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January 23, 2022
Sunday Morning Book Thread 01-23-2022 [All Hail Eris]
This is a very sad Book Thread, for we must bid good-bye to our beloved host and guide OregonMuse. OM's Book Threads were islands of sanity and calm in a raging torrent of hogwash. It was a bullwark without the cuckshed. I'm sure I'm not the only one who read and pondered a little more deeply, knowing that I would be discussing my thoughts with the Horde. So let us honor his legacy by doing what that great man would want -- reading terrific books and poking merciless fun at the sniveling snools of the Idiocracy!

OM is totally fanboying the Inklings right now!
Good morning to you all from the stately Dungeon of Discord. Welcome once again to the classy and luxurious Sunday Morning Book Thread, that plushly appointed mosh pit of opinion, snark, choler, jest and japery, and our continuing conversation on books, reading, writing, and the culture at large. In honor of OM's legacy, I respectfully request that we all wear pants for the duration. Even if it's these pants, that give you the stink-eye right back. So join us in Ace's Grotto for some light refreshment and convivial conversation, and tell us what you've been reading!
Who dis:
Take a virtual tour of Twain's Hartford CT home
It Pays To Increase Your Word Power®
GNASHGAB - Someone who is constantly finding fault and loves to complain.
KLAZOMANIAC - Someone who only seems to be able to speak by SHOUTING (i.e., a Ben Roethlisberger type).
RAGGABRASH - No, not that tree-hugging hippie wizard, but a disorganized or grubby person (well, I suppose the movie version of Radagast).
MUCK-SPOUT - Someone who constantly f*cking swears.
LOITER-SACK - A slugabed.
"Science fiction is not a safe space! It can't be. For if it is, it betrays its reason for existing: the unfettered extrapolation of technological and social change."
(from Andrew Fox's "Rescuing Science Fiction from the Horde of Woke Zombies")
Icons of SF and Horror are being erased for Wrongthink, and it's not just people like my old dependably xenophobic Lovecraft. Hilariously, the notably anti-racist Heinlein and feminist SF author James V. Tiptree (Alice Sheldon) are marginalized by the Color Guard for being insufficiently Woke. Nobody is safe from the mob, no matter how well-intentioned:
Rescuing science fiction from cancel culture.
Sixteen Reasons to be Proud of Being a Book Hoarder (uh, I mean "Collector")
Well that's it for this week. We miss you, OregonMuse!

posted by Open Blogger at
09:00 AM
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