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March 15, 2022

The Morning Report - 3/15/22


Good morning, kids. Tuesday, and appropriately enough, the Ides of March. Has it really been "two weeks?" Already? Time really flies when you're flattening society. While everyone is fretting over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and yes it is a serious issue, lest we forget that it, along with every other assault and abomination (you can spell it with a capital "O" for extra texture and meaning) on ourselves and what was our nation we have endured and for sure have yet to endure in the immediate future is a direct result of the actions taken "two weeks" ago:

In March 2020, once-free citizens around the world surrendered their liberty and livelihoods in a futile attempt to "stop" a virus. The most technologically advanced civilization in the history of mankind quickly adopted medieval fixes that bordered on quackery, sold by snake oil salesmen in the credentialied class and news media, codified through executive fiat by elected leaders of both parties.

"Just 15 days," we were told on March 16, 2020, "to slow the spread." Do your part to promote the "common good"—the historical rallying cry of every wannabe despot—or be branded a heartless heretic. And it worked, far better than the original architects probably anticipated. . .

. . . But having covered the climate change movement for years, I recognized a familiar approach to the spread of [Chinese] COVID-19 hysteria: use flawed data to whip up a public frenzy and shut down all debate in fealty to "science!"

Any disagreement over the data, no matter how unreliable or untested the data happened to be—and in the early months, the only available data came from China—made you a "science denier," or worse.

This time around, sadly, the hysteria wasn't pushed solely by lefty environmental activists but also by President Donald Trump, Republican governors, and "conservative" influencers throughout the media. Once that buy-in was made, all hope was lost.

Trump's catastrophic decision to acquiesce to the demands of Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx—the former a charlatan, the latter a dunce—and shut down the country two years ago this week was by far the worst moment in his presidency and rivals the worst moment in any presidency. As usual, however, Trump's first instinct (the one he suppressed to appease those demanding we honor The Science™) was the right one. The cure should not be worse than the disease, he fretted. He knew it, but he listened to the quacks anyway.

The decision sealed his electoral fate; the booming economy he helped build entered a death spiral.

Which is why the Left will try this again. Pandemic lockdowns produced all sorts of benefits for Democrats, including outcomes the environmental movement had been dreaming about for five decades: fossil fuel use plummeted as airline and vehicle traffic screeched to a halt; meat prices soared; commercial buildings in large energy-consuming cities sat vacant. . .

. . . Aside from advancing long-time climate goals, the lockdowns contributed to an even bigger score for Biden and the Democrats in 2020: stealing the presidential election. . .

. . . Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the only leader to express regret for authorizing shutdowns in his state—under pressure at the time by the Trump White House—questioned whether "the science [will] change because you have a midterm election coming up," noting that Democrats didn't reverse their [Chinese] COVID panic until they saw dismal polling results. . .

. . . Despite how rich or popular the lockdowns made [Pfizer CEO] Albert Bourla or how pleased millions of Americans were at the sight of mass misery, the reality is that lockdowns did immense damage across the globe that may never be fully calculated. The date of March 16, 2020 isn't just a day that will live in infamy—it marked the beginning of the largest crime against humanity since the last world war.

And the perpetrators aren't finished yet.

Once again, Julie Kelly nails it. One question she asks is will the American public fall for what she predicts will be another call for lockdowns, ostensibly to prevent the outbreak of whatever variant du jour of General Tso's Sickness the "scientists" discover, but which is in fact a completely different form of pathogen that attacks only Democrat politicians -- a pissed off electorate? She's not sanguine, and it's hard to argue her position. That said we can never really know the true feelings of the public at large because the agitprop media's job is to lie, obfuscate or otherwise embargo the facts in order to preserve the Leftist-Globalist enterprise that hijacked the country in 2020. One of the prime reasons the propagandists succeed in advancing the Leftist cause is because those politicians allegedly on our side - and many of us in general in our daily lives - either accept their premises or would rather not rock the boat and are otherwise uncomfortable in openly calling bullshit. America is racist, Republicans want to take food out of the mouths of children, love is love!, they're anti-science, they want to Tommy Udo granny off a cliff, etc. ad nauseam et infinitum.

It's more than just a sad state of affairs that we cannot openly and honestly debate issues in this country without fear of recrimination. It's dangerous. The reason we can't do so is that there is no longer a common ground between us and those with whom we disagree because they don't merely disagree with our position; they view it and us as an existential evil to be eradicated. That is why debate cannot be countenanced because the facts, when presented openly without interference or censorship can only result in the complete rhetorical and logical refutation of every position Democrats, Leftists and Globalists (BIRM) present. In any case, they reject the very founding of this nation, our society and Judeo-Christianity itself going back 2,000 years. So in the end, what's to debate? Mind you, this situation did not happen overnight. It took 50-60 years to get here via the slow, stealth brainwashing of two to three generations of American children, which is now out in the open. Parents to be targeted and labeled domestic terrorists by the DOJ at the behest of the Vegetable-in-Chief for merely showing up to protest the curriculum at a school board meeting? QED, but I digress.

You'll have noticed, I'm sure, that the names of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis feature quite prominently in Julie Kelly's essay. As we approach both the midterms as well as the 2024 elections just over that horizon, those two names loom large. Donald Trump was outstanding in going after the media when it smeared him, which was almost on an hourly basis every day for over four years nonstop. Those "mean tweets" weren't mean. They were him unabashedly defending himself from the perpetual character assassinations and smear machine that the media not only felt was their right to do, but were shocked that for the first time ever, someone they targeted for termination actually fought back and won. Big time.

Ron DeSantis has taken that to heart and is firing back twice as hard with hard truths on everything from the now provable smears about his handling of the Chinese COVID both in health as well as economic terms that showed Florida outperforming the blue shit hole states, and now this smear about the alleged "Don't Say Gay" bill. As CBD, Michael Walsh and I discussed on the latest episode of Cut Jib Newsletter Speaks! podcast, this is the way forward. Some in the GOP get it; it's mostly the younger set like DeSantis as well as to greater or lesser extents folks like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louie Gohmert to name but a few.

But that said, as for 2024, to Trump or not to Trump. That is the question. CBD and Walsh are hot and horny for DeSantis, CBD thinking Trump would be fighting the right war for the wrong reason. That is, as revenge for what was done to him in 2020. While I disagree with Walsh in that I don't think the anti-Trump Biden vote, big as it was, would have been enough to overcome his re-election were it not for the overflowing Atlanta toilet that somehow delivered the margin of difference across six states, I agree with him and CBD that his age does disqualify him. While he's healthy and isn't suffering from Biden Spongiform Encephalopathy, he'll be 79 in January of 2025.

More crucially, his inability to understand DC as the nest of vipers out to sabotage him at every turn at every level when he was initially staffing up, and then going against his gut, as Julie Kelly notes, in not disregarding Fauci and Birx and pushing back against the media attacks on the therapeutics is what did him in, both in terms of tanking the economy as well as the evisceration of whatever fig leaf of election integrity existed before March of 2020. Look, if he does run and he does get the nomination, I will crawl over molten lava naked to vote for him. But I think it is time for him to step aside and do his thing as a public figure and champion of the MAGA agenda.

And speaking of Ron DeSantis . . .

"Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda," Romney tweeted. "Her treasonous lies may well cost lives."

It's not clear which specific comments from Gabbard to which Romney was referring, but she did claim in a video that she posted to social media over the weekend that there are "25 to 30 U.S.-funded bio labs in Ukraine" that are "conducting research on dangerous pathogens." In the video, Gabbard called for a ceasefire until the labs could be secured and the pathogens inside the labs destroyed.

Gabbard laid out her case for why what she said was true in a lengthy thread on Twitter, saying that Romney needed to provide evidence for calling her "treasonous."

"Senator Romney, please provide evidence that what I said is untrue and treasonous," Gabbard wrote. "If you cannot, you should do the honorable thing: apologize and resign from the Senate."

" . . . and go fuck yourself in the heart with a rusty steak knife."

No, she didn't actually say that but you can bet she was thinking it. As we all were. I bring up her name because she, as well as folks like Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema have done more to, if not advance the conservative cause, at least try to stop the Marxist-Globalist cause of delivering the head of the republic on a silver platter to the Chi-Coms as well as the Blofeld wannabes of Davos at the World Economic Forum. And Pee-Air Defecto is for sure one of them.

Interesting idea: DeSantis/Gabbard '24. Remember, as the great Milton Friedman said, you make things happen by "making it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing." That to me is the nature of American electoral politics, for better or for worse. That said, given the complete control over our government and much of society by both the entrenched Deep State bureaucracy and an at best unreliable judiciary, not to mention the absolute lack of ethics and morality of virtually all of D.C., do elections going forward really mean anything?

Whatever the ultimate answer is to that, for sure it's not going to be with stooges, frauds and criminals like Romney, McConnell, and the rest. It's going to be with people who are not afraid to openly state their rejection and HATRED for everything leftist, globalist, anti-American and anti-G-d. That, and punching them dead in the face - rhetorically speaking - just to make sure. YMMV.

The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.

BONUS: Your March 15th "long distance def dedication." 1970, before you were born. Remember, kids?


  • Julie Kelly: "The date of March 16, 2020 isn't just a day that will live in infamy—it marked the beginning of the largest crime against humanity since the last world war."
    From 15 Days to Two Years
  • Heather Mac Donald: "US schools are eliminating gifted and talented programs in the name of racial equity and deemphasizing — if not eliminating — algebra instruction to conceal racially disparate performance in algebra classes. China is taking the opposite course. It identifies its top math talent early on and gives mathematically gifted students accelerated instruction. Its rigorous university entrance exams reward effort and achievement, not identity. Undergraduate math competitions provide a pipeline to the best graduate programs in STEM."
    As China's Military Tech Dominates, Congress Demands Science Bow to "Racial Justice"
  • Robert Spencer: "With Old Joe Biden in the White House, the Islamic State sees a perfect time to act in the United States. And with the Southern border essentially fictional and our law enforcement and intelligence apparatus devoted to hunting for equally fictional 'white supremacists,' it's easy to see why they think this way."
    Biden Is So Weak, Another Big Threat Is Organizing in the U.S.
  • "All the lessons we should have learned from the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl fell on deaf ears."
    Chernobyl and the Lies of Chinese COVID

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 08:26 AM

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