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Daily Tech News 2 October 2021 »
October 01, 2021
When He Opened The Seventh ONT, There Was Silence In Heaven
Welcome to Friday night. Anyone start packing for the TxMoMe yet?
Fun fact: If they made That 70s Show today, it would be set in 2002
Fido Friday: Don't take the boy. I offer myself instead
This hits a little close to home
Benefits of being first
Friday night French
Friday night French, part II
Please, tell me this isn't a real thing.
The internet seems to believe it's real, because people have started to meme it.
In case you're wondering how me, a middle aged guy, finds out about all this crap going on with the youth set, it usually goes something like this:
Thoughtful wife
That's nice, but don't try his brownies
Go Go Gadget rockets!
I'm not sure if it's the rockets making this guy go, or the hoverboard.
I don't know if I'm “gifted” or not, but I do feel like this when I'm trying to hand write notes
Feel good story of the day
From “safe, legal and rare” to “Selfie time!” in just one generation
I've seen Captain Mexico cosplay before, but this is a new one
Avengers! Assemble!
Some folks may want to make fun of the costumes, but to me this looks like an impromptu thing. Like a group of guys decided to go to a school dance around Halloween and this is what they came up with. For that level of effort I think they did a bang up job.
Story time! What have you done while high?
Going viral IRL:
It's probably Clippy's fault
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Thomas Jefferson:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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