 83 years young........


The execution was all wet. Genius Award Winner.

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. — Deputies in Volusia County arrested a suspect for theft after he allegedly stole a jet ski on Sunday afternoon, the sheriff's office said on Facebook.

Authorities said Ronald Williams, 48, stole the jet ski around 12:30 p.m. and, unable to get it started, floated away on it.


Yes. This was perfect gun control. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

HOUSTON – A woman in Houston fatally shot a man who was reportedly stalking her after the suspect kicked in her front door, police said

The shooting took place last Monday evening at the Gateway at Ellington apartment complex. Officers of the Houston Police Department responded to the Harris County apartments and found a male with a gunshot wound to the chest.


And finally..........We really are doomed aren't we?

So, you've probably heard of truck nutz by now, or, if you live anywhere with lots of trucks, surely you've seen them in all of their naked glory. Well, move over, truck nutz, there's a new set of balls in town – CROC BALLS! Yes, that's right, balls for your Crocs. Sometimes they're called crocticles, sometimes croc nuts, sometimes balls for croc. Sometimes they're just called plain ole croc balls.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Unique River Cruises.

6 6 br0ughy.jpg

Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire and AceCorp, LLC.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:49 PM

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