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Monday Overnight Open Thread – 05/09/2022 »
May 09, 2022
Beaver Reaver Cafe

Princes Street, Edinburgh,
by Fayazey
New mama's gonna have her hands full with this one.
Dogs observe Mothers Day, too.
The Stranger.
Turtles rush to the aid of ailing fellow. Well, they "rush," for turtles.
I'm... too sexy for my fur... too sexy for my fur... so sexy I'm sure...
An unexpected guest drops by for the barbecue.
Giving away the bride.
Hour break for lunch, says so right in the union rules.
Baby elephant stands for first time, with a helping trunk from mom.
Itchy hedgehog.
This is how you do the "Chains of Death" trick that magicians do, where assistants wrap a chain around a magician's neck, and then pull it hard. Instead of strangling the magician, the chain passes through his neck. Supposedly.
The trick relies on a fake loop around the "victim's" neck. It requires practice.
Anyway, here are some amateurs doing the trick. Sound on!