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Daily Tech News 21 May 2022 »
May 20, 2022
Ask Not What Your ONT Can Do For You, But What You Can Do For Your ONT
Evening folks! Man, tonight's Flames game is a late one. I wonder if it'll match the fireworks of the first game? In any event, what's on the menu tonight?
I swear, these people. They keep circling back to traditional mores without even realizing it. I saw one from a trans man about falling in love with a trans woman, and neither one of them realized they had just rediscovered heterosexuality
Another meme donated by Bitter Clinger
From the Commie front
Gift idea
Don't miss the forest for the trees
In Congress
Be careful this summer
The current thing
Wholesome content of the week
It's OK, I'm an expert in batleths
Bon mot
Anyone have any of these vehicles? I have a 2004 Tundra that's over 200K miles.
Political commentary
Say, that guy dropped out of the news pretty quickly, didn't he?
On safety
Optical illusion
I bet this was drawn by an army guy
Aren't some of y'all modelers? New model just dropped
Ooh, what a lucky man he was
This is, um, something, I'm not sure what to call it
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by history:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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