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January 20, 2022
The Morning Report - 1/20/22
Good morning, kids. Thursday and during yesterday's Potemkin village "press conference," the shambling, shuffling, stuttering, alternately-shrieking-and-whispering, heavily-doctored demento whose name tag "Doctor" Jill had sewn on his Depends reads "Joe Biden" actually managed to deliver one stunning, crystal clear absolute emmes truth. Probably, the first true thing he uttered in 50 years in politics if not his entire damnable existence in this world.
"I didn't overpromise, but I probably outperformed what anybody thought would happen."
Absolutely 100% fuckin' A, bubba. Between the eye-bleeds, the incoherent shrieking, the perpetual fog and all the other in your face signs of a decrepit geezer who's two spoonfuls of paste down the windpipe from being laid out on the slab in the center of the Capitol Rotunda (just as soon as they remove McCain), I thought for sure that he'd be gone inside of six months. Yet one absolutely disastrous year later, there he blows. When queried why the American people have doubts about his cognitive ability (surprised that that one got through the censors), he stated "I have no idea." No idea about why the American people think he has the medulla oblongata of a sponge or no idea what the reporter is asking him? Either way, this country - what's left of it - is proper fucked.
Despite a media that is a propaganda arm (if not the actual makers of policy as some suggest) that is desperate to spin and shield the American people from this disaster they foisted on us, they see right through it. Mostly because they are getting "the most successful economic recovery in history" good and hard at the gas pump, supermarket and everywhere else. That is, where there are actual products on the shelves to sell at stagflationary prices and not stuck on a container ship off the coast or looted from a UP boxcar in LA.
Not only do we see it, but you bet your ass the rest of the world sees it.
The situation along the Ukraine-Russia border is so serious that one hesitates to make a quip, but here goes: If you ever get a chance to play poker with Joe Biden, take it. As you're playing, Biden will talk a lot and maybe reveal his cards. And yet whether he's revealing the truth about his intentions or not, there'll be plenty of tells as to the cards he's playing, such that if you're watching him closely, you'll win most of the pots.
Of course, the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] isn't playing card games these days, and yet the commander-in-chief is playing for some very high stakes in the geopolitical arena -- and against some sharp players, notably Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Unfortunately for the U.S., Biden has never had much self-discipline, and even more unfortunately, he's gotten, well, old.
So it's no wonder that Biden's White House handlers have been keeping him on a short leash. His solo press conference today was his first in ten months. The fear, of course, was that Biden would say something stupid -- and that's exactly what he did.
Asked about Putin's plans toward Ukraine, Biden answered, "My guess is he will move in, he has to do something. . . "
. . .To be sure, Biden indicated that he was against Russia attacking Ukraine, and yet at the same time, over the course of a two-hour session with the press -- he obviously enjoys being off the leash -- the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] telegraphed to Putin that he was willing to split hairs, that he might not call a spade a spade: "It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do," he told reporters. In other words, maybe an incursion is okay, but not an invasion. Got that?
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) summed it up: "Joe Biden's impotence emboldened Vladimir Putin and now he just green-lighted Putin to invade Ukraine . . ."
. . . Back in January 1950, Secretary of State Dean Acheson outlined the U.S. defense perimeter in East Asia and excluded South Korea. Six months later, North Korea attacked South Korea. The U.S. intervened after all, and over the next three years of fighting, American armed forces suffered 33,686 deaths. It's widely believed that had the U.S. been more clear about what it would do, about its willingness to defend South Korea, the North Koreans would never have attacked.
In other words, the whole Korean War was based on a misunderstanding. So we can see: Clarity can be a good deterrent and can save a lot of lives.
Sadly, in our time, it wasn't a secretary of state, but rather, a much more important figure -- the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] himself -- who was clear as mud. And so we don't know what Putin will do, just as we don't know what Biden will do.
This is how nations stumble into wars.
To Biden, a minor incursion is when he shares a bathtub with his daughter. On a purely personal level, owing to my family's history, I could give a rat's ass about Ukraine and Russia for that matter. But the fact is, we made commitments to defend Ukraine and the infamous promise to protect their independence if they gave up their nukes was as worthless as Chamberlain's Munich agreement. Whether it was right or wrong to make that pledge, we did and by reneging on it, it led to Putin taking Crimea as well as our word being seen as worthless to friend and foe alike.
The problem here is that with Biden absolutely failing and flailing politically as well as policy-wise everywhere you turn, there's no better time for the tail to wag the dog. Given the fact that he and his handlers at the Kalorama Klown Komintern got utterly and deservedly raked over the coals over the Afghanistan bug-out disaster, going to war to re-establish his alleged tough guy machismo image, such as he/they try to project, is just the ticket to get the junta back on track.
Ho. Lee. Fook, if that is their calculus. If they even have freaking calculus as opposed to just flinging utter horseshit in all directions and praying something sticks. And forgetting our national security and foreign policy, what will Biden do vis a vis Ukraine because of his and his bastard son's "O'Rourke Enterprises" dealings with the corrupt government there? In any case, let's not forget that we're not talking about shooting off a few cruise missiles into an empty tent or a disused aspirin factory in the fictional Mission: Impossible third world country of San Cristobal or the East European People's Republic located somewhere on Gower between Sunset and Melrose.
This is potentially a shooting war between Russia. Russia that has nuclear weapons. THAT Russia. The Chi-Coms have got to be having projectile orgasms over the potential to waltz into Taiwan while the 101st Airborne Junk-Tucker Division parachutes in Klinger's heels into the Pripyat Marshes. I can't even . . .
What a complete, unmitigated clusterfuck. But while our enemies are laughing their asses off at their good fortune, the American people, or at least those of us in the nation formerly known as the United States who identify as American (or American-American for those into identity politics), Biden threw down the gauntlet. Funny how he always manages to be clear-headed when he's hurling threats, insults and lies.
"Speaking of voting rights legislation, if this isn't passed, do you still believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and the results will be legitimate?" Allison Harris of NewsNation asked [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden.
"Well, it all depends on whether or not we're able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election."
So, elections were secure, fair, and legitimate when Trump was president, but won't be secure, fair, or legitimate unless the Democrats' voting legislation is passed.
In other words, elections are only secure, fair, and legitimate when Democrats win.
Now that Manchin and Sinema held firm to preserve the filibuster and at least in theory kill the Democrats attempt to codify in law a federalizing of our elections that in effect would allow them to rig every national election forever, if indeed the midterms, as predicted, deliver a wipeout to the Democrats, you better believe that BLM/Antifa and every other Democrat-sanctioned terrorist is going to take to the streets to engage in a real insurrection. Certainly not the fake FBI-planned and led "riot" of 1/6/21 that was the worst threat to "our precious democracy" (vomit) since the Civil War, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined.
As a complete aside, but something I do not want to get lost in the sauce, I submit this nugget of madness:
Arrest Warrants Count as ID For Illegal Migrants at Airport Security, TSA Says
So, the left thinks voter ID is racist and repressive but in DC itself, you cannot walk the streets without showing your ausweiss.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- Victor Davis Hanson: "As the 2022 midterm elections approach, who will stop our descent into collective poverty, division -- and self-inflicted madness?"
Is America Heading for a Systems Collapse?
- "The Court has now given the power of rejecting executive privilege to a president who unconditionally loathes his predecessor. Only one justice dissented. (Clarence Thomas. Every other one is a fraud - jjs)
Only One SCOTUS Justice Protected Trump's Executive Privilege
- "For those who love liberty, the present battlefield is thus not favorable to victory. That does not mean however that the cause of liberty should be abandoned. Instead, it means that its soldiers must coldly recognize the shape of that battlefield so that they can move forward in battle effectively. Know your enemy. They are out to destroy us, without mercy. We can't negotiate with them any longer."
Freedom is Under Siege and the Besiegers Have Now Told Us They Have No Mercy
- ". . . Although it could backfire."
Dems Plot to Prosecute Trump Over January 6 to Prevent Him Running in 2024
- "Did the federal government have some involvement in January 6? We don't know the answer to that question -- and that's a problem for a constitutional republic." (yes, it did and that's a much bigger problem - jjs)
The January 6 Narrative is Starting to Unravel
- "Cullors says she quit the group after the criticism of her spending habits and retreated to her manse, broken and in mental anguish." (be a real shame if she got stabbed in the face by a homeless, deranged Angeleno; a real shame - jjs)
BLM Founder Now Wants to "Heal" in Peace in Her Multi-Million-Dollar Home -- After Setting the Country on Fire
- "Importantly, infection-derived protection was higher after the Delta variant became predominant, a time when vaccine-induced immunity for many persons declined because of immune evasion" the study found.
CDC Study Shows Prior Chinese COVID-19 Infection, Vaccines Protected Against Delta
- Shocked. Thought for sure this company would be an enforcer. Good news and hopefully a harbinger for other companies.
Starbucks Throws Out Vaccine Mandate for Its Workers in Wake of SCOTUS Ruling
- Really an unnecessary, stupid and dangerous move. But, Biden.
Biden Junta To Drain Strategic Stockpile, Hand Out 400 Million Free N95 Masks
- "Please tell me there was SOMEONE among the collective currently running our country who could have put two brain cells together and foreseen this issue. Someone? Anyone?"
Incompetent Biden Junta's Chinese COVID Test Website Faceplants on First Day
- "Policy makes minority patients automatically eligible for scarce [Chinese] COVID drugs."
Legal Group Sues New York State Over Race-Based Chinese COVID Treatment
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden's plan for dealing with [Chinese] COVID has been worse than useless."
It's Official: Biden Now Leads Trump in the Chinese COVID Death Count
- "What two years of [Chinese] COVID should have taught people by now is that bureaucracies can never be trusted to police themselves for our protection."
After Chinese COVID, Never Again
* * * * *
- "'The government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere,' Prime Minister Boris Johnson said."
England To Scrap Most Chinese COVID Restrictions, Boris Johnson Announces
- "Morrison's government granted Djokovic a visa to attend the Australian Open, a tournament the Serb has won more than any other player in history, but abruptly detained him in Melbourne's international airport claiming his documentation for a medical exemption to Australia's vaccine requirement for foreigners was invalid."
Australian Government Support Crashes amid Djokovic Fiasco
- "Narrow opinions leave the security of life, liberty, and property uncertain."
Unprincipled Justices Add Regime Uncertainty
- "Throughout the pandemic, medical and scientific institutions have disseminated dubious advice, flawed studies, and even outright falsehoods."
Public Health's Truth Problem
- "A sobering look at the Pakistani connection."
Did the Texas Synagogue Jihadi Act Alone?
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden revoked an executive order from his predecessor that implemented a more rigorous vetting process for visa applicants. That executive order conducted for the first time ever a review of all countries' data and info-sharing systems. The order, advocates say, resulted in visa cooperation between the United States and other nations that was overdue."
Immigration Experts, Republicans Raise Alarm Over Synagogue Terrorist's Visa
- "The ADL isn't the establishment media, but it's aligned with it."
In Wake of Texas Synagogue Hostage-Taking, Anti-Defamation League Warns Against "Islamophobia"
* * * * *
- Raymond Ibrahim: "Islam manipulates the figures of Judaism and Christianity for its own agenda and precisely against Jews and Christians."
Jesus Christ as Palestinian Terrorist
- "Participants in the Oppression Olympics tend to be governed by the dark triad of personality, which is composed of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism."
When It Comes to Hate Crime Hoaxes, Muslims Are Not Exempt
- What is it about "Thou Shalt Not Covet" that you do not understand, you unwashed Commie slag?
Pramila "Tarantino-face" Jayapal: "The Rich Want to Be Taxed"
- ". . . 'for months now, Joe Biden has claimed to have the best economic record of any president in recent history and credited his economic policies'; however, both the government's own data and good old common sense say otherwise."
Misery Index: Biden's Economic Policies Are Clearly Failing Average and Poor Americans
- "According to Los Angeles County records, Smith had a criminal record and was free on a $1,000 bail from an October 2020 misdemeanor arrest." (just as he was turning his life around by only boosting Union Pacific boxcars - jjs)
Brianna Kupfer's [Mostly White Except for His DNA and Melanin] Alleged Killer Arrested in Pasadena
- "The tone is a shift from earlier in the week when Adams stated that the subway system is primarily not dangerous after a woman was killed when a person pushed her in front of a subway train this past weekend."
NYC Mayor Says He Doesn't Feel Safe on Subway System
- "Too often, proposals for reform come from people with little practical experience in the field -- especially elite law school professors."
Criminal Justice Know-Nothings
- "In private messages, teachers say 'no mask, no entry''" (time for Youngkin to say, "pull that shit and no job, no pension" - jjs)
Virginia Teachers Threaten To Bully Maskless Children
- "These are people who did what we want them to do as Americans. They tried." (welched on their commitments... just like Democrats always do - jjs)
Lie-awatha Warren Thinks Biden Can Save His So-Called Quote-Unquote "Presidency" With Executive Order Canceling Student Loan Debt
- John Stossel: "How consultants spread Critical Race Theory."
Money for Indoctrination
- "Ought schools teach 'essential knowledge' or 'critical thinking?'"
To Be Capable of Freedom
- "Large migrant groups crossing through the Del Rio Sector, particularly in Eagle Pass, are now the norm."
Biden's Broken Border: West Texas Border Sector Now Epicenter of Migrant Crisis
- "The change, had it been adopted, would have established a 'talking filibuster,' allowing any senator to speak for or against the bill for as long as they wanted but lowering the 60-vote threshold for passage to a simple majority. 'I don't know what happened to the good old days,' said West Virginia Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin, 'but I can't tell you they aren't here now.'"
Senate Rejects Filibuster Change, Defeats Democrat Election Thievery Bills in History-Making Day
- "[Laphonza] Butler repeated the false Democrat narrative that the legislation's purpose is to promote voting rights and that Republicans are attempting to suppress the right to vote." (Laphonza is evidently a real name - jjs)
Abortion Industry Threatens to Cut Off Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for Refusal to Support Change in Filibuster Rule
- "Today, Democrats are engaged in a full-court press to pass legislation that would brush state election safeguards aside and codify the shenanigans of 2020 into federal law."
It Doesn't Matter That Voters Hate Joe Biden If Democrats Can Rig Elections
- Terry Jeffrey: ". . . But not to the Democrats."
Voter ID Requirements Make Sense
- "Dems push to eliminate filibuster at behest of ultra-wealthy donors."
HEROES: Manchin, Sinema Stand Athwart Big Tech Billionaires, Yelling Stop
- "So, elections were secure, fair, and legitimate when Trump was president, but won't be secure, fair, or legitimate unless the Democrats' voting legislation is passed. In other words, elections are only secure, fair, and legitimate when Democrats win."
Will the 2022 Midterms Be Legitimate? Joe Biden Says "It All Depends"
- Margot Cleveland: "In one week alone, [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden eclipsed everything Donald Trump and his supporters said about the validity of the 2020 election."
Biden's Attack On Voting Rights Far Surpasses Trump's [Accurate] Election Claims
- "As a matter of law, no one may go to jail for stealing the election. But as a matter of reality, the people will lose faith in the democratic process."
Will Democracy Survive a New Year and New Elections?
- "The whole story, it seems, was concocted to stir up hatred against Christians and stoke outrage. It succeeded."
Not One Corpse Has Been Found in the "Mass Grave" of Indigenous Children In Canada
- "White House announces $1.1 billion investment into Everglades following ask from wealthy donor."
Biden Uses Infrastructure Bill to Fulfill Ask from Hedge Fund Billionaire Donor's Foundation
- "The American people deserve answers regarding why the Obama Administration -- whether at then-Vice President Biden's behest or not -- watched in silence as an American company transferred control of this precious asset to a Chinese conglomerate and why Hunter Biden was -- yet again -- involved in international matters on which he has no expertise,"Comer wrote.
Rep. James Comer Wants Info on Hunter Biden's Ties to Chinese Cobalt Mine Sale
- "Since May 2020, [Caroline] Burns has worked in the office of New York Senator Chuck Schumer, who has frequently criticized Republicans for allegedly attacking LGBT people."
"Hate This Fag": Cuck Schemer's Media Director Has a History of Gay-Bashing Tweets
- "Avril Haines's office also spent $3,000 on new art for office, documents show."
Biden's Director of National Intelligence Dropped $12,000 on Custom "Executive" Chairs
- Miranda Devine: "Rosen ploughed on: 'if you'd let me finish . . . why do you suppose such large segments of the American electorate have come to harbor such profound concerns about your cognitive fitness?' 'I have no idea,' was Biden's response. It was the truest thing he said in two hours."
So-Called Quote-Unquote "president" Biden is a Fool Who's Fooling Himself
- Saying he outperformed expectations is probably the only solid truth he has spoken, perhaps in his entire accursed lifetime.
Biden: "I Didn't Overpromise, But I Have Probably Outperformed What Anybody Thought Would Happen"
- "Even though he spent most of it clearly calling on reporters from a list of 'safe' questioners provided by his staff, he stumbled and bumbled and all too often made no sense at all. Plus, he repeated his bizarre 'whisper shout' gimmick to emphasize certain points -- when what it actually emphasizes is his age."
Biden's Press Conference Was an Utter Disaster
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] bragged of 'record job creation' and 'record economic growth' during his [so-called quote-unquote "presidency"], but left out one little detail about his claim. There was a pandemic that was used as an excuse to shut down the economy, forcing many people into unemployment."
Seconds Into Press Conference, Biden Ignores Impact of Economic Shut Down
- "If there was any doubt that Joe Biden is unfit for the office of President of the United States, yesterday's marathon press conference put such qualms to rest."
When Joe Biden Speaks, Sane People Are Horrified
- "He cracked a joke in response to a question about Americans potentially left behind in Afghanistan after the withdrawal deadline and was seen apparently checking his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony at Dover Air Force Base. But he has nothing to apologize for?"
Joe Biden "Makes No Apologies For" Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal
- "Biden's attempt to communicate how he plans to address [Chinese] COVID, crime, rising prices, and empty shelves was nothing less of a disaster."
10 Lies Biden Told During His First Press Conference In Months
- Destroying our economy, national security, society and the last vestiges of comity are all raging successes, as far as the Marxists are concerned.
Poll: 60% Deem Joe Biden's First Year in Office "Unsuccessful"
- "And we're inspired: Hugo Chavez, (catching himself) Cesar Chavez; we're inspired by all of these leaders."
Top Democrat Hakeem Jeffries Slammed After Dropping Socialist Dictator's Name During Press Conference
- "Democrats hope to defend their razor-thin majority in the House in the midterms, amid a rough political climate."
Ominous: 28 House Democrats Not Running For Reelection in 2022
- "You might think it would just be a Biden thing or at least a Biden-Harris thing."
Democrats Are Wearing Joe Biden's Unpopularity
- "Save the 25th Amendment or an unlikely resignation, Joe Biden will fumble his way through to 2024, his cognitive decline further exacerbated by age and pharmaceutical side effects."
Biden Crosses the Rubicon
- "You are meant to enjoy and respond to the staged rivalry between Donald Trump and Florida's Ron DeSantis."
Trump, DeSantis, and Kayfabe
- "Who's up for round two?"
Keep an Eye on Hillary
- "Senate candidate Cheri Beasley quietly abandons 'Squad' members."
North Carolina Dem Ditches Far-Left Fundraising Group After Receiving Establishment Support
- "Where the money is coming from has yet to be disclosed."
Beto "Mickey Irish" O'Rourke Raises $7.2 Million in First 6 Weeks of Texas Gubernatorial Campaign
- "Maybe we should be governed by the first 2,000 people in the telephone directory."
When Government Fails, Roll the Dice
- ". . . But keep his failing bad ideas."
The Dems' Media Turn on Biden
- Nina Totenberg is a particularly despicable, filthy slag. If NPR had any principles, she'd have been fired ages ago. And certainly for this propaganda.
Gorsuch, Sotomayor Push Back on NPR Story Claiming He Refused to Wear a Mask Despite Request
- Even Austin Goolsbee said "Just stop. Seriously."
CNN Reporter Suggests Price Controls With the Worst Analysis Ever
- "Now they think they can predict the future."
A New Level of Fake News From the Left
- "Makes people distrust authorities event more."
Major New Report Finds Online Censorship is Self-Defeating
- "The move by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals effectively prolongs the litigation over the unusual anti-abortion statute, leaving in place a law that has led to a dramatic reduction in the number of abortions performed in the state since the measure took effect in September."
Federal Court Delivers Another Blow to Abortion Providers Challenging Texas Heartbeat Bill
- "The situation along the Ukraine-Russia border is so serious that one hesitates to make a quip, but here goes: "If you ever get a chance to play poker with Joe Biden, take it."
If Loose Lips Sink Ships, Biden's Loose Tongue Could Get Us into a War
- "When asked later to clarify what he meant by 'minor incursion,' Biden said he drew the line at 'Russian forces crossing the border, killing Ukrainian fighters,' CNN reported. Biden's comments were widely interpreted as giving a green light to Putin." (minor incursion is what happens when Biden shares a bathtub with his daughter - jjs)
White House Has To Issue Statement Cleaning Up Biden's Disastrous Remarks On Russia, Ukraine
- "It refuses to provide arms to Ukraine while other NATO members step up to do so."
Germany Shows Lack of Resolve Against Russian Threats
- "In the current, exceptional conditions when unilateral actions by the West, including the United States, are being confronted, we can create synergy in our cooperation."
Iran's President to Putin: Moscow and Tehran Should Join Forces Against Western Sanctions
- Terry Jeffrey: ". . . when millions of people around the world turn their eyes toward Beijing to watch these great athletes compete, they should not forget those evils. And so long as China is governed by this regime, it should never be allowed to host another international event."
China Wins the Gold for Tyranny
- "As the French election heats up, all eyes are shifting to the new Reconquete party."
Defection! Right-Wing Stalwart Jerome Riviere Shifts Support from Le Pen to Zemmour
- ". . . the trains were built as part of former President Barack Obama's ambitious plan to develop a highly-accessible high-speed rail system across the U.S., Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) reported. The Obama administration awarded Wisconsin, led by former Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle, $810 million for the project in 2009."
Failed Obama Rail Project Collapses, Nigeria Purchases Unused Trains
- "All the death and destruction in the City of Angels finally caused someone who can do something about it to take action. But is it enough?"
Can Los Angeles Be Saved?
- "Shambles ahead, from Sydney to New York. Indelicately speaking, I foresee the Bishop of Bath and Wells, poker in hand, ready to collect a debt."
Lord Percy and the Green Climateers
- "It should be noted that, according to these numbers, the overall threat seems quite manageable. Nonetheless, the Russian anti-sat test was entirely irresponsible, especially because it targeted a defunct satellite in an orbit slightly higher than ISS, which means its debris will over time move into ISS's orbit. The test also violated the Outer Space Treaty, which Russia has signed, which requires all signatories to control what they do in space so that it does not threaten either the persons or property of anyone else."
NASA: Russian Anti-Satellite Test in November Doubled the Threat to ISS
- "Since the accords are designed to encourage private enterprise and private property rights in space, both Russia and China oppose them. The lack of both France and Germany to sign at this point suggests the politicians presently in charge of those capitalist countries are reconsidering their commitment to free enterprise."
Israel Approves Artemis Accords
- "I think she let her win to prove the point that, 'Oh see, a female-to-male beat me.'"
U Penn Swimmer: Lia Thomas Colluded With Female Swimmer to Lose Race
- "Reduced to babbling nonsense."
Social Media Erupts After Matt Walsh Schools LGBT Activists on Dr. Phil
- "Submitted for your consideration: American Express. It was revealed earlier that the company, long considered the hallmark of a favorable credit score, has allocated around $1 billion for social justice. But for some reason, AmEx doesn't want to tell anyone what they plan to do. The Free Enterprise Project has filed a shareholder request to see exactly what the company had in mind, specifically in terms of its race-based employee training and to give shareholders a look at the same."
Your CRT Agenda? Don't Leave Home Without It.
- Year Zero strikes again.
Rough Ride: Theodore Roosevelt Statue Removed From American Museum of Natural History
- "Social justice with a French accent."
Where Wokeism is a Oui Bit Different
- "Kevin A. Hassett's new book The Drift is part White House memoir, part defense of supply-side theory, and part apologia for free markets."
Socialism, Tax Cuts, and the Meaning of Trump
- Christian Toto: "Conservative site's film slate features a triple shot of strong, capable heroines."
Daily Wire Goes Hollywood with a Shocking Feminist Twist
- "Kruger appeared in a string of English-language adventure and war movies, including A Bridge Too Far (1977) and The Wild Geese (1978)." (RIP - jjs)
Hardy Kruger, a Fixture on the Big Screen, Passes Away at 93
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:43 AM
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