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September 30, 2021
As Progressives Increase Smears and Pressure, Manchin and Sinema Reply With Taunts
We're going to have a vote on the "Bipartisan" Infrastructure Bill today. Or tomorrow.
Or possibly not at all.
Progressives are adamant that they will not pass the $1.5 "Bipartisan" Infrastructure Bill unless Sinema and Manchin, and all 48 other Democrats, first pass the "reconciliation" bill the progressives want, which contains another $3.5 trillion in additional spending.
Or, as Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi call it: Zero dollars in additional spending.
The progressives have essentially trying to "cancel" Sinema and Manchin, claiming they're "Republicans." For example, Noted Black Hole Theorist and Sexual Assaulter Don Lemon squealed girlishly last night, "They're Republicans! Come on!"
AllahPundit's favorite commentator, the leftwing femme spazzotron Chris Hayes, sperged out in an embarrassing tantrum, which Mark Hemingway mocked:
That's a reference to Slow Donny from Just Shoot Me.
Progressives also offered what now appears to be a lie about them -- that neither Sinema nor Manchin were willing to state what size bill they could support. If they could not support the progressives' favored Zero Point Zero Zero dollars bill, what would they support? Zero Zero point Zeroety Zero dollars, or what?
In fact, Manchin and Sinema both now say they've already communicated to Schumer and Pelosi what size bill they could support. Machin publicly told us he could support an additional $1.5 trillion in spending (or, as Biden and Pelosi and the leftwing media term it, Zero Point Zero trillion in spending).
Sinema hasn't publicly stated what her best offer is, but she has issued a press release stating that she has submitted the figure to the congressional leaders.
Pelosi says she won't bring the bill to a vote unless she knows she has the votes.
And hasn't brought either bill to the floor for a vote. Nor has she announced the vote will occur, say, tomorrow.
Which means she doesn't have the votes, not even for the smaller boondoggled of the "Bipartisan" Infrastructure Bill.
Even the leftwing media admits Democrats are in "disarray" and that Biden's entire agenda will be set back, or even ended, if he fails to get his huge spending bill through. (Which, by the way, he believes will make him LBJ or FDR.)
But when asked about progressives' bleats about her, Kyrstin Sinema engaged in some Beatles-like drollery.
Frank Thorp V
Q: What do you say to progressives who are frustrated they don’t know where you are?
SINEMA: "I'm in the Senate."
Q: There are progressives in the Senate that are also frustrated they don't know where your are either.
SINEMA: "I'm clearly right in front of the elevator."
Manchin offers his own "Turn left at Greenland" quip, noting that if progressives want to spend $3.5 trillion, they should elect more liberals, not pressure him to join them.