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December 23, 2021
Brandon: Sure I'll Run in 2024... If I'm Healthy. You Know, Like I Am Now.
I'm sorry, what?
I thought you said you'd run if you were in good health, like you're in right now, but you couldn't have said that. Only a demented individual would have said that.
[O]n Wednesday, Biden added a caveat to that promise. When ABC News anchor David Muir asked whether he intends to seek reelection in 2024, Biden said he would... but only if he was in good health.
"Yes, but look, I'm a great respecter of fate," Biden replied. "Fate has intervened in my life many, many times. If I'm in the health I'm in now--if I'm in good health--then, in fact, I would run again."
It is not clear what Biden meant by being in good health. White House physician Kevin O'Connor claims Biden is physically fit for duty; however, a cognitive test was not performed.
I mean, just super-duper healthy.
He also did his Fake Tough Guy Clint Eastwood Squint/Whisper when asked if he'd like to run against Trump again.
You gonna challenge him to more push-up contests, Tough-Guy? You gonna take him out behind the wood-shed and whoop 'm, Clint?