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September 02, 2021
Teacher Who Vowed "I Have Only 180 Days to Turn You Into Revolutionaries" Suspended (with Pay), Supposedly On Way to Being Fired
I'll believe it when I see it.
John Sexton at Hot Air also notes that the teacher who took down the American flag and told a student to say the pledge of allegiance to the gay flag instead has been relieved of duties.
Temporarily. Pending the conclusion of an investigation.
An investigation that they're only conducting because of public backlash about explicit leftwing indoctrination in the classroom. Below, a picture of American flags having been planted in front of the school by parents and kids protesting this little Sexual Communist ****.

At worse, she'll just be recycled to another district. That's how teachers unions have rigged the discipline system -- molest a student, and they'll just move you to a district where you haven't molested students. Yet.
Gabriel Gipe, the guy who gives you higher grades for going to leftwing extremist rallies and lower grades for declining to do so, has been suspended -- with pay, of course! -- and supposedly is in the process of being fired.
John Sexton looked at the school district's website for information about this. What he found was a lot of bullshit excuses as to why this guy had been permitted to run a Semi-Covert Antifa Boot-Camp for Children on the taxpayer dime.

The excuses include "he must have put up the antifa flag and flag of Chairman Mao just this summer" (which began June 21) and "the current principal has only been at this school for 13 days."
Um-- what about the previous one?
Sexton also watched the video feed of a school board meeting:
Just watching some of the school board meeting and there are indeed a lot of upset parents. One man whose daughter was in the class taught by Mr. Gipe said that the first thing he said at the beginning of the class was the same thing he said in the video: "I have 180 days to turn you into revolutionaries."
Thank God we're getting rid of those two teachers (maybe).
I mean, they're the only two teachers indoctrinating students in leftwing identity-politics ideology in the country.
Except for all the teachers proudly bragging about their indoctrination programs on TikTok, of course!