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September 10, 2021
Incredible: Kumala Makes the Case for "My Body, My Choice" The Very Same Day That Biden Imposes Medical Tyranny On the Country
Their "rights" are precious.
Your rights are jokes.
Everyone get it now? Does everyone know understand his position under The Regime?
I know you guys do but there are still a lot of NeverTrumpers blathering about Normzzz and Tweetzzz.
[O]n the same day Joe Biden dictated to millions of Americans that the choice to get the coronavirus vaccine was no longer their choice to make, Vice President Kamala Harris was giving another speech at the White House that, ironically, had the exact opposite message on the issue of the freedom to make your own healthcare decisions.
During a so-called "Reproductive Rights Roundtable" Thursday, which was held in response to the Democrat freakout over the Supreme Court's 5-4 procedural ruling on the Texas Fetal Heartbeat law, Harris said in her opening remarks that, "When people are able to make choices without government interference for themselves... we are a stronger society":
"When people are able to design their lives in a way that they can determine their own futures, we are a stronger democracy and we are a stronger nation. When people are able to make choices without government interference for themselves -- in terms of their wellbeing and the wellbeing of their family, in consultation with whomever they may choose -- we are a stronger society."
At another point in her opening remarks, she invoked a variation on the left's "my body, my choice" mantra:
"And, needless to say, the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable. The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is their decision; it is their body.
"And no legislative institutions have the right to circumvent the Constitution of the United States in an attempt to interfere with, much less to prevent, a woman to make those decisions."
Does this mean women are immune from the vaccine mandates or nah?
What about trannies? What if a man claims to be a woman for vaccination purposes?
I added this to the last post. In that last clip, CNN's favorite authoritarian quack says that Biden's directives will "give cover to businesses" who already want to impose their own economic coercion on workers.

The hand-in-glove government/corporate fusion fascism is here, and all of the Uniparty supports it. The Democrats like the Government Authoritarian side, and the Republicans love the Corporate Authoritarian side.
Now that's some Bipartisanship we can all be proud of!