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February 25, 2022
The Morning Report - 2/25/22
Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and Ukraine getting pounded by Putin remains at the top of the dung heap with the subjugation of North America by its own insane governments smoldering somewhere underneath. While the latter in real, direct terms is much more important for obvious reasons, the former is a direct result of the rigging of the national elections and at some point in the not to distant future could have severe geo-political ramifications for our national and economic security, even if the sanity and clarity of a (or "the" [meaning Trump himself]) MAGA/America first agenda is restored.
In any case, with the bombs raining down not just in the "disputed" areas of Donbas but cities all over the Ukraine, the propaganda blitz begins, or rather ramps up to 'leventy-leven.
The 13 guards were posted on the small but strategic Snake Island off Ukraine's southeastern border when they were approached by two vessels on Thursday, according to Ukrainian media outlets.
The Russians contacted the guards and identified themselves as a "Russian Warship," demanding that the Ukrainians surrender or else they would open fire according to audio of the exchange.
"This is a Russian warship, I repeat. I suggest you surrender your weapons and capitulate otherwise I will open fire. Do you copy?" The Russians said to the border guards. . .
". . . This is it," one of the Ukrainian guards can be heard saying in the clip.
"Should I tell him to go f--k himself?" he appears to ask a comrade.
"Just in case," another guard responds.
The guard then turns up the volume on his comms and bluntly responds, "Russian warship, go f--k yourself."
The Russians then reportedly bombarded the 42-acre island with barreled guns from the warship. They then bombed the island with aircraft. . . All of the guards were killed, officials said.
How cool would it have been if after "go fuck yourself" she added "in the heart with a steak knife?" (thanks, Ace!)
Look, I don't mean to make light of this. It really is a tragedy that the average poor Ukrainian schlub or even Russian schlub has to die. But it isn't because we refuse to help our gallant Ukrainian brothers who yearn for Jeffersonian democracy a la Dubya (vomit). It's because Vladimir Putin saw a green light when America's leftists and globalists gave our nation a lobotomy with the installation of Joey Softserve as its mouthpiece, and then ripped the nation's balls off as it transitioned to a Renee Richards Bride of Frankenstein eunuch prostrate before the whole world (as an addendum, colleague and co-blogger Joe Mannix rightly notes that our pushing of NATO ever eastward for no really good reason post the Soviet break up is also not an insignificant factor behind Putin's aggression).
Until I'm blue in the face, Donald Trump's commitment to strong military deterrence as well as making America energy independent AND a net exporter for the first time in our history kept Putin in check. The fact that Putin, along with Emperor Pooh-Xi and every other bad actor - with the exception of the Democrat Party and their GOPe Renfield remora - sat on his hands between 2017 and 2021 proves to anyone with half a functioning brain cell more than Biden that the confirmed Hillary Clinton/Deep State concocted "Russia Collusion" hoax was just that. Meh, it's like pissing into the wind with this.
Psaki-Psircling back to that truly tragic tale above, I suppose this is the NY Post's attempt to recreate Wake Island, Back to Bataan or more accurately The North Star (more like "The Red Star"; Lillian Hellman, of course) on its front page and get you all misty-eyed, ready to buy war bonds -- or go volunteer to fight the evil Russians. Volunteer someone else's son or daughter or transexual to fight the evil Russians, that is.
Tune it out. Just tune it right the fuck out. That said, if you project into the not too distant future and substitute any of us for those Ukie border guards and the Lon Horiuchi Brigade of the Dept. of Education's military-equipped SWAT team (oh, yes, gentle reader; you'd be surprised how many federal agencies have them) for the Russian navy, it makes a world of difference. And considering J-6 and what's brewing up in Canada (and I don't mean Molson), it scares me shitless.
"NUTS" to you, NY Post and the rest of the agitprop media. And in any case where the fuck is Europe, western and especially eastern? Where the fuck is NATO, and not just the US contingent? This is your fucking, miserable, blood-soaked continent. You have a vested interest putatively (emphasis on the first two syllables) in defending yourselves. Too busy importing Muslims and letting your thousand-year-old innate anti-Semitism boil up while doing everything possible to turn the clock back to the Dark Ages via post-modern self-flagellation to actually want to do something, I guess. Except resort to the 76-year-old trope of blaming America for Europe's self-inflicted rotting societal failure, while at the same time clamping your fangs and suckling off the dried up, desiccated teat of the Marshall Plan, which miraculously has been copiously lactating for nigh on 75 years. Meh, Momma Sefton was right. We should've let the Soviets roll all the way to the Channel, if not to the Irish Sea.
With half my spleen duly vented, here are a few things that underscore the complete insanity of our illegitimate junta's response to this as well as the idiots baying for Putin's and our blood. First up, speaking of border guards, here's entry number one in the I-Can't-Even Dept.:
[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden's [junta] is looking to divert United States Border Patrol agents from their mission at the U.S.-Mexico border to send them overseas "to assist" those fleeing from Ukraine amidst Russia's invasion, a new report states.
Even as illegal immigration continues pouring through the nation's southern border at record levels, Biden hopes to entice Border Patrol agents to sign up voluntarily to aid American citizens, green card-holders, and their immediate relatives fleeing Ukraine into Eastern Europe. . .
. . . In January, alone, the Biden [junta] released more than 62,500 border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior. Border Patrol agents have blasted Biden's policies, which they say have made illegal immigration close to unmanageable.
In truth, I'd rather have a few hundred thousand or even million Ukrainians than the dregs of Latin America or, worse, that beacon of modernity and enlightenment Afghanistan. Funny how Biden didn't send the Border Patrol to Kabul or Kandahar last year when he did the bug-out. Forget a trucker convoy; every CBP agent should be marching on DC. Why not? It's not like they're even allowed to arrest let alone deport any illegal aliens anyway. We have in effect no border so why a Border patrol? Unreal.
From insanity we go to crystal clarity in the form of up and comer (hopefully) J.D. Vance who doesn't understand how Russia could just roll into Ukraine and pound the shit out of it relatively unmolested.
"We spent $6 billion on a failed Ukrainian army," Vance said. "Our leaders foolishly pressured Ukraine to give up their nuclear arsenal in the 1990s, which stripped them of their leverage to deter an eventual Russian invasion. These supposed 'experts' wrongly predicted that these moves would deter Russia instead of provoking them; on this, as with so much else, they were catastrophically wrong."
"Trump deserves an incredible amount of credit for the strength and diplomatic engagement that kept Putin in check -- and Biden an equal amount of blame for his lack of leadership," he added. "Our energy independence gave us leverage; Biden squandered it."
It should be noted that Ukraine back before Trump (and probably even during) - meaning during the Obama/Biden years and probably even now - was an open raging sewer of a corrupt kleptocracy. Remember that Biden was and still is "the Big Guy" who got 10%, delivered by bag man Hunter, who forgot his bag, evidently when he impregnated "Weed Slut 420," but I digress. $6 billion, even after Biden skimmed off his cut, isn't chump change so why the hell are we not seeing Russky tanks burning and their planes tumbling out of the sky, like they did when the Afghanis took aim at them with probably much less money and in much more primitive conditions?
And then there's this glittering jewel of abject inanity and stupidity, Chris Van Hollen, as if I needed that descriptive build up; his name says it all. Get this:
"I've heard people say that the Keystone decision had some impact on current prices. I also saw PolitiFact looked at that claim and said it was false. The reality is that oil and gas production is continuing in the United States, as it should, but we also need to do what President Biden wants to do, which is, over time, reduce our reliance on oil and gas. Because, obviously, it's a world market. And, as you point out, Russia has an important share of that."
Even bloated, grating, thumb/tuber doppelgänger Neil Cavuto did a double take on that doublespeak. We shouldn't restart and ramp up oil drilling because Russia has an important share of the market? Again, I ask, does the ideology drive the idiocy or vice versa or both or what the fuck is this annoying imbecile driving at (not alienating the enviro-communist-luddite bloc, I imagine)? If Russia has an important share of the market, do you not see that competing against him will choke off his income and force him to back down?! I'm dying out here.
So, as Biden and all the pieces of shit who accuse us of being traitors and unpatriotic, elsewhere in Biden world, one of the most crucial battles for justice is raging in . . . the Dept. of the Interior?
Federal officials have come up with a list of potential replacement names for hundreds of geographic features in three dozen states that include the word "squaw," kicking off a public comment period that will run through late April.
U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland in November formally declared the term derogatory and initiated a process to remove the word from use by the federal government and to replace other existing derogatory place names.
Haaland said in a statement Tuesday that words matter, particularly as the agency works to make the nation's public lands and waters accessible and welcoming to people of all backgrounds.
I shouldn't squawk as we have been niggardly in our attention to the sheen of racism, which of course directly impacts our national security. Well, slap some hot Mazola on that one as we move on to our final item, a not so Ancient Chinese Secret . . .
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) and his Chi-com libertine Fang Fang are going to crack open the champagne over this one. The Department of Justice (DOJ) has dropped the Trump-era China Initiative, created to go after Chinese spies. . .
. . . This insane decision comes shortly after FBI Director Christopher Wray declared that China was "more brazen, more damaging than ever before."
Why would Biden's administration stop hunting Chinese spies? The excuse they are giving is exactly what you would expect from the left: racism!
"Anything that creates the impression that the Department of Justice applies different standards based on race or ethnicity harms the department and our efforts, and it harms the public," Matthew Olsen, assistant attorney general for national security, informed reporters. "I do believe that the China Initiative was driven by genuine national security concerns. But I'm also mindful that the department must maintain the trust of the people whom we serve."
Meanwhile, in the Garland Archipelago, the inmates are making room for a fresh batch of racist insurrectionist white supremacists as a trucker convoy rolls eastward to DC, right into their grasp.
Have a good weekend.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- "Even as illegal immigration continues pouring through the nation's southern border at record levels, Biden hopes to entice Border Patrol agents to sign up voluntarily to aid American citizens, green card-holders, and their immediate relatives fleeing Ukraine into Eastern Europe."
Report: Biden to Divert Agents from U.S. Southern Border, Send Them to "Assist" with Russia-Ukraine Conflict
- 81 million votes (mostly from a dozen or so voters).
Joe Biden Claims "No One" Thought Sanctions Would Stop Putin -- Days After Kamala Harris Said Just That
- "Biden said that the sanctions will target Russian elites, banks, and technology exports which he claimed will cripple Russia's ability to modernize its military and will damage the Russian economy." (but Big Guy's 10% will not be touched - jjs)
Biden Announces New Actions Against Russia In Response To Invasion
- Jeez, Biden has no idea where he is.
Reporter Asks About Putin: "Is He Threatening a Nuclear Strike?" Biden: "I Have No Idea What He's Threatening"
- Robert Spencer: "Weakness invites aggression."
Putin Sizes Up Biden, Invades Ukraine
- Robert Spencer Part Deux: "So do the sanctions deter, or don't they? Clearly, they don't, or the Russian army wouldn't be at Kyiv. In response to yet another indication that he is an abject failure as [so-called quote-unquote "president"], or his handlers are, Biden simply lies again. It's the hallmark of his disastrous [so-called quote-unquote "presidency"]."
After Sanctions on Russia Fail, Biden Lies About Why He Imposed Them
- "Since Putin has decided to oust the Ukrainian government, this means that every day Zelenskyy remains in office is another day that adds to Ukrainian national confidence to resist -- and another day that Putin looks to have miscalculated."
Has Putin Miscalculated His Ability To Take Ukraine Swiftly?
- "If the invasion of Ukraine has taught us anything, it's that Russia's leader operates from a very different worldview from our own."
Seeing Putin Plain
- He also did not answer a question about whether he was communicating with China to isolate Russia financially. "I'm not prepared to comment on that at the moment," he said.
Joe Biden Sanctions Russia; But Not Vladimir Putin or Russian Oil
- "Trump right again: 'Putin is playing Biden like a drum.'"
In Continuation of Obama Legacy, Biden Presides Over Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "It took only one year for our fearless leader to plunge us into chaos on a global scale."
Trump Knew How to Handle Putin. Biden Has No Clue.
* * * * *
- "In Putin's home town of St. Petersburg, a crowd of two hundred gathered to chant "No to war!" -- only to be confronted by police shouting through bullhorns that public gatherings were forbidden under coronavirus restrictions. Several dozen protesters were reportedly arrested." (Putin called up Castreau-cescu for a consultation - jjs)
Russia Warns of "Negative Legal Consequences" as Mass Anti-War Protests Break Out
- "There is no purgatory for war criminals, they go straight to Hell," Kyslytsya said.
Ukraine Tells Russia to "Go Straight to Hell" at Russia-Led U.N. Meeting on Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- "It is now unclear whether the aircraft will go to Bulgaria, as the official statement from the Ministry of Defense noted they have been moved 'in the vicinity of Poland,' the Aviationist reported."
Dutch Air Force Deploys Storied "MiG Killer" to Eastern Europe
- "Ukraine's president is figuring out that the money spent buying Biden isn't giving Ukraine the protection it needs."
The Bombs Are Real, But What's Coming Out of DC is Theater
- "Ukraine returned all of its nuclear weapons to Russia by 1996. . . and now we're here."
How Ukraine was Betrayed in Budapest Memorandum
- . . . And all we got was this lousy t-shirt, and 10% for the Big Guy.
Conservative J.D. Vance: 'We Spent $6 Billion on a Failed Ukrainian Army'
- Douglas Murray: "On the one hand, this buildup and the resulting invasion could look like the actions of a determined, if brutal, man. Yet it is also completely crazy."
Not Peter the Great, He's Vlad the Mad
- "Indeed, the question asked during the Ukraine crisis is the same one that would be asked if Putin invaded one of the Baltic states: Would NATO risk world war, and possibly nuclear war, to save Lithuania? The Baltic states aren't so sure."
Is Putin's Next Target the Baltic States?
- "Turns out Putin isn't deterred by transgenders in the U.S. military."
World War Woke
- "Compares Putin to Hitler."
Video: Malig-Nancy Pelosi Thinks Putin Invaded Hungary; Defends Biden's Toothless Sanctions
- "Several versions of 'Mitt Romney deserves an apology!' have been floated in the coverage for the last few weeks and reached a crescendo following the invasion. Mitt Romney deserves no such thing. . . Americans are far less prosperous and secure than before the pandemic and would have been again with the V-shaped recovery that preceded the election. High energy costs are at the root of the inflation that hurts middle and working-class families, and that will only worsen as of this morning. Ukrainians are fighting for their fundamental freedom to choose their own government and may have to lay down their lives for it. And Mitt Romney and other fair-weather Republicans share in the blame for that." (A-fucking-men to this - jjs)
Actually, Mitt Romney and His Never-Trump Buddies Should Apologize
- "The government's representative in the Senate could not answer a simple question: 'What exactly happened that the government decided to invoke the act?'"
Canadian Senator: Castreau-cescu Revoked Emergencies Act as Senate Leaned Towards Disapproval
- "O Canada -- where did you go wrong?"
The Very Curious Ms. Justin "Fidelita" Trudeau
- "The convoy embarrassed the elite and challenged their authority. And for that Trudeau made them pay. Other Western elites will follow."
Trudeau's Tyranny and the War on Civil Society
- "The first trial of a January 6 defendant is set to begin next week. But jury trials should expose the government's weak case against most of them."
On the Eve of the Show Trials
- "Kennedy's words apply perfectly to the establishment's overthrow of Trump, who represented the common man's peaceful revolution."
"Those Who Make Peaceful Revolution Impossible Will Make Violent Revolution Inevitable"
- "The war in Ukraine is none of America's business. Censorship and administrative edicts here at home are."
Joe Biden Is Worse than Putin
- "It's a laudable demonstration, but they'll take substantial legal risks, likely with meager chances of meaningful success."
Freedom Truckers in DC Would Be Asking for Trouble
- "Free speech certainly isn't very "free" when it can be targeted by the State as indisputable proof that its critics are guilty of treason."
We Can't All Be Traitors, Can We?
- "Americans were manipulated and turned against each other to hide government mismanagement, while many died unnecessary deaths."
The Chinese Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It's All Your Fault
- ". . . the hospital would rather let the boy die from a failed kidney then permit him to get a new one from his father, just because the father didn't get the jab and thus his kidney might somehow expose the boy indirectly to [Chinese] COVID."
Today's Blacklisted American: 9-Year-Old Boy Denied Kidney Transplant Because Donor Hasn't Gotten Chinese COVID Jab
- "'It just feels so invasive,' like an 'assault on religion.'"
Premier Children's Hospital Fires Unvaxxed Nurses After Questioning and Rejecting Their Religious Beliefs
- Norms restored!
Stock Market Stumbles, Oil Briefly Crosses $100 Per Barrel After Russia Invades Ukraine
- What the hell kind of illogical non-sequitur is that?! Thanks to fracking and Trump, America has the greatest reserve of oil and natural gas in the world - now untapped. If we had kept on drilling and exporting, Putin never would have had the leverage to invade Ukraine and gas over here would be $3.00 a gallon. Another lying, idiotic cocksucker.
Van Hollen: Have to Be Less Reliant on Oil, Gas "Over Time," Because Russia Has "Important Share" of Market, Don't Regret Axing Keystone
- "'My [junta] is using every tool at its disposal to protect American families and businesses from rising prices at the gas pump. We're taking active steps to bring down the cost,' Biden said at a press conference at the White House."
Biden Tries the Emergency Oil Reserve Gambit Again Despite Last Year's Failure
- "Using price controls to combat inflation is an old idea -- and a bad one, on both economic and democratic grounds."
Who Controls the Controllers?
- "Over 80% of American travelers exhibit higher levels of excitement for their prospective travel future and those in a ready-to-travel mindset hit an all-time high 84.6%. More Americans than ever, since the onset of the pandemic, plan to take at least one leisure trip in the next 12 months (93.3%)."
Rental Car Prices Expected To Remain High This Summer
- "They're mandated reporters and they are supposed to do their job," the father of a teenager accuser told the outlet. "They should be held accountable every way shape and form possible." (where's that George Gaviscon? - jjs)
California School Officials Arrested For Allegedly Not Reporting Three Sexual Assault Cases
- "Regina's murder was an inflection point for Biberaj, who now faces scrutiny from fellow Democrats and her own deputies for administrative incompetence and mishandling of high-profile cases, including Regina's. The political turmoil leaves Regina's mother in the worst possible position, at once eager that justice be accomplished for her daughter and wary of antagonizing the embattled commonwealth's attorney."
Murder Victim's Mother Has Questions for One of Virginia's Progressive Prosecutors
- "A remarkably dysfunctional year for the San Francisco Unified school board."
Frisco Frolics
- "The governor issued an executive order in September to prohibit Florida agencies from assisting the [junta] in transporting illegal immigrants."
CPAC Crowd Erupts When Gov. DeSantis Says He'll Send Illegal Immigrants To Delaware
- "Public charge is an immigration law term for migrants the government determines ineligible for green cards due to their reliance on government assistance. In 2019, former President Donald Trump expanded the rule to include migrants who use non-cash benefits like food stamps and Medicaid. Before then, public charge was defined as someone 'primarily dependent on the government for subsistence.'"
Supreme Court Hears Arguments Over "Public Charge" Rule
- "U.S. tax dollars are funding migrant shelters inside Mexico, but the Biden [junta] won't release any details."
GOP Lawmakers Demand Details About U.S. Funding Of Migrant Shelters In Mexico
- "Walls are not immoral and they are not xenophobic. They are indicators of a government that values its nation and its people."
The Undeniable Common Sense of Border Walls
- "Austin Lin's unearthed role as a Special Assistant to the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] and Deputy Director of Technology adds to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s controversial role in the 2020 election, which it has been accused of rigging through partisan grants and mail-in ballot manipulation."
Mark Zuckerberg's Election Interference Chief Now Runs Joe Biden's White House Tech Team
- "Will Finland bow down to the gods of fashion?"
Freedom of Religion on Trial in Finland
- "Funneled nearly $100,000 to company he used to register plane." (he has General Weygand's letters of transit -- with the big letter "D" on them - jjs)
How Henry Cuellar Used Campaign Cash To Fund a Private Plane
- "Well, that sure sounded like a presidential stump speech. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took the stage at CPAC on Thursday afternoon and brought the house down."
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Gives the Roadmap to Liberty at CPAC
- "Republicans are winning on the issues that matter most to Hispanic voters and are well-positioned to capitalize on Democrats' extremely unpopular policies."
Voting Data in Texas Suggests the Hispanic Shift to the GOP is Real
- "The libs will never give up on their loser politicians. That's why hacks like Elizabeth Warren remain in office and spy-lover Rep. Swalwell is still a rep. Democrats allow their feckless politicians to fail up. The lefties will not drop their support of Biden, not even after they stop by Dover Air Force Base to pick up the remains of their kids, who were killed despite all that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion battleground training."
It's the End of the World as We Know it and I Blame Joe
- "A 'progressive' [so-called quote-unquote "president"] takes a wrecking ball to a nation."
We're Being Mugged Here, There and Everywhere
- "According to LA Times columnist Mark Barabak, the biggest problem Kamala faces is that California is nothing like Montana. No, really, that's what he said."
Even California Hates Kamala Harris
- "…the Russian thug now attacking Ukraine helped Donald Trump become president because he thought that would some day make this kind of attack easier to pull off. He was right in the short term, longer term, TBD," wrote CNN White House correspondent John Harwood.
Media Blames Trump After Joe Biden's Russia Policy Fails to Deter Vladimir Putin
- "The bills will endanger customer security developed organically in the free market."
Washington Is Trying to Muck Up the Tech Market's Consumer Protections
- "It may be too late for Ukraine -- let's make sure it's not too late for us."
Lesson from Ukraine -- Don't Give Up Your Guns (or Nukes)
- "The number of aircraft involved was well off the last large-scale incursion, 39 Chinese aircraft on Jan. 23, and since then, such fly-bys have been sporadic with far fewer aircraft."
Chinese Aircraft Move Into Taiwan's Air Defense Zone
- "Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has ordered the island's armed and security forces to step up their surveillance, remain alert for military activity in the region and strengthen combat readiness as tensions between Russia and Ukraine mount."
Taiwan Military "Combat Ready" Due to Increased China Invasion Risk
- "China and the U.S. play geopolitical chess in South Asia."
Himalayan Standoff
- "China's goal of eclipsing the U.S. as the preeminent world power is proceeding apace."
SHOT: Breaking the Moscow-Beijng Axis Should Be Our Top Priority
- "But just how secure is this supposed Sino-Russian friendship? While the two states may broadly agree on the need to limit U.S. hegemonic power, the two are likely to also find many reasons to view each other as more immediate sources of conflict."
CHASER: Russia and China Aren't the Natural Allies Many Assume Them to Be
- "Without China's participation, sanctions will have little impact on Russia. Certainly, China isn't going to bankrupt itself for Russia, but Beijing will be of enormous assistance to Russia in the coming months, and the crisis will cement the already strong ties between the two powers."
ANOTHER ROUND, BARKEEP: Putin Is Lucky to Have a Friend in Chinese President Xi Jinping
- "Established by members of terror group, Al-Qassam tries to co-opt civil rights leader's legacy."
Mosque Linked to Palestinian Islamic Jihad Allowed to Defile MLK Parade
- "Trump-admin targets were dropped as the military focused more on Marxism."
America's Military Aircraft Readiness Has Tanked Amidst a Focus on Woke Politics
- "Biden adviser said war will distract from climate change." (thank goodness for that, at least - jjs)
As Putin Invaded, John Kerry Wanted To Change the Subject
- Clarice Feldman: "If all this is too distressing, for laughs you might read the New York Times puff piece on how the Biden [junta] prepared for this crisis. Lots of internal meetings , sharing intelligence with allies, greenlighting a public information campaign against Putin, yammering about how to deal with the disastrous consequences of an invasion, moving a few thousand troops around. But nothing at all about ramping up U.S. energy production."
How the Greens Brought War to Ukraine
- "The irrational treatment of carbon dioxide as a pollutant -- and by extension coal plants as dangerous polluters -- will be reviewed by the Supreme Court February 28. At question is whether the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate the gas without congressional authorization. A finding that the agency has no such authority could help unleash the potential of coal-fired electricity."
Supreme Court Should Cancel the Latest "Witch Hunt"
- "Overall, the risks now are far more volatile than they were in 2014, when Russia annexed the Crimea. Not only is this war far larger, worldwide tensions are much higher because of the panic and governmental overreach and failure in the last two years because of [Chinese] COVID. Emotions are running high. Not only could the Russian invasion cause the end of its many international partnerships in space, the war could expand outward in ways that no one right now can predict."
The Deadly Impact of Russia's Ukraine Invasion on Commercial Space, the ISS and Beyond
- "According to the Ingenuity engineering team in an update today, the Mars helicopter is getting ready for its 20th flight, scheduled for no earlier than today, even as the team successfully dealt with dust that settled on the helicopter's various parts prior to flight 19."
Ingenuity Update: Dust Storm Caused Issues; 20th Flight Upcoming
- This is what the Biden junta decides to "squaw-k" about. Slap some hot Mazola on that and move on.
Proposal to Nix Alleged "Derogatory" Term Targets Hundreds of US Sites
- Completely revolting and beyond the pale as this oral flatus is, it does define the nature and, for lack of a better word, mindset of the self-anointed "elite." In the immortal words of Ace, "Go fuck yourself in the heart with a steak knife."
As Ukrainians Fear for Their Lives, Joy Behar's "Scared" Because Her Italian Vacation Might Be Ruined
- "This controversy is another sad commentary on the corruption of professional sports."
Phil Mickelson's Crude Defense of the Saudi Golf League
- "Determined to make bank on its many millions in hotel investment, Disney cast aside an earlier version of the couple's romance."
Disney Rewrites Han and Leia's Love Story in Shameless Star Wars Hotel Marketing Ploy
- "The Craft: Legacy is basically Man-Hating 101."
Woke Witches: Feminist Film Teaches Teens That Masculinity Is Cursed
- Christian Toto: "Stars assemble for a meme-worthy pic, but there's a bigger message in play."
Spider-Men Marketing Push Another Apolitical Home Run
- "This isn't a hospital. It's an insane asylum. And it's your fault!!" RIP
Sally Kellerman, Original Hot Lips From M*A*S*H, Dead at 84
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:43 AM
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