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May 17, 2022
Senate Democrats Cancel Hearings With Members of Orwellian "Disinformation Governance Board" to Hide Their Lunatic "Mary Poppins of Disinformation," Nina Jankowicz
Can't wait to see this "internationally renowned expert" on a non-recognized field of expertise.
She wrote a book in which she invented a type of Online Criminal, the "Reply Guys," men who dare to reply to women who post online in an insufficiently deferential manner. She notes the new crime of men -- especially "older" men (see video below fold) -- who brutishly attempt to mansplain to women in the fields in which the women are experts.
Again, a crime of insufficient deference to Superior Women.
Her "expert thesis." Basically a copy/paste of
Anita Sarkesian's output from 2014-2017.
Jankowicz's suggested remedy for these neocrimes is, of course, ruthless censorship against those who will not accept their newly reduced status in the new SJW hierarchy of worth.
Senate Democrats abruptly canceled a hearing at which President Joe Biden's new disinformation czar Nina Jankowicz was expected to testify, a decision made after embarrassing videos posted by the self-proclaimed "Mary Poppins of disinformation" sparked a political firestorm.
Senate Democrats planned to hold a May 10 hearing on "disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation," just a couple of weeks after Biden tapped Jankowicz to head his administration's newly created Disinformation Governance Board. Democratic leaders were reluctant to have Jankowicz face Republican questioning, however, prompting them to nix the hearing, three Senate offices told the Washington Free Beacon.
"They yanked it when the entire 'disinformation board' blew up," one senior aide told the Free Beacon. "They realized there's no way they could reschedule without Nina Jankowicz being called to testify."
Canceling Senate hearings on such short notice is out of the ordinary and typically does not happen unless a witness or expert falls ill or has a last-minute scheduling conflict. The disinformation hearing, according to multiple Senate offices, had been scheduled since early April and was planned for May 10.
The committee is helmed by Sen. Gary Peters (Mich.), who also chairs the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the organization tasked with maintaining Democrats' Senate majority. Aides speculated the event was canceled to insulate vulnerable Democrats from the political blowback of the disinformation board.
"We have at least one Democrat who has a tough reelection coming up this cycle," the aide said, referring to New Hampshire senator Maggie Hassan. "It's pretty insane."
"Peters is running cover for the administration," another aide said. Peters did not respond to a request for comment.
17 Our new minister of truth has no idea how foolish she is
And once in power, you will not be allowed to notice it either.
Posted by: Bete
26 The men of the Senate have to shield the woman who FIGHTS BACK online.
Posted by: Hands
For a woman of very modest charms, she sure does imagine a lot of frenzied male attention.
She'll also be censoring any claims that there's a Deep State.
Horse dewormer alert:
This account, @MazeMoore, has become one-stop shopping for all of Nina Jankowicz's insanities and stupidities.