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May 01, 2022
First-World Problems...
That's a bit of an exaggeration, but when the sprinkler company tech arrived a few mornings ago (at 6:54am), it was damned cold. Like...seeing my breath cold. Maybe I am in the minority, but I am sick of Global Warming and low 30s temps in late April!
Sprinkler systems are a necessary evil in many parts of the country. And that is not based on conservation and the environmental loons who think we should all rip up our lawns and put in xeriscape. America has plenty of water, California in particular; their issues are entirely the result of catastrophically stupid water policies.
No...sprinkler systems are a pain in the ass because they need constant attention and the fittings are not the most robust plumbing fixtures. Errant mowers and snowblowers and even a hard-soled boot can knock them askew and even break them. And they absolutely must be drained every fall. the low parts of the system will eventually freeze, and digging up the ruptured pipes is a mess! But most homeowners do not have compressors with sufficient capacity to blow out the pipes, thus the existence of pricey maintenance contracts and commercial compressors!
I have one unused zone, and I considered installing a drip irrigation line for some hanging plants. Well, until the sprinkler company gave me a price.
Anyone know how to do that? Or will it be YouTube to the rescue?