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January 19, 2022
The Morning Report - 1/19/22
Good morning, kids. Wednesday and once again the subject of civil war or at the least some sort of national divorce/dissolution has reared its ugly but unavoidable head. The disgusting, vitriolic rhetoric and insults that are borderline blood-libels is not emanating from the pie-hole of some low-life Antifa droog, sprawled out on a louse infected, semen stained, vitrified mozzarella encrusted couch somewhere in CHAZ-topia, making Molotov cocktails for world peace. It is emanating from the pinnacle of American power, the Oval Office (no doubt via a house in Kalorama), and parroted by the aforementioned and far too many individuals that can do a hell of a lot more damage than merely (!) setting a police station or two on fire.
Recently the Washington Post ran an op-ed from three retired generals, Antonio Taguba, an immigrant who had accused America of war crimes during the fight against Islamic terrorists in Iraq, Steven Anderson, a board member of the left-wing VoteVets, and Paul Eaton, a senior VoteVets adviser, urging that the military prepare for a "2024 insurrection" in proper Soviet style.
The three left-wing ex-generals called for "intensive intelligence work" to "identify, isolate and remove potential mutineers" and "guard against efforts by propagandists."
A Commie commissar couldn't have said it any better than Taguba, Anderson, and Eaton.
These "propagandists" and "mutineers" are not the members of the pro-Hillary "Resistance" who pledged to undermine and sabotage the Trump administration in 2016. Nor are they the Democrats who insisted that President George W. Bush was illegitimately elected.
Only conservatives are up for the purge.
Or as Eaton had tweeted before the election, "The empty shirt in the White House deserves your contempt. Aiding and abetting is treason. What American could vote for such a person? I know: a traitor."
This Eaton scum is not an outlier in terms of the highest, and quite possibly even the secondary or tertiary, echelons of command in our military. Barack Obama, like Stalin in the late 30s and Hitler after Stalingrad and for sure after July '44, purged their militaries of the most competent officers and replaced them with ass-kissing sycophants and like-minded ideologues. Those two did it primarily because they were paranoid. The dog-eater did it as an act of willful sabotage that, in the cold light of day, is arguably the greatest act of treason against the national security of this nation since Julius and Ethel Rosenberg's atomic betrayal. Possibly worse.
Now cue Joey Soft-Serve, via the estimable Salena Zito:
Speaking Tuesday at Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University, Biden uttered venomous, brutal accusations lacking factual basis. His shouting-in-the-wind delivery was inexplicable, and his decision to lash out at members of his own party -- Senators Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) -- appears to have only strengthened their resolve not to give in to his demands.
Biden called those who disagree with his political views on legislation "domestic enemies." He compared them to Confederate President Jefferson Davis and former Alabama Democratic Party committeeman and ardent, violent segregationist Bull Connor. In American politics, that is about as divisive as one can get -- at least he didn't mention Hitler. . .
. . .You don't warn a nation that a winter of "severe illness and death" is coming for the unvaccinated because your aim is to bring people together; those words are intended as a threat and a slight, just like his resurrection of George Wallace in last week's speech to score cheap political points.
Look all around you; since last January this junta has been flailing, failing and is desperate. But the unvarnished truth is that all of that is not the reason that they have been spouting the eliminationist rhetoric against us. As an aside, mentioned yesterday by Ace, Paul "the forehead" Begala ripped into his own base by claiming "Democrats don't have bad leaders, they have bad followers." In any case, the hatred flowing from the Left has always been there. They have always wanted to subjugate or eradicate those of us whom they could not subjugate. See Larry Grathwohl discussing Bill Ayers.
But that was back in the early 70s. We're not talking about a group of violent subversives fantasizing about a "final solution" to the freedom problem while on the lam from the, heh, FBI (the irony). We're now talking about a sizeable chunk of our allegedly fellow citizens as well as the government, the bureaucracy, the courts, quite astonishingly the not-so-much-anymore private sector and, yet again, law enforcement and the military.
The US Army is set to conduct a "guerrilla warfare exercise" later this month in North Carolina where troops will battle against "freedom fighters."
Yes, really.
The two week "unconventional warfare exercise" will take from from Jan. 22-Feb. 4 on privately owned land in a remote location which remains unknown.
"Called Robin Sage, the exercise serves as a final test for Special Forces Qualification Course training and it places candidates in a politically unstable country known as Pineland," reports the Charlotte Observer.
"These military members act as realistic opposing forces and guerrilla freedom fighters, also known as Pineland resistance movement," said the the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center. . .
. . . The exercise will do little to dampen concerns that the Biden [junta] is launching a de facto 'domestic war on terror' targeting patriots and Trump supporters.
Following the January 6 Capitol riot, Democrats ludicrously compared the events to September 11 in an attempt to justify using federal resources that would normally be focused on actual terrorists against American conservatives.
Earlier this month, the Justice Department created a new "specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism" in response to an "elevated" threat from violent extremists in the United States.
So, Waukesha and Colleyville, along with the Burning, Looting & Murdering that took place over the course of months in the wake of George Floyd dying while resisting arrest are to be spun as mostly peaceful displays of patriotism, or failing that, altogether ignored. Yet, mere verbal opposition to anything and anyone of, by and for the Left is tantamount to insurrection and treason - even when these alleged acts of insurrection and treason are manufactured by the junta itself to further their agenda of political oppression. No doubt in my mind that what happened at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 was pre-planned and executed by the FBI in collusion with the DC police and possibly at the behest of or with the tacit approval beforehand of Democrat Party leadership. The detainees now rotting away in the Garland Archipelago were merely unlucky or foolish enough to walk into the set-up.
Where does all of this leave us?
Regime propaganda is so ubiquitous that even if, like me, you make no effort to seek it out and even take steps to avoid it, you can't help but notice that our masters have fastened onto a new narrative: the coming "civil war."
This was the crux of all the maudlin, dishonest January 6 retrospectives, of several "think pieces," and at least three new books: America is facing a second civil war and it will be started by the Right.
Really? With what? In one of his more lucid moments, Joe Biden himself noted that the disaffected on the Right have no chance of taking on the United States government without F-15s and nukes. Like the blind squirrel finding a nut, the old man was onto something. The government's overwhelming advantages in technology, firepower, manpower, money, transportation, supply networks, surveillance tools and much else would be so lopsided as to make the military buzzword "asymmetric" a grim joke. Think, instead, Bambi versus Godzilla. . .
. . . Psy-ops can have many objectives, demoralization being the most common. But they can also be used to prep the ground for other operations, to create opportunities that otherwise might not present themselves.
That's what's going on now. The regime wishes to crush all actual and potential opposition. To do this, it needs to criminalize dissent. But doing that runs against the letter and spirit of the great charters of American liberty, and against the grain of the American character. To do what they want to do requires changing public opinion. Or, more specifically, it requires wearing down Americans' inborn resistance to censorship and political persecution . . .
. . . The truth is that for the last 50 years, and accelerating greatly over the last 10, America's elites have relentlessly divided the country, strip-mined its institutions, leeched its wealth, and attacked a large portion of its people. Those actions, taken together, may be said to be almost a recipe for civil war. Perhaps the smarter elites have concluded that such a war is now inevitable and they want to get a jumpstart on assigning blame. A cynical person (not me!) might wonder if civil war is not exactly what the ruling class wants and is trying to provoke.
We might therefore analogize every fresh provocation to those feds who apparently entrapped some very imprudent men into trying to kidnap the governor of Michigan. They want you not just to talk about civil war, but to begin taking concrete actions that they can insist are preludes to war. Then they will have free rein to impose ever more censorship, surveillance, no-knock raids, computer and records seizures, asset confiscation, frivolous (but deadly serious) criminal charges, endless pretrial detention, and draconian sentences for misdemeanors and non-crimes.
Excellent essay as usual by Michael Anton, but it does beg the question, considering all the forces arrayed against us and the absolute undeniable fact that those forces absolutely stole the 2020 election, given that no doubt they will try that again - and that sadly the party that allegedly is the opposition to it is mostly in bed with them - what do we do?
We have effectively been overthrown and now it's a matter of the junta attempting to consolidate power and cement the overthrow. They already have scores if not hundreds of innocent Americans rotting away in the Garland Archipelago as "insurrectionists" and "white supremacists."
I am not advocating violence at all. But unless and until some massive movement akin to Solidarnosc organically happens, we are slouching our way into becoming East Germany. The vast majority of real Americans have more important things to do - like work and care for their families - than to take to the streets and do the BLM/Antifa boogaloo.
That said, with the economy fast becoming the bastard child of Weimar Germany and Zimbabwe, a mass economic upheaval that makes Black Tuesday and 2008 look like a blip might be the black swan event (although anyone with eyes to see can predict it coming) that sends people into the streets.
The reaction of the junta and its base that already want to send the unvaccinated into concentration camps (or worse) is what worries me. Is all of this avoidable? Possibly, but given everything we've been through and the current trajectory, less and less likely with each passing day.
Whatever happens, I could care less what their narrative is; if blood is shed, it is all on the Left. If there is neither a civil disengagement nor G-d forbid an actual shooting civil war, then it won't necessarily be because we have been rounded up by police or military forces. It will be because those who we thought were our fellow citizens will be the enforcers.
Almost half of Democratic voters -- 48 percent -- think the government should be able to fine or imprison individuals "who publicly question the efficacy of the existing [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications."
This is not the most astonishing finding of a poll just released by Rasmussen. Let's go through the relevant points: Nearly the same percentage of Democratic voters -- 47 percent -- think the government should be able to put a tracking system, like an ankle monitor or a locked collar, on people who refuse the vaccine. And 45 percent favor putting the unvaccinated in camps. Camps.
More than half of Democratic voters -- 55 percent -- think people who refuse the vaccine should be fined. Fifty-nine percent favor confining all unvaccinated people to their homes. More than a quarter of Democratic voters -- 29 percent -- think that the government should be able to confiscate the children of unvaccinated parents . . .
Is any of this Nazi enough for you yet? You are living next door to the people who would have turned you over to the Comite de salut public for opposing the "Law of Suspects" -- the law that authorized the arrest of all suspected enemies of the Revolution and ushered in the Reign of Terror. You are living next door to the people who would have turned you over to the NKVD for "moral sabotage of the Soviet Union." You are living next door to the people who would have called up the Gestapo and said, "My neighbor is hiding a Jew."
First it's vaccines. Then it's questioning the approved number of genders. Or the legitimacy of the 2020 election. And on and on.
Nightmare fuel, my fellow babies.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- "The Wag The Dog scenario looms larger as the Biden vortex deepens."
Biden Needs a War. Don't Give Him One.
- Michael Anton: "Psychological operations can have many objectives, demoralization being the most common. But they can also be used to create opportunities that otherwise might not present themselves."
The "Civil War" Psy-Op - "Your Democrat neighbors won't be ordered to vote for laws that ostracize you from society, steal your property, or send you away to a concentration camp. They will do it burning with pride."
The Nazi Next Door
- "Advocates of the legislation fear that the tech companies' ties to Sen. Schumer's children could create a conflict of interest, people close to the matter told On the Money. And they say Schumer's familial connection to the tech companies is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the cozy relationships some members of Congress have with the firms." (this one link just crystallizes the rot that is our government and the even more rotten souls of our alleged leaders - jjs)
Cuck Schemer's Meesekeit Daughters Work for Amazon, Facebook as He Holds Power Over Antitrust Bill
- "New video analysis claims that Ashli Babbitt -- the U.S. veteran executed by Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd -- was attempting to diffuse the situations between rioters destroying the doors leading to the Speaker's Lobby at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6th and the police guarding them. Babbitt even went so far as to step between one of the men around her and the police, before being executed on government property."
New Video Analysis: Ashli Babbitt Chatted With Capitol Officers and Attempt to Calm Protesters Before Being Executed
- "Troops to battle against fictional 'Pineland resistance movement.'"
US Army Guerrilla Warfare Exercise to Target "Freedom Fighters"
- Daniel Greenfield: "While Democrats go after dead Confederate generals, we ought to look at living Soros generals."
Soros General Demands Purge of Military
- "To fail to further examine the nature of order is to risk a dialogue lacking specificity, and obfuscate the meaning -- in some cases, purposefully so -- as to what constitutes 'order.'"
The Nature of Order
- "Or perhaps it was an office employee who pushed past the standard anti-January 6 rhetoric and revealed what's really going on."
A Republican Never-Trump Senator Reveals More Than He Meant
- "When progressives speak of 'our democracy,' they do not mean the constitutional order that was established at the nation's founding."
The Dangerous Rhetoric of "Our Democracy"
- "This civil war is one that will be marked more by virtual mob justice and battles in the streets. It isn't a war to seize territory, it is a war of exerting control over your enemies."
Are We in a Civil War?
- "Medical license suspended for posting [Chinese] COVID 'misinformation.'"
MIT-Educated Doctor Ordered to Undergo Psych Evaluation After Prescribing Ivermectin
- "Anybody who thinks the 'progressives' who now control the Democrat Party actually believe in individual liberty, limited government, and constitutional republicanism need look no further than the disturbing results of a new survey of likely voters. . . My take on this data is that these people cannot wait to tell us all how to live every aspect of our lives because once they establish they own your body, nothing will be off-limits."
Exposed: Progressive Democrats' Totalitarian Obsession in Chinese COVID Crisis
- "A father of an autistic child, Michael Seklecki, filed the emergency application, asserting that he and his child are not able to wear a mask. Lucas Wall also joined the lawsuit, claiming that he has been unable to fly because he is medically unable to wear a mask as well. The request, filed to Justice Neil Gorsuch, was denied by the justices with no further comment."
Supreme Court Rejects Request to Block Federal Mask Mandate on Planes
- "Feds for Medical Freedom is behind lawsuits in three states."
Grassroots Group Leads Attack on Biden Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers
- "No wonder the Biden [junta] shifting attention away from actual civil rights law to its new 'civil rights' laws -- it's violating the actual law all the time."
Biden Officials Defy Critical Civil Rights Law
- "The number of inquiries for orders from the U.S. rose by 30 percent over the past week from the prior week, and the company is running at full capacity with its employees working extra shifts to meet clients' needs," one Chinese manufacturer told the paper.
China Uses Biden Chinese COVID-19 Testing Plan as Propaganda
* * * * *
- "With soaring numbers of myocarditis, heart attacks, and death, who are you going to believe: the US government or your own eyes?"
FDA Drug Safety Expert Dr. David Gortler: Vaccine Manufacturers, FDA Not Adequately Warning About Myocarditis Risks
- "Whenever you see truth escaping from the lips of liars like steam from a pressure cooker, you should assume something bigger is cooking under cover . . . these self-appointed overlords are simply engaged in a form of damage control, a 'limited hangout.' When they can no longer hide their lies, they acknowledge the obvious in order to keep their biggest lies on life support. It's a reframing exercise meant to preserve the wider agenda of consolidating power."
Why Ruling Class Minions Are So Suddenly Doing Damage Control on Chinese Covid
- "The aim is to protect the most vulnerable, to protect those at highest risk of severe disease and dying," the W.H.O.'s chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said. "Those are our elderly populations, the immunocompromised, people with underlying conditions, but also health care workers because if a lot of health care workers get infected as we see now, they can be out sick and we don't want them getting severely ill."
World Health Organization: "No Evidence at All" That Healthy Children, Adolescents Need Boosters
- "Everything must go."
Boris [Johnson] Warned to Ditch Mask Rules or Face Rebellion
- "[Chinese] COVID has shown us how rigid a technocracy can be, even in a supposedly democratic society."
Government's Chinese COVID Tyranny Heralding a New Dark Age
- "This caught-off-guard response from FBI agents is sadly what Americans have come to expect from our top law enforcement agency."
Texas Synagogue Attack Smells Like More Evidence of FBI Corruption
- "He is a known participant in demonstrations supporting pro-Palestine agenda and Guantanamo Bay prisoner rallies and approved of Jihad."
Texas Synagogue Hostage-Taker was Under Investigation by British MI5, Supported Pro-Palestinian and Jihadi Causes
- "We have all watched our governmental leaders reject this age-old practice, choosing to be wolves rather than protect each individual. They seek aggrandizement and power over the good of the ones they are meant to protect. It is sad to say, but all too often this has now become commonplace even with clergy, who choose to support the wolves rather than have the awareness required for protection. And even worse, use any attack of the wolves for their own purposes."
Wolves and Sheepdogs in Colleyville
- "A nation without borders is not a nation, and a government that cannot protect its own people does not deserve the authority we render unto it." (the wolf is not at the door, he wolf is THROUGH the door, siting in the living room, watching Amazon Prime and yelling at you to make him a sandwich - - as he rapes and slaughters your family - jjs)
Texas Terrorist Shows Us the Wolf Is Still at the Door
* * * * *
- "Was Gary Mond wrong?"
UK: For Telling the Truth About Islam, Jewish Board of Deputies Vice President is Compelled to Resign
- "It has been pumping money into the economy."
Fed Signals Reduced Stimulus as Inflation Soars to 39-Year High
- "Texas, Arizona, Idaho, and Utah have seen full recovery in their labor markets following [Chinese] COVID-19 and the lockdown-induced recession."
Four Red States Recover All Pre-Recession Jobs as Many Blue States Are Still "Lagging Behind"
- "After eighteen months of positive readings indicating growth, the general business conditions of the New York Fed's Empire State Manufacturing Survey fell a steep thirty-three points to -0.7. Economists had forecast the index to decline slightly from 31.9 in December to 26, a level that would have indicated a very strong rate of growth."
New York Fed Survey Shows Manufacturing Growth Abruptly Stalled
- " . . . if the Federal Reserve was a private bank . . . you would say this company is insolvent."
Financial Strategist: Federal Reserve is in "Deep Trouble" as it Tries to Handle Inflation
- "Shawn Laval Smith, 31, was considered armed and dangerous and 'highly likely to be using public transportation,' the LAPD announced Tuesday." (looks like a white supremacist insurrectionist MAGA type to me - jjs)
LAPD Identifies Suspect in Stabbing of UCLA Grad Student Brianna Kupfer
- "Krasner was backed for D.A. in 2017 by George Soros who donated nearly $1.7 million via a PAC, compared to about $200,000 raised by Krasner's campaign."
Pennsylvania Senate Pro Tempore Jake Corman Calls on Leaders of Pennsylvania House to Impeach Radical Philly DA Larry Krasner
- "Last week, Secretary Buttigieg appeared in Los Angeles to claim credit for what he claimed were improvements to the supply chain crisis at the ports. He did not mention the rail looting."
Peter "Puffer" Buttigieg Silent on Looting from Cargo Trains in Los Angeles
- "Railroad faults no-cash bail, lack of sentencing."
Union Pacific Considers Rerouting Trains Around Los Angeles Amid Railcar Theft Spike
- "Lax prosecutions are driving a surge in package thefts for Union Pacific Railroad."
Off the Rails in L.A.
- "UCLA graduate student fatally stabbed by homeless man while working at high-end LA furniture store."
In DA George Gascon's L.A., "Smash and Grab" Morphs Into "Slash and Dash"
- "City Journal editor Heather Mac Donald once dubbed this idea the Ferguson Effect, tying the protests to higher rates of violent crime which have undone many of the strides law enforcement has taken in the previous decades."
Studies Show That Anti-Police Protests Have Led to Rise in Violent Crime
- "Chicago homicides hit a 25-year high in 2021."
No Relief in the Windy City
- "And the chamber applauded . . . Well, the Republicans in the chamber did. They rose to applaud while Virginia Democrats, apparently not caring about parental rights, sat quietly in their seats."
Virginia Democrats Do the Most Democrat Thing Ever at Joint Assembly With Youngkin
- "'This lesson is an adept vehicle to push student thinking,' assistant superintendent says."
Fairfax Schools Tell Children of Military Members That They Have "Privilege"
- "Instead of throwing money into the black holes that are public schools and anti-poverty programs, we would be infinitely better off sending that money straight to parents, who could then decide which school would be the best fit for their children to attend while building substantial savings for their post-high school endeavors."
Instead of Guaranteed Basic Income, Give Families Public Education Funds Directly
- "Who is producing this dreck? Well, it turns out that the list is long and distinguished. . . "
Unbelievable: "Education" Group's Agitprop Video Shows White Cracker "Karen" Whipping Black Kids
- No, this is not the Babylon Bee.
Arrest Warrants Count as ID for Illegal Migrants at Airport Security, TSA Says
- "They're all natural Republicans!" /sarc
Here's What We Know About the Migrant Caravan Headed to the Southern Border
- Salena Zito: "If [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden's disorderly and lethal Afghanistan withdrawal was the moment that fractured voters' regard for him, then his vicious Atlanta speech last week may be the moment that defines his presidency."
The Moment Joe Biden Finally Lost His Credibility
- Daniel Greenfield: "If a Democrat makes use of the Jim Crow filibuster, he should be known as a Jim Crow Democrat."
Democrats Must Refuse to Use the Jim Crow Filibuster
- "We act like we're going to obstruct people from voting. That's not going to happen."
Manchin: We Already Have Laws to Ensure People Have Voting Rights, Voter Obstruction Is "Not Going to Happen"
* * * * *
- "The group's key directors are not technology-focused individuals who incidentally pushed 'left of center' voting policies. They are far-left radicals who have repeatedly expressed contempt for the rule of law in U.S. elections, and bitter contempt for conservative politicians and the tens of millions of Americans who vote for them."
Mark Zuckerberg's $350 Million in Election Funding Went to Far-Left Activists, Not "Nonpartisan" Outfits
- "That's what worries me is that we have people who aid and abet this attitude and behavior, and we need to be very, very clear that there are people who hate the Jewish people, and this is wrong, and it is dangerous, and we need to stand with Jewish people across the world, especially here in our own United States."
Mike Huckabee: How Can We "Keep America-Hating Anti-Semitic Terrorists Out of Our Synagogues When We Can't Even Keep Them Out of Congress?" (BOOM - jjs)
- "Watchdogs say First Solar a beneficiary of political favoritism."
House Oversight Committee Launches Probe Into Biden-Backed Solar Company
- "White House flight logs show Bill Clinton visited the island no fewer than 17 times between 1993-1995. Flight logs for Epstein's aircraft show Bill Clinton flew on the dead pedophile's planes 26 times between 2002-2003."
Report: Epstein's Lawyer Tried to Get Pedo Island Caretakers to Lie and Say Bill Clinton Was Never There
- Molly McCaughey: "Members of Congress aren't the only ones double dealing. Federal Reserve Vice Chair Richard Clarida stepped down Jan. 14, following the resignations of the Dallas and Boston Fed chiefs. They're in trouble for trading stocks and mortgage-backed securities while making Fed policy affecting those markets."
It's Not Just Malig-Nancy Pelosi -- Plenty of Government Insiders Are Trading Stocks at Our Expense
- "After preaching 'transparency,' Dem gov partners with dark money nonprofit to raise millions."
Wretched Whitmer's Dark Money Hypocrisy
- "A recent POLITICO story paints perhaps an even more disturbing and damning picture of Cuomo's one-man rule during the pandemic."
Angel of Death Cuomo's Many Abuses Show Why the Separation of Powers Matter
- "Democrat John Fetterman supports ban on lawmakers owning stocks."
Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Fetid-Man Holds Stock in Company Lobbying His State
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Mohammed Nuru, former director of San Francisco Department of Public Works, cops to federal corruption charges."
Mohammed Pleads Guilty
- "[Long time McYertle flunky Josh] Holmes is one of the finest political minds in the Republican Party and a loyal member of McConnell's team. And it's no secret that McConnell is on the warpath against Trump because the former president is trying to destroy the minority leader by publicly humiliating him."
Trump Aides See the Hand of McConnell in Promoting the Idea of a Feud With DeSantis
- "Trump 2024 would be a harsh punishment -- but perhaps a just one."
Justice Delayed is Justice "Don-Eyed"
- "Everything has gone wrong."
Biden's Disastrous First Year
- "9 per cent boost since start of 2021."
Support For Republican Party Rises to Highest Level Since 1995
- "Eleven-term Democratic Rhode Island Rep. Jim Langevin announced Tuesday that he will not run for reelection in 2022."
11-Term Democrat Rep Announces Retirement Ahead of Midterms
- Jeffrey Lord: "The former president's base holds fast."
Trump Supporters Swarm Pennsylvania GOP Senate, Gubernatorial Debate
- Michael Goodwin: "When they aren't pointing fingers at Donald Trump, Republicans and the pandemic for everything that goes wrong under the sun, they pick on banks, oil companies and even supermarkets to explain soaring prices on consumer goods . . . Yet despite the Herculean efforts to create villains to rescue the drowning Biden [junta], there is no sign of a lifeboat on the horizon and the president's approval ratings continue to sink into the vasty deep."
Endangered Democrats Go Low and Keep Playing Blame Game for Joe Biden
- "Every 37 seconds, someone is arrested for possession of marijuana," Chambers says in the ad as he sits in a Louisiana field in a suit and tie lighting up a blunt. "Since 2010, state and local police have arrested an estimated 7.3 million Americans for violating marijuana laws, over half of all drug arrests."
Louisiana Senate Candidate Gary Chambers Smokes Blunt In Campaign Video
- "Miyares' actions this week showed to Republicans the only right way to do things today. He immediately cleaned house, getting rid of staffers and attorneys whom he could not trust. He now starts out with a strong team, and is unlikely to be sabotaged, as Trump was, by fifth columnists he allowed to remain out of the goodness of his heart."
Pushback: New VA Attorney General Shows Republicans the Right Way to Fight the Left
- "Biden's lousy poll numbers be damned. The minute conservatives get complacent, they lose."
Don't Get Cocky About the Midterms
- "As Republicans weight the merits of debating in a rigged system, new information comes to light about the Commission's board members."
Presidential Debate Commission Chief Held "Off-The-Record" Meetings With Chinese Communist Propagandists, and Xi Jinping
- "In what's become a Democrat tradition, Biden is asking private companies to become partners in censorship with the federal government."
The Murdering of Free Speech in America
- She's not wrong. Shocked that the Maoists at UTA didn't ditch her ages ago.
United Talent Agency Drops Lara Logan After She Compared Fauci to Infamous Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele
- "Sohn's inclination towards censorship and partisan regulation, however, torpedoed her chances of confirmation. Biden re-nominated Sohn at the beginning of the year but her chances of gaining Republican support are once again slim considering her history of criticizing and painting TV networks she disagrees with as threats to our democracy that need to be punished."
Biden's FCC Commissioner Nominee Gigi Sohn Wants To Nuke Right-Leaning Broadcasters From Air
- "Within 24 hours of release, the music video was trending. Google set about blocking advertisements and marketing efforts, likely due to the song criticizing the coerced vaccination and hypocrisy of the Canadian government in the wake of the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic."
Anti-Vaxx Mandate Song More of Us Deboosted from YouTube
- Raymond Ibrahim: "So long as infidels don't see such content."
Social Media NOT Censoring Muslim Hate Speech and Incitement to Murder
- "Newspaper reporters don't fare much better, as only 17% of Americans see them as being honest and ethical, compared to 43% who don't."
More People Call Media Dishonest, Both Globally and Nationally -- View of U.S. TV Reporters Hits New Low
- "'Moloch' is an idol, a false god mentioned in the Old Testament, to whom children were sacrificed, usually by fire."
Jewish Pro-Life Foundation: "Moloch Wins in NJ, But Life Will Ultimately Prevail"
- "Biden was sharply criticized for his [junta's] withdrawal process from the country, though the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] has maintained that chaos was inevitable."
Just-Released Docs Reveal Biden Junta Was Warned About Rapid Afghan Air Force Collapse
- "Washington is still paying dearly for its miscalculations in Kabul."
The Steep Cost of American Retreat
- Piss-Hockey Psaki: "There is a diplomatic path forward. It is the choice of President Putin and the Russians to make, whether they are going to suffer severe economic consequences or not."
"Russia Could at Any Point" Attack Ukraine, White House Says
- "It is not unlike the many 'peace' organizations during the first Cold War."
Canada's China Appeasers: The Institute for Peace and Diplomacy
- "Most Americans don't realize it but the Mexican state is in serious trouble, and we won't be able to ignore it for much longer."
The Border Crisis is Bad, But in Mexico a Larger Crisis Looms
- "There's really not much protection that we believe is going to be afforded to athletes," Rob Koehler, the director general of the Global Athlete group, said in the seminar. "Silence is complicity and that's why we have concerns."
"Human Rights Watch" Seminar Advises Olympic Athletes to Stay Silent in China
- Robert Spencer: "As Biden appeases, the Islamic Republic grows more aggressive by the day."
Iran's Supreme Leader Releases Video Depicting Assassination of Trump
- Robert Spencer 2: "Some chilling allegations. . . If an investigation is undertaken and Villarejo's allegations are confirmed, there will be reverberations all over the West. In the United States, 9/11 conspiracy theorists will gain new impetus for their claims that the catastrophic attacks were an 'inside job.' And those who say, not without foundation, that domestic terror attacks foiled by the FBI are more a matter of FBI entrapment rather than actual plotting will see the action of the CNI as confirmation of what they have long assumed."
Did Spanish Authorities Stage the 2017 Barcelona Jihad Attack?
- "When housing expansion is seen as the biggest crime."
Europe's Condemnation of Israel -- and Double Standards
- "The Indonesian Parliament passed a law Tuesday to move the capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, a province on the island of Borneo."
Indonesia Moving Capital City Because It's Sinking
- "Americans have been clamoring for 5G and tomorrow, we will deliver it."
Verizon and AT&T "Voluntarily" Limit 5G Near Airports to Avoid Flight Chaos
- "US Army is now struggling to lure soldiers into certain critical jobs, so is offering $50,000 elistment bonuses."
Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. "Vanilli" Milley Tests Positive for Chinese COVID-19
- "The Air Force Special Tactics community encountered wokeness, but resistance in the lower ranks sparked a backlash."
Wokeness Hits the Upper Echelons of the Air Force
- "Libs owned, supremely." (one 5-pound Whitman sampler and our troubles would be over, sort of - jjs)
Freedom Reigns: Gorsuch Refuses to Coddle Sotomayor's Mask Fetish
- Anyone at this point, when there are vaccines and therapeutics available to deal with [Chinese] COVID, who is still demanding that you do something to keep them safe should be given a hard 'no.' Justice Gorsuch has done just that and is refusing to wear a mask. Good. Let the hypochondriacs live a life confined inside, alone, separated from all society, and ordering from Grubhub. The rest of us have things to do. Life is risk, your highness."
Media Meltdown Over Justice Sotomayor's Failure to Cope with the Risk of Living
- "Far from being a sure thing, there is much that is unsettled about the way the earth's climate works. Although these knowledge gaps may be denied by governments and many in the media, they are tacitly admitted by the risk management instruments contrived to deal with them."
The "Climate Change" Casino -- and the Risks Thereof
- "ExxonMobil identified more than 150 'potential steps' that will help achieve its goal within 30 years, the company announced." (#1 - go out of business - jjs)
ExxonMobil Embarks on Net Zero-Emission Mission
- The West Virginia treasurer's office raised issues with the firm's commitment to "net zero" emissions investment strategies at the expense of the state's workers who are reliant on coal, oil, and natural gas. Moore also cut the state's relationship with BlackRock over the group's escalating investment in Chinese interests. (see related link in Culture Wars section - jjs)
West Virginia Treasurer Riley Moore Drops BlackRock Over Woke Capitalism
- "All in all, the data is tantalizing but hardly a indicator that Mars once had life. There is too much uncertainty. We do not yet know enough about Mars' geological and climate history to come to any consensus on an explanation."
Carbon Isotope Signature Detected in Curiosity Data Suggests Possible Ancient Life -- Or Not
- "SpaceX officials have held a virtual meeting with two senators from the Philippines, one of which is running for president, to discuss allowing Starlink service in their country as well as the establishment of a launch site."
Philippino Presidential Candidate Meets With SpaceX Officials
- "One organization linked to from the Saint Paul Public Schools site offers free 'chest binders' and offers to ship them to 'a friend, family member, or another trusted person if you cannot receive it at your house.'"
Parents Group Claims Saint Paul Public Schools Indoctrinating Preschoolers On Transgender Issues
- "We are capitalists." (like Alfred Krupp was to Schikelgruber [see also link in Red Green section] - jjs)
BlackRock CEO Pushes Back Against "Woke" Influences
- Christian Toto: "Far-left talk show's latest assault on Republicans is deranged and utterly fact free."
View Veers from Idiotic to Borderline Dangerous
- Lloyd Billingsley: "This year could be the final chance for World War II veterans to cast a vote in a nation they might not recognize."
Last Ballot for the Brave
- "In Out of the Past, it is Robert Mitchum's intoxicating masculinity that brings us into the fold."
Baby, I Don't Care
- "She was best known for starring alongside Rod Taylor in the film adaption of H.G. Wells' novel The Time Machine, but had notable roles in the movies Where the Boys Are, Platinum High School, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Light in the Piazza." (RIP - jjs)
Actress Yvette Mimieux Dead at 80
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:42 AM
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