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October 13, 2021
The Morning Report - 10/13/21
Good morning, kids. Wednesday and even with darkness all around us there are faint glimmers of hope. And dare I hope that those flames converge and coalesce into a firestorm that lights up the world? We shall see. The front line, as it were, seems to be with the pilots, crew and employees of Southwest Airlines, perhaps even the company's CEO but I'll hold off on giving him credit for the time being. But still . . .
Chalk this up as a major victory for personal autonomy and liberty! Even while refusing to admit that resistance to vaccination had anything to do with the massive disruption to operations that occurred last weekend, Gary Kelly, CEO of Southwest Airlines, backed off from earlier policy and announced that employees who refuse to receive [Chinese] COVID gene therapy "vaccines" will not be terminated . . .
. . . Technically speaking, Kelly is correct: there is no evidence because even if pilots (and other employees) were calling in sick or using vacation time, or refusing overtime, they would not say so -- i.e., provide "evidence" -- because doing so would amount to a confession of violating the law with an illegal work stoppage. So, yes, there is no evidence, but Kelly's reversal of policy, backing away from termination for failure to vax, is hard to explain otherwise. And it is a major reversal . . .
. . . Kelly's recitation of aggravating factors causing the cancelation is correct. Keeping a tightly scheduled airline (Southwest has very quick "turnaround times" -- the time between landing and taking off for the next flight) running smoothly is a challenge at all times. On a holiday weekend with heavy travel, it is all the more intricate. But for that very reason, employees not showing up, or refusing overtime, or otherwise giving less than 100% can have a cascading effect on operations. That is what happened to Southwest (but not to its competitors) last weekend.
Hundreds of employees have been fired at United Airlines, and countless more people at other companies have lost their livelihoods, and in many cases their health insurance and unemployment benefits, for refusing to submit to having their bodies injected with a gene-altering substance that has not undergone the years of testing normally required to understand the long-term side-effects.
A federal judge in Texas issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) against United Airlines on Wednesday, blocking the airline from imposing a vaccine mandate against any of its employees in a nationwide class-action lawsuit.
According to the judicial order, which could be the first of its kind in the country against a coronavirus vaccine mandate, United Airlines is prohibited from placing employees with religious and medical exemptions on unpaid leave until October 26 while litigation continues. The judge also prohibited the airline from denying any employee requests for religious or medical exemptions. Previously, the airline did not allow employees to apply for an exemption after August 31.
Earlier in the case, the airline agreed of its own accord to postpone its vaccine mandate until October 15 for employees with exemptions during litigation. The day before the October 8 hearing, however, United filed a partial motion to dismiss, alleging the court lacked jurisdiction over the claims in the lawsuit. In order to allow the court reasonable time to respond to the jurisdictional challenge and to rule in the evidentiary hearing for a preliminary injunction, which was reset for Wednesday, the judge issued the TRO.
United Airlines originally told its 67,000 U.S. employees they must be vaccinated against Chinese coronavirus (or secure an exemption) by September 27 or face termination. As the airline's vaccine mandate stands, any employees with exemptions would still be considered employed but would be placed on unpaid leave and would lose their benefits for up to six years or until the airline deems pandemic conditions safe for unvaccinated employees to return, according to the complaint.
"It is unconscionable to force any person to undergo a medical treatment that they object to as a matter of faith," said Ken Blackwell, formerly the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission and currently with the American Constitutional Rights Union. "When so many other nations recognize that there is no medical reason for people with natural immunity to take a vaccine, it is essential that America lead the way to protect our citizens' rights on that front also". . .
. . . President Donald Trump appointee Judge Pittman is still expected to hold a hearing in the case on Wednesday, which should last approximately six hours as lawyers from both sides present their arguments. The case is one of the largest of its kind in the United States and could arguably create a domino effect and lead to other vaccine mandate cases across the country if the judge leans in favor of the airline's employees.
United Airlines was the first big airline to institute a vaccine mandate. Since then, bedlam has broken out as other airlines follow in its footsteps. Airline employees have protested across the country as companies fire employees by the thousands. Just this past weekend, Southwest Airlines was forced to cancel nearly 2,000 flights. The airline cited "staffing issues" and bad weather (there was no bad weather on record), though there was rumor pilots actually staged a mass protest and refused to fly just two days after the Southwest pilots union asked a federal judge to block the company's vaccine mandate.
One thing that should be noted is that the initial actions of United, as well as Southwest and thousands of other companies across the nation was in response to drooling Chi-Com stooge meat-puppet and tweener-groper Joey the Wonder Corpse Biden issuing an executive order mandating all companies with 100 employees or more must all take the Fauci Fix. But there is confusion as to whether or not this order was even issued or merely proposed, let alone the legality of it. Which it ain't, but go tell that to John Roberts.
While this move by Judge Pittman is certainly good news, the really good news that I was alluding to in my lead-in is the attitude of the Southwest employees.
In the wake of massive Southwest Airlines cancelations and disruptions, a whistleblower within the company reached out to PJ Media to confirm that employees, including pilots, gate agents, flight attendants, and others, are fighting back against the mandatory vaccines ordered by the federal government. "It's a coordinated protest," said the source, on the condition of anonymity.
The employees have coordinated on social media platforms and are standing up at what they believe is a pivotal moment in America that will determine whether the country remains free or slides into despotism. "We know we can stop this," the whistleblower said. "And if we don't do it now, it will be too late. Everyone is very excited! . . "
. . . But it's not just Southwest Airlines employees who have conscientious objections to mandates. According to the source, there are 22 airlines, along with truckers and other transportation employees represented in their ranks and more disruptions are to come. The employees are all joining, a website that was set up a few weeks ago to connect like-minded people and to fundraise for the effort of fighting against mandatory vaccines. They released a video that keeps being removed from social media but can be seen on their website. . .
. . . "It's growing by tens of thousands . . . every day. We can't even keep track," said one organizer named Shawn on Newsmax. "I had to speak out for everyone. We're all a little afraid. . . I put out the video and the response and love we've gotten from all industries has been phenomenal."
As John Lennon once posed the question "you say you want a revolution?" Well, THIS is how it starts. Forget Tea Parties and rallies and all that stuff, though I do not poo-poo political organizing out of hand. It's just that since the overthrow of the nation last November, we are no longer able to rely on regular order and political processes, since doing so presupposes a mutual respect of same by those who now openly and loudly seek our subjugation, or worse.
Somehow, someway, if the employees of Southwest and American Airlines were to galvanize around the nation's truck drivers and railroad employees - - and then unite with perhaps the nation's parents who are now being officially labeled as domestic terrorists, and so on and so on and scoobie-doobie-doobie. . Get the idea? My advice to Moloch Garland: tell Malig-Nancy Pelosi to throw in another few hundred billion because you're going to need a hell of a lot more than just the 69th Drag Queen Parachute Division and Generalissimo Vanilli Milley to put out this fire.
The absolute fiascos and catastrophic failures of this junta in its goal for absolute power will only make them lash out harder. Even without the trillions of dollars wasted and about to be wasted with these spending catastrophes, the economy is already poised for collapse. Gasoline when its available is through the roof and now, the supply chain is so fouled up we are having actual Soviet-style shortages that will be with us for months to come. But thank goodness we have new mother Peter "Puffer" Buttigieg as Secretary of Transportation and Male Breast Feeding on top of things. Or bottom?
"Where's Pete Buttigieg?" a growing number of politicians and pundits are asking.
Buttigieg, [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden's transportation secretary, hasn't had much, if anything, to say about the disruptive, multi-day Southwest Airlines flight cancellations that have stranded thousands of passengers; or the nation's supply chain logjam, where dozens of container ships wait off the California coast for the opportunity to unload. The backlog is partly blamed on a shortage of trucks/drivers to pick up and return the shipping containers.
"The supply chain disruption is a crisis," Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) tweeted on Monday. "This will impact every American, especially those who can least afford it. It's past time for President Biden and Pete Buttigieg to explain what they're doing about this."
In a second tweet, Cotton said: "Pete Buttigieg was completely unqualified to serve as Secretary of Transportation. But Biden still picked him. Now, Pete is absent during a transportation crisis that is hurting working-class Americans."
On Monday, Buttigieg retweeted an FAA news blurb that said: "To be clear: None of the information from Southwest, its pilots union, or the FAA indicates that this weekend's cancellations were related to vaccine mandates."
Aside from being a homosexual and a Marxist with zero experience in the area he was nominated and approved of (thanks GOP!) to run, Buttigieg's record as Mayor of South Bend is proof positive of the Peter Principle. To say he sucks is both accurate in the Biblical sense and an understatement in a Cabinet full of understatements. And yet, there he is and there we are. AND we still have very bright people who describe the situation accurately, with shocking clarity yet capping it off with calls to vote harder and, get this "Constitutional Conventions." Democrats stole a national election and the GOP legislatures and Vice President, along with the judiciary, aided and abetted the theft by abrogating their duty to stop it.
We'll have a convention all right, but it won't be a Constitutional one. It will be a convention of people not just holding a rally, no matter how massive. It will be a national strike until the point is made. G-d help us and G-d help them if they need more than that to get the message.
- "The true story of how Mark Zuckerberg privatized the government's voter registration and vote counting for Democrats in 2020."
The 2020 Election Wasn't Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg (semantics - jjs)
- "From vaccine mandates to enabling life-altering surgery for children, California's public officials are usurping the role of parents."
Whose Children Are These?
- "Ostensibly democratic governments around the world have reacted shamefully to the spread of [Chinese] COVID, with law enforcement personnel helping them abuse their power."
The Police and Sheriffs Will Protect Us. Or Do They? Will They?
- "While Communism promised a new day for the workers, today's [Chinese] COVID ideology offers no promises of a better life."
The Emptiness of the Ideology and Tyrants Threatening Us
- Daniel Greenfield: "Every society has a choice between trusting authority or trusting each other. The wider our circles of trust, the less government we need. When we trust governments more than each other, the abuses of government become the price we pay for a refusal to live with each other."
Chinese COVID Mandates Were Never Meant for Those Who Made Them
- "The continued blackout suppresses discussion of vital questions, such as: Has Hunter's influence-peddling affected not just Joe's work as veep but his presidency? Why is the prez so reluctant to investigate the origins of [Chinese] COVID? Hunter still hasn't, as promised, sold his stake in the Beijing-connected firm."
One Year Later, The NY Post's Hunter Biden Reporting is Vindicated -- But Still Buried
- "According to the judicial order, which could be the first of its kind in the country against a coronavirus vaccine mandate, United Airlines is prohibited from placing employees with religious and medical exemptions on unpaid leave until October 26 while litigation continues. The judge also prohibited the airline from denying any employee requests for religious or medical exemptions. Previously, the airline did not allow employees to apply for an exemption after August 31."
Federal Judge Blocks United Airlines From Imposing Employee Vaccine Mandate
- "The employees have coordinated on social media platforms and are standing up at what they believe is a pivotal moment in America that will determine whether the country remains free or slides into despotism. 'We know we can stop this,' the whistleblower said. 'And if we don't do it now, it will be too late. Everyone is very excited!'"
Southwest Whistleblower: Canceled Flights the Result of a "Coordinated Protest" Against Vaccine Mandate
- "Chalk this up as a major victory for personal autonomy and liberty!"
Southwest CEO Backs Down, Will Not Fire Employees Who Refuse to Get Vaxxed - "According to the survey, less than half, 42 percent, trust the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] 'a great deal or a fair amount" on providing accurate information on the virus."
Poll: Joe Biden Losing Trust on Chinese Coronavirus
- "Psaki touted Biden's vaccine press release directing businesses with 100 or more employees to require the [Chinese] COVID-19 jab as 'federal law' on Tuesday."
Piss-Hockey Psaki Touts Biden's Vaccine Press Release as "Federal Law" Before Admitting No Official Rule Exists
- And this guy's a Republican. Tell me again we have a two-party system.
Massachusetts Gov. Baker Activates National Guard to Test Students for Chinese Coronavirus, Address Staffing Shortages
- "We're literally politically betrayed by our elected officials. Even, let's just say we lose 50 cops -- even if we just lose one -- it's devastating to how many losses we've already incurred."
Seattle Police May Fire "Devastating" Number of Officers Over Vaccination Mandate
- "Kyrie has made a personal choice, and we respect his individual right to choose," it continued. "Currently, the choice restricts his ability to be a full-time member of the team, and we will not permit any member of our team to participate with part-time availability."
Brooklyn Nets Ban Kyrie Irving Over Vaccine Refusal
- "Governor Jay [Inbreed] Inslee's despotic and arrogant vaccine mandate has been met by a host of lawsuits."
Washington's Vaccine Lawsuits
- "Congratulations to this young student for writing her speech and being brave enough to deliver it. She is audibly nervous but maintains a civil tone and gets her points across brilliantly."
[WATCH] Georgia HS Student Brilliantly Destroys Her School Board Over Mask Mandate
* * * * *
- "Fauci continues to falter as Americans wake up to bureaucratic tyranny."
DATA: Most Americans Say Fauci Has "Lost ALL Credibility"
- "There are two irrefutable and intertwined realities of authoritarianism that the citizens of any democratic nation must recognize and understand."
The Traits of the Authoritarians Among Us
- "One route to the truth would be a federal grand jury probe to determine if case and death counts have been inflated and not reflective of reality."
How About Some Chinese COVID-19 Data Transparency?
- "Our press fails to note that the South leads the way in dropping numbers while some Blue States are 'surging.'"
Chinese COVID-19 Cases Plunge Across the Country
- "Lead paint, asbestos, heroin, and cigarettes were all once considered 'safe' by the U.S. government. But now we must not question their vaccine mandate."
Health Officials Said Cigarettes, Heroin, and Asbestos Were Safe. Today They Say, "Get a [Chinese] COVID Shot"
- She aided and abetted Angel of Death Cuomo in mass murder. There's no other way to look at it. Justice will never be served unless and until he and she and everyone in the NY state junta that killed these thousands of people are sent to prison or Old Sparky.
Yokel Hochul Apologizes to Families of Nursing Home Chinese COVID Victims in Closed-Door Meeting
- "The message is clear: if you exercise your First Amendment rights for a cause that those in power have not approved, you will be targeted."
The Purpose of the Jan. 6 Select Committee is to Suppress Free Speech
- "Rittenhouse's criminal trial is scheduled to begin on Monday, November 1, 2021. And thanks to the kind sponsorship of Legal Insurrection, we'll be here live."
Kyle Rittenhouse Case: Should Misdemeanor Gun Charge Just Be Dismissed?
- Robert Spencer: "Is the FBI simply a corrupted tool in the hands of the political and media elites?"
FBI Raids Home of NYPD Sergeants' Union Head Who Criticized DeBolshevik and Angel of Death Cuomo
- "There's just no hiding the fact that the Democrats loathe America. They proved it Monday."
They Hate You So Much
- "Why a civil divorce won't happen -- if a divorce comes at all -- is that it fails to account for the opposition; that is, the hard left."
The Prospect of a National Divorce
- "The reaction to some on the Left to a red state exit (Rexit) is like that of a domestic abuser."
Yes, We Can! (Get a National Divorce)
- "Merrick and Joe are building the Reich back better."
I, Domestic Terrorist
- "Homeland Security will no longer conduct raids on workplaces that employ illegal aliens."
Mayorkas Declares War on Immigration Enforcement
- "The institutional rot of this [junta] continues to grow. It's grown at a rate -- obviously, the wonderful men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol, Texas law enforcement, our national Guard troops that have been down here are experiencing all of the effects of Biden administration policies, and they all affect national security, and they all affect every law enforcement agency here in the country."
Texas Sheriff: Biden Is Practicing "the Most Historically Significant Lack of Enforcement at the U.S. Border Than Any Other Administration" in History
- "In August, 1,400 unaccompanied minors a day were in border patrol custody on average. Parents of unaccompanied minors pay human smugglers, also known as 'coyotes,' to smuggle their children across the U.S.-Mexico border."
Unaccompanied Minors Apprehended in Record Numbers at the Southern Border
- "Evidence grows that the alleged Russian hacking of the DNC server in 2016 was an inside job." (we knew it almost immediately - jjs)
John Durham and the Amazing Disappearing DNC Hack
- "A Senate aide may have violated rules when he gave sensitive info to a prominent member of the Russia collusion hoax and received a free report in return."
Anti-Corruption Group Seeks Senate Ethics Probe of Debunked Alfa Bank-Trump Server Research
- Resulting in yet more wrist-slaps, book deals and XiNN gigs . . .
Are More Obamagate Charges Coming?
- "After 20 years of documented failure in Fulton County elections, Georgians are tired of waiting to see what the next embarrassing revelation will be," Raffensperger said in a statement. "The Department of Justice needs to take a long look at what Fulton County is doing and how their leadership disenfranchises Fulton voters through incompetence and malfeasance." (DIAF Raffensperger - jjs)
Two Election Employees Fired For Allegedly Shredding Voter Applications In Georgia
- "DeSantis said he has confidence in Florida's elections because of recent election integrity legislation that prohibits meddling by Big Tech moguls."
DeSantis Celebrates Banning Zuckerberg's Election Meddling as a Win For Safe, Secure Voting
- Once again, Dan Gelernter makes an excellent analysis of the situation but then suggests a solution that is risible given the gravamen of his discourse. I link it here just the same.
Your Vote Won't Count
- "A concerned mom says she's filed a police report against a local high school for promoting a book with gay pornography to minors in the school library." (language/content warning for those with weak stomachs - jjs)
Mom Reports School to Police for Promoting Gay Porn Book to Children
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Government schools are much worse than parents imagine."
Racist Roots of Ethnic Studies
- "And what were Abbot's 'controversial' political positions that provoked the wrath of the Twitter mob? Abbot posited that university hiring and admissions should be based on merit not racial 'equity.' Yes, you read that correctly. Abbot had the audacity to go against the leftist narrative that DEI are the most relevant considerations in hiring and admissions standards, you know, because of 'systemic racism.' Of all the white privileged nerve or something."
UPDATE: Professor Canceled by Woke Outrage Mob Has Last Laugh
- "There are so many things wrong in Biden's America but, arguably, the one that most immediately needs attention is public school indoctrination." (it should've happened as far back as the Nixon administration if not before - jjs)
Practical Ways To Push Back Against Leftist Indoctrination In Public Schools
- "America's public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat from parents, according to the National School Boards Association and Attorney General [Moloch] Garland."
Activist Parents are Painted as Terrorists
- "How many more of these outrages does the public have to find out about before they demand transparency in the judiciary and put some limits on these people? And what does Davenport have to do to be removed from the bench -- kill someone? What horror would she have to inflict for the Tennessee legislature to do its job and remove her?"
Tennessee Family Court Judge Jailed Minority Children Illegally for Years -- and She's Still on the Bench
- "The supply chain disruption is a crisis," Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) tweeted on Monday. "This will impact every American, especially those who can least afford it. It's past time for [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden and Pete Buttigieg to explain what they're doing about this."
Southwest Airlines Cancellations, Supply Chain Crisis: Where's Transportation Secretary Peter "Puffer" Buttigieg?
- "A government watchdog group filed a complaint Tuesday alleging that Bureau of Land Management Director Tracy Stone-Manning violated the False Statements Act."
Watchdog Group Files Interior IG Complaint Over Unrepentant Terrorism-Enabler Tracy Stone-Manning's Apparent Lie To Congress
- "Mind-blowingly corrupt."
GOP Congressman Outlines "Worst" Parts of $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill
- "Polls show Biden's endorsement makes voters 'less likely' to support McAuliffe."
"Punk" McAuliffe Says "Unpopular" Biden Will Campaign for Him in Virginia
- Let a thousand Shit-Midas' bloom . . .
Obama to Campaign for Terry "Punk" McAuliffe in Virginia Gubernatorial Race
- "Frustration is at an all-time high."
Biden's Support Collapsing Among Black Voters
- "Biden has earned his unpopularity through some combination of weakness and incompetence."
The American People Are Rejecting a President Too Weak to Take On the Radicals in His Own Party
- "Lloyd Billingsley: "Doing the opposite of whatever Trump did."
Inside the Biden Junta
- "The idea that the vice president would create a video and not have every aspect overseen by someone in the White House is absurd. For all we know, Biden may have had to give final approval for each one of the kids to appear."
White House Throws Kamala Harris Under the Bus
- Jeffrey Lord: "The old anti-Reagan wing of me-too Republicans returns."
Just Say No to the Renew America Movement
- "Yarmuth, first elected in 2007 and the only Democrat in Kentucky's congressional delegation, has been a central player in helping to craft [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden's multi-trillion-dollar budget bill."
Top Democrat Congressman Opts To Retire Before Potentially Difficult 2022 Elections
- "The video streaming service has admitted to mass removing accounts that posted short interview clips from Bannon's War Room."
YouTube Removes Pro-Family Group's Page for Sharing Bannon War Room Interview Clips featuring Posobiec, Kassam, & Schilling
- "Pelosi's remarks came in response to a reporter telling her that a new poll found that only 10% of Americans knew a lot about what was in the bill and that the majority do not know about anything in it."
WATCH: Malig-Nancy Pelosi Berates Reporters For Not Doing A Better Job Selling Democrats' Reconciliation Bill
- "We have a duty to wield federal power against Big Tech."
The Law vs. The Borg
- "Between 1972 and 1976, 68% to 72% of Americans expressed trust in the mass media; yet, by 1997, when the question was next asked, trust had dropped to 53%," reported Gallup. "Trust in the media, which has averaged 45% since 1997, has not reached the majority level since 2003."
Gallup: Only 7% of Americans Have "Great Deal" of Trust in Media, 34% "None at All"
- "Blacklists are back and the Democrats have got 'em: For the crime of representing President Donald Trump during the post-election fervor from November 2020 to January 2021, John Eastman has not only been fired as a teacher by Chapman university back in January, more than 250 professors who belong to the American Political Science Association (APSA) have now petitioned that organization to blacklist and censor both Eastman as well as anyone associated with him."
Today's Blacklisted American: Trump's Former Lawyer and Anyone Associated With Him Shunned and Censored
- "The People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China has been ramping up military exercises including night drills in the high-altitude areas in the Xinjiang Military District, which faces India." (note to Pooh Bear: India isn't Taiwan - jjs)
China Holds Tank Drills on Indian Border as Military Talks Fail
- "With all of these crises converging in a near perfect storm, Xi, who has concentrated more power in himself than any other Chinese leader since Deng if not Mao, finds himself in the eye of the hurricane."
Pooh-Pooh Platter Xi's Taiwan Saber-Rattling is All About Shoring Up Domestic Power
- "The Chinese Politburo sees Taiwan as a renegade province."
The Taiwan Enigma
- "They [Biden junta] do not have alternatives and what is truly troubling is that they are not really concerned about it. They see events in a completely different way than we do. It's their right, of course, but it is of great concern to us."
Report -- Israeli Officials Fear Joe Biden Iran Approach: "The Situation Is Very Bad"
- "In an apparent effort to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Seoul, Kim also stressed that his military power isn't targeted at South Korea and that there shouldn't be another war pitting Koreans against each other."
Whoa, Fat! Flexes "Invincible" North Korea Military During Rare Weapon Exhibition
- "Will Iran and Turkey fill the vacuum?"
U.S. Leaving the Middle East
- "Does the kingdom of Spain have to apologize because five centuries ago it discovered the New World, respected those who were there, created universities, created prosperity, built entire cities?" Casado asked in a video posted to Twitter. "I don't think so."
Conservative Politicians In Spain Attack Biden After Indigenous Peoples' Day Proclamation
- "'Strong feminist and very liberal' teacher threatened to move to Australia after 2016 election, New York Times reports." (slap on the wrist by Garland, and then a book deal and XiNN gig - jjs)
Libs Betray America: Submarine Spy Couple Radicalized by Anti-Trump #Resistance
- This is the equivalent of seeing an unconscious woman and instead of reviving her, pulling down her dress and raping her. The depths of my revulsion and loathing of these fiends is beyond description.
Piss-Hockey Psaki: Biden Wants To Use Pandemic To "Make Fundamental Change In Our Economy"
- "The downgrade comes as supply chain disruptions in advanced economies worsen and the COVID-19 pandemic accelerates in emerging markets, according to the report. The IMF predicts global economic growth of 4.9% in 2022."
IMF Expects Less Economic Growth From US Amid Supply Chain Chaos
- "Vegetable oil saw the highest increase, followed by sugar, cereal, meat, and dairy."
Food Prices Skyrocket to Highest Level in 10 Years
- "The total number of hires fell for the third consecutive month to 6.3 million, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, or JOLTS report. Private sector hiring also declined for the third straight month."
Hiring Falls for Third Straight Month, Quits Soar to Record High, Openings Decline
- "While the data do not reveal the reasons why so many workers quit their jobs in August, it's assumed by economists that workers are less willing to endure inconvenient hours, low compensation, or bad conditions because they know there are ample opportunities elsewhere."
Big Trouble Ahead as Record Number of Workers Quit Their Jobs in August
- "Each day of the five-day protest will feature a theme. Monday's protest was centered on Indigenous Peoples Day."
Insurrection or Protest? Climate Extremists Create Man-Made Storm at White House
- "It will still be a long road before they (electric vehicles) dislodge gasoline as the predominant fuel in transportation." (not if the government institutes a 5-year plan - jjs)
Report: Top 10 Car Sales in U.S., Not One Electric Vehicle
Note: Bob Zimmerman's Behind the Black blog will be carrying the live feed of William Shatner's suborbital flight on the New Shepard rocket this morning. Link up in the sidebar. Per Bob:
"The launch is presently scheduled for 7 am (Pacific). The live stream will start about 5:30 am (Pacific). As I have noted previously, the announcers for Blue Origin tend to blather quite a bit, hyping the situation to a point of nausea. Hopefully during the flight they will shut up and allow the voices of the passengers to take center stage."
- The XL rocket is designed to launch smallsats, and will compete with companies like Astra and Rocket Lab. If Skyrora is successful, it will not only be the first rocket to launch from the UK, it will be the first British-built rocket to launch since October 1971.
Shetland Spaceport Gets 10-Year Contract From New British Rocket Company, Skyora
- "Once there might have been a sea and water here. No more. As it slowly drained and evaporated away it left behind the chaos terrain of random knobs, mesas, and canyons that now cover this canyon floor. What remained at the equator of Mars is the desert science fiction writers have imagined for the last century."
Dusty Chaos in Martian Canyons (she opened for Dusty Springfield at Red Rocks in '66 - jjs)
- "Absent parent pushback, an updated guide used in public schools nationwide will promote abortion and gender confusion and expose kids to sordid, explicit sex education."
New Sex Ed "Common Core" Would Force Explicit Images, Gender Mayhem, and Abortion on Kids
- There is hope for the next generation after all . . .
Viral Video: Kid Asked to Announce Start of Speedway Race Says, "Let's Go, Brandon!"
- "You could visualize how it could pan in the future when the most powerful man in the world is part of the LGBT community. So many things are on the horizon and beyond." (I. May. Vomit - jjs)
Superman is Now Bisexual
- "The actor-comedian gets standing ovations and high audience marks on review sites so he's untouchable."
Politically Incorrect in Hollywood: Dave Chappelle Wins the TERF War
- Christian Toto: "From Fake News reporting to false framing, journalists weaponize woke bylaws."
How the Media Make Cancel Culture Worse - "Before taking the musings of a 1960s shaman to heart -- or ascribing them a pseudo-theological value -- you should know what you're getting into."
The Enneagram: Helpful Personality Tool or False Theology?
- Heather Mac Donald: "A revival of Giacomo Puccini's Turandot tramples on the new theatrical orthodoxy."
Taboo Alert at the Met
- "Jon Gruden is a dinosaur. The heretofore Raiders coach is very old school, unrepentant, and of the toxic masculinity persuasion, no less."
The Jon Gruden Dinosaur Hunt
- "Who would have thought, as Hollywood fervently dishes out girl-bosses, that one of the most compelling, inspiring female leads of late would be a Bond girl?"
In No Time to Die, Bond Gave Us a Truly Strong Woman When No One Else Would
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:42 AM
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