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August 06, 2021
Lego Tactical Assault Squad Cafe: A River of Butterflies Edition
Via Wonder of Science,
taken by Hayata Suzuki and posted on Instagram
I'm not sure that that's a fully real photograph. Seems too perfect. Ah well, it looks great.
Male pitbull helps raise foster puppies.
Emaciated pittie thrown away in the dumpster is rescued, healed, and homed.
Neglected circus bear who spent most of his life in a small cage is released into a sanctuary and feels freedom for the first time.
Cute story about the friendship formed between a St. Bernard and his elderly neighbor.
Steve Inman: Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
Inertia, how does it work? Note there is another demonstration of inertia after the first clip.
One more motorcycle/moped mishap.
One of my favorite Inman clips: an orca bitchslaps a dolphin.
I screwed up this link last night:
A lot of pussies think they can fight, but... no, they can't. And they don't know they can't, because they've never really done it.
It's always fun to assume you're good at something you never train at and never actually do. Sometimes it results in you getting a fist-shaped Participation Trophy to your jaw.
Very funny: how all mentally-ill leftists watch the news (or, "the news").
This is cute: A dog's stuffed dolphin toy has been ripped and his owner is sewing it.
He's Concerned by this process.
You get that shadow!
The dog watching the other dog on tv wants to help.