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November 03, 2021
CNN Panel Comes to Slow Painful Realization That Democrats Just Might Be "Coming Across as Annoying and Offensive and Seem Out of Touch" and also "Moralizing" and "Self-Righteous"
Before getting to that, let's set the stage.
Charlie Olaf was Terry McAuliffe's campaign manager.
Stuart Stevens was Mitt Romney's campaign advisor, who is now with the repulsive den of underage-boy grooming the Lincoln Project.
Do you think that either of these two leftwing faux-elitist liberals can be credibly accused of being "offensive" and "self-righteous" in accusing anyone who disagrees with them of racism?
Note, again, that Conservative, Inc. hires and associates with no one but left-liberals. As I said earlier, anyone who thinks that "leftwing" is synonymous with "upstanding, credentialed, and prestigious" is himself a liberal.
Mitt Romney is a liberal just like the rest of his social circle.
Now, then: CNN wonders, "Could it be that leftwing Democrats, such as ourselves, are just off-putting, unwarrantedly self-righteous assholes?"
Who wants to be the first to tell them?
Note that Anderson Cooper attempts to claim that the media is separate from the Democrats in this, and does not share this propensity to be offensive, annoying, out of touch, moralizing and self-righteous, and in fact also find this annoying in Democrats.
In the first clip below, this liberal explains to the other liberals that most people in America do not think they are racists and that if you just keep "brow-beating" them by calling them racists, they will not like it, and they will vote against you.
Whoah. krrrrrrkrrsshhh. Mind. Blown.
In the second clip, Jake the Snake suggests that maybe the left shouldn't insult Moderate Democrats by calling them racists whenever they resist the far left.
Note he doesn't suggest refraining from calling Republicans racist. No, that's a classic for a reason.
But maybe it's time to stop calling moderate Democrats racists all the time.
The problem with that is: That is literally all they have. All the left does is attack people and smear people and deplatform people and attempt to make people unemployable through vituperation and slander. They do not seek to persuade; they only seek to coerce. Both through campaigns of coordinated reputation damage and intentional infliction of psychological harm and, through their street militaries, through actual physical violence and physical coercion.
What would they do if they gave up on calling people "racists"? Would AOC put together nifty, cogent power-point presentations about all her economic theories?
LOL. They're all mentally-ill, mentally-stunted low-IQ psychopathic thugs. Coercion, threats, and coordinated cult defamations are all they have the talent and learning for
And if CNN is now having nightmares about alienating white suburban voters, wait until they hear from blacks and Latinos.
I'm sorry -- "Latinxs."