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September 29, 2021
President of the Leftwing Swamp Outfit The Niskanen Center Resigns In Disgrace After Reports That He Violently Attacked His Wife
These guys have been leftwing stooges opposing President Trump and real conservatism.
The Niskanen Center was formed after a leadership struggle within Cato Institute. The Koch brothers, who are also liberals, took over Cato.
The Niskanen Center was then started by Cato "libertarians" who didn't think the liberal Koch brothers were quite liberal enough.
Jerry Taylor, the co-founder and president of the Niskanen Center, recently resigned from the Washington, D.C.-based think tank after being charged with violently attacking his wife, according to court records obtained by POLITICO.
Taylor, who previously had been a longtime top official of the Cato Institute, was arrested in early June on a misdemeanor charge of assault and battery of a family member in Arlington, Va.
He denies the accusations, but says he pleaded guilty in exchange for the charges being dismissed as long as he successfully completes a domestic violence and substance abuse prevention program.
On the night in question, Taylor had been up late after celebrating his son's high school graduation. When his wife saw him drinking and using his iPad, she urged him to go to bed and threw his iPad in the trash, according to what she told a police officer who responded to the scene and wrote handwritten notes for a criminal complaint.
Taylor, 58, then allegedly pushed her onto the kitchen floor and put his hands around her neck and slapped her, the officer recorded in her notes. After she told him he shouldn't do that, Taylor allegedly pushed her out of the house and pushed her down the front steps, injuring her, according to the complaint.
Wow, I can't believe a NeverTrumper is getting drunk and then going on social media into the small hours! That's totally not their thing, man!
Jerry Taylor has a history of violent ideation. The president of the supposed "libertarian" organization said vowed he "beat the brains in" of the McCloskey's, for the crime of brandishing (non-working) weapons to warn thugs to stop trespassing on their property.

Below, the typical "Tough Guy NeverTrumper" in all his imposing, masculine glory.