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September 10, 2021
The Morning Report - 9/10/21
Good morning, kids. Friday, and after last night's performance wherein Barack Obama's words appeared to emanate from the maw of Joe Biden, much like projectile pea soup from Linda Blair, there can be absolutely no illusions about what we are facing right here and right now.
Forget about willingly and eagerly surrendering Afghanistan and handing over the free world on a silver platter to the Red Chinese and Islam for perhaps the next hundred years, forget about bringing an economy to within a red nether hair's breadth of going over a cliff, forget about the top to bottom governmental corruption that stole a national election, forget about the debasement of our society and culture, and the brainwashing of our children. Forget about all of it.
This was unlike any speech ever given by any American president in history. Not that Joe Biden really is president, both because of what happened last November 3rd and because of the fact that his cognitive ability, being slightly above that of dried lichen, means that someone else is pulling the strings, most likely Obama, and also because the nation he and his handlers lord over no longer exists. This was not a speech; it was an arrest warrant for 330 million people.
We all know by now that Joe Biden does not care one iota about the American people. His life's work has been dedicated to enriching his own family, no more, no less. And like the rest of the left, he has contempt for any and all who dare to disagree with him . . .
. . . What offends Biden? What is he truly worried about? The unvaccinated! In his addled mind, it is the vax resistant who pose the greatest danger to mankind. That the vaccines are failing does not alter his mindset. In his speech Thursday, he falsely blamed the unvaxxed for "the pandemic of the unvaccinated. . ."
. . . And as Biden crudely lectured and indicted the unvaxxed, he is importing hundreds of thousands of unvetted, unvaccinated, untested migrants from all over the world at the southern border and now from Afghanistan as well. What gives? It's as though he is importing a replacement population by design while trying to kill off those of us who are native born Americans with vaccines that not only do not work but for many have dire side effects such as death, injury and illness. Hmmm. Could this all be part of the globalists' Great Reset? Probably. It all feels like part of someone's grand plan.
We now know that Chinese COVID was an engineered by China with the blessings, encouragement and financing of Anthony Fauci. Fauci is the Faust of American medicine, diabolical and wholly without a moral sense.
There are of course many theories about why the powers that be in numerous nations around the world are so determined to shame every human to submit to an experimental gene therapy jab that will permanently alter their DNA. Australia and New Zealand have lost their collective minds and have transformed themselves into fascist police states right down to keeping their people locked in their homes and monitoring how much alcohol citizens may consume. Is this where the Biden [junta] is headed? Very likely and the American people had better step and scream STOP!
The only reason that this is happening is because the past eight months have not only been policy failures by an incompetent administration but absolutely catastrophic. The Carter years indeed were terrible, and the Obama years - not including the past 8 months - were horrific. But both spurred a reaction that resulted in phenomenal peace and prosperity, especially Trump's first term which, when you factor in the war he fought with the DC Deep State, was arguably America's greatest years since the post World War 2 boom.
Yes, they indeed fear the midterms and 2024, Dao-Min Yen notwithstanding. But the past "two weeks" (that's in Common Core; in reality 76 weeks) have brainwashed and divided this nation to such a degree that it is absolutely ripe for a complete and OVERT shredding of the Constitution. It's bad enough when assholes like Arnold Schvartzeschvartze and Jimmy Kibble shout "screw your freedom." But now we have this illegitimate, criminal stooge in the White House declaring"
"This is not about freedom or personal choice."
We're plunging headlong into an abyss and if we don't collectively do something now, it's over. So the GOP governors and the RNC are taking this administration to court. But it's not an administration, it's a junta. And the courts are not to be trusted. Even if SCOTUS were to miraculously deliver the right decision, how long will that take, a year? Two? The answer for the states is to declare nullification and then absolutely threaten secession. The answer for businesses is to declare non-compliance. The answer for ordinary, free thinking Americans is to defy all of this.
This is what the Founders meant when they said "We pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" when they declared independence. Just so to be clear, they in fact signed their own death warrants. Are we willing to do that? It may not come to that right now but it means risking everything you've worked hard for all your life. But what is all of that worth? What's freedom worth? The way things are going it's probably going to be wiped out or confiscated anyway.
The Founders were not ordinary people. They truly were exceptionally courageous. Human nature dictates that their kind of character and conviction are rare. Will this generation of Americans be willing to endure the unendurable or will they just go along to get along hoping the nightmare ends? Judging by the woke automatons that are aiding and abetting the dissolution of our nation and culture, the situation is very much in doubt.
I have always said that Leftism and Islam are two sides of the same coin. Islam, after all, does not mean "peace" it means "submission." And that is what's at stake here. I have just three words for them and everyone else who supports this as well or who goes along to get along:
Fuck you. War.
Have a good weekend.
- "The site not only lists a number of national legal organizations for filing lawsuits, it lists law firms, by state, that have said they will take these cases. It also adds this: If you are Part of a Law Firm that would like to be added to The List, please email us at As the website states, now is the time to stand up and fight. No more nice guy. Challenge these thugs, led by Democrat Joe Biden, in every way possible. Do not submit. Do not agree. Make them sweat."
List of Lawyers Fighting Mask and Vaccine Mandates
- "The dark road of writing mandates into law."
Vaccine Mandates Today, China's Social Credit System Tomorrow?
- "Our elites are using cancel culture to create an American social credit system that penalizes thoughts and behavior that undermine their aims. Authentic community is the only way to fight back."
Here's How to Fight Back Against America's Emergent Social Credit System
- "Like Obama, Biden bends the arc of the Left toward Islamism."
Woke Crescent
- Daniel Greenfield: "It's not a hate crime when you have a monopoly on hate."
A Hate Crime Against Larry Elder Isn't "Racist"
- "Thursday, President Biden delivered the most insulting, contemptuous and divisive speech by a [so-called quote-unquote "president"] in US history."
Biden's Vaccine Mandate Speech!
- "This is not about freedom or personal choice." (no fucking shit, Sherlock! - jjs)
Joe Biden Orders Vaccine Mandates
- "This new requirement will affect over 80 million workers in the private sector, officials said. Violating the rule could result in a fine of thousands of dollars per employee." (Tree of Liberty is dehydrated - jjs)
Biden Junta Says It Will Require Private Companies With 100-Plus Employees to Mandate Vaccine or Test Weekly
- They should be immediately declaring non-compliance and threatening secession. Hurling lawsuits is virtually useless when the thugocracy plays catch-me-if-you-can.
GOP Governors Rip Biden Over New Mandate, Threaten Legal Action
- "I will not comply."
Social Media Erupts Over Biden Vaccine Mandate Speech
- "We believe that as citizens of the United States, we have the right to freedom of choice to what we do with our bodies, and so we've basically drawn a line in the sand said that we will not go and get this shot. We have this constitutional right."
Leader of Los Angeles Firefighters for Freedom: Vaccine Mandate Violates Our G-d-Given Constitutional Rights
- "If there was ever a case for the 25th Amendment . . ."
Alaska's Governor Responds To Biden Vaccine Mandate
- Erase everything after "I don't think."
Biden in December 2020: "I Don't Think" Chinese COVID Vaccinations "Should Be Mandatory"
- "I believe in immunizations," Newsom said at the meeting, "however I do legitimately have concerns about a bureaucrat making a decision that is very personal."
Gavin Newsom Opposed Vaccine Mandates in 2019 Speech, Thanked by RFK Jr.
- "The default legal rule should be a general ban on private sector vaccine mandates."
The Vaccine Mandate Assault on the Common Good
- "With all the endless proselytizing and unforeseen outcomes, vaccines are becoming the latter-day snake oil."
The Coming Chinese COVID Apartheid
- "The USPS exemption was initially believed to allow postal workers to duck the private-sector mandate, too. But nearly four hours after that understanding was reported, the White House issued a clarification saying that postal workers will have a choice between getting vaccinated and getting tested once a week, just like workers at large companies."
USPS Exempt From Biden Vax Mandate
- "Disparate-impact arguments help the left label voting laws as racist. But vaccine mandates will enact a Jim Crow rule that will ban most black people from the public square."
Democrats Push Vaccine Mandates That Will Discriminate Against Minorities
* * * * *
- "The government and its media allies are proving to be very poor decision-makers when it comes to Americans' health."
Our Government-Controlled Healthcare Is Killing Us
- "We want to help people succeed. No one is starting this out with the intention of fining. We don't want to fine; we just want people to be safe. We want to make sure people are doing things the right way."
De Bolshevik Sending Spies to See if Restaurants Obeying Vaccine Fuhrerbefehel
- Glenn Reynolds: Masks, as Twitter wags have noted, are by now the equivalent of MAGA hats for Blue America. As washed-up child activist David Hogg put it last year, 'I feel the need to continue wearing my mask outside, even though I'm fully vaccinated, because the inconvenience of having to wear a mask is more than worth it to have people not think I'm a conservative.' Such statements capture an unfortunate fact about our society: We're so politically tribalized that even our response to the pandemic says more about politics than about anything else. That's especially true when it comes to masking."
Masks Are Here to Stay as Long as Libs Need to Shame Their Political Enemies
* * * * *
- "Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright said the data was a 'bona fide bombshell' that proves the NIAID, under Dr. Anthony Fauci's leadership, violated federal policies, endangered the public and lied to the public."
Fauci-Funded Wuhan Lab Viruses Exhibited Over 10,000 Times Higher Viral Load Than Natural Strain, Documents Show
- "We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order and yes, it will be in pubs and clubs and other things. . . "
Creepy Australian Officials Start Using "New World Order" as a Talking Point
- "Australia offers a cautionary tale of how an open and free society will quickly become dystopian because of fear."
Pursuing Chinese "COVID Zero" Has Turned Australia Into An Authoritarian State
- "They are searching all bags and things coming into the building . . . They confiscated a series of gifts. So things like bottles of spirits, we weren't allowed to have those and we still (aren't)."
Australia: NSW Health Limiting Alcohol in Locked Down Sydney Apartments
- "Sweden: A bastion of science in a world of voodoo epidemiology." (they're also becoming Islamized so it's a wash - jjs)
Sweden Will End Most Remaining Chinese COVID Restrictions this Month
- "Do you believe the Biden [junta's] handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal has made it more or less likely that America will see another 9/11 style terror attack?" the survey asked.
Poll: Majority of U.S. Voters Believe Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal Has Opened America Up for a "9/11 Style Terror Attack"
- "Something funny is going on with the Biden [junta's] numbers."
Where Are All the Americans Returning Home From Afghanistan?
- "After six days, somehow these people, like angels, they fall from the sky and say 'we will do our best to get to your family here because they're the family of the U.S. citizen.''
"Angels From the Sky": How Americans Are Rescuing the People Biden Left Behind in Afghanistan
- "One anonymous 4Chan user suggested Afghan refugees might vote for Democrats."
Amid Afghan Refugee Influx, DC Gov't Warns of Dangers of Online Posting
- "Our corrupt elites have stolen the valor of American heroes. Time to take it back."
Afghanistan's Lesson: Reclaim America
- "Here's a good way to gauge how unserious the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] is about bringing stranded Americans home." (more like abandoned, by him -- intentionally - jjs)
Biden Has a "Whole of Government" Plan For Everything . . . Except Rescuing Americans From Afghanistan
- "Under American law, he and everyone else connected with the Afghan debacle needs to be imprisoned." (too band we're no longer America - jjs)
Joe Biden's Trillion Dollar ITAR Violation
- "Getting more foreign nationals into the country is a primary concern for the Biden [junta]."
Biden's Rush to Bring Disease and Extremism to America
* * * * *
- Please send your children to Epstein Island to cover all modalities, and remain blessed. . .
BOMBSHELL: Afghans Selling Their Kids to Buy Food
- "At a press conference Tuesday, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said problems with international travel would be resolved soon."
Taliban to Allow 200 Americans, Other Westerners to Fly Out of Kabul
- "The two were collected at a demonstration Wednesday and transported to a police station in the capital and later claimed they were punched, beaten with batons, electrical cables, and whips, once they were accused of organizing the rally."
PHOTOS -- Afghan Journalists Describe Taliban Beatings for Covering Protest: "You Are Lucky You Weren't Beheaded"
- "Their interior minister has an FBI 'Wanted' poster."
Peter Doocy Challenges Psaki After WH Calls Taliban "Businesslike and Professional"
- "As a Gold Star mother and as a voice that represents so many families who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom, and especially those of us whose loved ones took their last breath in Afghanistan, it's embarrassing. It's completely embarrassing. It's disappointing. It's disgusting. It's unbelievable."
Gold Star Mom says Biden Junta "In Twilight Zone" for Calling Taliban "Businesslike, Professional"
- Robert Spencer: "They call it the propagation of virtue and prevention of vice, but what the Taliban are actually doing is reestablishing an empire of fear."
The Taliban's Sharia Police Are Back, and They're Mad
- "Both men would rather deal with terrorists and their regimes than punish them."
Biden Shares Obama's Motive for Failing to Punish Terrorists
- Robert Spencer: "With his departure, the 1500-year presence of Jews in Afghanistan has come to an end." (can't believe they even survived after the Soviets were defeated - jjs)
Not as 'Inclusive' as Biden's Handlers Would Like: Last Jew Leaves Afghanistan
- "Twenty years after 9/11, Afghanistan has reverted to the Taliban and America has disappeared down a rabbit hole."
Dismal Sequels
- "It's beginning to feel very Soviet in America these days. And the more we imitate the Soviet Union of the 1980s, the more likely we'll end up with the same outcome."
Remember What Happened After the Soviets left Afghanistan . . . and Why
- Julie Kelly: "Even in this toxic political atmosphere, will American juries consent to criminalize previously lawful political protest in the nation's capital?"
Justice Department's Foremost Felony Charge May Be on Thin Ice
- "First Degree Manslaughter added by Attorney General Keith Ellison on top of previous Second Degree Manslaughter." (another kangaroo court show trial - jjs)
Charges Upgraded Against Minnesota Officer Who Accidentally Fired Gun Instead of Taser, Killing Daunte Wright
- "If you have any information, please call the Riverside Police Department's Property Crimes Unit at 951-353-7955."
California: U.S. and Marine Corps Flags Honoring Soldiers Killed in Kabul Vandalized
- "A little more than 6.8 million votes were cast in the Pennsylvania 2020 presidential election."
Public Interest Legal Foundation: 440,781 Pennsylvania Mail Ballots "Went Missing or Undeliverable" in 2020
- "The American education system will school the children of the tens of thousands of largely unvetted Afghan nationals who filled flights out of Kabul."
What American Children Are Taught About 9/11 Can Be Dangerous
- "DiAngelo addressed the third-largest university in America on the dime of taxpayers."
Ohio State University Paid White Fragility Crackpot Author $12,000 for Zoom Talk
- "City schools face daunting challenges, but parents have options -- and policymakers need to respond."
New York's Changing Educational Marketplace
- "Just after 10 p.m. [last night], the 88th Air Base Wing said via Twitter that '[E]mergency responders responded to a report of an active shooter in the National Air and Space Intelligence Center in Area A at WPAFB. . .' WDTN's Allison Gens reported a police cruiser speeding away from the base with sirens on."
Wright-Patterson AFB on Lockdown After Reports of Active Shooter
- "The three face accusations of stealing a minimum of $45,000, which does not include an additional $67,000 that they tried to take."
Arrests Made In Alleged Identity Theft of Surfside Collapse Victims
- "The convict's lawyer, Seth Kretzer, said that in refusing to allow the inmate to have his pastor touch him and say prayers during his execution, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice was going against the man's First Amendment rights to practice his religion."
Supreme Court Delays Execution Of Man Seeking Pastor Interaction During Death, Agrees To Review Case
- "I've been in a hotel room with your husband."
A Week Has Passed Since Rose McGowan Warned Hillary that a 'Bomb' Is Coming. Now What?
- "The West Virginia Rep can't dance his way out of his troubles."
Alex Mooney and the Old Soft Shoe
- "With the recall election less than a week away, [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden is set to visit California to campaign alongside Newsom. Former President Barack Obama was also featured in Newsom's latest ad to encourage Californians to vote no on recall."
Larry Elder Blasts Gavin Newsom's Vaccine Mandates At Campaign Rally
- "Even former President Obama jumped on the bandwagon to gaslight voters to defend Newsom and frame the recall election as a Republican effort to hurt Democrats."
Top Democrats Beg California Voters to Spare Newsom, But Will It Be Enough?
- "Like the last two Democrat presidents, [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden is heading for a midterm disaster. Just how big that disaster will be is hard to say at this point."
Shades of Jimmy Carter
- "As bad as he is, [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden is probably less dangerous to America than the extreme Wokesters in line to succeed him."
Stupidity Is No Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Excuse For Team Biden
- "Conservatives must adopt guerilla tactics to win the battle for hearts and minds."
Mining the Maoist Playbook
- County Commissioners are not usually the first elected officials to come to mind when considering who has influence over our daily lives. However, once the pandemic began, their influence became clear."
The Left Are Freaking Out Over Bannon's Local Takeover Strategies . . . Because They Work
- "There is clear opposition to the Bernie Sanders/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wing's support of profligate spending on top of large, misguided budget measures already passed. But [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden, whose job approval rating has cratered the past month, apparently will ignore reality and inexplicably follow Tlaib's path, using every alarmist cliche possible."
Will Biden Continue Down the Path of the Democrat Party's Lunatic Wing?
- "Former President Donald Trump officially endorsed Wyoming attorney Harriet Hageman in a crowded Republican primary against Rep. Liz Cheney."
Trump Backs Wyoming Attorney Harriet Hageman In Race Against Liz-ard Cheney
- "They call them 'public servants,' although that usage is a bit quaint in this age of staggeringly corrupt, self-serving politicians, and it's good to know that Biden White House staffers are hard at work, doing everything they can to improve the lot of Americans and protect our nation and its allies."
Amid Disasters at Home and Abroad, Biden White House Staffers Busy Choosing "Magic Spirit Animals"
- "We don't have any confidence in the Biden [junta] [to vet Afghan migrants]," Paxton remarked. "When you look at the border and how they're just inviting people to come across. . . obviously the cartels are involved in every transaction, because you have to pay them to get across the border."
TX AG Ken Paxton on Afghan Refugees: "We Don't Know Whether They're Vetted" or "Terrorists"
- "The news comes as business groups -- including Mark Zuckerberg's -- accelerate their amnesty lobbying with front-page ads in the Washington Post, a petition from supportive politicians, and a skewed poll that managed to get only 34 percent 'strong' support for the wealth-shifting amnesties."
Senate's Four Immigration Amnesties Get Critical Test Today
- "A source with knowledge of internal deliberations told the Free Beacon top immigration officials were weighing proposals to resuscitate the Trump administration's immigration program--which required prospective asylum seekers to stay in Mexico as their cases were adjudicated -- in light of the 'untenable' situation at the southern border."
Biden Worked to Bring Back "Remain in Mexico" Before Supreme Court Ruling
- Terry Jeffrey: "The deadly cost of unprotected borders and unenforced immigration laws."
Has The 9/11 Problem Been Fixed?
- "If Elder were a Democrat, the attack would have been instantly and with good reason dubbed racist. It would not only be front-page news, it would be just about the only news you were hearing about today on CNN and MSNBC."
Media Ignore Racial Assault on Larry Elder Because He's a Republican
- "Obviously, the liberal media has found it easier to look the other way than to actually report on this administration with the same rigor as they did under Trump, but ignoring Joe Biden's tanking poll numbers doesn't change the reality."
Hmmm: Is the New York Times Protecting Biden by Not Updating Its Polling Page?
- "As ever, what gets ignored is the immeasurable harm being done to a generation of children from the disruption to education and socialization by badly-thought-through responses to [Chinese] COVID."
Shameless Scaremongering from The New York Times on Chinese COVID and Kids
- "So much for the left's endless mantra, 'Healthcare is a right!' Kimmel is a typical leftist who deep inside is really 'a totalitarian screaming to get out.' He now thinks it is okay to treat some humans as subhuman, because they happen to have made some decisions in life he disagrees with."
Today's Blacklisted American: Unvaccinated Americans Should Be Denied Health Care According to TV Clown Jimmy Kimmel
- If it's one things the Left has it's an almost infinitely deep bench, while we have "bipartisans!"
Six Controversies that Sank David Chipman's ATF Nomination
- "Taliban executions remind Americans to never give up arms they need for the primary reason the Constitution guarantees their right to have them."
AR-15s Are Why Leftists Can't Commit Taliban Atrocities Here
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden's Justice Department is suing Texas over its newest pro-life law, which prohibits the abortion of babies who have a detectable heartbeat."
Biden's Justice Department Is Suing Texas Over Pro-Life Law
- "It's about life, first."
Justice Department Should Defend Unborn Not Abortion
- "The Catholic Church teaches and has taught that life human life begins at conception. So the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] is not demonstrating Catholic teaching."
Far Left D.C. Cardinal: Joe Biden Departs from "Catholic Teaching" on Abortion
- "Not boycotting the flag, but opposing abortion."
What Biden Considers Un-American
- "Rep. Jim Langevin said he made decision after Supreme Court did not interfere with Texas's heartbeat law." (another scalp for the Maoists as the midterm season approaches - jjs)
Former Pro-Life Dem Wants To Enshrine Abortion in Federal Law
- "Karl Eikenberry -- a former Ambassador to Afghanistan under President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden -- now collaborates with several Chinese Communist Party-funded influence groups seeking to 'co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition' to the regime and works for a state-run university in China."
Obama-Biden Afghan Ambassador Is Now A China-Funded Academic Tied To Influence Groups 'Neutralizing' Beijing's Enemies
- "History suggests an answer as to when China might quash Taiwan and if it will embark on a wider conflict involving the United States, Japan, and other nations."
Will China Move on Taiwan Now and Risk War With America? (Biden is their Canaris in the coal mine - jjs)
- "It's not personal."
Piss-Hockey Psaki Blows Off Criticism of Service Academy Trump Purge
- "Company's top scientist says China's use of AI is 'chilling.'"
Microsoft Exec Sounds Alarm About Chinese Tech Abuses as Company Collaborates With China
- "Delta Airlines is giving the personal information of its passengers flying in and out of China to the country's communist government, according to the airliner's privacy policy."
Delta Airlines is Giving Its Passengers' Personal Info to the Chinese Government
- Robert Spencer: "Why we're losing."
September 11, 2021: Twenty Years of Failure
- "America dives, Islam thrives."
Celebrating Our Enemies, Twenty Years After 9/11
- Phyllis Chesler: "Minimizing, denying -- and providing cover to the plots and the plotters"
9/11, 20 Years . . . and Forgetting
- "An impossible position." (if I were cynical, I'd call this fishing for a bribe - jjs)
Moderate Democrat Won't Vote For Reconciliation In Committee Unless She Sees Bill "In Its Entirety"
- "South Philadelphia's storied East Passyunk neighborhood offers clues about what makes a safe, clean, and vibrant community."
Eyes on the Avenue
- "Powell, a Republican, has been on the Federal Reserve since 2012 when former President Barack Obama appointed him and was eventually elevated to chair in 2018 by former President Donald Trump."
Democrat Jon Tester Bucks AOC's Squad, Backs Jerome Powell
- "California's Legislature is about to approve a ban on off-road engines, which will put an end to the sale of gas-powered lawn equipment and generators." (the next big earthquake that cuts the power will be lit. . . or not - jjs)
Tormenting the Public
- "Freedom always wins, if we give it the chance. I just hope we do so, rather than take the advice of small-minded socialists and government bureaucrats who merely want power for themselves and no others."
The Boom in Commercial Space
- "The movie script itself, about an astronaut who gets a heart attack while on a spacewalk and then has to have surgery in space before returning to Earth, actually sounds quite good and -- most refreshing -- well grounded in reality. American space films tend to go in absurd directions, often because the filmmakers are ignorant and have no interest in learning anything about the subject they are writing about."
Roscosmos Declares Film Crew Fit for Launch to ISS
- "American higher education is getting exactly what it asked for."
Why Should a Straight White Male Go to College?
- What's the big deal? He's more or less clinically dead as it is.
Biden Will Not Deliver Live Remarks on 9/11 Anniversary
- "I truly believe this country by and large is not a racist country."
Asian-American Female Silicon Valley Investor Steps Down From Board After Calling BLM "True Racists" Who Push Socialism
- "The Declaration and the Constitution contain no racist or otherwise harmful language. The Constitution is only harmful to tyrants and those who want to be tyrants, so such a warning makes no sense." (well, look who runs the country - jjs)
Did the National Archives Add a 'Harmful Language' Warning to the Constitution?
- Christian Toto: "The MCU hit 'Shang-Chi' may never grace a Chinese theater . . . here's why."
Marvel Gets a Cruel Lesson on Woke Culture, Chinese Appeasement
- "We should cultivate in ourselves an ethic that sees work as part of a bigger picture rather than an end itself, and values work more highly because of it."
Is There Any Hope for the Great American Work Ethic?
- "A moment's deep thought and some real-world facts reveal the vapidity behind the leftist mantra of 'diversity, equity, and inclusion.'"
The Case for Merit, Character, and Capacity
- "That's not kosher!"
Part 5: Rabbi Dov Fischer's Definitive Year 5782 Ten-Part Guide for Understanding Jews
- As a commenter quipped, "I guess Windex doesn't cure everything." RIP.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding Star Michael Constantine Dead at 94
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:48 AM
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