« President of the Leftwing Swamp Outfit The Niskanen Center Resigns In Disgrace After Reports That He Violently Attacked His Wife |
Sophisticated Crowd Cafe »
September 29, 2021
Quick Hits
A fake set for a fake president leading a fake democracy:

Some people thought this was a parody. But this seems to confirm it's real:

I heard some commentary by Fox Karen Dana Perino. She thinks this Kinsleyan Gaffe -- a Kinsleyan Gaffe is when you say what you really believe, when you should have kept lying -- is a game-changer and that Democrats are acting spooked.

Jen Psaki says stripping people of their freedom is the cheapest, most effective stimulus plan there is:
Yesterday Teen Monster Greta Thunberg gave an incredibly juvenile -- even for a seventeen year old -- speech where she just mocked everyone by saying "blah blah blah."
Oilfield_Rando edited her speech to just the blah blah blahs:
Last word on the Niskanen Center -- Andrew Follett, a senior analyst at Club For Growth, calls Niskanen the "world's only fully mercenary think tank," "where 'ideas' are sold to the highest bidder to be dressed up as fake conservative."

And I thought that was the GOP!
This Liberal MP melts down when asked, simply, why it's "transphobic" to say "only women have cervixes." This was an issue in the UK because some conservative (I think) woman asserted that, and the left attacked.
And yet when asked to defend the left's position, this leftist sputters and babbles and tries to change the subject.
Why don't Republicans and "conservative" politicians ever demand that their leftist counterparts defend this insane redefinition of "man" and "woman"?
Answer: It's because most of them believe this same leftist bullshit, or at least have accepted it for social/career reasons. It's because most of our "Republican" "conservative" leaders are in fact liberal Democrats (except as far as taxing their rich donors).
And frankly it's because the upper classes, to which our political leaders belong, have a super-normal incidence of homosexuality and transsexualism in their families. They don't want to have to tell their children that they're not really graysexual aromantic nonbinary furries.
Speaking of:
Finally, an obviously-intoxicated and most likely demented Nancy Pelosi slurs her way through a statement, in which she urges support for "The Obama Agenda."