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NeverTrumpers Have Found a Fresh Triviality to Shriek Girlishly About, If You Can Believe That �
October 29, 2021
White Former Hospital Executive Is Awarded Ten Million Dollars in "Reverse Discrimination" Employment Lawsuit
Of course it's not "reverse discrimination." It's simple racial discrimination, but of the kind our political classes have championed and have now turned into an undisguised racial caste system in which whites are at the bottom.
Ruling class whites are excepted, mostly-- as long as they enforce the caste system against those of the lower orders.
A former North Carolina hospital executive who claimed he was fired because he's a White male was awarded $10 million in a reverse discrimination lawsuit Tuesday.
Novant Health is ordered to pay $10 million in punitive damages to David Duvall, its former senior vice president of marketing and communications, a federal jury in Charlotte decided.
Duvall claimed in a 2019 lawsuit that he was let go from his job in July 2018 because of the health system�s diversity efforts, and that he ended up being replaced by one Black woman and one White woman.
Duvall accused Novant of violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits race and gender discrimination in the workplace.
The jury sided with Duvall, and said Novant Health failed to prove that it would have terminated him regardless of his race.
This is important, obviously. Corporations respond to the incentives and disincentives provided by law and government. Until now, it has been zero cost to openly discriminate against whites.
This may change that calculus a little.
More financial punishments will shift it still further.
And we're going to need that, because corporate America is now full-on racist, and demanding that people accept their racial inferiority as a requirement to hold a job in America.
AT&T Corporation is putting its employees through a racial reeducation program that teaches that "American racism is a uniquely white trait" and tells white people that they are "the problem," according to a new report.
According to internal documents obtained by City Journal's Christopher Rufo, the company implemented an initiative called the Listen Understand Act last year, which is based on the core principles of critical race theory, including intersectionality, systemic racism, white privilege and white fragility. The program peddles left-wing causes including reparations, defunding the police and transgender activism, according to Rufo.
CEO John Stankey has claimed that private corporations, including his own, have an "obligation to engage on this issue of racial injustice" and to advocate for "system reforms in police departments across the country."
A senior employee reportedly told Rufo that managers at the company now face annual assessments on diversity issues and are forced to participate in discussion groups, book clubs, mentorship programs and race reeducation exercises.
White employees who are unwilling to admit to being complicit in "white privilege" and "systemic racism" can be penalized in their performance reviews. Additionally, those who refuse to sign a loyalty pledge to "keep pushing for change" and to set "intentions" such as "reading more about systemic racism� and "challenging others' language that is hateful," are considered "racist," the employee told Rufo.
I've said this before, but Congress needs to create a private cause of action giving employees the right to sue for any employer requiring them to accept any denigration of their race as a condition of employment or advancement.
They need to set a minimum payment for infractions -- automatic damages, which can go higher if proven to be especially egregious -- of at least $100,000 per incident.
But of course the Corporate Neoliberals will object and say "Noooo, you can't sue corporations, it's their private decision."
Meanwhile, they support every single right to sue established by the left for the protection of their core voting blocks.