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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (1/25/22) »
January 25, 2022
Rainbow Unicorn Cafe

Lover doggies.
Little lamb strays too far and is called back by its mama.
Don't mention the Germans.
Dog playing Jenga. He pants a lot, which I think means he's stressed. Which he should be: He's not very good at Jenga.
Dog pitching his new script, The Fast and the Fido-ous.
Cat has the googely-eyes.
I'm not doing nothin', I'm just moving this ball very slowly with this paw, not taking it anywhere, just moving it over here to this other paw... The Long Con.
Puppy playing with his reflection.
Hugs please, now!
Inman: Someone pranks this guy, but then he serves up some non-prank vengeance. (BTW, this may be staged, but eh, let's not analyze it to death.)
Two guys chin up for a fight. One has a strategy of repeatedly punching and kicking the other guy in the face. The other guy has a strategy of taking every punch and kick and showing how much it doesn't hurt him. We'll just have to see which strategy pays off.
Brandy and Andy Tifa out for an elegant night on the town.