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May 13, 2022
The Morning Report - 5/13/22
Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and no, triskaidekaphobia is not the fear of a 13-sided cracker. I still find it hard to get over yesterday's discourse in which, like most of you, were just dumbfounded at the fact that the nation that since the end of the Second World War, a war which saw our farms and factories outproduce every other major combatant combined, now faces an actual shortage of baby formula. I almost half expect the Ethiopian equivalent of Quincy Jones and Bob Geldof to round up his nation's musical superstars and produce a reverse "We Are the World" and Live Aid concert, or Live AIDS considering the continent. Meh, we've given an ungrateful world our blood, treasure and charity and in return we get shit on. But I digress.
Or maybe not. Everything the Left has done - every policy, law and program it has ever instituted - has failed and failed spectacularly. Of course, as the saying goes, "this is what's known as 'bad luck.'" Or is it?
You don’t think Joe Biden would put Americans at the head of the baby formula line, do you? Democrats hate Americans, especially the babies they didn’t get a chance to abort.
Hoping to change the country’s demographics (a stated goal of Democrats and the media), Biden is flooding the country with illegal immigrants, a record number of them, even as he spends $40 billion to protect Ukraine’s border. But now, according to this congresswoman, people who have no business being in our country are receiving the baby formula countless American mothers can’t find for their own babies.
On a social media post, [FL GOP Rep. Kat] Cammack said she received photographic evidence of the border deliveries from a border patrol agent.
Illegal immigrants are “receiving pallets and more pallets of baby formula at the border,” she said. “This [photo of baby formula] was taken at Ursula processing facility [in Texas], where thousands are being housed and processed and then released into the United States.”
The photo, she says, is the full shelves of baby formula shipped to the border for illegal aliens — you know, the people breaking into our country at the invitation of the Biden [junta]. . .
. . . maybe Democrats think that with Roe v. Wade about to be overturned, they can still kill babies this way -- American babies who might grow up and not vote “correctly.”
Think this is just something new, or a one-off? Think again.
Months after distressed moms have been vocally upset and concerned about the baby formula shortage, the media is finally starting to ask, how could this happen? The short answer is lockdown supply chains and the shutdown of one of the country’s largest formula plants in Michigan over an alleged bacterial outbreak.
The long answer is that, unlike the problem of sky-rocketing lumber prices or your West Elm furniture stuck on cargo ships, this crisis is intertwined with an already highly regulated industry and a bureaucratic agency that has been the enemy of postpartum moms well before the pandemic.
As the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is quick to point out, they do not “approve” infant formula, but they do require manufacturers to meet certain requirements to be considered “FDA-registered.” The nutrition and quality control requirements for formulas are implemented by statute, the Infant Formula Act of 1980, and it’s the FDA’s job to enforce those federal law requirements, including the verification of imported European formulas that don’t meet their often-debated standards.
This is an important distinction because it’s also the smokescreen the FDA will likely hide behind as they are pressed to loosen restrictions on importing formulas amidst the ongoing crisis of mothers staring down empty shelves in the supermarket. When angry moms ask why their European formula orders were seized by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, experts and FDA defenders point to the federal statute as a “their hands are tied” excuse. . .
. . . In some ways, the FDA seems more concerned about labeling than the nutrients themselves. In an FDA “Import Alert,” which is cited by Customs and Border Patrol agents when seizing or destroying imports, every product listed as “subject to detention” is dinged for “labeling that is false or misleading” or being “not labeled as required.” None of the products listed are noted as having insufficient iron levels.
After watching the FDA authorize vaccines for “emergency use” for two years, many American moms and dads are wondering when feeding their babies will be considered an “emergency”?
Update: When reached for comment, an FDA spokeswoman referred to a recent press release addressing the shortage that included their plan to expedite “the necessary certificates to allow for flexibility in the movement of already permitted products from abroad into the U.S.”
Blood boiling yet? This is just yet one more example of how utterly useless not just the FDA is but the entire unelected, unaccountable, 99 44/100th percent (im)pure Leftist and now feral governmental bureaucracy is. Worse than useless; dangerous. It is an axiomatic law of nature that the prime objective of any bureaucracy is to self-perpetuate and grow in size, reach and influence. Were they to solve the actual problems they were created to address, they'd be committing suicide. You follow?
In describing Adolf Eichmann, the infamous Nazi architect of, and leading bureaucratic organizer of the deaths of millions of Jews, political philosopher, author, and Shoah survivor Hannah Arendt coined a now famous phrase "the banality of evil." I have to disagree with that assessment. Evil is not banal. But it sure as hell is ugly. Yesterday's example was blithering moron and Jew-hater Nina Turner. Today, it's sick, malthusian dipshit Katie "porker" Porter.
When asked by MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell to compare how inflation and abortion shape the midterm elections, Porter said, "I don't think they compare, I think they actually reinforce each other."
"The fact that things like inflation can happen, and it becomes more expensive to feed your kids and to fuel your car is exactly why people need to be in charge of how many mouths they're going to have to feed," Porter said. "The fact that we're seeing this jump in expenses, that we're seeing people having to pay more in the grocery store, pay more at the pump, pay more for housing, is a reason that people are saying, ‘I need to be able to make my own decisions about when and if to start a family.'"
Well, Katie, how about mom and dad shoot one or two kids at the breakfast table and this way they'll have plenty to eat at dinner? Better yet, why not round up everyone who questions "climate change," the legitimacy of the 2020 election, the notion of more than two genders, or that America as founded is both illegitimate and irredeemably racist and shoot all of them? Voila! No more food shortages AND a permanent majority for your party. Winning.
If you think that I'm over the top, you have not paid attention to the warnings of folks like Hannah Arendt, especially in context to the words and deeds of Leftists in and out of American government since at least 2008 if not long before. Most especially in the past several months where truly innocent Americans still languish as political prisoners after being taken hostage by an FBI entrapment sting, where parents have been targeted as potential terrorists for merely speaking up at school board meetings and now, where an honest-to-goodness Ministry of Truth is being enacted to censor and even punish political speech running counter to the official narrative out of Kalorama, and bands of political thugs are being used to intimidate by threats of physical violence against even Supreme Court justices. And those are just for starters on the overthrown-America checklist.
Yes, gentle reader. Elections have consequences, but stolen elections are something else entirely.
Everybody to the right of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez knows that the root cause of the crisis facing America — the most serious since the Civil War — is lawlessness. And everybody not under the spell of the Democrat spin machine understands that the lawlessness begins at the top, with government and the many agencies of the executive branch who are tasked by our Constitution with enforcing the law. Whether by failing to enforce our immigration statutes, or failing to prosecute criminals in our streets, or violating our election procedures to favor one party, Democrat administrations in our nation’s capital and our major cities have brazenly supported criminal behavior carried out by Black Lives Matter rioters, common street thugs, and anti-Supreme Court agitators seeking to extort decisions by fear. The effect has been to systematically undermine the rule of law, stoke the fires of anarchy, and sow chaos in our institutions.
This trend has been evident since the revival of the radical left on the eve of the 9/11 attacks and its creation of Sanctuary Cities designed to flout the law and prevent the enforcement of the PATRIOT Act. It escalated with Obama’s illegal, unconstitutional — and self-acknowledged — violation of America’s immigration laws. And it spread to the revenue authority of the I.R.S., which systematically rejected the applications for tax-exempt status of conservative organizations, until the scandal grew so large that it forced the resignation of the tax commissioner Lois Lerner. But while one commissioner is gone, the illegal partisan practices of the I.R.S. have continued to grow under her latest successor, Charles Rettig, playing a key role in skewing the results of the last presidential election. . .
. . . A rarely mentioned fact about the 2020 election is that Biden eked out a victory by perhaps the narrowest margin in history — .027% of the 159 million votes cast. This was a margin easily created by a strategic influx of campaign cash coupled with orders to spend the money on massive numbers of paper ballots, which could be harvested from “drop boxes,” which, as Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules shows, were repeatedly stuffed by Democrat operatives in the middle of the night.
All these millions of Zuckerberg dollars, underwritten by American taxpayers, drew no attention from I.R.S. Commissioner Charles Rettig or the I.R.S. investigating teams whose responsibility it was to see that taxpayer supported operations like the Zuckerberg “charities” were not intervening in American election campaigns with the idea of shaping their outcomes. . .
. . . “The Zuckerberg funding is an unprecedented example of using government employees and government resources to put your finger on the scale, to affect the election outcome. It would be like giving private money to police departments to have officers do more stop-and-frisk in certain neighborhoods compared to other neighborhoods. It would be like giving money to the tax department to do increased audits in certain zip codes or neighborhoods versus other neighborhoods". . .
. . . Zuckerberg’s goal was to massively increase voter turnout in Democrat-dominated jurisdictions by maximizing fraud-breeding practices like ballot harvesting, the use of unmonitored ballot drop boxes, and mail-in voting without strict signature-matching requirements. To achieve his political ends, Zuckerberg poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the coffers of a pair of politically partisan, tax-exempt nonprofit organizations that were more than willing to do his dirty work and secure the presidency for a doddering contempt-for-the-law-and-the-truth Alzheimer’s case.
None of these travesties could have taken place without the seditious collusion of I.R.S. Commissioner Charles Rettig and his 63,000 agents whose duty is to protect the integrity of our tax laws — and, as it turns out, our elections.
David Horowitz's and John Perazzo's piece is long and goes into granular detail. A must-read for today or the weekend if you read nothing else from today's links (but read them all so you don't miss a single drop!). What does all of this portend for this November and 2024? The cynic in me says that they're going to pull out all the stops to cheat and cheat massively like they did in 2020. They have to. It may not be registering now but I think that the Left has lost the Culture War, or at the very least have taken a very deep body blow thanks to the exposure of the sexualization of our children and the poison of Jive Kampf crackpot racialism theory. On top of that, we have a collapsing economy, crime in the streets, and food and fuel shortages that the Junta is not going to be able to blame Trump, Putin, Trumputin, or even "bad luck" on.
Look at it this way; if they couldn't steal the Virginia gubernatorial race for Terry "the punk" McAwful - and you can bet your sweet ass they pulled out all the stops to do just that - I don't think they're going to be able to do it this November. And so, what's left for them to do?
Looks like a pretty safe bet that the summer riots of 2022 will be about women’s “rights,” complete with marching vulvas and Handmaid cosplay platoons. But you never know. Polls have been showing that minorities, who are usually reliable Democrat voters, have been souring on the party, so there’s always a chance we’ll pivot to race riots. But then again, anti-SCOTUS march organizers have been performing logic corkscrews in an attempt to loop in the LGBTQ brigade, so maybe that cause will hold sway after all. But one thing’s certain: we’re going to see another summer of riots.
Riots — or at the very least, large-scale organized protests (LOPs, for the sake of this article) — have become an industry, complete with its own infrastructure and professional workforce, and there are big bucks involved. Rioting isn’t going away any time soon. . .
. . . When President Obama was sworn in, disruptive LOPs immediately came to the forefront. Almost as soon as the “Lightworker” took office, banks and insurance companies were besieged by mobs that intimidated employees entering and leaving their workplaces. These actions were coordinated with Obama and the Left as they pushed radical policy changes, such as nationalized healthcare or lower-threshold mortgages for favored constituencies. Targeted companies were demonized by the White House and simultaneously terrorized by LOPs to apply maximum pressure.
At the same time, the Obama administration abused its authority to compel corporations to fork over billions of dollars to “community organizing” Leftist activist groups. This technique had been mined for years by rabble-rousers such as Jesse Jackson (and his Rainbow PUSH Coalition) and Al Sharpton, but the Obama administration levied the force of the federal government to bring it to an entirely new level. Eric Holder’s DOJ prosecuted targeted corporations, which were allowed to atone for their sins by forking over billions that were redistributed to Marxist protest factories.
When local street thug George Floyd died of a likely fentanyl overdose while a cop knelt on his neck, the system kicked into high gear. Riots erupted, Democrats hyperventilated, and corporations poured billions into the coffers of Big Protest.
Radical Leftist non-profits put the money to good use, adding office space and manpower and building partnerships with various service providers. You didn’t think all those Race and Gender Power Structures degrees were going unused, did you? LOP production is a massive industry.
And now, the infrastructure is in place and Big Protest’s shock troops are ready to roll at a moment’s notice. Not only that, but this industry is also intractably ensconced in the national establishment. The continuum comprises almost every sector."
Have a good weekend.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- David Horowitz and John Perazzo: " To achieve his political ends, Zuckerberg poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the coffers of a pair of politically partisan, tax-exempt nonprofit organizations that were more than willing to do his dirty work and secure the presidency for a doddering contempt-for-the-law-and-the-truth Alzheimer’s case. None of these travesties could have taken place without the seditious collusion of I.R.S. Commissioner Charles Rettig and his 63,000 agents whose duty is to protect the integrity of our tax laws — and, as it turns out, our elections."
How Zuckerberg Used a Tax-Exempt Foundation to Help Biden Fix the 2020 Election . . . And got away with it.
- "When Democrats don't get their way, beware, because they will stop at nothing."
There Will Be Blood
- Julie Kelly: "Historically, American juries have hesitated to find the nation’s top law enforcement agency guilty of setting up other Americans. But Brandon Caserta had the goods."
Whitmer Hoax Defendant: "We Beat Them. We Got Justice" (Part Two of a Two-Part Series)
- "It is hard to see the advent of a DGB as anything other than an escalation in a burgeoning War on Wrongthink."
You Couldn’t Have Picked a Worse Minister of Truth Than Nina Jankowicz
- "Will divine guidance save the West one more time?"
The Collapse of Russia Will Be the Beginning of the End of the West
- "Something is killing off large numbers of 25-to-54-year-olds in the United States, and the powers that be in government and the media are pretending it is not happening."
Feds and Media Ignoring Doubling of Mortality Among Young and Middle-Aged Adults in Latest Data
- “No dissenting draft opinions have circulated from any justice, including the three liberals.”
Alito’s Opinion on Overturning Roe Reportedly Still the Only One Being Circulated at SCOTUS
- "Foundation working to 'reduce worldwide population growth' pushes international abortion pill scheme."
Partners in Crime: How Abortion Activists Are Plotting To Subvert State Laws
- "Conservatives won the fight in Florida, but the 'Don’t Say Gay' smear turned war into a two-front battle of legislation and propaganda. The same principles are at play in the abortion debate that has blown up after the leak of a draft from the Supreme Court that suggests that the justices are ready to overturn Roe v. Wade"
Fighting the Narrative™ on Repealing Roe v. Wade
- “I know that there is an outrage right now about protests that have been peaceful to date,” Psaki said in a May 10 press briefing. “We certainly continue to encourage that outside of judge’s homes.”
White House Press Secretary "Encourages" Angry Mobs Surrounding Supreme Court Justices’ Homes
- Robert Spencer: "If Biden were an American president, however inept and wrongheaded, he would denounce the House’s foot-dragging and call for immediate passage of this bill to increase security for Supreme Court Justices and their families. But he is something else altogether."
Do House Dems Want Supreme Court Justices Menaced? Looks That Way.
- "He came out in support of the bill which would codify Roe v. Wade."
Sen. Bob Casey Betrays His Father’s Legacy
- "Roberts made a Supreme Court that is political instead of judicial. That’s where the buck stops now."
Did Chief Justice John Roberts Kill Cock Robin?
* * * * *
- Sick, Malthusian Dipshit Katie "porker" Porter (D - Ipshit): "The fact that things like inflation can happen, and it becomes more expensive to feed your kids and to fuel your car is exactly why people need to be in charge of how many mouths they're going to have to feed." (why not just kill off one or two at the breakfast table so dinner won't be a problem? - jjs)
Women Need Abortions To Fight Inflation, Dem Rep Says
- “The Louisiana House of Representatives just had a bill before them that would protect all human beings from being murdered with impunity, and therefore abolishing abortion in their state,” Pastor Brett Baggett of Rescue Those noted. “What did the pro-life legislators do? They gutted it in order to keep abortion legal.” (your GOPe, doing the jobs the Democrats can't - jjs)
Republican-Led Louisiana House Fails To Pass Bill Abolishing Abortion
- Squier, now a professor at Penn State University, said that she had been so angry that she helped to organize a group letter — signed by herself and some of the other women in Alito’s graduating class — attacking her former classmate, and she joined anchor John Berman on CNN’s “New Day” to discuss the draft that she claimed had left her “stunned” and “angry.”
"Back to the Salem Witch Trials": XiNN Trots Out Alito Classmate — From 50 Years Ago — to Attack Him on Air
- "The best pro-abortion arguments are the ones where the point of contention that the child is a separate, living organism is conceded, and the issue only becomes a question of whether a mother can be legally forced to give birth."
Beating Pro-Abortion Arguments
- "The battle over abortion has life-or-death consequences for so many."
Roe and the Culture of Death
- "A former 'unwanted fetus' on abortionists' hypocrisy, bigotry, and misogyny."
I Am a Woman and You Do Not Speak for Me
- “Americans are feeling the pain [from inflation], and Congress seems intent only on adding to that pain by shoveling more money out the door as fast as they can,” Paul said, according to The Hill.
Rand Paul Just Hit the Brakes on $40 Billion Ukraine-Aid Package
- “How exactly is this supposed to end? It’s as if the administration is probing [Vladimir] Putin’s nuclear redline. A game of chicken between nuclear powers is insane."
Rep. Gaetz: "We Are Sleepwalking into a War," "Regime Change in Russia" is the Goal
- "What began as a straightforward U.S. policy of arming the Ukrainians has expanded into a dangerous and rapid escalation."
A Reckless Policy of "Bleeding Russia" Risks Getting the United States Into a Foolish Foreign War
- Richard Fernandez: "It is perhaps the supreme irony of our technological age that information systems can track people from orbit yet fail to compute the consequences of political scheming. Should the West continue to aim for the defeat of Russia? It seems like a sure thing, as perfect as the scheme Putin pitched to Xi Jinping when they met in the cold, blustery first days of February in Beijing when Vladimir had a plan involving Ukraine that couldn’t fail."
Beware the "Sure Thing"
- Joining NATO would end decades of military non-alignment by Finland. On Wednesday, Niinistö had a message on Wednesday for Russian President Vladimir Putin: “You caused this – look at the mirror.”
Finland About to Join NATO: "You Caused This," Finnish President Tells Putin
- "Even though Vladimir Putin was unsuccessful in getting Hillary Clinton elected in 2016, because he supported the Russiagate deceit, Putin got an even weaker U.S. leader in Joe Biden."
Did Russiagate Enable the Invasion of Ukraine?
- In a video appearing to show an interview with the FBI whistleblower, the “special agent,” whose identity was concealed, told O’Keefe that “Project Veritas appears to be a victim of political undertakings” in connection with a raid last year.
Project Veritas: Whistleblower Says FBI Targeting "News Media"
- "The memo also reportedly said Twitter was halting most new hiring and was cutting back on spending in-part due to the company not achieving key growth metrics."
It Begins: Heads Start to Roll at Twitter as Two Top Leaders at Company Out
- Larry Elder: "The Elon Musk effect?"
The Conservative Surge in Twitter Followers
- "Hinting she doesn’t believe it should even exist."
Head of Biden’s "Ministry of Truth" Previously Compared Free Speech to “Fairy Dust”
- Robert Spencer: "Welcome to the Left's all-out war against the freedom of speech."
FDA Commissioner Claims "Misinformation" is Now America’s Leading Cause of Death
- "Elon Musk In the Age of Algospeak."
The Jargon Wars
- Anything now to fuck him over.
Elon Musk Facing SEC Investigation Over Late Twitter Stake Disclosure
- "Top management at LinkedIn and Meta need to ask whether growing controversies about the ability of their moderators to use their authority responsibly could constitute business risks."
Arbitrary Moderation: A Risk for LinkedIn and Meta Investors
- Robert Spencer Part Deux: "The crime of accidentally reminding leftists of biological reality."
New York Times Apologizes for Wordle of the Day
- "The formula shortage is finally bringing attention to the FDA’s labeling games that have angered many moms for years."
The FDA Was Making it Difficult for Moms to Get Baby Formula Long Before the Supply Chain Imploded
- "You don’t think Joe Biden would put Americans at the head of the baby formula line, do you? Democrats hate Americans, especially the babies they didn’t get a chance to abort."
GOP Rep Says Illegal Immigrants Receiving "Pallets of Baby Formula"
- "Biden promised to 'transform' America, but how many voters knew this is what he had in mind?"
Biden's America: The Land of Plenty Shortages
- "Boogeymen such as 'the Putin price hike' and 'the Ultra-MAGA Agenda' are convenient scapegoats."
Biden’s Phony Words Follow Inflation’s Phony Money
- "No, the cowardly politicians who enabled foolish and unprecedented lockdowns do not deserve to blame the results on anything but themselves."
"Supply Chain Disruptions" Are Not an Accident, They’re the Logical Result of Stupid Lockdowns
* * * * *
- "Tehran has already cracked down on food-related discontent in the country’s Arab-dominated Khuzestan province in the southwest. According to one report, witnesses in Izeh say riot police have been brought in to quell peaceful protests. The question is: Will Americans take to the streets shouting 'Death to Biden' over their hungry infants?"
Food Riots Hit Iran ... Are We Next?
- “Gas station operators set retail prices based on their expected acquisition cost for the next delivery of fuel from the local distributor, federal and state tax rates, and a markup that covers operating expenses, such as rent, delivery charges and credit card fees,” the Fed officials wrote.
Dems’ Favorite Inflation Talking Point Just Got Debunked In Epic Fashion
- "Council of Economic Advisers chair Cecilia Rouse believes that the more than $5 trillion in spending by Congress in the last year and a half and the [so-called quote-unquote "president's"] early efforts to destroy the American energy industry had nothing to do with the sky-high inflation we’re experiencing today. Really?"
Biden Economics Advisor Thinks Causing Inflation is "An Effective Strategy Against the Pandemic"
- How positively . . . Nixonian! And Marxist-Leninist.
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Pushes Democrat Bill That Would Give Biden Power To Control Gas Prices
- "Prices rose 11 percent in Phoenix and 10.8 percent in Atlanta last month—the highest of all major American cities—according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Democrats have blamed inflation on a variety of factors, including corporate price gouging, supply chain issues, and Vladimir Putin. But a growing number of economists say the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan was a major contributor to the nationwide price surge."
These Two Cities Can Thank Their Dem Senators for the Nation’s Highest Inflation Rates
- A Democrat staffer admits the obvious: “If you’re explaining, you are losing.”
Rich CA Democrat Rep. Katie Porter Discovers Inflation Due to the Price of Bacon
- "It is unclear why the CBS News reporter was copied on the email, but the ensuing thread appeared to show disagreement and miscommunication over the administration’s energy policies as gasoline prices continue to hit all-time highs."
Biden’s Climate Czar May Have Inadvertently Revealed Deep Dysfunction in the Junta
- "Here’s a question: Why does the federal government have control over all this land to begin with? Anyway … as of today, the average price for a gallon of gas hit a record high of $4.42. On the day Trump left office, a gallon of gas cost $2.39."
To Keep Gas Prices Soaring, Biden Kills Alaska, Gulf Drilling Leases
- "Remarks reminiscent of condescending, tone-deaf, 'You’ve Got a Friend' moment in France during 2015 visit."
John Kerry Says Ukraine Crisis is Opportunity to “Shift Green” and “Deweaponize Energy”
- "It’s not the variations in weather we should blame. It’s weather—we have always had variations due to La Nina, wildfires, and drought. It’s why energy producers have always built in excess capacity. It’s idiotic policies, not least of which is retiring power plants before they can be replaced by 'renewables' or conventional energy. Of course, the most idiotic of all policies is the notion that depriving people of needed energy will make it possible to control the climate which in their fantasy world is heating up at an unprecedented and terrifying rate because of CO2 emissions."
California's Long Hot Summer—and Ours
- If it isn't five out of five, then they win.
Two Out of Five House Republicans Subpoenaed By Jan. 6 Select Committee Say They Won’t Comply
- Jeffrey Lord: ". . . But protects committee members and Pelosi."
Corrupt Jan. 6 Committee Issues Subpoenas to GOP Congressmen
- Abolish the damned FBI and dynamite the Hoover building.
FBI Used Terrorism Laws to Investigate "Dozens" of "Concerned Parents" Who Attended School Board Meetings
- "We are in desperate need of immigration policies that put the best interests of our country and its citizens first. Catch-and-release is the opposite of that and needs to go."
The Absolute Lunacy of Catch and Release
- "The White House’s false tweet has yet to be corrected as of late Thursday night, and Twitter has not flagged it as misinformation about vaccines and the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic."
White House Posts Blatant Disinformation About Biden and Chinese COVID-19
- Encouraging to see this reaction in the deepest of deep blue shit holes, but I must remind these parents that they vote for this again and again and again. Come this November and in '24, will that change? Doubtful.
Fed-Up NYC Parents Demand City Hall Meeting Over Toddler Mask Mandates
- "Families who chatted with local media — while somewhat supportive of the measures — seemed rather glum about the prospect of having to see their loved ones don a face mask again." (why the fuck are you acting like mind-numbed sheeple instead of marching en masse to city hall with torches and pitchforks?! - jjs)
Maine’s Largest City Reinstates Public School Mask Mandates
- "'The regime knows that the world would find out about this sooner or later,' expert says."
It Took Two Years, But North Korea Finally Had Its First Chinese COVID Case
- "Another technocrat flees the sinking narrative."
Lockdown Advocate Admits Negative Impacts Were Never Considered
- “It’s okay when we do it!”
Broadway Star Angrily Lectures Audience Member For Not Wearing a Mask While Not Wearing a Mask
- "Yes, she was doing a post-show Q-and-A. She likely wanted her face to be seen and her speech to be understood. But the policy of the theater where she was performing requires masking. So why not her? Does being on a stage mean you can’t get others sick?" (don't shriek at me, aging Nina [Jankowicz] - jjs)
Patti Lupone’s Hypocritical Privilege Makes Her a Mask Karen
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Anthony Fauci and NIH boss Francis Collins got part of $350 million in undisclosed royalties."
The Green Side of White Coat Supremacy
- "Gender Woo-Woo is religion, and we do not consent to our children being held hostage by cult members with our tax dollars. Fight back, parents. It’s time to keep calm and sue everyone."
The First Rule of Gay Club Is You DO NOT Talk About Gay Club! Groomer Teachers Plot on Zoom
- "Canceling student debt would be robbing the poor to pay the rich."
Cancel the Higher Education Cartel, Not Student Debt
- "MIT, caught in a bind, reintroduces standardized testing."
Reversing DEI (DIE - jjs)
- "The center is being stripped of its independence, Watson says, 'purportedly in response to a single speaker at that conference who gave an anti-affirmative-action talk.'”
Free Speech Under Fire at Saint Vincent College
- "Wisconsin Democrats have called the investigation a partisan witch hunt and a waste of taxpayer dollars." (what are they so afraid of if Biden won it fair and square? - jjs)
Wisconsin 2020 Election Probe Paused
- Margot Cleveland: "In 2005, bipartisan leaders cautioned that systemic problems plagued American elections. The 2020 general election saw every problem they warned about come to fruition."
If You Don’t Care About Election Integrity, You’re a Bad American
- The investigation is centered on the National Archives discovering earlier in the year that Trump had taken home 15 boxes from the White House that contained government documents, including “items marked as classified national security information.”
Feds Open Grand Jury Investigation Into Trump Over Activities at His Florida Home: Report
- "The more it is analyzed, the worse it looks."
The Steele Dossier: Pure Democratic Farce
- "Academia’s contemporary blood libel."
Pseudo-Scholars Promoting the Demonization of Israel and Jews
- "Rep. Scott Perry (R., Pa.), a Foreign Affairs Committee member, in March called on VOA and USAGM to turn over reams of information that he said would shed a light on the broadcasting giant's abuse of taxpayer funds. The agency has failed to do so, fueling accusations it is trying to hide this information."
VOA Misallocates Funds and Suppresses Negative Stories About Iran. This Lawmaker Wants To Investigate.
- "During event with teachers' union leaders, Jahana Hayes heaps praise on House speaker."
This Connecticut Dem Pledged to Stand Up to Malig-Nancy Pelosi. Now, She’s Her Biggest Supporter.
- "Greitens is hopeful of a return to political office. He’s currently a frontrunner in Missouri’s Republican U.S. Senate primary that is scheduled for August 2."
Ethics Panel Says Nazi Collaborator Soros-Funded Prosecutor in Greitens Case Broke Ethics Rules
- "The political landscape has completely changed since 2018. In just four years, DeSantis has made Florida as red as any state in the union, including Alabama and Mississippi. Diaz is delusional."
Democrats Pouring $15 Million Into "Blue Shift Florida." Pollyanna is Pleased.
- "Inflation, illegal immigration, allegations of domestic terrorism — is Biden trying to lead our country or destroy it?"
Joe Biden Versus We the People
- “Lou Barletta is the man at the right time at the right place for the people of Pennsylvania and I’m happy to be here today to support Lou,” Corman said. “At a time when Tom Wolf is leaving office with historically low approval ratings when the country and Pennsylvania are rejecting the Biden agenda, this is a time when we’re looking for new leadership.”
Republican Jake Corman Drops Out of Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Race, Endorses Lou Barletta
- "Cawthorn needs to finish with 30 percent of the vote to avoid a runoff."
Cawthorn vs. Edwards: The Primary Race of the Year (I thought Oz vs Barnette? - jjs)
- Good. That family has done quite enough damage to the nation. No more.
Report: George P. Bush Floundering Due to Family Name
- "In 40 years of polling New York state elected officials, I can’t recall ratings this low for a governor. Even when Cuomo was in effect ousted he had better ratings than this. . . Yet the hidden issue is that the Democratic primary for governor, unlike the one for New York City mayor, won’t be tantamount to election. If the winner emerges with only a 37% job approval, it may well be a handover of the governorship to Republicans." (a fake-out to lull the GOP base into a false sense of security or a real analysis? - jjs)
Clinton Political Flack Mark Penn: NY Democrats Need to Realize Hochul Can't Beat Republicans in the General Election
- "The Left’s appeals are all to the emotions and never the intellect."
Everything Isn’t Racist, It’s Stupid
- "On the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s bus and rail system, violent crime has increased 81% during the first two months of 2022, the L.A. Times reported. In addition, several Metro workers say they have been threatened and sometimes assaulted by homeless people, as an increase in the homeless population on the metro system has surged, according to the L.A. Times." (George Gaviscon does nothing but blame the victim - jjs)
REPORT: Woman on Train Sprays 70-Year-Old Man With Liquid, Sets Him On Fire
- "The innocents in Chicago don’t have to look far to blame someone. The culture of violence on the streets is matched by the culture of permissiveness that enables the violence from city hall to Back of the Yards."
Three Mass Shootings in 24 Hours in Chicago, and It's Not Even Summer Yet
- "Price was asked by Associated Press reporter Matt Lee if there are any other non-state entities the United States sells weapons to. Price was silent for several seconds after appearing to stammer, before getting out a non-answer."
State Department Spokesman Ned "Ryerson" Price Left Literally Speechless at Taiwan Question
- "Insights into the territory’s history of struggle for freedom."
Hong Kong Without a Net
- "PA won’t hand over the bullet that killed Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh to an Israeli ballistic inspection."
Al Jazeera Reporter Shot Dead in Palestinian Terror Stronghold, Shooter Unclear But Of Course Media Blame Israel
- "Good can come of this -- or evil."
How Dare Israel Rebuild a Synagogue the Jordanians Blew Up?
- "The election of the IRA-connected Sinn Fein promises difficulties for the UK's Northern Irish colony."
The Northern Ireland Conundrum
- " . . . And another Norwegian U.N. official heading home in disgrace."
Another Year, Another U.N. Scandal
- Raymond Ibrahim: ". . . Especially by way of these three verses."
Why the Koran Is Responsible for the Slaughter of a Christian Priest
- "Admiral Michael Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations quietly lists reading of a more military nature."
US Navy Chief Removes Woke and CRT Books From Professional Reading Program List
- "State officials move to stop freeway expansions, signaling yet the latest example of a state that’s committed to long-term congestion and decay."
Lobbying for Congestion
- "Efforts in Mississippi and Wisconsin offer lessons for future reformers."
A Tax-Reform Future for States?
- "If successful, it would empower the anti-racist movement with what advocates expect to be recognized as unimpeachable scientific authority."
The Malignant "Equity" Agenda is Already Corrupting Medicine
- "These lunar samples were brought back so that scientists could study it, not so that it could be locked away in a vault forever never to be touched. To make this very intelligence experiment wait 11 years before getting permission is absurd."
Scientists Grow Plants in Lunar Soil Brought Back By Apollo Missions
- "This is the second supermassive black hole that the Event Horizon array has imaged. In 2019 it captured the central black hole of the galaxy M87, 55 million light years away. Like that first image, much of what we see here is created by computer, since the data from the eight radio telescopes needs to be massaged to create something as smooth and as complete as this."
First Radio Image of Event Horizon of Milky Way's Central Black Hole
- “This is a parody right?” one person asked in response to [Christopher] Rufo’s tweet. (recall Travis Bickle's prediction of "a real rain coming to wash this scum away" . . . אם־ירצה־השם im yirtze Hashem - jjs)
Pride Fest "Kiddie Korner" Includes "Affirming Books," "Lots Of Crafts," and "Drag Kids Dress-Up"
- The updated Netflix Culture memo includes a new section called “Artistic Expression” that states that it will not “censor specific artists or voices” even if employees consider the content “harmful.” (too little too late for them, but it's a sign that the groundswell against this "woke" poison is turning into an eye-of-Jupiter sized storm - jjs)
Netflix Fires Major Warning Shot At Its Woke Employees With New "Culture Memo"
- "The new dolls, to be released in June, will join the Barbie Fashionista line." (the Klaus Barbie Sandinista line, more likely - jjs)
Mattel’s "Inclusive Dolls" Include Wheel Chair and Prosthetic Leg Barbie, Vitiligo Ken
- I thought it was a beer gut.
Calvin Klein Includes Pregnant Trans "Man" in Ad Campaign
- Daniel Greenfield: "Why wokes want to cancel Shakespeare’s villains."
A Woke Richard III Will Truly Prove a Villain
- "Everything you ever did in your life is worth less than some piece of crap he made in a half hour or so."
Andy Warhol and the Art World’s Meaningless Game of Monopoly
- Christian Toto: "Satisfying sequel hits nearly all the marks while outdoing the original."
Top Gun: Maverick – No Woke, Just Thrills and Nostalgia on Steroids
- "Macdonald died last September at 61-years-old after reportedly battling cancer for nine years. The report says that he was working on new material for a special with Netflix when he became so ill that he had to be hospitalized in 2020."
Norm Macdonald Shot Secret Comedy Special To Be Released After He Died. It’s About To Come Out.
- "How neocons locked the Right into a leftward drift."
Liberalism Driving the Speed Limit
- "Rodney Cook, Jr.’s Atlanta project seeks to reinvigorate American civic art."
Monumental Ambitions
- “This was clearly an album that took you on a journey from start to finish,” said Light. “That’s why it’s largely become the critical favorite out of the catalog.”
How the Rolling Stones Overcame Heroin Addiction to Make Exile on Main Street (they became methadone addicts - jjs)
- "Midge Decter, 1927-2022"
Midge the Magnificent
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 08:27 AM
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