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October 14, 2021
Christmas is Cancelled Cafe
The Milky Way as seen from Bachalpsee, Switzerland,
via @astrophotosnaps
Cat is training to be a goalie.
This cat is weirdly good at standing up. Make it stop.
This cat is weirdly good at camouflage. Note there are four cats, not three. Yes, I've confirmed it. The fourth is very hard to see. (No, he's not hiding behind another cat. He's in plain sight.)
A toddler is having trouble climbing into bed, so the family dog comes over to give him a living foot-stool.
Dog pretends to be mean and snarly, but he's really just a sweetie.
Toddlers and dog have a jumping party.
Puppy jailbreak.
I think this is a mama whale with her calf.
Tandem jump.
Hedgehog pups-- they don't look real. they look like very basic cartoons.
Could this be real? If the ball is CGI, what is the dog doing?
Inman: Cross mootocrossers.