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January 07, 2022
The Morning Report - 1/7/22
Good morning, kids. Friday and the weekend is here. It's almost beyond my capacity to describe the absolute loathing I have for that gibbering, perverted, criminal poseur-in-chief and the forces that installed him in the Oval Office as their front man one year ago. He may be suffering from Biden Spongiform Encephalopathy, but his ability to spew the most hateful venom and blood libels with perfect articulation when propped up in front of a camera is a sight to behold. And behold it we did yesterday, on the anniversary of the January 6 Democrat-staged "riot" that has been used for the past 12 months to demonize any and all opposition to the junta as "insurrectionist."
As infuriating as it was, the whole thing rapidly devolved into a farce.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday incorporated the cast of Hamilton as part of the January 6 remembrance, sparking further mockery that the Democrats are "literally" engaging in "theater."
"To begin the conversation, we're privileged to have a contribution from one of the great creative talents of our time, Lin-Manuel Miranda," Pelosi said.
Let me get this straight; supposedly the worst attack on "our precious democracy" (vomit) than 9/11, the Civil War and the Shoah combined engenders a staged segment from a Broadway show?! Wow. And I think I just found the perfect word to describe Malig-Nancy Pelosi: tacky. Not to be outdone, her partner in the upper chamber Cuck Schemer Schumer used the supposed gravity and solemnity of that infamous day to stand in front of the cemetery like a schneurer and put the bite on the base.
"One year ago today, supporters of former President Trump stormed the U.S. capitol in an attempt to overturn the results of the free and fair 2020 election. Incited by the 'big lie' and disinformation, the insurrectionists tried to overthrow our democracy," Schumer's fundraising email begins. "Five people were killed and countless others injured. It was one of the darkest days in American history."
The DNC's fundraising message begins similarly: "One year ago today, our democracy was attacked. The will of the people was under assault, and our Constitution faced the gravest of threats."
Is it me or has every single friggin' Democrat fundraising letter for the past 40 to 50 years had the exact same message about Republicans? Substitute the names and the issues and there's zero difference. It's Mad Libs. Literally. In any case, it can never be stated loudly or frequently enough that it is axiomatic that everything the left accuses the right of doing or wanting to do is exactly the thing that the left is guilty.
Since at least the time of Woodrow Wilson, political violence has been the sole purview of the anti-American, totalitarian progressive movement which has sought our destruction. At this point, a little over a century later, they've achieved the first part - the overthrow of our government. Now comes the fun part; the evisceration of any sort of real checks and balances, the imposition of a thoroughly unconstitutional bureaucracy that has complete control of virtually every aspect of our lives, a rubber stamp judiciary to declare the latter's edicts kosher (soon to be "halal") and the corruption of academia, the media and much of the private sector into an arm of enforcement that is equally and potentially even more dangerous than a feral government.
Thing of it is, after a year of the most disastrous domestic and foreign policy failures in our now ended history, much of the audience that yesterday's Pelosi's Bialystock & Bloom shit-show, along with the equally useless kangaroo court committee, is not only tuning out but fleeing for the exits. After endless lockdowns and forcible injections for General Tso's Sickness, crime being decriminalized and destroying whole swathes of business districts, drag-queen rapists unleashed in girls' restrooms, forcible mind raping of children with Jive Kampf crackpot race theory, inflation running wild, wide open borders and on and on and on, blue-state America is depopulating at warp speed. And there are indications that unlike the past, those fleeing are not taking their voting habits with them.
That does not bode well for the Democrats come the midterms this November. Dao-Min Yen and election rigging notwithstanding, they are in for a massive drubbing. Not that the GOP taking over either or both chambers would matter much given the nature of that party to do nothing more than kabuki/bukkake theater in terms of opposing the Democrat agenda. But at least things will be short-circuited for two years. And come 2024, it's a presidential election that's at stake. And that is what this garbage is really all about. To prevent Trump, or a candidate in the Trump mold like DeSantis from winning. But in the main, it is a vendetta against Trump. The fact that, for whatever they're worth this far out, he's leading in the polling also is a factor. And speaking of the utter uselessness of the GOP, Ted Cruz tried to do the moonwalk on TuCa's show last night, and failed.
"You never use words carelessly and yet you called this a terror attack when by no definition was it a terror attack. That's a lie. You told that lie on purpose and I'm wondering why you did," Carlson said.
"The way I phrased things yesterday, it was sloppy and it was frankly dumb - - " Cruz said.
Carlson interrupted saying he does "not buy" the senator's explanation, believing that he intentionally used the word "terrorist" to describe the riot.
"So, Tucker, as a result of my sloppy phrasing, it's caused a lot of people to misunderstand what I meant," the senator said. "Let me tell you what I meant to say. What I was referring to are the limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers. I think you and I both agree that if you assault a police officer, you should go to jail. . ."
. . . Carlson said the senator's use of the word "terrorist" is "playing into" the left's ability to characterize the rioters as "foreign combatants." The Texas senator told Carlson he has "repeatedly denounced" terms such as "insurrection" to describe the riot and is fighting against Democrats' alleged attempts to depict Republicans as "Nazis. . ."
. . . In the days following the riot, [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden referred to the Jan. 6 rioters as "domestic terrorists" in a Jan. 8 statement. FBI Director Christopher Wray also labeled the riot as "domestic terrorism" at a Mar. 2 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
Alan Dershowitz once described Ted Cruz as far and away the smartest student he ever had at Harvard Law. What Cruz said was not "dumb" in the sense that it was a gaffe as he claims. He knew exactly what he was saying when he said it. I am done with him and I am done with the entire GOP. But considering the state of the union - DEAD - does it really matter? Even if Dao-Min Yen is not a factor this November and two years from now and by some miracle we do win back both chambers of congress and the Oval Office, does anyone believe that the party of McConnell, Ryan and Romney will do one friggin' thing to stop let alone reverse what has been done since 2021, let alone since 1933? And even if we had a Congress and Oval Office full of Trumps, does anyone believe that the combined bureaucracy - especially the intel community and military will allow that?
Look what they did in the run-up to 2020. They "fortified" the election by running an "orange revolution" to sabotage voting security (such as it was) and then literally do a massive ballot dump on election night. And never forget that while the Democrats stabbed us in the back, it was the GOP that twisted the knife on January 6th and before.
Look at what Australia is doing to its people. Not China, not Cuba, not Iran. Australia. Hell, look at what they're doing to an internationally renowned sports figure like Novak Djokavic. After everything we have been through these past two to five years, and really decades before that if you really take a close look at things, do you think these fiends are going to let an election stand in their way of getting what they want?
Worst of all, we still have a sizable number of people in this country that not only disagree with us on issues, but view us and the country itself as the issue: an evil to be eradicated. I ask, yet again, how is any kind of reconciliation even remotely possible?
Have a great weekend.
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- "Butler and Young are organizers with the Antifa-linked group Shut Down DC, which conducted demonstrations blocking roadways in Washington, D.C. in 2019, and planned to disrupt Trump's inauguration in 2021."
Antifa-Linked Organizers Who Planned to Disrupt Trump's Inauguration Host 'Candlelight Vigil' For Jan 6 Anniversary
- "'Fact Checkers' claim stories are false because prisoners get fed like other inmates."
AP Declares Mistreatment of Jan 6th Prisoners is a "Conspiracy Theory"
- "To top it off, Kamala compares the Capitol riot to Pearl Harbor and 9/11."
Biden's January 6 Anniversary Speech - and His Big Lies
- "In my wildest, darkest and most dystopian nightmare, I could never have envisioned how the left and the legacy media would twist and manipulate what happened on January 6th in order to pursue their partisan political agenda."
Everything They Have Told You About January 6th is a Lie
- "Read it and weep."
Think Jan. 6 Was a Big Deal? Here Are 30 Far More Significant Events on That Day in History
- Former President Trump released a sharp statement following Biden's speech, blasting him for using his name to "further divide America."
"Literally Theater": Malig-Nancy Pelosi Has Hamilton Cast Members Sing as Part of January 6 Remembrance
- "Biden made numerous references to 'the former president,' blaming him for rallying the mob to attack the Capitol; mocking him as 'not just a former president but a defeated former president' who lost by 7 million votes; and saying Trump's 'bruised ego matters more to him than our democracy or our Constitution.'"
Biden Calls for Unity at End of Divisive, Anti-Trump-and-His-Followers Speech
Hamilton Cast Members Sing as Part of January 6 Remembrance
- "While Democrat lawmakers and groups invoked January 6 to raise money, [so-called quote-unquote "vice president"] Kamala Harris on Thursday likened the 2021 riot to tragic dates in U.S. history, such as the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941."
"One of the Darkest Days": Democrats Use January 6 To Fundraise, Push Progressive Agenda
- "The Supreme Court building even was attacked to try to prevent swearing in."
Retrospective: The Disruption of Congressional Proceedings During Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation
- "Tucker was brutal, which was a very smart thing to be, both for conservative integrity and for Cruz himself."
Ted Cruz Goes on Tucker to Try to Walk Back His Words About January 6
* * * * *
- "Sebastian Gorka also filed a lawsuit Tuesday to block a subpoena for his phone records. Gorka said that the committee is overstepping its authority, and argues he was not asked to answer any questions or produce additional documents."
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Files Lawsuit Against Malig-Nancy Pelosi to Stop Release of Phone Records
- "If you think the Jan. 6 rioters are the only target Democrats want to destroy, you haven't been paying attention."
Actual Democracy, and 4 Other Things the Left Called a "Threat to Democracy" Besides Jan. 6
- Mark Hemingway: "What is this? Officer William Evans wasn't killed on January 6... he died in April after a black nationalist rammed a barricade near the Capitol. How did this statement even get put out?"
Mass. Gov. Blames Trump for Black Nationalist Murder of Capitol Policeman Killed Last April
- "Florida has a higher than average vaccination rate, and Miami-Dade County (main omicron hotspot in Florida) is 93% vaccinated -- far higher than mandate dystopia NYC. People are still getting sick," Pushaw said, telling Psaki, "if you cared about saving lives -- you wouldn't ignore treatment."
DeSantis Knocks Piss-Hockey Psaki for Criticisms: If You Cared About Saving Lives You Wouldn't Ignore Treatment
- "I still believe we're going to need boosters in the fall of '22 and forward," Bancel said. (forward meaning forever; the only thing boosters boost is Big Pharma's profits - jjs)
Moderna CEO Says Fourth Dose of Chinese COVID-19 Vax Will Be Needed This Fall
- "About 48 million of the roughly 54 million American residents aged 65 and older are fully vaccinated, the CDC reports. So, for those Americans, risk of dying from [Chinese] COVID-19 was not significantly different from dying of the flu before Omicron came around." (and yet . . . - jjs)
With Omicron Dominant, Chinese COVID-19 Is Now Less Than "Just the Flu"
- "At least 1,500 people braved the cold and wind on Wednesday to let N.Y. Gov. Kathy Hochul know what they think of mandating a vaccine for kids and for employment, and of a vaccine database. Spoiler alert: they're against it."
Protest Against Vax Mandates for Kids Round-Up, Jan. 5, Albany, NY
- "There will be consequences of heedless measures using selective data."
CDC 'Manipulating' Message To Push Chinese Covid Booster, Some Doctors Say
- When you lose Nikole Hannah-Jones: "We have to be able to talk abtthe [sic] harms of remote learning in a society where vaccines are available for all teachers. . . "
The Left Turns Against Chicago Teachers Union as Classes Canceled Again Over Chinese COVID
- "The Chicago Teachers Union-imposed school shutdown is about politics, not the pandemic."
Flexing Their Muscle
- "Australia's 'Health Officer' (is there a worse-sounding totalitarian title than that?) has determined that the unvaccinated in Australia's Northern Territory can no longer leave their homes for the rest of the week in the case that they have to work or -- get this -- exercise. That's right, the 'health' officials are prohibiting fresh air and exercise for unvaccinated Australians. For real. This is not The Onion.
Tyranny! Unvaccinated Australians Told They Can't Work or Even Exercise Anymore
* * * * *
- "Stolen information focused on monoclonal antibodies and its worth was estimated at $2 billion."
Former GlaxoSmithKline Scientist Pleads Guilty to Stealing Trade Secrets for Chinese Pharma
- "We want to make sure that it is not a cloth mask. A cloth mask does not offer protection," says Asha Shajahan of the Mayo Clinic. (Junta replies "hold the Mayo" - jjs)
Experts Make Stunning Admission About Cloth Face Masks
- "It certainly looks like the Biden [junta] is trying to disguise a general vaccine mandate as a workplace safety measure. The Supreme Court will ultimately decide how convincing that disguise is."
The Supreme Court and Biden's Legally Dubious Vax Mandate "Workaround"
- "There are high priests whose pronouncements must be followed to the letter. The bureaucrats who run the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA. Only these elect can tell us what Science says, and which messages are permissible."
My Religious Objection to the Cult of Chinese COVID
- "The cover-up of information, and the dissembling we've seen over the past year on vaccines and masks is serious, not only for health reasons but also for reasons of public trust in institutions."
Masks, Vaccines, and Government Lies
- "The NIH was unable to pivot their $42 billion dollars to answer these questions quickly . . . We had a vacuum of scientific research, and all the doctors were on the front lines without any data to really answer these questions, and that's when the groupthink began, and guess what ended up filling that vacuum? Political opinions."
Dr. Marty Makary: NIH Funded 257 Grants on Social Disparities with Chinese COVID, Only 4 on How It Spreads
- "State triage policies cite FDA guidance to justify allocating care based on race."
Food and Drug Administration Guidance Drives Racial Rationing of Chinese COVID Drugs
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Distinguished medical scientists offer a way to stand up to medical tyranny."
A Strategic Defense Initiative Against White Coat Supremacy
- "In the old days, criminals understood if they were caught there would be consequences."
A Year of Living Dangerously in American Cities
- "It doesn't want to remember its role in creating her."
Elizabeth Holmes, a Product of the Ruling Class
- ". . . Tsarnaev's boyish good looks instantly made him a hero to the Leftist and the stupid, to the extent that he was even featured on the cover of Rolling Stone, looking like the next teen heartthrob. And in a certain sense, he is."
Boston Marathon Bomber Tsarnaev Got $1,400 in Chinese COVID Relief and Money From Fans
- "Aimee Rogstad Guidera, Youngkin's education secretary pick, is deeply tied to the education swamp on almost every issue." (and McAuliffe defeated makes a difference, how again?! - jjs)
Glenn Youngkin Taps Ed Secretary Deeply Linked to the Crackpot Disg-Race Theory Education Swamp
- "Domingos had previously been denounced by the University of Washington for comments he made in early December 2020 about AI ethics." (all the right wrong people are blasting him, so he must be right - jjs)
Professor Calls Out Unqualified Women In STEM While His Own University Tries To Cancel Him
- "Sixty-four percent of respondents also believe students should be taught that America is 'a force for good in the world,' while 15 percent disagree and 21 percent are unsure."
Survey: 72 Percent Believe Students Should Be Taught American Exceptionalism, "Truth About Slavery"
- Mollie Hemingway: "As part of their political operation, they have used a propaganda technique of redefining efforts to secure the integrity of elections as attacks on democracy."
J6 Hysteria is How Media and Other Democrats Are Avoiding Accountability for Their Rigging of the 2020 Election
- "Mary Ellen Klas' conduct 'crossed the line between reporting and interfering,' says Florida Senate president."
Miami Herald Reporter Advised Dem Lawmaker on Florida Redistricting Process
- "Why did you feel it was so important to drive through such a snowstorm?"
Tim Kaine's I-95 Traffic Ordeal His Own Damn Fault, Says Blackface Governor
- "New allegations of corruption and lawbreaking against Michelle Lujan Grisham, the Democrat Party governor of New Mexico, were revealed in a lawsuit filed this week by the former chief financial officer of Spaceport America, Zach DeGregorio."
More Spaceport America Corruption Allegations Flung About in New Mexico
- "While Trump's polling numbers have regained momentum, a dozen Democrats are fearing Trump's presumable intention to mount a 2024 campaign to retake the White House, the Hill reported."
Report: Democrats Seek to Disqualify Trump from 2024 Campaign amid Resurgence
- This is what happens when you steal elections and Build Bolshevism Biggerer.
Poll Shows U.S. Public Consensus: The Nation Is Declining
- "The younger generations appear to want a socialist takeover."
How to Explain to Your Child Why They Should Never Be a Democrat
- "Trump first sought for Duffy to run in October, declining to endorse Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefish, the current GOP frontrunner, in her bid to oust Democrat Gov. Tony Evers. But Duffy, who resigned from Congress to care for his child and now lives in New Jersey, told conservative radio show host Jay Weber on Thursday that now was not the time for him to reenter politics."
Sean Duffy Says No To Wisconsin Gov Race Despite Trump's Urging
- ". . . Republican political campaigns and right-leaning organizations are not subjected to the same organizing efforts. Due to a different set of principles among leaders and organization members, chances are they won't be. However, we can celebrate the burdens of the trend on the network of left-wing organizations that drive the media and policy decisions."
Unionization of Left-Wing Political and Media Organizations Is a Fantastic Trend
- "We advocate offensive violence against the power structure."
Daniel Greenfield: Black Panther Defense Minister Leaves Congress to Spend More Time With His Hate Group
- Dave Patrick Underwood, a federal security officer, was shot and killed while standing guard at a federal courthouse in Oakland, California, during rioting and protesting that took place following the death ccof George Floyd."
Facebook Sued Over Alleged Responsibility In Killing of Federal Officer
- "Be still my heart! THE most obnoxious personality in cable news is about to lose her show, if a report from a veteran media reporter turns out to be correct."
Report: Shrill, Shrieking Sub-Literate Racialist Joy Reid to Lose Her MSNBC Show
- See? BS.
CBS Buries Poll Results Showing Most Americans of Both Parties Think Jan 6 Was "A Protest That Went Too Far"
- "January 6 was not unprecedented, but the current mass censorship of political opinion is."
Every Year Is 1984 Now
- "This unwillingness of Americans to stand up and defend the downtrodden in the last two years is by far the most depressing aspect of the great leftist oppression of 2020-2021. People privately mouth support and disgust at the viscous and oppressive behavior of these bullies, but will do nothing to oppose them. Thus, the bullies win time after time, consolidating their power -- which they now wield at almost all levels inside government and private corporation -- to do more evil in the coming years. Soon, they will act to guarantee their control, preventing their removal under any condition at all."
Today's Blacklisted American: Reuters Fires Long-Time Employee for Criticizing BLM
- "A shocking new report shows that Silicon Valley firms have been provided false positives to expectant mothers, leading them in some instances to kill their unborn children." (considering the nihilistic ludditism of the Left, you put 2 and 2 together - jjs)
False Positive DNA-Tech Testing is Leading to More Abortions
- The only concrete example of violence the story cites is that of 69-year-old Willem van Spronsen, a radical left-wing activist who "was shot and killed while trying to attack a privately run immigration detention facility in Tacoma, Washington."
"Narrow-Minded and Feeble": Gun Rights Groups Shoot Back at USA Today Tying Second Amendment Activism to Nazism
- Meh, what more could they destroy that BLM, Muriel Bowser and the DC Junta hasn't already destroyed?
Report: Taliban Threatened To Send 2,000 Suicide Bombers to Washington DC
- "Dozens of demonstrators were killed as they stormed Kazakhstan's presidential palace and the mayor's office in the nation's largest city on Wednesday, and they continued to try to invade administrative buildings overnight, the AP reported." (airdrop Sasha Baron Cohen, via Aerolineas Pinochet . . . - jjs)
REPORT: Police In Kazakhstan Say 12 Officers Killed, One Beheaded During Extremely Violent Protest
- "Reports indicate that Australian Open organizers granted an exemption, but Australia's Border Force revoked his visa when he arrived at Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne on Wednesday."
Australia Forces Tennis Champion Novak Djokovic Into Dingy Refugee Facility
- "It's a show trial."
The Persecution of Novak Djokavic
- "Iran's Ayatollah has already declared jihad to 'avenge' the U.S. drone strike that killed Soleimani two years ago."
Iran Seeks to Prosecute 127 People in Nine Countries Over Terror Chief Soleimani's Killing
- "What it means for Israel's safety."
Fatah and Hamas Take Their Fight to Lebanon's Refugee Camps
- Katie Hopkins: "The countdown is on for fuel poverty . . . for millions."
The UK's Cost of Living Crisis
- "Will be accessible by law enforcement."
All New Cars Sold in EU to Be Fitted With Data Recording "Black Box"
- "Military branch admits change to 'norms,' complains of 'bullying and harassment' campaign."
Air Force Accused of Lowering Standards for Elite Unit to Accommodate Female Candidate
- "2022 should only see more new attacks as the stakes continue to rise in the ongoing global cyberwar. The new year is also sure to see new ransomware strains and the creation of more state-sponsored Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) as the Biden [junta] scrambles to attempt to respond, and with the mid-term election less than a year away, the question of their competence in dealing with these emerging threats is sure to play a key role in the minds of voters."
Cybersecurity in 2022: Is the Biden Junta Capable of Defending America?
- "The hearts of our leaders are hollow. Who can fault Americans if they will not follow those leaders to war?"
Why Can't America Win a War?
- "The state blames [Chinese] COVID for the latest population drop, but the real reason is the state's miserable business climate and poor policymaking."
California in Decline
- Tony Perkins: "While everyone's distracted with [Chinese] COVID and the pile of other crises this president has created, the White House is hoping to slip a who's who of radicals onto one of the most powerful courts in the country. And almost no one has noticed."
SPLC: Give Them a Bench, They'll Take a Mile
- Aida Cerundolo, M.D.: "Will patients be steered towards health care plans based on the amount of melanin in their skin?"
Why the CMS' Antiracism Agenda May Backfire
- "The Hospital Price Transparency rule, which went into effect Jan. 1, 2021, is designed to promote competition in healthcare markets by requiring hospitals to post their prices, so that consumers can compare and shop between hospitals; however, according to recent reports, many hospitals have yet to comply with the rules a year after they have been in effect." (thank you and fuck you, Xavier Becerra! - jjs)
Hospitals Are Getting Away With Ignoring Price Transparency Rules, Experts Say
- Biden canceled the pipeline's federal permit immediately after taking office on Jan. 20 in an executive order. The order said the U.S. 'must prioritize the development of a clean energy economy' and that the Keystone project would undermine the nation's role as a climate leader on the world stage."
Federal Judge Tosses Lawsuit Challenging Biden's Authority To Block Keystone Pipeline
- "This approach by the military is excellent news, and continues the transition by the space-related agencies of federal government from trying to design and build everything itself to acting merely as a customer and buying what it needs from the private sector."
Space Force Wants to Pay Commercial Space to Remove Space Junk
- "Astronomers have, for the very first time, observed in real time a dying red supergiant star prior to, during, and after it exploded as a supernova, thus destroying itself and collapsing into either a neutron star or a black hole."
The Very First Observations of a Dying Star Before, During and After it Goes Supernova
- "An open letter to University of Pennsylvania women's swim team member: 'Reality will eventually catch up with who you really are.'"
Lia Thomas Is Guilty of Institutional Cheating and Gender Eugenics
- Thad McCotter: "Why we must never cede language to the Left."
Rejecting the 'DIE Cult'
- "2021 put the 'us' in virus."
The Year of Tragical Thinking
- "He made the mistake of going woke and then buttering up to Dave Chappelle. How do you spell dead meat?"
How Pathetic Is Patton Oswalt?
- "If these CEOs thought coddling and enabling this liberal psychosis would benefit their bottom line, they are sadly mistaken."
Voters' Bottom Line To CEOs: Woke Leads To Broke
- "It's only the beginning of January, but I think we can go ahead and hand out the 2022 Irony Award now."
Irony Overdose: Man Herds Sheep Into Giant Chinese COVID Syringe Shape to Promote Shots
- "We are on the precipice of a dramatic shift in human relations -- and the globalist left can't stand it."
The Four Horsemen of the Left's Artificial Apocalypse
- "[The Last Picture Show] also catapulted him to fame, as his work drew comparisons to the filmmaking of Orson Welles."
Peter Bogdanovich, Legendary Director of The Last Picture Show, and Paper Moon Dies at 82
- Christian Toto: "This all-female band of heroes delivers raw, predictable action light on lectures."
The 355 Offers a Greatest Hits Package of Action Movie Tropes
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:27 AM
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