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October 07, 2021
Quick Hits

via Heather Champion
Billionaire Jeff Bezos' corporate newsletter the Washington Post updates its style guide to insist that the words "pregnant women" be censored, and rendered as "pregnant individuals," because Men Can Get Pregnant.
"While biology dictates who can become pregnant, it does not always reflect gender identity," the guidance said. "If we say pregnant women, we exclude those who are transgender and nonbinary."
The Post said that they also wanted to be careful not to exclude women, who they referred to as a "marginalized" group.
"However, we must take care that our efforts to be more inclusive do not come at the expense of other marginalized groups, such as women, and add to a feeling of exclusion," according to the guidance.

A fake White House set for a fake President:
Terry McAuliffe admits that Biden is hurting his election chances in Virginia:
Via I, Hypocrite: The Women's March whines that leftist feminists shouldn't use Handmaid's Tale imagery in their propaganda, not because it's hysterical and stupid, but because... it centers White Women's experiences when it's really black and brown women who are repressed.