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The Opposite of GAINZZZ Is Not Hate.
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November 12, 2021
Quick Hits 1
From I, Hypocrite, a great meme account:
Latest media scandal concocted about DeSantis: Oh my, he's trying to denigrate the vaccine by calling it "the jab!"
Note that the media itself frequently calls it "the jab." See, when a word is used frequently, one searches for other words to use in its place, because the human mind craves novelty.
Democrat-skewed Morning Consult Poll: GOP leads Democrats by 15 points in the all-important suburbs.
The GOP has also gained on education, though the Democrats still lead there 45-38. In fact, the GOP has gained 14 points average on all "noneducation" issues:
The downturn in voter confidence regarding Democrats’ handling of education – and the increased likelihood of trust in Republicans – largely tracks with voter sentiment on a dozen other issues, from the COVID-19 pandemic to immigration. The gap in trust on the average noneducation issue has swung 14 percentage points in the GOP's favor since January (roughly matching the change on education), with the bulk of the movement coming after April, when Democrats were benefiting from Biden’s strong first 100 days.
Big gains on the economy:
According to the latest survey, roughly half of voters (48 percent) trust Republicans more to handle economic issues, while 38 percent have faith in the Democrats. Nationwide, Republicans in Congress have gone from a 5-point trust deficit on economic issues to a 10-point trust advantage over the Democrats since Morning Consult/Politico polling conducted in January, with most of the movement coming over the past few months.
The GOP’s advantage with the overall electorate on the question is exceeded by its standing with suburbanites, who trust Republicans over Democrats on the economy by a 16-point margin, 51 percent to 35 percent.
Furthermore, the economy is the main issue: 39% of voters list it as the most important issue. (4%, by contrast, say education is.)
Via Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, even reliable partisan propaganda outfit the New York Times is now reporting that the #BuildBackBrandon mega-spending bill will add inflation upon already-existing inflation.
As does Moody's Analytics.
Moody's Analytics has estimated that the roughly $1 trillion infrastructure bill, which includes $550 billion in new spending, together with the $2 trillion social-spending and climate bill, would add about 0.3 percentage point to inflation, on average, for the 2022 to 2024 period.

Nancy's pie-eyed fur-tongued drunk again.
State Senator Elect Edward Durr, who says he spent around $5000 not $153 as is widely and apparently inalterably misreported, speaks to Tucker Carlson.