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January 06, 2022
The Morning Report - 1/6/22
Good morning, kids. Thursday and one year ago today. . .
For all intents and purposes, on January 6, 2021, America, as founded, ceased to exist. Having been mortally wounded on Election Day, it was smothered with a My Pillow, its remains cremated at noon on January 20th, 2021.
That is not only the opening sentence of my book, but it is a foundational belief from which I have viewed every event since that day, and really since the moment President - in exile - Donald Trump won the GOP nomination in 2016. If you view American foreign and domestic policy going back decades earlier through that lens, your beliefs about our government and society no longer hold up. It's shattering to realize that since the end of the Second World War, we've been living a lie. There are far too many people, including some very intelligent, erudite pundits who refuse to see things as they are because the truth is too painful to bear, and so they construct this illusion of regular order and business as usual, while casting the blame for our troubles on "mean tweets." Sad and pathetic, but that's human nature. We crave stability, order and security (so does our Enemy, only not quite the same way we do) and so, despite all the evidence about who is running things, what they have done and what they continue to do, so many people prefer to duck their heads in the sand and pretend as if there's nothing out of the ordinary going on. Worse, they blame the victims -- us.
Don't get me wrong; it's not our heritage, our history and the Judeo-Christian principles that guided the Founders and Framers that I am castigating. I was brought up to live as upright and righteous a life as possible, failing and faltering many times in my lifetime but still having enough of a conscience and morality to recognize my failings and faults and try to rectify them, if not avoid them in the first place. America as founded was a miracle. It was "exceptional" in that it was the exception to the historical rule of tyranny and oppression; a free society that for the first time put the individual over government. It depended upon the citizenry respecting the rights of others to live their lives as they saw fit, all within the boundaries of a just and stable law. That was its greatest strength and as it turns out, its Achilles heel.
It's neither the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights that protects you. It's the collective respect of those documents as written by some 330 million of your fellow citizens that protects you. Especially those who we elect and send to Washington DC, state capitals and city halls all over the nation every two to four years. Without that, you can wipe your ass with those documents. Leave it to John Adams to say it best:
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
And those in power, who crave it more than life itself, have brought us to this place by doing the unthinkable. The Democrats sabotaged an election and then with the assistance of the GOP certified the theft to preserve, not their "sacred democracy" (vomit) but their status as our overlords in a bureaucratic, socialist State completely antithetical to the republic as founded, and becoming more and more tyrannical by the day as its intentions and even existence are exposed. At least to those with eyes to see.
In 44 BC, Roman Senators murdered Caesar, claiming they acted to protect the Republic. In fact, they simply sought power. Their coup d'etat put the final nail in the coffin of a republic that had been dead in deed, if not name, for decades. coup d'etats differ from revolutions in that they're generally orchestrated by or include people within government who seize power -- often by narrowly using or just threatening violence -- resulting in a rapid transition of power. Revolutions are often longer affairs that include much of a country's population and exponentially more bloodshed.
Most coups try to keep much of the society and government apparatus intact, merely changing who's in charge. This illusion of continuity is intended to gain the population's acquiescence by avoiding the appearance of a bloody civil war.
And that's exactly what we got. While Donald Trump does not lie in a bloody toga on the floor of the Senate, America witnessed a coup d'etat equally as vicious. Many will deny one took place because their guy won but, make no mistake, virtually every American knows one did, even if only 56% admit it.
Emphasis mine, as it goes to the nub of my comments on denial as well as those of us who are looking to avoid an actual violent civil war and seek some sort of national divorce or separation. I linked to a piece by Benjamin Braddock yesterday which drew quite a few protestations regarding the essay's premise; to wit, national divorce being a "ridiculous fantasy."
The impetus for this proposal from conservatives and liberals alike is the recognition that division in our country has gone beyond disagreement and good-natured rivalry to outright hatred. Indeed, far from being united by crisis as we were at crucial points in the past, we are now at a point of schadenfreude -- liberals reveling in suffering and disaster when it happens to conservatives, and vice versa.
The American population has always been divided. That is not a particularly new phenomenon, nor is it unique to America. But in the divisions of the past -- even the bloody ones -- we found a way to move forward together. As deep as the cultural differences between different sections of the country were, we were still running on the same basic cultural and political operating system inherited from our European-Christian founding. That is not the case now.
The American population is not just divided, these divisions form subcultures that are entirely alien to one another. Twenty years ago, when challenged by a national crisis in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Americans came together in great unity, which was promptly used by our political class to their own cynical ends. Now, once again challenged by a national crisis, the American people are setting themselves against each other and our political class is using this, too, to their own cynical ends. . . .
. . . But a word of warning is in order. The kind of national divorce conservatives have in mind is the amicable separation that Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin sought when they introduced the term "conscious uncoupling" to the cultural lexicon. A world in which two parties could break up without losing everything. It's an appealing idea. But when liberals say they're considering a national divorce, they mean they want to take your kids, half your money (plus monthly payments), have you living in a dismal studio apartment furnished solely with an air mattress and a microwave, all while continuing to nag you relentlessly and blame you for their problems. . .
. . . The moment that a conservative breakaway nation achieved independence and success there would be plans already underway for color revolutions and occupation by gender diverse commissars. They will never leave us alone. And they will never let us go. Why would they? . .
. . . The solution is not some national divorce or civil war. The solution is for the Right to stop being rank amateurs when it comes to politics and governance. Purge the grifters and incompetents. Bring back the old sharks and have them train a new generation in the art of election warfare. And once in power, actually use that power to purge or destroy the institutions responsible for brainwashing so many of our countrymen. The Right has to articulate and act on a positive vision for America and break out of this learned helplessness that we find ourselves in as we point and object while the other side steadily achieves their goals. We have to learn from the Left in order to defeat it.
Full disclosure: Benjamin Braddock wrote the wonderful foreword to my book and is a friend. That said, while I do agree with him 100% about why the Left would never accept an amicable break up, it doesn't jibe I think with his observations about the nature of the split in the first place. As for post 9/11 unity, that lasted long enough for the Left to blame Islamophobia and Israel and then for Dubya to bleat that this is not a war on Islam; i.e. about 72 hours. As for Republicans adopting the same attitude and killer instincts about elections, this presupposes that elections are going to be free and fair going forward. 2020 should be a real wake-up call about that.
In any case, the salient point is that the Left and Right, if you will, do not merely disagree on issues. The disagreement is with the very nature of America as founded in the first place. The Left hate everything about this country, its history and its citizens. I do not see how there can be any kind of reconciliation at all; the only way to reconcile a shark with chum is by the shark ripping into it and swallowing the bits. As of right now, a state of national divorce does indeed exist. The problem is our side does not have any sovereignty or control of its affairs and is at the literal mercy of an illegitimate junta that is hell bent on maintaining power forever.
If there is any sort of positive spin I can put on the situation, it is that more and more people are recognizing the insanity of Leftist Democrat policies. From decriminalizing crime, the complete insanity over Chinese COVID and vaccines, stagflation and economic dislocation, the silencing of any voices of dissent about all the preceding, the castration - figurative and literal - of our military preparedness and the mind- and body-raping of our children in the indoctrination mills, it seems as if even lifelong Democrats have had enough and are heading for the hills; that is, any red state they can get to. This time, it seems that they aren't what Mark Levin lamented as "locusts" but actually even switching party affiliation to GOP. Now all we have to do is get rid of the GOP and victory is ours.
As we Psaki-Psircle back to the top vis a vis January 6, 2021, Ace talked about it yesterday, via a quote from Yossi Gestetner. To wit, fuck Ted Cruz.
Yossi Gestetner
The minute you call it a "violent terrorist attack on the capitol," you lose most of your standing when complaining about the DOJ, Dems and Media because they have diff views than you how to handle a "violent terrorist attack on the capitol."
Ted Cruz: "We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week. And it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the capitol."
"It is also worth asking ... What could have prevented the breach of the Capitol? What could have prevented the riot getting as far as it did?"
Cruz, the "fighter."
He called now Jan 6th "a violent terrorist attack on the capitol."
GOP - Group of Putzes.
Until I'm blue in the face, whatever violence that happened on January 6, 2021 at the Capitol was either pre-planned or egged-on by the FBI/DOJ, Capitol Police and their Antifa BLM confederates. The hapless folks who did nothing more than misdemeanor trespass are languishing as political prisoners to this very day. It was every bit a false-flag Reichstag Fire event used to demonize political opponents and delegitimize any criticism of the outcome of the 2020 election. Still is.
Yes the Democrats stabbed us in the back but it was the GOP that twisted the knife by certifying a fraudulent Electoral College vote. Schmucks like Romney and Flake are easy to spot and deal with. But I supported Ted Cruz in '16. No more. With a GOP like this, forget about them getting down and dirty with the Dems during election season. At this point, I trust Manchin and Sinema more with our fate than Cruz.
Oh, just fuck the lot of them. And as some commenter asked yesterday "why didn't Trump issue a blanket pardon to anyone arrested on January 6?" Oh, for sure, a hell like even he hadn't endured the previous four years would have rained down on him. But then again, so what? Scores of innocent people are languishing as political prisoners and he has not said a word about it. I am a diehard Trump supporter and can't thank him enough for what he did during his tenure. But his silence on this is deafening.
It only underscores what I have come to realize. We cannot put our faith in a man or woman, or a party. It's now on us. The world has changed, irrevocably and in a way too frightening to contemplate. But it's in our face. The sooner we let go of the past and what was done, the more we can maintain and focus our anger. This infamy cannot stand, if for no other reason than one day we may not be able to overcome it. How we overcome it, I cannot tell you. I wish I could. But we can't know the future. The Enemy that did this - powerful as they are - are not infallible.
Remember January 6th. May the Lord deliver His divine retribution on the evil that perpetrated this disaster on us.
Heads up: I will be a guest of Steve Noxon (who some may remember as Wiser Bud) on his "Talk of the Town" show this morning to talk about my book and the events of one year ago today at 11:30AM Eastern on WATR 97.7FM, 1320AM out of Waterbury, CT. If you're not in the area, then I believe you can listen live at And speaking of my book:
The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World available here.
- "What kind of country are we living in?
When Government Uses the Private Sector as Agents of Censorship
- Terry Jeffrey: "There is no doubt that [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccines have been good for America and for the world. They have saved lives. [debatable - jjs] But the president of the United States does not have the unilateral authority to order any American to undergo any medical procedure. If the Supreme Court were to grant this unjustified power to Biden now, who does not acknowledge the right to life of the most innocent and vulnerable human beings (the unborn), what would he or his successors use it for next?"
Can Joe Biden Order You to Be Sterilized?
- "They've got to come around. We're not going to win this war -- we're going to be talking about [Chinese] COVID this time next year if we don't get more people to do the right thing. So we can't write them off. We can penalize them more. We can say you will have to pay more on your hospital bill. You can't get life insurance or disability insurance at affordable rates if you aren't vaccinated. Those companies should not treat us as equals in terms of what the financial burdens are that that disease imposes."
NYU Medical Ethics Prof on CNN: "Penalize" Unvaccinated Americans -- Deny Them Affordable Health Insurance
- "Cuomo's narcissistic sociopathy allowed him to callously sacrifice the lives of thousands of older people for the putative greater good of getting rid of President Trump."
Angel of Death Cuomo Skates on Sex and Mass Murder
- "Stepping away from the left's relentless narrative allows one to see with clarity the coup that allowed Democrats to place Joe Biden in the White House."
There Was No Insurrection But There Was a Coup
- "Rather than focusing on improving the security of the Capitol and adopting all the recommendations from the U.S. Capitol Police, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are instead using their illegitimate partisan sham of a committee to shred Constitutional precedent and punish their political opponents."
Stefanik Torches Pelosi on Eve of January 6 Anniversary: Speaker "Bears Responsibility" for Capitol Riot
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Stone-cold sober elites are systematically waging a far more dangerous and insidious revolution in the shadows than anything threatened by the American Right." (Hanson is correct except his last paragraph where he still labels our people as "rioters." - jjs)
Who Are the Real Insurrectionists?
- "You probably still need to turn yourself in."
Insurrection Day Revisited
- "Democrats are riled up over a poll showing that most Republicans still don't believe Joe Biden was legitimately elected president."
Actually, Democrats Are Less Accepting of Presidential Election Defeats Than Republicans
- Mollie Hemingway: "Pelosi understandably felt her best bet to preserve power was, with a massive assist from left-wing media, to somehow turn disgruntled Donald Trump supporters' riot at the Capitol into the next 9/11." (assuming actual Trump supporters and not DOJ glowies and Antifa confederates did the rioting - jjs)
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Owns the J6 Commission, and That's Why it Failed
- ". . . what will be different is that we will be paying much more attention to the information that we gather ahead of time, we will be putting together a better plan, we will be getting the help that we need, pre-planned, here on campus, before we need it, not making panicked calls later on." (reading the Reichstag Fire plan instead of winging it and killing another Babbit and Boyland, eh? - jjs)
Capitol Police Chief: "We Will Likely Be Tested Again"; Not If, But "When"
- "Despite the fact that, as reported by Human Events News today, what really happened on January 6th isn't clear at this point, they're using this symbolically and treating it as though it was an attack on the American election system."
Massachusetts Secretary of State Picks Propagandized Jan 6th Rally for 'Non-Partisan' Event
- "Rather than investigate the security failures at the Capitol, with all evidence pointing to the House speaker's negligence and FBI malfeasance, the show-trial committee has instead placed its focus on seeking retribution against political dissidents with punishment for any and all who possess the slightest affiliation with the former Republican president."
Jan. 6 Committee Going After Hannity Texts Exposes Probe's True Purpose
- "Bruno Cua's case isn't just about him. It is about ensuring that justice in America is even-handed and dispensed with leniency and reason."
January 6 Defendant Deserves Justice Tempered with Leniency and Reason
- "'Trespassing plus thought crimes equals terrorism' is the standard the Biden [junta] is using to prosecute defendants. But the official Jan. 6 storyline is getting shot to pieces in federal court. "
Dems' and Media Who Portray January 6 as a Near Fatal Attack on Democracy Are Absurd
* * * * *
- "What we experience as Democrats grow aggressive for power might parallel what has happened in other countries."
Police State? Genocide? Could It Happen Here?
- Daniel Greenfield: "Wearing a Chanel face mask, he yelled, "Black Lives Matter", and threw the burning box." (if only he yelled "allah backbar' -- oh, never mind - jjs)
Two Black Lives Matter Arsonists Face Serious Prison Time
- "Kids shut out of classrooms as union clashes with district officials." (odds of Ron Klain via Biden pulling a Reagan and abolishing the AFT? - jjs)
Chicago Schools Close After Teachers' Union Votes for Remote Learning
- "Go get another job!"
Democrats and Republicans Lambaste Teachers' Unions
- I guess this puts them at odds with the teachers unions, nein?
Piss-Hockey Psaki: U.S. Schools Are "More Than Equipped" to Remain Open During Chinese COVID-19 Surge
- "Victims of government's misguided attempts to parent us out of the [Chinese] COVID crisis."
The Kids Are Unhappy
- "That rate is less than half the 6.5% of cases that needed hospitalization exactly a year ago, when the average daily case count was about 250,000, the data shows."
Chinese COVID-19 Hospitalizations Down 50% Compared to 2021 Peak, CDC Data Shows
- "I couldn't even get my 4 year old vaccinated if I wanted. Everyone else with me was vaxxed and boosted."
MSLSD Host Freaks Out After Being Denied Indoor Service Because His Four-Year-Old Was Not Vaxxed
* * * * *
- "Our differences on [Chinese] Covid policy are ultimately about risk-benefit assessment, not politics."
Public Health and Risk
- "Suggests 'suspected positive' cases should be incarcerated in holding facility." (now go back to 1981 and do AIDS! - jjs)
Scottish Newspaper Asks Readers if Chinese "COVID Internment Camps" Should be Introduced
- "They do not prevent the vaccinated from contracting or transmitting the virus. The irony is that the CDC, a government agency, readily admits this, but other sectors of the government are carrying on as if this vitally important new information did not exist at all."
The Vaccine is a Dud (worse than a dud; in many cases lethal - jjs)
- "The only hope is that enough Americans will have been inoculated after this bout of madness to be immune to, and deeply skeptical of, the next attempt to erode their rights."
Will We Reach Herd Immunity Against the Tyranny Variant?
- "Officials saw the economy had strengthened more than they had expected despite still high levels of pandemic infections and expressed the view that the labor market was nearing full recovery."
Fed Minutes Point to Earlier Hikes and Faster Balance-Sheet Rundown to Thwart Bidenflation
- "Japanese automaker Toyota sold more cars in the United States than any other manufacturer, edging historical bestseller General Motors out of the top spot. This marks the first time since 1931 that GM isn't the top-selling automaker in the states. Before them, Ford was number one."
For the First Time Ever, the Best-Selling Carmaker in America Isn't an American Carmaker
- Bragg's "Office shall not seek a sentence of life without parole."
Soros-Backed Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Won't Seek Prison Sentences for a Bunch of Crimes
- "We've seen the damage and disorder caused by brazen criminals across the country through terrifying smash-and-grab robberies, and we must continue to innovate to stay ahead of this national crime trend," Moody said in a statement.
Florida Attorney General Announces Legislative Efforts to Fight 'Smash-and-Grab' Retail Crimes
- "For leaders of the Democratic Party, these developments pose a particularly frustrating problem because they pay an electoral price for policy proposals and rhetoric that are outside party control,' [Thomas B.] Edsall aptly concluded. The entire story is worth your time."
New York Times Offers Stunning Report on Left-Wing Racial Fundraising
- "Welcome to the enlightenment of 'Ethnic Studies.'"
California Pushes Kids to Worship Aztec Gods
- ". . . they want a complete social and cultural revolution that they end up on top of."
James Lindsay: Bill Gates, George Soros Use Crackpot Disg-Race Theory Advocates as "Useful Idiots" to Co-Opt America for Their Own Purposes
- "We take issue with your conversation on systemic racism, finding your words hurtful and unnecessarily divisive," wrote the Editors of Emory Law Journal to U. San Diego Law Professor Lawrence Alexander.
Emory Law Journal Refuses To Publish Scholarly Article Challenging "Systemic Racism" Finding It "Hurtful and Unnecessarily Divisive"
- "From these stories you can only conclude that today's academic community is utterly bankrupt, dominated and controlled by ignorant, close-minded, and spoiled individuals unwilling to discuss any subject rationally. Instead, if someone says something they dislike, they throw tantrums, and their administration immediately gives in to them. In such a culture free and intelligent thought is impossible. No one in these schools can get a good education. Instead, students are taught that intellectual debate is nothing more than silencing and oppressing those you disagree with. For this country to survive these institutions must die, now. If it happened yesterday it would not be soon enough."
Today's Blacklisted American: A Short List of Just a Few of the Academics Fired for Having Opinions
- "Louis Menand's recent New Yorker essay shows just how lost our universities are."
What Are the Great Books Good For?
- "These spikes in deaths follow changes in immigration and border security policies put in place by [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden on his first day in office."
2021: Report Shows Migrants Missing, Dead Along Southwest Border Hit All-Time High
- "This week, in statements to the media, Gov. Tom Wolf (D) seemingly confirmed Biden's secret migrant flights to Pennsylvania but excused them as merely a stopping point for passengers' final destination, which remains unknown."
Biden Accused of Using Coronavirus Funds to Bankroll Secret Flights of Border Crossers into U.S.
- "Macabre as it seems, de Blasio's reign may have been merely the prelude to rock bottom."
Why Bill DeBolshevik Was America's Wokest, Worst Mayor
- "GOP and moderate senators should not cooperate."
Democrats Use Jan. 6 Bloodlust to Push Fake Voting Rights Bill
- "The Secretary of State's office is also considering issuing to subpoenas to secure the evidence, detailed in a complaint filed by the voter integrity group True the Vote from November 30th."
Georgia Officials Launch Investigation Into Illegal Ballot Harvesting
- "Out and proud anti-Semites are organized and have the backing of large and prominent corporations and nonprofits. But others are fighting back -- and winning."
Fighting Back Against the Establishment Anti-Semites
- "Zach DeGregorio, the former Chief Financial Officer of Spaceport America, alleges that one of [New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan] Grisham's political appointees, Alicia Keyes, encouraged him to falsify an economic impact study. He also alleges that Keyes mishandled a bond refinancing for the purpose of defrauding the state. When DeGregorio attempted to report the wrongdoing, he claimed, he was threatened with investigations and a firing."
Former Space Company Executive Alleges Serial Lawbreaking By Democrat Governor
- "Looks [like] Youngkin failed his first test in VA, with traffic stopped for 10-12 hrs on 95 in Virginia."
Liberals Pounce on Snowstorm Traffic Disaster in Virginia to Blame Glenn Youngkin - - Who Hasn't Been Sworn in Yet
- "Swalwell is the latest addition to the list of hypocritical liberals who seek refuge from medical tyranny in Gov. Ron DeSantis' Florida."
Pro-Mandate Eric "Fang-Fang-Bang-Bang" Swalwell Spotted Maskless in Florida
- "They got me!"
"Eggroll-in-the-Hay" Swalwell Jokingly Demands Pulitzer for Daily Mail After He's Caught Maskless in Florida
- "Epstein had ties with Prince Andrew, Harvard University and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates." (and Bill Clinton! Hello?! - jjs)
After Maxwell Trial, Epstein Associates Remain Silent
- "Manchin previously told reporters at a press gaggle Tuesday that there was 'no negotiation' going on between himself and Biden."
Democrats Expect Biden To Resume Talks With Manchin, Despite Manchin Comments
- "Florida Republicans outnumber registered Democrats for the first time in the state's history, as Blue State [Chinese] COVID refugees tick the Big R on their voter registrations." (instead of locusts, maybe freebirds? - jjs)
"Jaw-Dropping" Gains for GOP in Florida as Chinese COVID Refugees Register RED
- Oh, FFS. If anything the letter was polite. Sometimes the NY Post is just so way off base it's ridiculous.
Florida Resident Tells "Woke" New Yorkers to Head Back North in Scathing Letter
- "Irrelevancy, failed ambition no excuse for assaulting the truth."
ALERT: Hillary Clinton Is Spreading Lies on Social Media
- "Tlaib, who now lives in the newly-drawn 13th Congressional District, suddenly could have faced a primary challenger in her home district. The 13th still includes Detroit but also some conservative-leaning southern suburbs."
Could Retirements and Redistricting Doom Rancida Taliban in Michigan?
- "I'm after a common factor which explains the loss of public support for three political leaders. Each quite different from one another."
Chinese Covid, 'Climate Change,' and the Theory of Everything
- "There's a dispute as to whether the White House or the Marine Corps band wanted the song but it's so horribly awful and inappropriate that both disavow it." (first few notes are from "F-Troop!" - jjs)
Benny Hill Had His Theme Music and Now Jill Biden Does Too
- "A Reuters data scientist questioned the Black Lives Matter narrative -- so the company fired him."
The Price of Dissent
- "The multi-million-dollar program is called Report for America (RFA). . . The Democrats made a play for the newsrooms in their "Build Back Better" bill by proposing tax credits and government funding to newspapers. It was a move suggested by the founders of Report for America. But are Mark Zuckerberg and the U.S. government the answer? Would their influence make local news better -- or beholden? We know the answer."
Facebook Is Taking Over Local News the Way It Took Over Local Voting Offices
- Robert Spencer: " . . . Twitter yawns."
Iran's Khamenei Threatens Trump on Twitter
- "How Facebook takes you from being just a product -- to being enslaved."
Video: Metaverse! Sign Your Life Away Now!
- "Heroes of Liberty, launched on November 14, offers biographies of such American heroes as President Ronald Reagan and economist Thomas Sowell to young readers. On December 23, Facebook locked the account, preventing it from posting ads. When the publisher appealed the ruling, Facebook responded by claiming that because Heroes of Liberty didn't 'comply with [their] policy on Low Quality or Disruptive Content,' it was permanently disabling the account."
After Public Outcry, Facebook Reverses Decision Banning Conservative Children's Book Publisher
- "As nuclear deal negotiations advance, Biden won't account for every dollar Iran receives as a result of lifted sanctions."
GOP Slams Biden Decision To Ignore Mandate To Disclose How Iran Sanctions Relief Funds Terrorism
- "Putin seems ready for a fight. But are we?" (it's a diversion; Taiwan's security is crucial, Ukraine is a sideshow - jjs)
Western Snowflakes and Russian Sabers
- "Israelis intuitively understand BDS is inherently anti-Semitic. When will the Israeli leadership follow suit?"
Does Anti-Semitism Exist in Israel?
- "The continuing slanders against the Jewish State."
Archbishop Tutu's Legacy -- And the Apartheid Slur Against Israel
- "More and more it seems this Russian anti-sat test was a deliberate act of sabotage by the Putin government, aimed at harming U.S. assets."
Debris From Russian Anti-Satellite Test Threatens More Than ISS
- "Ma Huateng's company censors the Chinese internet and spies on users."
Controversial Chinese Tech Billionaire Gives Millions to Elite American Universities
- Raymond Ibrahim: "Unlike their Western counterparts, many Muslims are fond of their heroes of the past -- particularly the jihadist types who for centuries thrived on terrorizing the West."
Turkish Television Series Makes Heroes of Terrorists, Slavers, and Rapists
- "The building is reportedly owned by the Philadelphia Housing Authority and was divided into multiple units. It is believed 26 people lived in the building."
Philadelphia Fire: 13 Dead, Including 7 Children, In Devastating Loss
- "As James Fenimore Cooper could already write in 1838, 'There is getting to be so much public right, that private right is overshadowed and lost. A danger exists that the ends of liberty will be forgotten.'"
Say, What About Property and Government?
- "While the power plant would've boosted electricity supply in the New England region, opponents of the plan said it would be counterproductive to local climate goals."
Biden Junta Blocks Natural Gas Project In New England
- "The green socialist left is increasingly embracing tyranny in the form of authoritarian power to act on their viewpoint on climate change."
Tyranny in the Name of Climate Change
- "The state is actually near a regional fault system created when the Appalachian Mountains were formed that is long dormant -- but could be waking back up." (climate change to be blamed any minute now - jjs)
Scientists Baffled by 10 Recent Earthquakes That Have Shaken South Carolina
- "The development of this capability continues China's effort to lead the world in all areas of research, led I think by the many high government officials in positions of great power after cutting their teeth as managers for China's space effort. These individuals understand how to build big technology projects at the cutting edge of science, and are likely pushing for more such research in all fields, such as the experiments in fusion energy above."
China Takes Global Lead in Fusion Research
- "Capitalism in space: Starlink in India has stopped taking new preorders and is refunding all previous preorders of its internet service because it had failed to get the proper regulatory permits for selling its service."
Starlink Temporarily Backs Out of India Due to Regulatory SNAFU
- "One portion of the messaging manual admits that transgender activists are losing the debate on trans youth in sports, even among their base, though the trio of organizations has refused to publish the full unfavorable data set." (what are they hiding, besides their junk? - jjs)
Trans Activists Refuse To Publish Unfavorable Data On Trans Youth In Sports Debate
- "Biden's proposed executive order on law enforcement would order men identifying as women to be transferred to female prisons."
Leaked Biden Plan Would House Violent Men In Women's Prison Cells
- "The ideological schizophrenia of Curb Your Enthusiasm."
A Tale of Two Larrys
- "Or better, it could ditch its finalists list and go for something their masters will really love: the Washington Oppressed. The Washington Victims. The Washington Transgenders. The Washington Proles. Finally, some names that will satisfy everyone."
Former Washington Redskins to Pick Their New, Politically Correct Name From Seven Candidates on Feb. 2
- "Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce's mission is to 'foster equity, inclusion and economic prosperity for the LGBTQ community through strategic policy, professional enrichment, ally partnerships and economic development.'" (after that "noose" bullshit, NASCAR's as dead as the NFL with this, or it should be - jjs)
NASCAR, Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber Of Commerce Announce Partnership
- "Confession time: I've never read the Harry Potter books or watched the movies. So I had to go to YouTube to see these creatures, and they look like a caricature of something. But it's still a leap to me to throw full-blown anti-Semitism accusations around against Rowling. But did Stewart accuse Rowling of anti-Semitism? He says no." (meh, this is just Leibowitz trying to get in good with the transexual pervert crowd - jjs)
Did Jon Stewart Call J.K. Rowling an Anti-Semite?
- "As the plot unfolds for the Mossbachers during the show's six episodes, a handful of traditionally conservative themes emerge. Here's how . . ."
How HBO's The White Lotus is Sneaky Conservative
- "The Canadian philosopher holds that we must escape our selfishness to understand ourselves."
Charles Taylor at 90
- "The 2001 film's ambitious photo realism came wrapped in a box office dud."
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Tried, and Failed, to Change Cinema
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:41 AM
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