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October 18, 2021
Colin Powell Dies of Covid Complications

He was fully vaccinated, but was also living with a blood cancer called multiple myeloma, in which the cancer infects the white blood cells. Those of course are critical in fighting infection.
I earlier noted that NeverTrumpers are cultists for George W. Bush and his administration.
Here's AllahPundit spreading cult doctrine about Colin Powell:
In a slightly different timeline, Powell runs for president as a Republican in 1996 and becomes the first black major-party nominee. Maybe even the first black president.
His legacy still includes important "firsts" -- the first black chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the first black Secretary of State. He'll be remembered today by the professional commentariat as a distinguished soldier and statesman and by the online commentariat on both sides as something of a villain. The left won't forgive him for selling the Iraq war to the United Nations based on bad intelligence, the right won't forgive him for having supported Democrats like Barack Obama in his later years as the GOP turned more populist.
Powell endorsed Obama over McCain in 2008 and then endorsed Obama over Romney in 2012.
Were McCain and Romney "populists," Liberal New Yorker?
Or are you now retroactively applying current cult doctrine to decades past?
Colin Powell will not be endorsing any more Democrats.
He will, of course, continue voting for them.