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September 06, 2021
The Morning Rant

'TOLD BY WHO, MR. PRESIDENT?'Watching a Biden press "conference" can be a surreal experience. Even if they get the Adderall dosage just right, he'll fumble and stumble his way through a prepared statement, and then he'll say "I'm not supposed to take any questions" or even (and this is even creepier) "I was told not take any questions." And then he walks away. And this is just accepted by the press corps. Like I said, it's just surreal. Whenever he does that, the very first question that any reporter shouts at him should be "told by WHO, Mr. President?"
Because that's kind of odd, right? I mean, it's a tacit admission that somebody has given the president of the United States, one of the most powerful men in the world, instructions as to what things he should do and say. Now, if the national press corps is comprised of the type of hard-bitten, cynical, skeptical, let's-dig-out-the-truth-no-matter-what journalists that they like to portray themselves as, you'd think this would raise a red flag with them. You'd think they'd be should be shouting out WAAAIITT a minute now, Mr. President, who was it that told you that?"
And the next time Biden has a press "conference", they should just ignore everything he says and start asking:
--Who is telling you not to answer questions?
--Why are they telling you not to answer questions?
--What happens if you decide on your own to take questions?
--Are they telling you to or not do certain other things, and if so, what are those things?
--What would happen if you did something they told you not to do, or did not do something they told you to do? Would you be punished in some way?
--Again, who are "they", Mr. President.
This question should be doggedly pursued until satisfactory answers are obtained. Because if Biden is basically a sock puppet for someone or some group, I would think that would be an important fact that the journalists who cover the White House ought to dig into and inform the American people about, right? After all, isn't that their job? Isn't that what they're supposed to be doing?
The Sovietization of our media is just about complete. In order to understand what's going on, you have to ignore what they print, and figure out what they're *not* printing. Old-school Pravda was straight-up objective journalism compared to CNN.
From the Stupid Tweet Hall of Fame:

(Do a search for 'face mask song'. The results will depress you.)
So Straight-Up Race Hatred Is Apparently OK Now:
"Lockdowns For Thee, But Not For We, Mate"
Who Dis:
Photo 2 (elbows!)
Photo 3 (leggy!)
Photo 4 (busty!)
Photo 5Photo 6Photo 7 (leggy!)
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Friday Who Dis: Model turned actress Ashley Hinshaw is married (since 2016) Topher Grace (he supposedly hated being called 'Chris', so he changed his name to 'Topher'), who dropped out of USC to pursue his acting career. He had no acting experience, aside from high school plays, before being cast in That 70's Show. They have two children.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Pumpkin Spice Latte:
Latte recipe available here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:16 AM
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