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June 02, 2022
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
I get it....Joe Bertozzi is the president of National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and he has a tough job. The rabidly anti-gun media loves school shootings because they can trot out their tried-and-true techniques for twisting the truth about guns and that pesky document called The Constitution. And the vile and soulless politicians who try to make partisan points while the bodies of these poor children are still warm are even worse. He has to defend an industry that is immediately blamed every time someone misuses their products, even though they are some of the most amazing technological marvels produced by man.
But denial of the reality of the human condition and spouting the same old pablum isn't productive. Nobody wants to hear it except for the media, which will gleefully parse and twist his words into something that serves its purpose; the demonization of guns and their eventual confiscation.
Real Solutions on Guns Requires Working Together, Not Reflexive Blame
Here we are again, trying to make sense of the senseless. Trying to understand what would harden someone’s heart enough to take the lives of innocent human beings. It is impossible to comprehend.
Even though some scream for “common sense” solutions – without articulating what those solutions actually are, and how they would impact the civil rights of Americans – there are no easy answers. There simply is no common solution that would magically cure society’s ills. Sadly, about the only thing that is predictable in these situations is the rush to judgment and condemnation. It seems these days that the only constant in these circumstances is the immediate rush to lash out and demonize fellow Americans.
Maybe I am being simplistic, but I understand quite well what "hardens someone's heart." It's called evil.
People who shoot children are evil. That's pretty much the definition, and no amount of hand-wringing and obfuscation and titrating of the message is going to change the fact that the only remedy for a evil man with a gun is a good man with a gun. Instead of pontificating about "working together," and "Real Solutions," (Oh goody! 100,000,000 gun locks distributed!), maybe he can talk rationally about the real purpose of the 2nd Amendment...the real purpose of our God-given, natural right to self defense.
Accommodation does not work. Trying to find common ground with gun-grabbing authoritarians does not work. What will we get? A kinder, gentler gun confiscation program? What I want for the money I spend on NSSF (we all fund them through gun and ammo purchases) is a full-throated defense of the right to keep and bear arms, and a ferocious attack on anyone who would claim that guns are in some way uniquely dangerous and must be regulated. The reality is exactly the opposite...guns are the great equalizer...the greatest tool for freedom the world has ever known.