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February 25, 2022
Quick Hits

The Chickenhawk Chronicles:
In fairness, Bill Kristol had a medical deferment for Vietnam. He had that thing where your back, no wait your feet, your feet and your bunions and your ears ring, what is that called? Oh right, it's called Your Wife Is Getting Rodgered Up Her Fartclam By a Gang of Longshoremen. Automatic 4F. A lot of NeverTrumpers had the good fortune to qualify for this medical exemption.
Speaking of Bill Kristol's dance partners:
The lawyer for Peter Fritsch -- Fritcsch being a co-owner of FusionGPS -- says that Fritsch is cooperating with Durham, and that Fritsch is a subject of Durham's investigation.
Via Jane D'oh: Lemme just drop this CNN resume right here on twitter...
Erick Erickson
Dear @stephenfhayes, please pay @EggerDC more money since he is having to suffer through watching CPAC for the rest of us.
I guess the dream will never die.
True Conservative, yo.
Just another Cracker Holy Roller Democrat.
Some days I think I need a Sirius/XM show so I can use the language boiling up inside me over world affairs that the FCC and my mom do not approve of.
Language like, "I will use a shotgun to execute census workers for knocking on my door...?" Language like, "The Capitol Police should just start killing protesters...?"
Is twitter not outlet enough for your temper tantrums and infantile rages?
Candy (trampled lady>
After getting trampled by horses by Trudeau I decided I will be moving to Florida with my family
From bonhomme:
Ron T. Kim
Multiple sources confirmed: @GovKathyHochul shows up to a Korean gala and refuses to sit at the same table with the first and only Korean state elected bc "she's pissed at him." Sounds familiar?
Gee I wonder if she was unmasked.
I forgot to link this earlier. As mentioned before, the CDC is about to relax masking rules.
It just so happens that a Democrat internal poll was just leaked telling Brandon to pivot away from covid zealotry and acknowledge that people are "warn out" from mandates and restrictions, and to stop using "zero covid" as an end goal.
Say fellas -- you don't suppose there's... some linkage between the CDC's "new science" and this poll, do you?

Trump predicted the future, which only proves he's a RUSSIAN ASSET. This must mean Putin was feeding him information about Russia's future plans!
Thanks to Moron Robbie.