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January 06, 2022
Quick Hits
Bill Kristol
Whining about President Biden criticizing Donald Trump today is like complaining about FDR criticizing the Japanese government after Pearl Harbor.
sEnD mE mOnEy So I cAn rItE gOoD wOrDz
By the way, Bill Kristol came to prominence, such as it is, as Dan Quayle's speechwriter.
But then the press needed a storyline, and occasionally it would regurgitate this one: Dan Quayle's a real dummy, a total idiot. But sometimes he says things that aren't totally stupid.
He has a brain. And his brain is Bill Kristol.
Bill Kristol is Dan Quayle's Brain.
And that sobriquet -- "Dan Quayle's Brain" -- became Bill Kristol's calling card.
Here's the thing: I would bet you any amount of money that Bill Kristol pitched that idea to journalists himself, demolishing the man he was supposedly "serving" to elevate himself and get some press mentions.
Certainly when he was asked about being "Dan Quayle's Brain" Kristol did not dispute it.
But as we can see, "Dan Quayle's Brain" turns out to believe deeply stupid things like "January 6th is just like December 7th."
Looks like Josh Hawley found out the Democrats are using violent "disruptors" who associate with the antifa thugs who threatened him and his family at their home for their candlelight vigil against political violence.
What a joke.
What a dark f***ing joke.
None of the Conservative, Inc. media will report this becuase,
1, they're all neoliberal, not even neocon, and
2, being neoliberal, they're all in on the J6 information op themselves, and
3, they despise Josh Hawley and therefore
4, they support antifa threatening him at home.
F*** these people.
Another Laptop Class "Science" Cultist doesn't understand why all of her Science Tokens and Feathers and her Fauci Candles and all of her Democrat Juju did not ward the Evil Covid Spirits away.
Goldberg went on to explain that she first began isolating when she learned that she had been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID. She then tested positive herself around Christmas.
"It was a shock because you know, I'm triple vaxxed, haven't been anywhere, haven't done anything, but that's the thing about the Omicron," Goldberg said. "You just don't know where it is. You don't know where it is, who's got it, who's passing it. So you know, it's one of those things where you think 'I've done everything I was supposed to do.' "
Not to be too indelicate -- but are you sure you did everything right as far as making yourself a smaller target for covid, Whoopie?
There was an embarrassing moment on your show when someone pointed out that maybe you were a bit on the larger side. Ana Navarro, who is not exactly light-of-foot herself, had to come to your rescue.
On Gutfeld, an MSNBC "journalist" complains that a restaurant threw his 4 year old son out for being unvaxed. Gutfeld notes "it doesn't happen, until it happens to the f***ing media." Right.
i'M a SeRiOuS pErSoN tOo
This meme is content warning. You need to know who that d-bag Pete Davidson from SNL is. If you're cool with that, enjoy.
If you don't get it: that bizarre-looking airhead no-talent is racking up a huge bodycount of hot actresses and no one can figure out how or why. I guess he must have the obvious thing, but... a lot of guys have that. Why this idiot?